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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 460x215, epsxe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3143439 No.3143439 [Reply] [Original]

> - Added support to overclock the PSX CPU. You can select x1, x1.5, x2.0, x3.0 and x4.0. Be careful it could break compatibility.


>> No.3143482

>Added support to overclock the PSX CPU
Why would you do that?

>> No.3143495


Faster frame rate, and no frame rate dropping.

>> No.3143606

I thought ePSXe already automatically forced no frame drops where frame drops would actually be accurate to the console. Someone was going on about how PCSX-R simulated framedrops accurately while ePSXe just made everything run well.

>> No.3143657

Other way around. Also, Mednafen is better.

>> No.3143708

No, in Spyro people on emugen tested it, PCSX-R had weird frame drops while ePSXe stayed at full speed

>> No.3143716


>> No.3143808

>break compatibility
compatibility with what? A fictional psx running at different clock speed?

>> No.3143809

what about spyro on the psx? does pcsx-r emulate slowdowns that happen on the real machine, or does it just fuck up? If the real machine slows down, it's epsxe that's fucking up

>> No.3143831

PCSXR slowed down with the real machine. However, I wouldn't consider not dropping frames where the original machine did to be fucking up. Would you really want to play your emulated PS3 games at a silky smooth 24 fps?

>> No.3143840

>PCSXR slowed down with the real machine. However, I wouldn't consider not dropping frames where the original machine did to be fucking up
Emulation is about replicating the behavior of the emulated system. That includes its downsides. How do you know if a developer does or doesn't account for the slowdown in some form?
what epsxe does is provide a virtual environment to play back psx binaries, but that's about it. If it does not do what the original hardware does, it has every right to do so, but it's not emulating that original hardware any longer, and should be upfront about it.
So, if I'd want to emulate a PSX to play a game, I'd insist on the slowdown to be accurate. If I'd want to play a PSX game without the drawbacks of the old hardware I'd use the appropriate environment for that. Note how neither one is superior to the other, and neither one replaces the other. They're different use cases

>> No.3143849

Well my usecase is to play the game with as many enhancements as I can get, ePSXe, Mupen, PJ64, PCSX2 and Dolphin all have enhancements. They can just throw in an accurate slowdown mode if they really want though.

>> No.3143853

that's fair. Nobody was knocking on epsxe. As far as emulation is concerned, it fucked up. Simple as that.

>> No.3143867


>> No.3143905
File: 816 KB, 1918x1198, spyro and the magically accurate emulator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is an example of the frame drops in spyro being accurate or just some weird issue

>> No.3143913

what am I supposed to see? Frame dropping causes no artifacts visible on screenshots

>> No.3143921

the fps counter saying 38.6 maybe

>> No.3143923

that's an internal number. I wouldn't give it too much thought

>> No.3143925

Look at that pixel towards the left.

>> No.3143928

>wrong aspect ratio. no integer scaling
kill it with fire

>> No.3143934

>no integer scaling
What is this meme? No one wants a tiny screen for ants

>> No.3143937

non-integer scaling is fine if a softening filter like bilinear is in use. It's a reasonable tradeoff between integer scaling and the screen for ants thing >>3143934 mentioned.

No excuse for bad aspect though.

>> No.3143961


>> No.3143967

I like Xebra. Anyone else using it?

>> No.3143973
File: 84 KB, 1920x1080, Duck-tales_NES_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bilinear filter is applied after a 2x - 4x nearest neighbor, to eliminate truncation errors that non-integer scaling is known for. Pic is not psx but illustrates the concept. Non-integer scaling and aspect correction.

>> No.3143990

> not using integer scaling in 2d games
kill youself

>> No.3144037

>compatibility with what? A fictional psx running at different clock speed?

Yes. The higher you go, the more it fucks things up.

>> No.3144045

try reading next time. There's no compatibility to break. That overclocked psx is fictional hardware, and there's a good chance the overclocked epsxe is fairly compatible to an overclocked fictional psx. Anything that goes wrong is simply what goes wrong when you're running a program for a very specific set of hardware, on different hardware. Got nothing to do with compatibility

>> No.3144046


So pcsx-r and epsxe both have true CPU over clocking. The higher you go, the more issues you get. But it gives the biggest FPS boost.

Mednafen-libretro has a CPU Overclock feature that is actually something else entirely. It removes bottle necks, rather than over clocks. It gives modest boosts, but seems to have zero draw backs.

Can we have both systems in one emulator?

>> No.3144048


A real psx overclocked is going to cause issues past 1.5. Same with emulation.

>> No.3144056

is it also in mednafen itself?

