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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, comixzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3134612 No.3134612 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: retro games that were too hard for casual scrubs.

>> No.3134624

So 95% of pre 5th gen.

>> No.3134630

>comic zone

the only "hard" thing was figuring out the rat partner thing and when to use it, like a point and click adventure. Game mechanics weren't hard, the game just felt a bit stiff to play, but great visuals and graphics.

>> No.3134631

Great visuals AND graphics?

>> No.3134646


By visuals I believe that anon may have meant "aesthetics" or "presentation" by saying "visuals". Perhaps he might have meant "effects".

Either way, Comix Zone is a pretty cool game every genesis fan should at the very least check out. Even if its not amazing its a pretty decent play.

>> No.3134651


Yeah visuals (the comic-style design) and the actual graphics implemented (sprite animation, backgrounds, etc)

>> No.3134736

Castlevania (before Iga ruined them)

>> No.3134765

Why the need to split hairs? Comix Zone looks great even with the limited palette and other Genesis-ities

>> No.3135224
File: 29 KB, 258x367, ninja_gaiden_nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initiated my puberty with this frustrating and incredibly awesome game

>> No.3135279

more like trial & error. the game is like 30 minutes long. of course they have to make it hard

>> No.3135289 [DELETED] 
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>IGN score: 3.0 / 10

>> No.3135556
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>> No.3135567
File: 23 KB, 256x358, Ecco-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3135593
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Comix Zone is a game where you can easily fuck up. It's not exactly hard, it's more perilous than hard I think.

This one I consider it hard.

Yeah, this one.

>> No.3135594

Worthless and boring, worse than vectorman

>> No.3135627


all of them.


>> No.3135647
File: 36 KB, 500x437, Boy_and_His_Blob,_A_-_Trouble_on_Blobolonia_(USA)-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not retro

I vaguely recall playing this as a child, not knowing what to do but still having fun swimming around, jumping out of the water n doin' flips n shit.

Just discovered this, looks cool, is it really that hard?

>> No.3135673

You need to master the controls to survive past first levels, there's no brute forcing through this game. Your fuel is limited, your ship frail, the paths are tortuous and even the level 1 enemies are deadly. To make matters worse, you'll be looking for and rescuing survivors. I would say it's very hard.

>> No.3135747
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>> No.3135752
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This. Anyone that says they have beaten this game is a stinking, filthy liar.

>> No.3135810

>For anyone, ever

nice try, 2/10

>> No.3135879

Double Dragon 3 - Sacred Stones

>> No.3135903

Once you get a grip of doom it stops being hard, unless you're playing UV-Fast

>> No.3135979

my brothers and I never asked for this game

my family watched The Simpsons and South Park together. my dad took us to the Beavis and Butthead movie.

so my dad was more than justified in thinking this was up our alley.

but oh my god did the dialog in this game suck dick. this is like my mom trying to be funny

and the game is HARD AS SHIT. back when I played video games, I would throw controllers and scream curse words.

but as a kid you realize that your parents are at least trying to understand and relate to you, so I kept at this game because it would make me feel worse to disrespect the way my dad paid attention to us and bought me a game based on things we did together

otherwise I would have set the cartridge on fire

>> No.3135984
File: 18 KB, 250x172, 250px-Conkersbfdbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3135998

no, that game was just shite.

>> No.3136109
File: 32 KB, 512x384, The Banyan Tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet Set Willy. Pic related.

Sorry if this gives anyone unpleasant flashbacks.

>> No.3136234


Man I played this shit a LOT.

Honestly the real hardship for me was to kill the final boss fast enough to save the girl

Damn great game.

>> No.3136241

Casual isn't a difficulty setting, numbnuts.

>> No.3136248

this has gotta be b8, top kek. beat doom 1 when i was like 8, doom 2 when i was 10.

doom babbies think theyre geniuses for playing it though lmao

s m h

>> No.3136252



>> No.3136253

>Avatar, and develop this character in the direction that you see fit

It sounds like you didn't even play it. Comix Zone's controls aren't stiff at all. And 1CCing it is quite hard. If you're claiming otherwise I'm even more suspicious of how much you played.

