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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3130786 No.3130786 [Reply] [Original]

>those people who threw out their PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn etc. jewel cases in favor of these.

>> No.3130797

I never knew anybody that retarded.

>> No.3130802

I kept my music CDs in a binder but always kept the jewel cases in a box. I never knew anyone that just went and threw the jewel cases out.

>> No.3130812

I've seen anons here on /vr/ admit to doing it before. Let's see if this thread brings them out of the woodwork, shall we?

>> No.3130818

I threw the N64 boxes out. Had a box for the manuals.

>> No.3130829

I mean

If you had a large library and didnt want to have to dedicate a shelf to cases it makes sense

>> No.3130837

My brother did that. He also made me gather up every game i hadnt played in the past month and took me to gamestop to sell them and then used that monry to buy madden and said i couldnt buy anything because he drove me and if anything i owed him gas money. We dont talk much these days.

>> No.3130841

I was 8 years fucking old Anon. What did you want from me.

Also it makes collecting much easier and cheaper if you buy them unboxed. PS1 discs are virtually indestructible too, they have tp be scratched to high hell to not work anymore.

Also yeah I have two of these big binders full of discs. No way do I have room for those boxes.

>> No.3130850

Holy shit. I'm not /pol/ or anything but your bother was a kike.

>> No.3130853

Yea i got a lot of family issues and drinking issues and rage. At least retro vidya is a cheap hobby these days.

>> No.3130856

>those people
who make
>those people

>> No.3131214

I had the cases on a bookshelf and kept the discs in the wallet.

>> No.3131280


Number something
Yes people did throw away the CD cases for games and try to sell them on at a later date. T

The following events are true, names have been changed as I didnt ask his name
>One of those types of customer that you can tell is a prick comes in store
>H"Do you buy games m8"?
>Note that they have to pass a sign saying "We buy, sell and part exchange"
>M"Yes we do"
>H"I got a load in my bag some new releases"
>H pulls out a CD wallet with about 20 Playstation games in
>"I want £50 for this lot"
>Look at discs, all scratched to hell some with "Misc stains" on that I didn't even touch (one on a copy of Tekken 2)
>M"Sorry we cant take these"
>H Starts getting aggressive
>"Whats wrong with them? they all work, im trying to sell these to you, you can make a profit off these"
>M Calmly point out the condition of the discs
>H "I got some of these from here in this condition"
>M "We wont be able to sell them in this condition"
>H "OK ill take £40 for them"
>M "Sorry not interested"
He storms out slamming the door behind him self

Dont know what it is about Playstation owners at the time, but I had more trouble with them than anyone else

I do use them my self these days for CD-Rs, but theres no "Misc stains" on them

>> No.3131295

Cheap how? Do you live in 2003?

>> No.3131343

tarded niggas do that


>> No.3131358

Bet your games are scratched to shit. This is why I thought binders were fucking stupid. Why put a sensitive object in a place you have to essentially muscle the discs into.

>> No.3131385

I've never heard such an overuse of the world "classic." The irony being not a single one of those games is old enough to be classic.

>> No.3131408

Fun story. Any others?

>> No.3131496

I used those for demo discs. They worked fine, never got scratches. I didn't use them for anything else, though.

>> No.3131502


>indie game store worker

Nice try CEXlad.

>> No.3131519

Sometimes these things would melt and leave a horrible sticky residue on the disc surface that would ruin any console or PC drive you inserted it into.

>> No.3131525

Like customers throwing away N64 boxes then trying to trade in a lose cart only to be shocked about the shear drop in trade in price, only to come back later with a crushed and soggy box and still get the same price as we cant sell a box in that condition?

>You got that Mario 64 on Playstation?
>No Mario will only ever be on a Nintendo machine
>UWOTM8 my M8 has got it on his

Nar was pre CEX 1997-2001/2

>> No.3132417
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>> No.3132425

Collectorfag tears are delicious

>> No.3132430

can you stop with the shitposting?

>> No.3132431
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Lol, i got my PS1 modded back in the day and pirated all the games. Who the fucks buys games? Faggots

>> No.3132435
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disgusting. Have seen this at garage sales before. Discs are always scratched to fuck.

