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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 800x600, sc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3131025 No.3131025 [Reply] [Original]

>not the best in the series

>> No.3131027

>oh look, there's already 2 shitposting threads on this same topic on a slow board,one on the first page
>better make another one

>> No.3131032

i don't see any. i just love castlevania 4

>> No.3131041

Go cuck yourself, James.

>> No.3131407

I think it's the most fun classicvania.

Cuck yourself Arin.

>> No.3131445

Played it for the first time this past weekend. I really like it. I can't call it the best in the series though, because I'm a faggot for the Metroidvania style games.

>> No.3131452

>implying 3 and Rondo aren't both better and arguably Bloodlines as well

>> No.3131474

Cuck me? No you're the cuck here cuckboy!

>> No.3131494

>confirmed for contrarian favorite

>> No.3131552

Yeah, I love the Metroidvania games too, though I largely choose to look at them separately from the Classicvanias.

The only thing I'd really change with 4 is to make hardmode available as an option in the menu, rather than having to beat Dracula first.

>> No.3131658

Well, it's not. Here's my take, and it's one untainted by fanboyism.

Castlevania is a very hit and miss series. 1, 3, Rondo and SotN are the good ones.

When judging based on first-time play-through impression, SotN is best of all. The exploitability of abilities on repeat runs lets it down, but in all other aspects its depth is an improvement on the very rigid classic-vania formula.

>> No.3131674

guaranteed replies. nice job

>> No.3131716

I finished Odallus a few days ago. Truly worthy of being called castlevania 2

>> No.3132305

I won't rest until this board lays in ruins.

>> No.3132308

Rondo gets a really undeserved amount of praise because it's the slightly obscure anime one.

>> No.3132321

>The only thing I'd really change with 4 is to make hardmode available as an option in the menu, rather than having to beat Dracula first.

Password, nigga.

>> No.3132359
File: 114 KB, 900x637, supercvbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the worst in the series

>> No.3132371

That's not the Amiga "port" of CV1.

>> No.3132392

It's actually legit top tier though.

>> No.3132401

Rondo gets a lot of undeserved criticism for its anime art style.

>> No.3132405

>tfw you take a break from a game session to refuel your shitposting meters.

>> No.3132454

I love the art and gameplay but 3 is still my favourite. Vampire's Kiss is also a good one.

>> No.3132464


Odallus isn't linear and has permanent gear upgrades so it's really not much like Castlevania 1 and 3. It's a damn good game though for sure.

>> No.3132470


I do really like IV for it's amazing music and atmosphere but I think the original and III beat it out for difficulty and design.

Can't we all just talk about what we like about the series instead of getting endlessly baited by some of the laziest trolling this side of /pol/?

>> No.3132472

It has like two good tracks and they sound muffled and shit thanks to that god awful Snes sampler.

>> No.3132476
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, chris_farley_nods.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's some good trollin' son, you're doing good.

>> No.3132478

The Amiga Castlevania surpasses the casualised NES version, the one that was meant for plebs. Just listen to the excellent opening theme, you can't do this on Nintendo.


>> No.3132486

It's better than SCB.

>> No.3132496
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, bait-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES music sound muffled meme
Guess it never gets old.

>> No.3132497

Of course it does. If you knew anything about the machine you'd know that.

>> No.3132509
File: 1.43 MB, 1537x2100, cvtng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame such a great composition as Theme of Simon was wasted on the SNES' lacking sound capability, but fortunately the Megadrive fixed that:

>> No.3132514

No it doesn't. If you've actually played the console instead of shitpost on the internet you'd know that.

>> No.3132517

Funny how it sounds inferior to the SNES version. Good try though.

>> No.3132520

>hurr durr nostalgia
Your post.
Good argument, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3132523


Dont even start
This board is full of segafags , they will never admit any major flaws of their beloved console

>> No.3132528

Nah. The SNES rendition is too sharp and doesn't have the solid bass that the Megadrive's carries.

>> No.3132530

>if you point out obvious flaws in the Snes you're a fanboy who is just out to get me
Nice victim complex.

>> No.3132548

I'd argue that 2 is worse.
While it's bigger in scope and does things differently (which I like), it's kind of a tedious and unfulfilling game with a lot of flaws, it feels rushed and thinly spread.

>inb4 some guy calls me James

>> No.3132557

I agree, you have to be a real nerd and cuck to be mad that a Japanese game features Japanese drawings.