>> No.3144067


no, just the port for libretro/retroarch

>> No.3144085

Its good, it can overclock too if you can find a good tutorial how to set up the thing

>> No.3144101

By the sound of it, all Mednafen-libretro is doing is overclocking in smaller increments than the competition.

>> No.3144108

try reading, instead of listening to it.
CPU's not the only component of a PS

>> No.3144134


It removes bottlenecks.

>> No.3144145

which, and how?

>> No.3144218


I don't fuckin' know mate. I didn't code it. Ask Simias.

>> No.3144352

No, that's just the PC not being powerful enough.
>magically accurate emulator
This is mednafen with Simias' very incomplete rustation OpenGL renderer.

Don't take random pictures from emugen and make assumptions like that.

>> No.3144364

>This is mednafen with Simias' very incomplete rustation OpenGL renderer.
Thanks, I was kind of wondering why epsxe was doing the dithering

>> No.3144396

No one said that was ePSXe. Rather it would be an accurate emulation. the FPS counter is that of RA and of course ePSXe is not in RA

>> No.3144405

>No one said that was ePSXe
My bad. So what was the screenshot for?

>of course
no idea. RA weirds me out

>> No.3144406

reminder that the fifth gen of console and beyond will always have shit emulation. forever.

>> No.3144414

to show that accurate emulation might have framedrops. Of course it failed at that if >>3144352
is to be believed and he probably is

>> No.3144417
File: 2.27 MB, 1440x1080, Wisdom of Emulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3144420

>accurate emulation might have framedrops
isn't that counter above 30? Also, pretty confident the (opengl) renderer won't affect framerate of a ps emulator, as that part of the pipeline is pretty much idling constantly nowadays.

>> No.3144427

emulators just say 60 is full speed irrespective of what the game really runs at, I assume due to the monitor refresh rate. It's just doubling frames to get 60 hz for 60 hz monitors if the game runs at 30

>> No.3144434

>emulators just say 60 is full speed irrespective of what the game really runs at
In that case, the emulator would show the output frequency, reflecting emulator speed. slowdowns or framedrops on the emulated hardware should not cause this number to go down then, only when the host can not emulate fast enough.

Regardless, I understand now why people say that's a slowdown, thanks.

>> No.3144764

Well now I just want to play Body Harvest.

>> No.3144805

Hope you got the cart, bro.

>> No.3144817 [DELETED] 

Why play PS1 games when PS2 emulators exist?

>> No.3144830

Because crash sucks on ps2.

>> No.3144847


Quality /vr/ post

>> No.3144864

Because the best JRPGs are on PS1 and not PS2

>> No.3144883

So what games would actually benefit from this?

I vaguely recall that G-Police allowed you to increase the graphics settings at the expense of performance so maybe that.

>> No.3144887

wouldn't you play G-Police on PC anyway? That game had high resolution textures if you had an AGP card

>> No.3144902

Ooh a new version of a redundant emulator? I bet you cunts still use zsnes too.

>> No.3144948

Until muh HD is in mednafen, ePSXe is still the king. SNES9x and Higan/bsnes/whateverbyuuwantstocallittoday never had a muh HD deficit on zsnes.

>> No.3145175

looooOOOOOOOOOOOl, mednafen can do hd ya bald cunt ya

>> No.3145186

Not really yet.

>> No.3145209

Stop it, >>3144352

>> No.3145213

Does epsxe still not play redbook audio like in Wipeout 3?

>> No.3145230

mine doesnt look like that. stay mad

>> No.3145234

If it doesnt, your ISO is fucked up.

>> No.3145238

The link brings you to a phishing website.

Is emulation really safe?

>> No.3145242

Anon, you can't alter settings in mednafen to fuck up the graphics in that manner. It has no settings

You played SH1 in mednafen in hi res?

>> No.3145245

I ask because the last time I tried (version 1.9 or 2.0, I forget) it still wouldn't play the music. I have WO3 Special Edition in bin/cue form. PCSXR would play it fine, but not on epsxe, so I know it's not my iso.

>> No.3145249

Anon, that's not just medafen, that's mednafen with Simias' OpenGL renderer, which is still very much WIP and has issues everywhere.

>> No.3145253

Music works fine here for me in that game with epsxe, so i dont know what to say.

>> No.3145254

yes. hes probably trolling and uses psx-rearmed or some shitty emulator

>> No.3145258

Are you using the default CD plugin?

>> No.3145259

>Anon, that's not just medafen, that's mednafen with Simias' OpenGL renderer, which is still very much WIP and has issues everywhere.
Yes, the point was that you can't play using mednafen muh HD yet because of all these issues

>> No.3145273
File: 390 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0302-223740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a clue what's going on, do you?
Mednafen has a software renderer which is extremely accurate, and mednafen-libretro can render at high resolutions with it.
Simias is a guy making his own PSX emulator using an OpenGL renderer, who is going to eventually tack that onto mednafen.