>> No.3132436

Someone has to rip/dump the game for everyone else to pirate.

>> No.3132441

People with disposable income

>> No.3132443

>those people who didn't know underage bandwagon collectors would rage about this decades later

>> No.3132450
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I live in Europe. Those cases threw them out themselves.

>> No.3132604

While I didn't throw out my cases, I did put my disc games in these binders when I went to college since dorm space is a commodity. Even just doing that caused some noticeable stress on my games.

>> No.3132620

>Dont know what it is about Playstation owners at the time, but I had more trouble with them than anyone else
Probably because they were the most common, and therefore the most likely to be louts and idiots.

>> No.3132627

It made sense in the case of Saturn Sega CD, games because they had weird bulky cases that wouldn't fit on shelves properly.

>> No.3132660

Most of my friends and myself included put all our games in a binder like this because we didnt give a shit about collecting, we bought to play.

Discs are still in fantastic condition except for my one poor friend who treated his discs like shit.

>> No.3132670

I stacked my video games in their jewel case on top of our hope chest.

>> No.3132674
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>my mom forced me to throw out all the cases, saying it took up nothing but space and we could just put them in binders
>when resisting with this and the general refusal to clean my room, she took a stack of a bunch of my Dreamcast and PS1 games and began scratching the discs together and throwing them on the ground

>FF7, Lunar, Legend of Dragoon, MGS1, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, Skies of Arcadia

>all ruined and their cases thrown out

>> No.3132680

I did this with games, I also was a kid and it was for convenience of not having to look for any particular case because they all were in the binder. To be fair the cases weren't tossed, just never used ever.

>> No.3132880

Your mom sounds like such a cunt

>> No.3132907

I do this with games. I have a big binder for each system. That way I can leave the boxes on display and just play what I want. When I lend something out I put it in it's original case but other than that I keep every disc in a binder. All of my games are in excellent condition, I don't see the problem.

>> No.3133003

Indie game store worker here (again)

Never forget the Metal Gear solid "Look on the back of the case" trick
We put a hard to peel sticker over that screen shot

We bloody hated the Dreamcast boxes, the amount that was broken due to droppage.
The US and Japan got normal CD cases, we got cack.
Didn't help that as soon as the Dreamcast was cracked the games them selfs never sold.
All them good games sitting about at a fraction of the price
Didn't help that most people that got one didn't know how to handle discs

>> No.3133021

Nope. I kept them in a binder because I went to boarding school so I like to keep my games with me in an easy to carry and store format but I kept the game cases at home.

>> No.3133109

I use flash carts and have a decent collection

>> No.3133123

The binders are MADE for disc
That's why they don't scratch disc, you retard

>> No.3133125

>in a binder
>not in alphabetical order
>not even numeric
>MGS disc 2 away from disc 1

Jesus Christ, get your shit together

>> No.3133195
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>with love

>> No.3133196

>non retro trash
>3rd world

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3133198
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>> No.3133249

>post your PS4 collection tread on /v/
>haha i threw out the cases and put them in this

I'm convinced nobody actually does this and its just bait.

>> No.3133337

I throw out the cardboard boxes of PC games.Not everyone lives in a house with a storeroom or basement.

>> No.3133343

I never realized how grateful I should be for having well-adjusted parents. Holy shit, anon.

>> No.3133380

My parents always made me give away my games because THINK OF OTHERS.

I had to pick a N64 game to get rid of and it was brutal, all I had left were the absolute top tier.

I eventually decided on Jet Force Gemini.

>> No.3133391

Oh no, you'll scratch them!

>> No.3134047

It's a shame how some parents raise their children to be complete fucking cucks

>> No.3134070
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Dude... This literally brought tears to my eyes. If it were a novel, I'd read it.