Go console war somewhere else you eternal 12 year old.

>> No.3132558
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, castlevania-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES 1 is the best in my personal opinion

>> No.3133453


Yeah, gotta love that 90s TV documentary vibe, totally feels like Castlevania. Sounds like music from a documentary about australian wild life, totally hardcore man! Not for NES casuals.

>> No.3133548

NES was a piece of shit with only half a dozen decent games. Those half a dozen should have been on the far superior Master System. Only Americans could fall for the Nintendo meme.

>> No.3133559


Go to bed Australia, you're drunk again.

>> No.3133561

>muh nostalgia
Seriously, how can you not see how objectively shit the NES was?

>> No.3133563


What nostalgia? I told you to go to bed, you're drunk.

>> No.3133565

Nostalgia for the piece of shit you grew up with, James.

>> No.3133567


My name isn't James and I'm not a nostalgic person. I like games for what they are, not the consoles/brand they were released on.

Go to bed Australia, you're drunk.

>> No.3133571

There aren't many games to like on the NES. That thing had maybe 6 good games on it and its shit hardware.

>> No.3133572
File: 178 KB, 1400x881, CVIV1374560129806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV is truly great, not sure if the best of them all but one of the best.

This australian guy hating it only makes me appreciate the game more.

>> No.3133573

What kind of weirdo is upset about the NES in 2016?

>> No.3133574


Nobody cares about your opinion Australia. Or more like, nobody will take your opinions seriously at this point.

You're drunk, seriously go to bed and call it a day.

>> No.3133575


Australia-kun, of course.

Supposedly he only shitposts "just to relax while drunk at night"...

he's drunken like every single night.

>> No.3133578

A Segafan, I take it you haven't encountered them before?

>> No.3133579

You like slowdown, easy platforming, easy combat, easy bosses, shit music, and bad graphics? Gee, anon, we're all entitled to an opinion, but...

>> No.3133584


Haha, yeah australia, I love Castlevania IV, and guess what, not only me, but millions of other people too!

On the contrary, you are probably the only human on this planet who thinks the Amiga Castlevania is good (and that's because of your nostalgia for that shit version).

Just get fucked by your homo husband, if he can still get an erection, and go to bed.

>> No.3133586

I guess there are around a million James Rolfe fans.

>> No.3133587


Come on, don't compare us Sega fans to Australia-kun. We aren't that delusional.

>> No.3133591

The best part of it all is that Australia will probably die in the next 10, 20 years at most, and I'll still be enjoying Castlevania, including IV which is one of my favorites, while Australia's corpse is rotting underground.


>> No.3133593

How can anyone think the NES is good? Seriously, what is their rationale?

>> No.3133594


I don't give him more than 5 years.

Cirrhosis is brutal.

>> No.3133595
File: 51 KB, 249x296, michael.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take me for one of you retard console war kiddies. I play every system because every system has had games I think are good.

I'm just laughing at you.

>> No.3133596


It's not about the NES or the Nintendo or the Master System or the Sega. It's about the games.

You're stuck on a 30 year old console war and can't get out of it, leading you to make statements such as "NES Castlevania is bad and Amiga Castlevania is good", which makes everyone on this site never take you seriously.

There's a limit for console/brand war shitposting, and you've long since surpassed it.

>> No.3133604

NES has like 6 decent games. It's a waste of parts.

>> No.3133605


You will die in the next 10 years, how does it feel?

>> No.3133606

If you can only find 6 NES games you think are worth playing you're either on the wrong board or into the wrong hobby.

>> No.3133607


Okay Australia, it's impossible to discuss with you while drunk.

I wonder if you're actually any different while sober.

>> No.3133608

We'll all die.

>> No.3133609


He's in the wrong part of the world. Australia only got 6 NES games and they're all PAL.

>> No.3133612

It's a piece of shit system with hardly any good games, what do you expect?

>> No.3133613


But you will die first since you're the oldest in this board, heheh!

You're already on the final part of your life, and you're arguing about Sega vs Nintendo on a vidya board with young adults. What a life.

>> No.3133614

The games don't have the colour encoding, you useless twat.

>> No.3133615

That makes sense. Also it's a nation of inbred drunks so expecting sense from them was a bit much in the first place. At least it's funny to see someone still butthurt about the NES.

>> No.3133619


How old is Australia kun?

