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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 114 KB, 800x419, final_fantasy_IX_square_enix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3140758 No.3140758 [Reply] [Original]

How's the steam version of Final Fantasy IX?
Worth getting for someone who's never played it before.
The other option is emulating it, which I'm fine with, but I feel like I should kick some money towards IX because of all the good things I've heard.

>> No.3140781

Jrpgs are shallow trash. Mash X to win.

>> No.3140791


That's like saying books are shallow trash, turn page to win

I haven't played the steam version OP but the game is excellent. Worth a playthrough with either format.

>> No.3140792

I would get PSX version + retroarch + crt shader if you can't play on a real console. I would skip that trash ugly hd releases. the backgrounds are still 320x224px. They models stick out from the background even when playing on a crt+scanlines. You only get a homogenous picture if you play through trash cable composite.

>> No.3140803

I just tried it. It's great. The FMV look better than ever, all characters got new models to go with the higher resolution...
Watch the preview video on the steam page to see what to expect.

The only awful this about it is that instead of using higher resolution renders for the still backgrounds they used some kind of 2xEagleEyeWhatever filter on it and they look murky and awful. It stands out way too much specially next to the new 3D models.

Anyway, it's a great game. If you're gonna emulate on PC and you're willing to spend some money you should totally buy it or pirate it, it's on torrent already

>> No.3140805

>+ retroarch
What a meme.

>> No.3140808

I'm probably going to buy it because I lost my memory card with IX's data on it a while ago and I had to reload 20 times to get past part of the mouse lady's storyline since it loved freezing at one scene in particular and THEN I had to beat a boss immediatley after

beat the boss immediately upon getting to it after cleaning up all the bricks but FUCK trying to get to that point on playstation again

>> No.3140840

That's exactly what they are, glorified books not games.

>> No.3140843
File: 2.13 MB, 300x290, pw1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulating PS1

>> No.3140863

Is there something wrong with books?

>> No.3140871

They are not games.

>> No.3140884


Can you give an example of a game and tell me what it has that ff9 or other JRPGs do not?

I'm assuming you havent actually played the game in question, because you wouldnt get very far just pressing X/attack, unless your gripe is that it's the only "action" button? In which case I assume you dislike shooters and other such games as well.

>> No.3140889

Oh fuck sake, goodbye.

>> No.3140956

What are the speedup options like?
#1 complaint about FFIX was always the battle start times, so it'd be nice if this version's improved that stuff.

>> No.3140997

A game is something that makes you use some sort of strategy to win against an opponent.
Street Fighter has a fighting mechanic. JRPGs have a menu-based techniques mechanic.
The result is the same. You compete using strategy to win the game.

>> No.3141052

>Can you give an example of a game and tell me what it has that ff9 or other JRPGs do not?
Atelier has a fleshed-out and flexible crafting system with non-linear gameplay (ignoring Mana Khemia on that last part), Shin Megami Tensei has monster recruitment and fusion at the spine of the game with very different alternate routes, and both of those have been doing that shit for a long time.

>> No.3141056

Backgrounds look like absolute shit because they were too lazy to remake those with all the billions of yen they're sitting on.

>> No.3141170

>I've never played a final fantasy game

mashing x in Final Fantasy 9 is a good way to get your shit kicked in

>> No.3141231

he's heating up
>I personally don't like jrpg's therefore they're bad games.

Being a part of the story is neat, and calling them a digital CYOA book is no insult. Those were fun too.

>> No.3141767
File: 343 KB, 1920x1200, 377840_screenshots_20160414205918_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emu versions look better except for the crisper polygons.

Pic is steam's version.

>> No.3141769
File: 341 KB, 1600x800, choose-your-own-adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically being this plebeian

>> No.3141774

jesus thats horrifying. ps1 vers or gtfo

>> No.3141776
File: 73 KB, 459x338, Dnd_v3_5_rulesbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3141798
File: 452 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh that's bad I will give you or anyone else this copy of PS1 FF9 if they promise to never play that.