>> No.3134081
File: 30 KB, 600x600, fgsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I almost did
>tfw I actually did move them to a binder, but never dumped the jewel cases out of laziness
>tfw my mom reminded me at least 5 times, but never got around to it

the one time where being a lazy fuck paid off

>> No.3134087

>The first game I bought with my own money was Pokemon Emerald
>One year later, Christmas time
>Our church has a giving tree
>My mother read one of the paper ornaments to me
>"Young boy wants pokemon emerald videogame"
>"Hey anon, don't you have that one? Maybe you could..."
>I gave her the dirtiest "fuck no, lady" look that I could

>> No.3134115

Those 2x2 binders will warp your discs to shit. I ruined a bunch of dvd's and PS2 demos with one.

>> No.3134202

>having to give up JFG
I'm so sorry

>> No.3134210

What? How? I've got like four of these and they're the only discs that AREN'T fucked to shit thanks to nieces/nephews/my own kid in his salad days.

>> No.3134237
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>''You need to contact Meryl, her codec frequency is on the back of the CD case.''

>> No.3134246

>those people who imagined it happened

>i've been trolled by people who weren't even born then

>> No.3134272

Not sure about actually throwing away the cases, but I did know a guy who kept his games in one of those instead, seemed pretty convenient to have nearby while playing.

>> No.3134316

What a fucking prole.
Tell me the great games you had.
Tell me how much fucking gamestop payed you for them.
Tell me how much the Madden cost.
Tell me how long it was before your brother discarded/ignored the Madden because its player roster was out of date.

Let me feel the hate.

>> No.3134345

most of the "rich kids" I knew did that
kids who only got like one game a month really knew how to treat them

>> No.3134363

Welp. This is probably the single best argument against pitching them there is.

>> No.3134370

>Ignoring all admissions and anecdotal stories already in this thread confirming that it happens.

>> No.3134819

It is convenient and I've found a few holders full of games. I guess technically the cases were thrown away, probably in the guy at the flea market dug them out of.

>> No.3135112


>> No.3135153

>one game a month
You mean a year, right?

>> No.3135182
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>> No.3135201

If you fuck this up enough times they just tell you what it is.

If you start from the lowest frequency you can brute force it in a half hour, though.

>> No.3136115

>Buy second hand PSP games from crackconverters
>Finger prints on the disc
Not the plastic THE ACTUAL DISC PART!

>> No.3136190

I can't believe there were parents really like this. I would have thrown a shit fit if my parents even tried to attempt anything in these posts.

>> No.3136194

This may call for a seperate rage thread. We haven't had one of those in many months.

>> No.3139109

I used a cd case for my ps1 games since I split my time between divorced parents and took my system with me. I didnt throw out the cases tho.

>> No.3139116


I did that and not a single regret ever. I do the same with boxes for carts too. I never saw the point in keeping them. I would keep a manual if it had a lot of information in it, but that's it.

I can understand why some people want to keep that stuff, but it never made sense to me.

>> No.3140169

I just have a modded PSOne and burned my games on blank discs and put them on those binder cases.

Now that I discovered my PS2 slim is still working and is also modded.
I burned my PSOne games and PS2 games on Inkjet discs and printed my custom labels on them. I also put them on new DVD cases I bought and made my own custom covers.

>> No.3140191

Skies of arcadia. The dc gundam game. Bunch of ps2 shit like that fireworks game. Mgs1 and 2. Brave fencer musashi. Ff tactics. Saga frontier. Crazy taxi 1 and 2. The dc fatal fury mark if the wolf game. The madden cost like 50 bucks and we got maybe 30 from all that shit and probably more i am forgetting about. He discarded the madden next year when the next one came out. He also used to make me give him shit i owned to give to his gf for her birthday. It's ok though, she blatantly cheated on him constantly.

>> No.3140310

lots of people did, idiot.
its why there aren't much NES, SNES or N64 boxes because they are cardboard and would get wet or busted up.

the only places i got those boxes from were rental stores that had them in at the worst bad condition.

jewel cases are anther sto ry

>> No.3143607

Holy shit this motherfucker even drew on the discs
and fucking kek to him saying he was listening to his mixtape during this recording that shit was classic!

>> No.3143624

Oh man anon I am sorry I would have killed someone if they made me sell
Saga Frontier, Final Fantasy Tactics and Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves for a fucking Madden game.