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3146498 No.3146498 [Reply] [Original]

People say that Sephirot killed Aerith.
But wasn't it in fact a part of Jenova impersonating him, Jenova-Life, which you fight immediately after, that did it, while I'd agree that Sephirot was of the same mind on the question?
Sephirot himself is basically chilling out in the Northern crater for most of the game while you go around chasing around Jenova parts in Disk 1 and 2.
Am I correct?

>> No.3146502

Yes, you're correct. Congratulations for paying attention.

>> No.3146506

I don't think the japs care as much about her death or such minutiae as much as those in the West. Maybe it's just my impression.

>> No.3146518

The sword was really his penis.

>> No.3146529

But wasn't Sephiroth controlling Jehova the whole time?

>> No.3146538


Sephiroth is directly responsible for her death but he didn't actually commit the act of killing her.

>> No.3146548

Suddenly Advent Children makes sense. It's still a shitty fanwank movie though.

>> No.3146551


>> No.3146562


>> No.3146684

With how persistent Jehovah's witnesses are, I definitely believe he is controlling them

>> No.3146743

it was the other way around Jenova was pulling the strings, the real bad "guys" in this game are Jenova and hojo

>> No.3146753

No idjit, it was the will of Jenova but she didn't do anything because she's fuckin dead.

>> No.3146756

Eh.. Pretty sure it's more like Jenova cells corrupting Sephiroth's mind, and then Sephiroth directly manipulating the rest of Jenova through her head, rather than Jenova directly manipulating Sephiroth.

>> No.3146764

Dead is a misconception. The ancients only managed to seal it. Also you end up fighting an arguably autonomous Jenova at the end

>> No.3146769

Same guy, btw

>> No.3146776

yes i think that there is some kind of symbiosis between sephirot and Jenova, they become one at the end

>> No.3146852

Look at those shit graphics and the animu storyline
And people still think that this game was revolutionary....

>> No.3146858
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>> No.3146916

It looked pretty good for its time, and anyway, overworld sprites aren't really indicative of its general quality.
Plus for some reason Square had this hardon for naked polygons, which arguably worked pretty well in Tobal Nr 1 and Nr 2.

>> No.3146942
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Underage who wasn't alive at the time detected.

>> No.3146987

Bonus for yume penguin monogatari gif

>> No.3147014

You misspelled Sephiroth and Aeris OP, otherwise yeah that's how the story went.

>> No.3147015

dumb penguinposter

>> No.3147757


What I want to know is; what the hell is Jenova, and why did it come to the planet?

>> No.3147770

WRPG was superior weeb shit. PC mustard rice!

>> No.3147775

Basically an cosmic horror of a being with a desire to kill and assimilate all life. Completely mindless. Original form seems to be a humanoid yet alien female. Seems like it drifted from planet to planet. Also, wasn't the lifestream of planets involved?

>> No.3147789

No reason. It just crashed there thousands of years ago.

It's the JRPG interpretation of John Carpenter's The Thing.

>> No.3148108


>> No.3148127

Sephiroth doesn't actually exist. By the time of FF7 he had been dead for years. The Sephiroth you fight during the game is actually a figment of Cloud's imagination - that's why none of the other characters in the game can actually see him.

>> No.3150171

So it's like in FF8 where everything past the first disc is just a crazy dream?

>> No.3150185

It's basically a space virus. Planets being what it infects in order to spread itself.

>> No.3151596

Wow, op, what a colorful text window!


>> No.3151605

Cloud killed Aeris. He beat her to death at the temple of Ancients.

>> No.3151642
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Get some taste anon.

>> No.3152235

Guise, what if Aerith was dead all along? The Aerith Zack and Cloud saw was actually Jenovah impersonating Aerith after absorbing all of her cells and memories à la The Thing. Unfortunately, Jenovah-Aerith had fallen in love with Zack and later Cloud. The death of Zack taught Jenovah-Aerith what love is and how it feels like. These novel human feelings conflicted with her primary goal to absorb/kill everything on the planet. Despite not wanting it to happen again, she fell in love with another person, this time being Cloud. Not wanting to experience heartbreak again, she let herself be "killed" by Sephiroth. However, she was unable to ignore her human side, and her love for Cloud only grew stronger. Eventually, her human side won over, and she decided to sacrifice herself to save the human race by using up all of her power to stop the meteor.

>> No.3152389

>Original form seems to be a humanoid yet alien female.
I thought it was a Cetran woman that the Jenova virus from the meteor infected/was sealed inside.