>> No.3133620

How many jumping games and shoddy arcade ports can you play before you get sick of them? Name 10 good NES games, go on you fucking idiot.

>> No.3133623


He claims he was already working in the late80s/early 90s, so around 50.

>> No.3133626


>jumping games

Be honest, you don't even like Castlevania at all, do you?

>> No.3133631

Why wouldn't I like it? Just because I point out obvious flaws in SCB?

>> No.3133634
File: 3.08 MB, 320x180, 3f6JnCe.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think I'm interested in engaging you in conversation? I could list 30 NES games I love, but you would of course hate most of all of them and then piss and moan like a baby about it.

I don't actually care what you think about any NES game. I'm just here enjoying the butthurt you're bitching about. :)

>> No.3133636


I mean, you're already in your 50s, I don't think you even play video games anymore, you probably just shitpost here while drunk to relive stress.

Seriously man, get some professional help.
An anonymous board with teenagers and 20-something people isn't going to help you.

>> No.3133637

I said good ones, not ones you like. The games on that console are 99% dog shit.

>> No.3133639

Not necessarily that old, I'm only 42 and was working summer and evening jobs in the lst few years of the 80's.

>> No.3133641

Ohh so you're one of those people who still thinks taste is objective. Good to know you're not just an immature twit when it comes to video games.

>> No.3133647

>Amerifats saying twit
Cringe desu senpai

>> No.3133649


Australia-kun is the kind of people who think they're being funny when they're not.

He probably thinks shitposting is hilarious because that's what young people do, but he fails to realize that rather than being funny, he's the one being made fun of.

It's like an old man trying to be cool around teenagers.

>> No.3133650


Nice try, poindexter.

>> No.3133654

No one outside of the Cucknited States would like the NES.

>> No.3133659


There you have it, 50 year old man trying to get with the memes.

>> No.3133660

Ohh come on, you can do better than that.

>> No.3133664

I think the drink is taking over and he's losing focus.

>> No.3133676

Is that really what drunk old people think funny is? lol wow.

>> No.3133734

There's nothing wrong with Classicvania's rigidness, though.

>> No.3133752

He doesn't understand the concept of a game being designed around a set of limitations.

>> No.3133787

Second for NES is shit and has like 6 good games

I wonder how else you guys will find to jerk each other off as this argument keeps going

>> No.3133798


Nobody is arguing here, yo.
This is just anons making fun of a delusional senile old man from Arustralia. Wanna join the fun?

He probably fell asleep drunk in front of the computer so you'll have to wait several hours for his next post.

>> No.3133821

There are quite a few good NES games, though. The trash to quality ratio is high, but it still has a lot of great stuff.

>> No.3133869

NES has more good games than SNES

>> No.3133876

>sound capability

You must really like fart noises

>> No.3134168

There has never been a single castlevania thread that wasn't entirely "MY FAVORITE CASTLEVANIA GAME IS BETTER THAN YOUR FAVORITE CASTLEVANIA GAME!"

shit series breeds a shit fanbase.

>> No.3134181

This is why we need to ban sega consoles, they're the cancer killing /vr/. nintendo fans never shitpost or act cancerous like segafags do.

>> No.3134207


CV isn't a shit series, I consider myself a fan of the series but am not necessarily part of the fanbase, as in I don't participate in any community, do fanart and the like. but I used to lurk the old CVD forums.

CV fans aren't worse than other series that had multiple games across multiple platforms. Most of the reasoning behind the shitposting lies in console/brand wars, not on actual game discussion.
That's how you have people like australia-kun shitting on IV at all times and claiming the Amiga castlevania is better than the NES game, simply to shitpost.
Having some small banter about which game was better is normal in any thread, what's not normal is having 1 guy who is obsessed about shitposting the same shit in every single Castlevania thread.
This entire thread was probably made to lure out Australia. Just write "Castlevania IV" or "PAL vs NTSC" on your thread and Australia will come out of his cave, guaranteed.

>> No.3134845

So you want the board to be made up solely of underage, American AVGN fans?

>> No.3134859

at one point in time I would have thought that would be the worst thing ever, but as bad as this board has gotten I would almost welcome it.

also a lot of avgn threads are european actually.

>> No.3134904

how are sega fags killing the board? Because they react when people are like OMG FART NOISES XD. You are fucking retarded you provoke people into shitposting then want to ban them when they react. Go drink all the fluids under your sink right now you retarded little faggot.