>> No.3141802


Holy fuck

>> No.3141813

I'll take it anon

>> No.3141816

you promise to never play the steam version?

>> No.3141820

Of course, it looks gross

>> No.3141825

Ew, it has writing on it, no thanks.

>> No.3141830


>> No.3141831
File: 2.80 MB, 480x360, elevator lifts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you give an example of a game and tell me what it has that ff9 or other JRPGs do not?
Super Mario 64.

Actual movement depth.

>> No.3141842

err how we do this? Guerrilla mail throwaway emails? I will need somewhere to ship it to, and a way to give you the tracking number as well. headed to the post office today anyways.

>> No.3141845

Could contact me on Reddit or discord? Or I could just say fuck it and give you my email.

I lIve in the UK tho if you'd rather not pay postage to there.

>> No.3141856

Actually idk why I excepted you to pay postage lol. Your choice

>> No.3141859
File: 453 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what city, country? I'll check to see how much more it is. I am in alaska so it's prob going to be $5 or so to anywhere from here. It's dusty as hell and the case is fucked but it is all there and playable

>> No.3141863

That better just be a smudge on the bottom left.

>> No.3141867

Brighton, UK/England

>> No.3141870

House of Danger was fucking crazy.

>> No.3141882

I can't anon sorry, and it would be cheaper for you to just buy a copy. $32 is more than I'm willing to donate to /vr/ :\ anyone in the united states that wants it can have it

>> No.3141884
File: 84 KB, 445x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, cheers for the generosity anyway anon

>> No.3141895

it's just dusty fingerprints. Sniff them, might smell like dusty pussy

I feel soo bad now

>> No.3141991

Is fine bby

You're a good person

>> No.3142005

Wow, you got destroyed.

>> No.3142021

This shit is near OoT prerendered backgrounds tier bad. This is a shame considering the original pretty much nailed it when it came to blending the background with the characters.

>> No.3142384

original is much better, this looks like ff6 mobile.

>> No.3142397


Couldn't you just play it in 640x480 fullscreen and have the exact same effect, then?

>> No.3142537

Autism to the max.

>> No.3142547

there's a shit ton of screen tearing for me lol I can't figure out how to get it to stop

if it weren't for that I could ignore the stark difference between character and background

>> No.3142556

Check your vsync options on your graphic card, I played yesterday for half an hour and I didn't notice any tearing (and I do have tearing problems with other games/emulators)

>> No.3143392
File: 17 KB, 339x356, 1261430002842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3143627

you're a good man, anon

>> No.3144164
File: 67 KB, 545x760, 1439488369450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said the FMV's are nicer than the PS1 version. I'm not sure what they mean by "nicer".

>> No.3144224
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, youtu.be-OeWqEcI7ZtY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously they are less compressed and don't have those ugly mpeg-1 artefacts seen on ps1. have you seen the trailer? the fmvs are now near-dvd quality, have some sort of filter applied.

>> No.3144239

If you still want to give it away I'll take it, live in the US so shipping should be fine.

Here's my Steam if you want to contact me there. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042072159

>> No.3144258

Honestly with Square's track record for porting older FFs to steam I'd probably just avoid it.

>> No.3144268

They probably had the originals or something. PSX video is MPEG-1, 15 frames per second.

>> No.3144965 [DELETED] 

It's an extremely bland game and very dull compared to squaresoft's other games. Pirate it if you must play it.
Lots of books are well written, JRPG's seldom are.
Emulate it and map fast forward to one of your controller buttons.

>> No.3144984
File: 59 KB, 400x400, flavor_flav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"extremely bland"
>"very dull"

Thanks for the meme, meme-man.

>> No.3145107

Just emulate it for fuck's sake

If you feel guilty send Hiroyuki Ito a nice fruit basket

>> No.3146205

still giving it away, no steam.

first come first serve, this faggot or one of you faggots?

>> No.3146334

It's shit, it's just another mobile->PC port from Square Enix. Also fuck steam. You're better off just emulating it instead.

>> No.3146727


>> No.3146728

Its pretty great compared to the other ports square has done

>> No.3146738


Looks pretty good. Dont understand the hate.