>> No.3145280

ePSXe is greatly improved later. Ever since automatic memory cards it's my default emu, and now with subpixel precision, input plugin support and overclocking there's no reason to fire up pcsx-r at all.

>> No.3145283

Show me SH1 hires not looking like shit on mednafen

>> No.3145286

Forget about it. Mednafen is where it's at unless you're one of those DUDE PLAYSTATION GAMES IN HD WHOA SO COOL LMAO faggots

>> No.3145291
File: 405 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0416-184815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now stop taking random shit from emugen that you don't understand.

>> No.3145298


>> No.3145307

How overly specific can you be

>> No.3145314
File: 288 KB, 364x491, 1453004372135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3145317

To be honest geometry does not render in higher resolution properly and the result look like shit, especially when moving.
BUT if three was a way to downsample that to original resolution that would be perfect (no jaggies).

>> No.3145327
File: 276 KB, 1400x960, sh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it. i never use the upscaling in mednafen, i always play in native resolution.

>> No.3145330

I do not use cd plugin, but open image.

>> No.3145335

Maybe I don't like contorting the visuals of my games to extreme levels that they weren't mean to look anything like. Enjoy your cantankerous shivering 3d models greenscreened over muddy filtered 2d elements frozen in the proper resolution. Playstation games forced into HD are a technical and visual abomination.

>> No.3145343

And what display are you playing on? Contorting those 240p graphics by stretching it on your 4k monitor is just as worse of an abomination.

>> No.3145352

What are you talking about? You think I would go on this tirade and then not even preserve the aspect ratio?

>> No.3145370

Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware there's overclocking option in mednafen. I'm very desperate for improving framerate in NFS High Stakes since it is very low and game is one of my favorites. And pcsx overclocking only increases speed in that case. Wish me luck, anon.

>> No.3145374

He's not talking about aspect ration obviously.

>> No.3145386

That's still stretching the output. What I tend to do is go for only go for 2x upscale and play at 640x480 on a PC CRT. Just a slight improvement, so the 2D still fits well with the 2D.

>> No.3145387

Isn't he though? Stretching?

>> No.3145392

the resolution is irrelevant. it's all about size and viewing distance. a 4k screen can be 6 inch or 80 inch and there are crts that can display hd.

>> No.3145401

imho even 640x480 looks ugly, especially for games with pre-rendered backgrounds like ff7. If you play ff7 in native 224p, even then the models stick out from the backgrounds. Its less obvious in later titles like ff9. but for me personally even 448p is an abomination which destroys the ilusion even further. people should rather use shaders than upscaling. an analog signal output is a nice way of achieving natural antialiasing without upscaling.

>> No.3145405

Well, that's a step further than me. I play on a modern LCD monitor. But it's still a million more times authentic than playing it in HD with filters and hack "enhancements" etc, which is what I was arguing against. Not saying I'm the king of accuracy myself.

>> No.3145409

I agree on that but many fully 3d games look pretty nice on 640х480 with recent GTE accuracy improvements.

>> No.3145410

that's true, for 3d games it works really good. except silent hill. that is a special case.

>> No.3145423

I'll concede that. It does look really good. Not accurate, but damn good. Any further and it really starts to break down though, even in full 3D games.

>> No.3145567
File: 115 KB, 640x480, retroarch 2016-04-17 06-20-14-918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw my dawg, FPS increased by two times. Hail to genius hackes who made this possible.
Too bad my hi-end gaming potato can't handle increased resolution here.

>> No.3145601

By the way, waiting for arguments from purists
on why are 11 frames per second in a racing game better than 22.

>> No.3145634

Oh god, are Need For Speed games on Playstation finally playable? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3145651

Not the other guy but all Wipeout games have always worked regarding recent builds. Using SPU Core and load image. Works out of the box in other words.

>> No.3145767

How did you do it? My game runs twice as fast on 1.5x and didn't really fix the frame rate as much as I'd hoped.

>> No.3145856

That's mednafen libretro, not ePSXe.

>> No.3146490
File: 64 KB, 640x480, IMG_20160310_133418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully yes, I bought it at launch day from [spolier]Blockbuster[/spolier].

>> No.3146565

>Anything that goes wrong is simply what goes wrong when you're running a program for a very specific set of hardware, on different hardware. Got nothing to do with compatibility

So what you're saying is that any compatibility issues are unrelated to compatibility issues. Gotcha.

>> No.3146571

compatibility with what?

>> No.3146573
File: 99 KB, 800x800, smug-pepe-the-frog 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3146574

Of the games. Quit being so fucking retarded.