>> No.3134935

Nintendo fans need to just fuck off back to /v/ already.

>> No.3134941

>muh nintendofan boogeyman
>muh segafan boogeyman

The problem aren't the brands, idiots. It's the attitude of certain shitposters that attracts more shitposting and kill every thread about any possible discussion matter. Console war is the easiest way to do it, but people can also bait with /int/ stuff (PAL vs NTSC, etc) or /tv/ stuff (e-celebs).

>> No.3134950


1.Rondo of Blood
2.Castlevania Chronicles (PS1)
3.Super Castlevania 4
4.Castlevania 3
7.Castlevania 2
23580972898326.Dracula X (SNES)

I never played Rebirth, but I heard it's good.

>> No.3134953

nah its nintendo fans they have already demonstrated they value things like storyline and other inane bullshit over actual gameplay. retro games are about gameplay so why the fuck are you stupid niggers even here?

>> No.3134958


bla bla whatever, keep shitposting, the problem isn't sega or nintendo, the problem is people like you, independently of their brand preference.

>> No.3134964

>hating Dracula X this much

Why though? Your list is reasonable otherwise

>> No.3134967

no its you, I wouldnt have said shit if you didn't try and spread your opinions as fucking gospel. Go back to your moviegames /v/

>> No.3134973


You're schizophrenic, I never talked about moviegames and I don't try to spread my opinions. Most people will agree that the problem aren't Nintendo or Sega fans, but the actual shitposters (that may be Nintendo OR Sega fans).

Being a fanboy of a brand will not make you any better or any worse. You would be the same shitty person if you were a sports fanatic.

>> No.3134974

Bad controls, bad level design, bad bosses, bad sound. Rondo of Blood is to Dracula X as NES Castlevania is to Amiga Castlevania.

>> No.3134981


Have you played it? The only way I could see somebody thoroughly enjoying Dracula X is if they've never previously played another CV game before.

>> No.3134986

its nintendo fans making retarded claims like "arcade games have no substance" "they only last 30 minutes", it only lasts that long after you have mastered the game and I think memorizing patterns and other arcade game related traits are a lot more substance than some bullshit storyline. and I don't even mean its nintendo fans and sega fans, I mean its just nintendo fans doing this against every other company or system. Segafags just retaliate because they are tired of threads asking why links hair is fucking pink cause these 12 year old avgn fans don't know any retro games other than zelda.

>> No.3134989


I wouldn't go as far as saying Drac X is comparable to Amiga CV.
Amiga CV tries to be a copy of CV1. Drac X is a new game using Rondo assets. And a lot more professional.

Anyway I can understand if people prefer Rondo over it (even though they're different games, the comparison is inevitable), but hating it that much, I dunno, seems a bit exaggerated.

>> No.3134995


I did play it, and I have played most other major classicvanias, including Rondo of Blood (probably my most replayed one).
I still don't see what's the big deal with DX, it's a fine game, I'd even say it's better than IV and Bloodlines, or it's up there.

>> No.3135005

>I'd even say it's better than IV
of course, anything is better than that turd

>> No.3135023


I'm not talking to you Australia.

>> No.3135068

Fuck you too then, ya wanker

>> No.3135085
File: 76 KB, 1360x768, draculaxxdirector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no wonder Dracula XX wasn't very good. The lead designer hadn't made a game before it.

>> No.3135110


1. Castlevania The New Generation
2. Akumajou Densetsu
3. Castlevania Rondo of Blood
4. Castlevania (X68000)/Castlevania Chronicles
5. Castlevania Vampire's Kiss
6. Castlevania III Dracula's Curse
7. Haunted Castle
8. Castlevania (Amiga)
9. Castlevania (Famicom)
10. Castlevania Legends
11. Kid Dracula
12. Castlevania The Adventure Rebirth
13. Castlevania The Adventure
14. Super Castlevania Bros

>> No.3135114

Shut your fucking mouth you dumb mouth breathing piece of shit

>> No.3135117


Had experience programming for games like Contra and TMNT though, also he probably worked on more games before, maybe not as director but as a programmer, but many old Konami titles don't even have credits. We don't even know the full staff of CV1.
And he worked on Snake's Revenge, which was developed by the NES Castlevania team.

Also he directed Mystical Ninja starring Goemon, he's alright.

