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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 167 KB, 440x280, 440socksvideogame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3146515 No.3146515 [Reply] [Original]


Will this ever be preserved? Fucking hoarder culture man

>> No.3146520


no, because collectors don't actually care about video games.

>> No.3146521

never ever

>> No.3146525

Oh hey, this thread again. It's been a little while.

>> No.3146527

So what do they care about, just having something other people don't?

Pretty sad mang.

>> No.3146535

Pretty much.

>> No.3146536
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>> No.3146540
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>> No.3146618

Reminder that Hillary offloaded Socks onto relatives once they left the white house.

>> No.3147443

>That viewpoint 2064 video
All these years I thought the developer name was pronounced "Race-Dee-yum" for some reason, today I finally find out it's just "Rack-dim".

>> No.3147468

The guy is such a prick that I'm sure once he gets into financial trouble enough to sell it, he'll release the dump immediately after. Sadly for him every other collector knows the same thing and will only pay accordingly so he'll need to get pretty desperate.

>> No.3147481

He's launching a Kickstarter to give the game a legal release (he obtained the copyright - I won't say official since the true, original to-be publisher is defunct).

In all fairness, what motivation do people have to release this stuff? Oftentimes they paid a decent amount of money and effort to obtain them, releasing it devalues the original item, they are sometimes hounded to release it for free, and when they do they are lucky if a handful of Internet strangers say thanks.

>> No.3147537

>and when they do they are lucky if a handful of Internet strangers say thanks
It's a game about Clinton's fucking cat, how good can it possibly be, and how many people would care that it's dumped?

>> No.3147556

There are people who want to play it. It looks humorous if only because of the subject matter, though I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to play it.

But that is not really the point of my comment. People inevitably get angry when someone has an undumped game or an undumped build/version of a released game (just look at this thread). It comes down to why should people feel motivated to release something like that for free when the best payoff is going to be maybe a stray thanks from random forum people.

>> No.3147590

>He's launching a Kickstarter to give the game a legal release (he obtained the copyright - I won't say official since the true, original to-be publisher is defunct).
He's launching a kickstarter for some shit some other people made 20 years ago?

He does know how absolutely retarded that is right? He just wants attention. If he owns the copyright then he can just throw the rom up on his youtube channel and give it to the people who make romsets, nothing fancy

>> No.3147591

who cares it looks like fucking shit

>> No.3147597

Isn't there already a rom of it?

>> No.3147601


Do people really want the release of some generic platformer about Bill Clinton's cat being morphed into yet another shitty Sonic wannabe?

>> No.3147608

No, he obviously wants money. While I'm certainly not planning to donate to this, I also don't think we should expect prototype owners to release data for free. Would it be ideal? Sure, but these things do cost money to obtain.

>> No.3147610

>He just wants attention. If he owns the copyright then he can just throw the rom up on his youtube channel and give it to the people who make romsets, nothing fancy
Sounds more like he just wants money, then, doesn't it? If you owned the rights to something and just wanted attention, you might destroy it or hoard it (maximizing controversy), or perhaps give it away to as many people as possible (maximizing "popularity"). If you wanted to make money, you'd sell it.

>> No.3147814

typical dog people

muh dog doesn't get along with the cat I've had for much longer. I guess I'll give the cat away!

>> No.3147816

You know you want it.

>> No.3147826

Some games I care about the preservation. Others I do not.

I can live without a generic platformer made by a C-Tier company.

>> No.3147831

Fucking entitlement culture man.
It's already been preserved kiddo. You're just mad because you didn't get your free copy.

>> No.3147837

Everyone in the gaming world lives in an instant gratification era now. All games are rom dumped and there's almost nothing you can't emulate or get your hands on with the internet.

Kinda funny to see people care about a game so much but yet it's 'lost'

I get the guy is greedy but fuck it he took the time, effort and money to buy and preserve it, he can do what he wants.

>> No.3147869

That Beavis & Butt-head game looks kinda rad, wonder why it never got released. It's not like B&B had many good licensed games
CatRoots really gets me. It came out of nowhere, doesn't look like an N64 or Gamecube game, and disappeared after just one appearance at E3. It has some kind of game over state but no apparent gameplay and the action is excessively violent for a second party Nintendo game. Even the title makes no sense. What the fuck was it?