>> No.3136324

What the fuck does Macho Yell do anyways?

>> No.3136421

Nothing at all. LOL

>> No.3136440

looks like a buffed André Lobineau from Broken Sword

>> No.3136675

>fit and full of fight
This is what comic book artists / mangakas look like.

>> No.3136797

He didn't say it was.

>> No.3136818

I was thinking more Meat Loaf.

>> No.3136840

Game was a cakewalk, but fun.

Actually fucking hard to get going.

Baby's first troll post?

Honestly, I got stuck continuously as a kid. Love this as an adult though. Very unique game.

Never finished it, but loved playing the shit out of this as a kid. I don't think I ever got past the mountain tournament. Then again, I was stuck playing with a 3 button controller.

>> No.3136850

>Then again, I was stuck playing with a 3 button controller.

The six button controller makes it almost a different game, it's almost criminal.

>> No.3136862 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 635x471, 39233-Sunset_Riders_(USA)-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just a shitter but this game is bullshit.

>> No.3137369
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>> No.3137439

>drop down to next panel
>take immediate damage
>not hard

>> No.3137447

Yes he did. Don't be cute with words, anon.

>> No.3137448

Glad to hear. Maybe I sucked less than I thought growing up if I got that far in the tournament (I want to say I finished it once) with a 3 button.

>> No.3137453

I tried this just the other day. I've beaten DD1 and 2 on NES, but admittedly it was a few years ago. On 3 I lost half my health right off the bat in the first room and the other half just outside. I never saw the first boss.

>> No.3137493


it's hard in a cheap way. you have to figure out how to exploit the enemies patterns. if you get the hang of it, the extra characters have decent abilities (chinese dudes punches tear through enemies, while the ninjas jump attack is excellent, and he can interrupt the enemies constant jump kicks). special weapons were downright broken and let you tear through bosses.

it's unfortunate that dd3 is shitty because I like the ideas, and the graphics are cool. it's just a shoddy work that's frustrating to play.

dd2 is one of the greatest of all time, while dd1 was fun.

>> No.3137514

>getting this triggered by "casual"
babby pls go

>> No.3137579

This isn't a hard Rare game.

Diddy Kong Racing. Now that there IS a hard game. Especially the bosses.

The DS remake is stupidly easy though since they took out silver coin challenges. (Amongst a lot of other blasphemous changes)
DKR not hard enough? Then there's Adventure 2 mode.

>> No.3137619
File: 17 KB, 391x353, 1316298443997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard? i dont know. frustrating? yes.

whoever made the decision that tapping a button as fast as possible makes you go faster should feel bad. it's the antithesis to snowboard kids, basically.

>> No.3137813
File: 12 KB, 301x208, koopa6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember fighting this fucker after he'd wrecked my shit repeatedly. It's a really precise boss, you have to hit him several times to knock him over and then use a butt stomp to hurt him. My sister saw me playing and asked if she could play. I told her no, that she didn't know how to do it. She got pissed as fuck and wouldn't talk to me for a while after.

>> No.3137816

I actually welcomed the changes in the DS version. DKR was challenging when I was a kid but as an adult it's repetitive and grindy as fuck. The silver coin challenges and boss rematches are bullshit ways to artificially lengthen a short game.

>> No.3137818

Also before you tell me to git gud I've actually beaten the N64 version multiple times including the future fun land world. No way in hell I'm doing it again.

>> No.3138137

I enjoyed the single coin challenges, but maybe that's because I actually derive enjoyment from a challenge

>> No.3139067

>it's hard in a cheap way. you have to figure out how to exploit the enemies patterns.

That's a long winded way of saying it's a beat em up....

>> No.3139656

Ghosts 'n Goblins