>> No.3135118

Hi, James. How does it feel to have been gypped with an inferior console and pitiful games library?

>> No.3135121
File: 1.73 MB, 295x270, ibxFWGla38dwbC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8. Castlevania (Amiga)
>9. Castlevania (Famicom)

>> No.3135125

>he hadn't made a game before it
>you can clearly see the other games that he was director and main programmer for right in that image

>> No.3135127


You really like The New Censoration more than Rondo or Chronicles? I kinda remember your "power rankings" being quite different, Australia.

Also, shocked to see Akumajou Densetsu, a game released for *gasp* NINTENDO, so high on your list. Aren't you ashamed? That's not the Australia I know.

LOL @ Amiga Castlevania.

>> No.3135129

Programming isn't the same thing as directing, dummy.

>> No.3135131

there are three games on that list in which he is credited as director, stop your trolling.

>> No.3135132

Like all 6 good NES games it wasn't made by Nintendo.

>> No.3135134


Heheh, classic Australia. Shitposting early in the morning, I see.
Still drinking?

>> No.3135135

this was terrible bait
would not be baited again.

>> No.3135139

Blinded by nostalgia, James?

>> No.3135141

Yes, and Dracula XX was his first game as the designer. Which is why it seems less polished than the other games.

>> No.3135142

Seriously.. SNES fags are always shitposting about sound quality and "MUH COLORS" every time when it isn't even relevant at all in the thread. Fuckin hypocrites make me sick

>> No.3135143

Also Legends wasn't very good either, just saiyan.

>> No.3135145


Out of curiosity, who was the director of Rondo of Blood?

>> No.3135149


If you fail to see that shitposters are on both bands and not just Nintendo's, you're part of the problem.
SNES fags shitpost about muh colors and genesis having fart noises, and Segafags shitpost about much CPU speed and snes having fart noises. It's shitposting, no matter what side you pick.

Australia-kun himself is a living example of an insistent shitposter that isn't even a Ninendo fan, quite the contrary.

>> No.3135154

X is not THAT bad, dude. It's actually a decent game.

>> No.3135159

Toru Hagihara, who was a programmer on Belmont's Revenge and also made Symphony of the Night along with IGA.

>> No.3135163


Okay, a programmer on Belmon't Revenge. He didn't direct any game before Rondo either.

I think the director isn't the be all end all of a game's development, the programmers and designers also count.
I think Dracula X is a good game on its own right. I like Rondo more, but mostly because of subjective preferences (it's easier, lol). Dracula X still seemed like a polished game to me. People keep saying the game is "slow" (no Castlevania is fast as far as I know), or that the "design is bad", which I don't see it either. It's challenging, but everything works.
Anyway it's okay if it's not your favorite, but I don't get the hate, as if it was offensively bad. It's really not.

>> No.3135181

The worst thing about X imo is the disappointing final stage which is only about a minute long, and the fact that Dracula is really lame and stalls too much, if it weren't for the stage being 50% pitfalls he'd be even easier than Rondo's Dracula fight because his second form is missing some moves that Rondo's had.

>> No.3135186

really, if he wants to be such an autismo about things and pin everything on one part of the development team (despite the fact that it's more complex than that), then it would make more sense to blame the designers, as the director just sits back and makes sure everything is going smoothly, the designers are the ones that are actually coming up with how the game will work

>> No.3135187

>everyone i disagree with MUST be James Rolfe

>> No.3135190

why did you feel the need to even go and respond to this guy?...

>> No.3135194

No, you're thinking of the producer. The director makes most of the design decisions of a game.

>> No.3135276

The hipster's choice for Castlevania lists.

>> No.3135313

>putting Castlevania III, a Nintendo game, that high

Absolutely haram.

>> No.3135315

What do you guys think became of the Father of Castlevania?


>> No.3137632

Why Japan has so much undocumented stuff about the developers of old games?

>> No.3137669

>shit series
Now that's shitposting Australia kun

>> No.3137801

This game pretty much marked the point where Konami ran out of ideas to keep the series fresh, even as good as Rondo may be, it resorted to making the optional character play nothing like castlevania, and after that came Blodlines, which was more of the same.

The only thing remaining of the roots of this series after Bloodlines was a bunch of remakes and a game released 7 years ago.

SCIV is great but i hate how it was the last time they tried to innovate the core gameplay of the classic games.