>> No.3147882

I don't understand it. it's not like art collectors allow you to take a piece of art home. like any true collector he is blessing you with the chance to view it, so don't waste the chance to admire art by abusing generosity

>> No.3147890

Stop saying entitled when you mean spoiled. They are quite literally antonyms.

>> No.3147939

>just having something other people don't?

Yep. It's all just one big competition to them.

>> No.3148189

No I don't. No they're not.
But you're certainly entitled to your incorrect opinions. And everyone else is entitled to call you a retard.

>> No.3148206

Right, you'd say we are "entitled to our opinions," but you wouldn't call us "spoiled" for having them! In fact, if you'd say we are entitled to them, then we'd be anything but spoiled if we exercised that entitlement! Plainly, "entitled" and "spoiled" have very different, often opposite meanings.

I wouldn't say they are "literally antonyms" though.

>> No.3148274

Being spoiled can lead to having a sense of entitlement. Some people have been spoiled by being able to download a vast majority of old videogames for free at any given time, so some have started to feel entitled to freely play all old games, even those that haven't been put up for free download.

>> No.3148319

it's a historical oddity and something i'd at least like to be able to look at from any perspective other than shitty shaky videos of some guy's crt. might not be super interesting or anything but i still hate to see old games like this fall into obscurity just because some guy has chosen to hoard the only copy out there for himself for whatever reason.

>> No.3148371


But "feeling entitled" or having a "sense of entitlement" are different than actually "being entitled".

If they are entitled, that means they genuinely deserve it. They are entitled to it.

>> No.3148373


Are there actually historically relevant works that are completely undocumented outside of being in a person's personal gallery?

Because if there are, that's also complete bullshit.

>> No.3148375

Fuck off jew reseller

>> No.3148418

Prototypes are expensive and difficult to get a hold of. When you're talking the thousands of dollars I know Socks went for, it's hard to justify throwing a ton of money down the drain.

Most collectors are not unreasonable people. If you want to dump the rom for free, send the guy an offer and do it yourself. But things will look a lot different when it's your own money.

The guy who owns Socks now wants to make a physical cartridge release for it and that costs money too, hence the kickstarter. I'm sure he also wants to make some of his money back on Socks, and I don't see much wrong with that since as soon as the rom is dumped the value of the prototype plummets.

I completely understand the preservation side of this argument, but flinging shit at the guy isn't going to suddenly make him want to dump it. Also, keep in mind that the guy who originally had Socks (who purchased it from one of the developers so it would have been lost without him) has released a ton of undumped roms for free in the past.

>> No.3148439

God I hope not.

>> No.3148445

vertexer when

>> No.3148462

The owner only owns the cart so that they can wave the fact that they own the cart around.

He wants attention and you're giving him exactly what he wants.

>> No.3148526

autism: the post

>> No.3148554

>I completely understand the preservation side of this argument, but flinging shit at the guy isn't going to suddenly make him want to dump it.
Who said it was?

fuck that nigger, I'll fling as much shit as I want

>> No.3150338


No u

>> No.3150928

>CatRoots really gets me. It came out of nowhere, doesn't look like an N64 or Gamecube game, and disappeared after just one appearance at E3.
Same, can't tell if this is something N64DD related or just straight up Gamecube

>> No.3153448

>Even the title makes no sense. What the fuck was it?
Roots could be a wordplay with rats.

Catroots = cat and rats.

>> No.3153467

He sounds like a fucking prick. Just make a rom of it and give it away.

What's this bullshit about an official release?

>> No.3153478

Because none of the money is going to Nintendo only to him. He could've preserved this game buy dumping a rom on the Internet. As well as making a digital backup.

Basically he's in debt and needs money. If they could sell him this thing for chump change this really shows that emulation of old games doesn't bother these companies.

>> No.3153660

It's not entitled it's the fact that they'll never resale most of there old games. If this guy is selling it then all the profits would go to him. If all the profits went to the original creators and team of the game then I'd be glad to purchase it.