>> No.3146576

The games are not made for overclocked systems. So what has compatibility to do with that?

>> No.3146580

if the games on the overclocked emulator show the exact same problems as the games on an overclocked psx, then compatibility of the emulator is high. The phrase just turns into all kinds of meaningless things, when doing stuff like that.

>> No.3146583

No the compatibility is not high. The accuracy is high. The compatibility is not. The system compatibility with games is lower.
Trolling is against the rules. Quit your bullshit. You know what the fuck it means. You know that there's compatibility lists for versions of emulations that list it's game compatibility.

>> No.3146586

If the emulator does exactly what a real machine would, it's highly compatible with the real machine.

>You know that there's compatibility lists for versions of emulations that list it's game compatibility.
That's for emulating the actual hardware, not an imaginary overclocked or otherwise derived variant. These lists are not affected by breaking the emulated machine.

And again, if a game shows errors when overclocking, and the game shows the exact same errors on the overclocked emulated machine, then that would be a 100% on the compatibility list, because it means the overclocked emulator does exactly what an overclocked real machine would do

>> No.3146596

>it's highly compatible with the real machine.
Emulators don't run machines, they run software. They 'are' the Hardware.

>That's for emulating the actual hardware
No that's for emulating software. Do games work properly - compatible. Now stop fucking trolling the board.

>> No.3146609

>They 'are' the Hardware
Hardware that's pretending to be other hardware. That's where the compatibility comes into play.

>Do games work properly
They do, they show exactly the same behavior as on a real machine that's running out of specs

>> No.3146619

Hardcore pedanticism, bro. No one gives a shit.

>> No.3146664

poorfag here, does it work on windows 7?

>> No.3146671

ePSXe's stated system requirements are:

Processor: Pentium 200 MHz, recommended Pentium 3 at 1 GHz
RAM: 256 MB RAM, recommended 512 MB RAM
Video card: 3D capable video card with support for OpenGL, DirectX, or Glide
Operating system: Windows or Linux
CD-ROM: 16x or faster (optional)

>> No.3146674

Minimum system requirements:
800Mhz 32-bit CPU
256 MB of RAM
Fast graphic card
x16 CD-ROM
Windows XP SP3
DirectX 8 or OpenGL 1.0

Recommended system configuration:
Fast dual-core CPU
512 MB of RAM
OpenGL 2.0 + GLSL shaders video card
Windows Vista+
DirectX 8

That's for the Windows version. It's available for Linux as well.

>> No.3146946

ePSXe devs really see eye to eye with me. Make it run on an absolute toaster

>> No.3146959

the system being emulated is a 35MHz processor plus a few extras. A rule of thumb I heard long time ago was that for solid emulation you need about 16x the power of the emulated system. That'd be 560MHz plus some extra, ending up with the 800MHz minimum they suggest. That's of course disregarding architecture and stuff, it's barely a ballpark figure, but useful as that. In other words, the epsxe devs are not being frugal, or targeting weaker systems. It's just that they don't need more power for the job at hand. Note that OGL plugins can lower the CPU requirements, as part of the render pipeline is offloaded to the GPU. The PS is not doing anything that's pushing even present low end graphics solutions like integrated intel stuff.

>> No.3147096

Is the overclock thing supposed to make the games literally run slower? I'm normally able to run games up to 75-130fps on my toaster with the framerate limiter disabled.

Here's my plugin setup:
>Video: Peops Software Renderer
-Res: 854x480 (I have the widescreen hack enabled)
-Auto-detect FPS is enabled and FPS limit is at 60fps

>Sound: Peops SPU 1.10
-Mode: Async Wait

>> No.3147184
File: 5 KB, 645x773, 1390630719448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wipeout 3 music finally plays

Into the trash with PCSXR

>> No.3147624

Doesn't it seem logical to you?

>> No.3147656

Then compatibility of ePSXe is better that of mednafen. Because on former overclocking often does speed up games like on real system.

>> No.3147663

Mhz myth buddy.

>> No.3147665

Don't bother talking to him, he's trolling and acts like he doesn't understand words.

>> No.3148280

>That's of course disregarding architecture and stuff, it's barely a ballpark figure, but useful as that

>> No.3149859

It's 2016 and I still can't play a multiplayer game with Epsxe in a 'pass the controller' fashion. Retroarch is a horrendous piece of kit but at least it has the basics right.

>> No.3149867

retroarch gui brings me nightmares

>> No.3150021


>> No.3150631

Doesn't go that far for me but it's bad

>> No.3151996

I don't see what's so bad about it, it works fine for me with a controller.

>> No.3152042

Few people care about EmulatorMultiplayer

>> No.3154105

You have no idea what emulation is and how it works.