This is nowhere near ff6 on steams shit storm come on you emulator fags

>> No.3146747

>16:9 PSX
Into the trash it goes

You're missing the point of my post anyway. I suppose I should have said "pirate it" since we have so many pedants now

>> No.3146757

Yeah it seems to be the best version of the game. It seems to have no PS1 polygon jittering, so that alone makes it worth it, and that's not something emulation can fix (with certain renderers it even make it seem worse).

However I've 100%'d that game so many times ( I even found a safe way by myself to beat Grand Dragons up Gizamaluke Grotto at the start of Disc2.) I won't be playing it again.

I'm still mad at how modern ports of retro games call cheats "features". There is nothing wrong with having cheats in a game, anyone playing retro games know those used to be part of many games.
However if you include cheats, don't call them gameplay features or "boosts" or whatever.
Also don't pretend that's "cattering to modern player standars" because that's insulting the audience. NO ONE needs to have gameplay babysitted and cheated in FF9.

>> No.3146770


The idorts that complain about how boring turn based games are because they have tiny attention spans. These are the people they are trying to cater to.

Its honestly pretty fucking retarded

>> No.3146870

>Movement Depth
Puzzle games.

>> No.3146884


You realize that this board is /vr/ and not /v/ right?
If you want to call every game you don't like trash then /v/ is a click away.

Why would you even come into this thread if you have no interest in the game being discussed? You know that it is possible to filter threads right?

>> No.3146909

I would make a terrible man, but I like to think I'm a decent human. ty anon

nobody has taken it yet.

>> No.3147073
File: 1.75 MB, 300x225, 1375855593446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably because the Steam version really isn't that bad.

You guys are acting like the port is as badly done as the FF5 and FF6 mobile versions when it just plain isn't. Wake up and smell reality.

>> No.3147083

Where can you get the Japanese version? Steam doesn't seem to have it.

>> No.3147102
File: 139 KB, 917x871, sad_pepe__feels_bad_man__vector_by_hirussai-d8uq43y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicer doesn't mean that Freya become real and become your loyal and lovely waifu to cuddle, live together, make babies... she never will become your only true love and you never live with her on small comfy house in the small village where you could forget about all sad moments and be just happy.. If you imaging yourself chopping the wood and her welcoming you with warm tea on front on your house with your kids jumping near you and screaming 'Daddy!' 'Daddy!' - It will never happen...

Fuck this world

>> No.3147438

japanese steam store?
japanese ios app/google play store?

>> No.3147450

oh i'm sorry you're right
>日本語: サポートされていません

But this should be in japanese: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.square_enix.FFIXjp.android_googleplay&hl=ja

>> No.3147512
File: 587 KB, 787x787, not your wife & not your kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyy lmao

She got back together with Fratley at the end of the game, anon. She's off limits.

>> No.3147649

>shilling malware
OP, grab Mednafen+MedGUI and throw on one of the built in scanline filters if you want it.

>> No.3147662

>no option to use original models and etc.
>easy as fuck to accidentally turn on cheats (that are apparently permanent?)
>no soundtrack
wish I knew how steam refunds worked/10

>> No.3147683


Why the fuck can't you guys just use ePSXe holy shit

>> No.3147685


Bottom of the page: Refunds.

>> No.3147686
File: 25 KB, 634x401, gina rinehart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wish I knew how steam refunds worked/10

You fucking bought a game less than a week after it was released? You deserve your suffering.

>> No.3147690

Because a more accurate emulator exists?

>> No.3147721

>scale the polygons up to match higher resolutions


>leave the backgrounds at 320x240 scaled up


>> No.3148043
File: 1.30 MB, 329x319, get.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no option to use original models

I would've appreciated the feature

>easy as fuck to accidentally turn on cheats

How exactly is it easy? You move your cursor to the cheats and have to press the confirm button. I'm sorry that you mcfucked up, but that doesn't make it "easy". It just means that you were careless.

>no soundtrack

What? The music works just fine. Are you buttmad the game didn't COME with a soundtrack? This game is ancient you can find rips of its OST everywhere.