>> No.3153667

>He's launching a Kickstarter to give the game a legal release (he obtained the copyright - I won't say official since the true, original to-be publisher is defunct).

Ironically, no one cares about playing the game, they just want it dumped. All it takes is one person with a copier to buy a copy of the game and it gets dumped online for everyone to download.

>> No.3153842

>Ironically, no one cares about playing the game

Speak for your own.

>> No.3153968

You said it sister. All of us here have 32GB SDs full of buggy prototypes and hacks that we totally play all the time and don't just hoard to fill the empty hole that comes from not >paying for roms™

>> No.3153981
File: 104 KB, 600x900, Cff5OweXEAEYpbN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beavis and butthead arcade game actually got picked up by my local arcade, galloping ghost. A really big addition since there's only 12 of those cabinets made, and only 4 are known to exist today.

supposedly they had to gut an old 3DO to get it running and now it's the only known available one to the public or anyone since the game hasn't been dumped yet.

Really need to go there and check it out soon, but i hear they took the cabinet to some expo or something so i got to wait.

>> No.3154357

>Will this ever be preserved?
There's unfortunately a ROM dump and apparently he wants to sell repros.

Ultimately, I'd rather it just disappeared to hurt everyone involved. I want everyone to get burned.

>> No.3154554

I'll laugh when they score low. Laugh myself to damn death.

>> No.3154567

Because dogs are companions, cats are pests.

>> No.3155175

Any creature that's able to shit where it's supposed to can't be called a pest.
Not eating said shit and then licking your face with it's big wet shit covered tongue is also a bonus.

>> No.3155213

Not even relatives, but a receptionist.

>> No.3155281

>Ultimately, I'd rather it just disappeared to hurt everyone involved. I want everyone to get burned.
be careful with that edge faggot

>> No.3155284

>wanting a videogame and related arguments to go away, with most people realizing how stupid it was to begin with = edge

>> No.3156419
File: 23 KB, 295x378, 1446193547311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are people talking about video games on a video game board?
get bent, you stupid fucking retard

>> No.3156425

Hoarders in their natural habitat, everybody.

>> No.3156513
File: 399 KB, 957x943, 1453294324347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DreamTR: You can't tell me what I can and can't do with something I own. You all want to take the preservation stance on things but you don't have any money. If you want to dump a game, buy it with YOUR money and do it yourself.
>Since the internet called me a faggot I'm not even going to release the rom
>Minus Worlds proceeds to buy the thing for 4000 dollars
>Minus Worlds: It's not about the money guys, I promise. I want to give this game a proper release someday
>Minus Worlds: Do you realize how much work it is to release a game? People take time away from their wives, families, GF's, friends and full-time jobs to do this stuff. If you don't have anything of value to add, how about sitting back and keeping your mouth shut and let the people do their work? You can buy the game when it is released or not buy it. I don't care. But don't undermind what we are doing here. And I have baited no one. I said I would release the game when my life allows and the team's lives allow.
I shaved about 12 pages of reading

In conclusion, I take it these people got bullied a lot in school and this is their retribution. It's the only logical explanation.

>> No.3156680
File: 57 KB, 1159x279, 1460665625089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.

>> No.3156731

I do agree with the "if you want to dump it, buy it yourself" comment, but DreamTR and Minus Worlds seem like incredible douchebags (and I know firsthand for a fact that DreamTR is).

>> No.3156739

That post is pretty clearly BS. Doesn't mean we're more likely to see what he has, but he sure as shit didn't destroy it. Him saying he destroyed it means just as much as him actually doing it, so why would he actually go through with it?

>> No.3156936

I'm really looking forward to playing this too. I really hope they end up dumping the ROM and posting it around online somewhere.

Sadly, last time I went a few weeks ago it wasn't there, I'll have to make another trip back soon. They've got some other betas/really hard to find stuff there too: I think the sit-down Sinistar cab is one of my favorites, I've heard there's not many of those left either.

>> No.3157078

What other unreleased or beta stuff do they have? If you remember, of course.