>wish I knew how steam refunds worked/10

You really are helpless. Jesus christ.

>> No.3150436

>I would skip that trash ugly hd releases. the backgrounds are still 320x224px. They models stick out from the background even when playing on a crt+scanlines. You only get a homogenous picture if you play through trash cable composite.

listen to this man

>> No.3151035

A worthless feature on top of a shitty emulator where you have to go though lots of hoops just to make it not create a new memory card file for every goddamn disc and ISO you play.

>> No.3153348


they did a surprising amount of work over a normal re-release shit port. I am honestly impressed by how much of an update the character models got. Details I never noticed about characters were suddenly there. They even have facial expressions at certain points. nothing on par with say animal crossing or anything like that but certainly more than I was ever expecting.

They also went through the effort of changing the prompts for button presses to correct controller mapping which I was not expecting at all.

Honestly dude if you arent some poor fag who obsesses about paying money for anything (like most people are around here) then go for it. Worth a buy 10/10

>> No.3153380

Honestly the only faults I can give this one are the fact that they didn't fix mistranslated references and didn't put in hi-res backgrounds. Much better experience than I was expecting.

Square's ports are finally catching up with the quality of FFV on mobile only.

>> No.3153393

>didn't put in hi-res backgrounds

That was to be expected, SE has said for a decade that they don't have the source artwork for the backgrounds anymore, therefore making hi-res versions quite impossible.

>> No.3153591

kik me

>> No.3154335

But you can find hires of at least some of them by a google search.

Squeenix uses "no assets" so often these days that I find it hard to believe that about all of them. It was a bullshit excuse in FFV/VI at least, since the PC version of VI is a GBA cart with the new assets outside of it..

>> No.3154342


no thank you!!

>> No.3154379

Some is not all. None is preferable to some for the sake of consistency.

>> No.3154437

At this point, I'd just recommend Emulating it and not support Square's habits of putting in the least bit of effort in porting the classics to pc. I mean IV/V/VI all complete trash on steam with myriad of issues plaguing each game, bugs and issues not found on previous iterations.

Only reason you'd even get FF4:After Years is if you don't own a Wii or PSP, and even then you're missing a good chunk of content for some unknown reason. With Square's track record we can clearly see porting to PC is not something they're good at/care to do/willing to invest in. It's why 4/5/6 were shit, its why Seven is episodic and will be shit, and its why I'm betting my bottom dollar FF9 on steam is shit.

>> No.3154441

>sake of consistency
Yet they felt the need to update the character models so they look completely out of place.

>> No.3154448

their relationship isn't working
she's looking to move on

>> No.3154476

If you emulate most 3D PSX or PS2 games, you'll find that character models scale really fucking well in higher resolutions. There's hardly anything different about the models, it's just that there's a much higher resolution for the textures.

>> No.3154480

Do they even do those ports themselves? They don't seem aimed at the Japanese market and Squeenix doesn't sell them in their own shop like they do VII and VIII.

>> No.3154501

>can't mash text because it's too slow
>analog is only 8 directions
>UI interface, why, apart from proving it's a mobile port
>music/sound is apparently shit, I was just watching a stream and didn't notice it
>ez modes like no encounters, die at a boss on default and you can just continue from outside boss room


looks nice though, but that can be sort of done on emulator anyway

>> No.3154515

mobile UI*

>> No.3155162

>playing a game made for consoles on a PC
You took an arrow to the knee anon.

>> No.3156015

I don't know but they're quite poor.
Like take FF4 for example. They could had ported the DS version and frankly that would had been cool. But no, they had to take the mobile version which is fps locked to abhorrent numbers 15/30, If I remember right, which if it was still sprites that'd be alright but its 3d models and 15fps in combat is absolutely terrible. and the 30fps in the overworld is just barely tolerable.

And FF6 looks like it was made in Gamemaker, and god knows how they managed to fucking add more bugs to the game.

>> No.3156039

eidos did the original VII PC port and I think VIII as well if I remember correctly.