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File: 319 KB, 659x976, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3129903 No.3129903 [Reply] [Original]

Would you have fucked Cloud in drag?

>> No.3129907

nah bro, lightning is built like a sheet of plywood

>> No.3129931
File: 224 KB, 354x572, Miss_Cloud_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No homo butt he is a pretty cute girl.

>> No.3129938


>> No.3129939
File: 3 KB, 68x102, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently if he was wearing a silky dress, blonde wig, sexy cologne, diamond tiara, makeup, and some bikini briefs I would at least try.

>> No.3129940

Quality /vr/ thread

>> No.3129943

Drag isn't necessary, but yes.

>> No.3129948
File: 118 KB, 500x375, lfUOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks they removed the child pantsu and the rest of Honey Bee Inn.

>> No.3129962
File: 18 KB, 174x225, tumblr_o2uf8wtxed1v4r5kdo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you have let Barret fuck you in his cute sailor costume?

>> No.3129965

That's hella gay, yo.

>> No.3129967

I don't think it would fit me.

>> No.3129979
File: 97 KB, 600x450, wake-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3129982


>> No.3129990
File: 78 KB, 600x450, feels-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3129992
File: 236 KB, 481x349, barretdate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3129997

A shame this shit'll never make it into the remake.

>> No.3130008

I'm not a homo, so no.

>> No.3130048

Looking at OP's pic, I think having made Cloud a he was a mistake

>> No.3130056

Motomu Toriyama agrees.

>> No.3130347

No it's a great thing this tripe doesn't make it in the remake.

>> No.3130356

>I'm one of the people Square thinks they're supposed to be making the game for

>> No.3130365

Yeah now shut the fuck up bitch.

>> No.3130372

Context of this picture please

>> No.3130373
File: 29 KB, 600x336, 1434698785137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely, at full force, in his vagina, balls, and ass

>> No.3130374
File: 425 KB, 700x1175, 1435156461793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he was a girl then it wouldn't be cute when he gets with Squall

>> No.3130407
File: 34 KB, 141x160, Tifa's_Orthopedic_Underwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tifa's Orthopedic Underwear from the FF7 International bonus disc.

>> No.3130412
File: 188 KB, 314x419, ff7___barret_x_cloud_marshmallow_bear_plush_by_cloud_kitsune-d5zj7tz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even a little?

>> No.3130413

Cloud finds pantsu and he says they're childish. They're not Tifa's, they're Marlene's.

>> No.3130415

Yes. With lube though as I fear his boipucci may be super tight.

>> No.3130419

Well the "mystery panties" are just a key item and dont have an image. They could be Tifa's or Marlene's.

>> No.3130436

boy pussy
quit saying 'pucci' it doesn't even sound like 'pussy'

>> No.3130438

I thought cloud finds the pantsu in his memories from when he was visiting nibleheim. Theyd have to be tifas you knobslob

>> No.3130441

I'd DESTROY that. Unf. Cute guys in drag is like my main fetish.

>> No.3130515

Gonna agree with this, I always hear it the same way you say Gucci.

>> No.3130637

Lightning wishes she had curves like Cloud.

>> No.3130973
File: 59 KB, 222x414, tumblr_n082z0joa61r1f1jeo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3130998


>> No.3131154

Is that some doujinshi?

>> No.3131368 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 454x900, 5acb0c0e10c0cbcf9cebd9925547b283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only character that's interesting at all to me is Yuffie, fondle and suck on them itty bitty titties and I'd savagely tap that jailbait ass.

>> No.3132065

How is that orthopedic? I always assumed it was a bra joke die to her huge tuts.

>> No.3132069

Anon I don't think that's a girl.

>> No.3132150
File: 3.09 MB, 500x400, 1447977042509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.

Cept i'm a tifa man.

>> No.3132168
File: 25 KB, 350x434, TommyDreamer_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll take 'em both, I'm hardcore.

>> No.3132171

This never ceases to be mesmerizing.

>> No.3134509

Why is the polygonal concept art so cute and yet it doesn't really translate well in the game

>> No.3134546

it's called

>> No.3134550

also variant with boi instead of boy is often used

>> No.3134553

i'd rather f him without drag. i'm not into feminine, that is unattractive and gay. men who like women are gay because they into feminine. only real men like men. faggots like woman and trans.

>> No.3135740
File: 78 KB, 625x626, You're gonna see this bait every day till you like it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty bait, mate

>> No.3135776


>> No.3135930


Why am I in drag?

>> No.3135934

Multiple fucking times this has made it almost to the last page, and some fucking moron bumps it again.

>> No.3135960

>Retro. >Less than 20 years old

>> No.3136004

that's some serious internalized homophobia mate, I bet you're secretly gay you p*ssy

>> No.3136685

Bump =)

>> No.3136693


That was actually one of the first things they confirmed would be left intact in the remake.

>> No.3136892

Don't get so mad that you got a hard dick right now ITT.

>> No.3137021

Mukki raping Clouds ass in glorious 720p HD grafx.

>> No.3137190

I'd dress in drag just to fuck him.

>> No.3138008
File: 2.23 MB, 1915x1076, shot0194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean 900-1080p?


>> No.3138120

I'm not surprised either. Modern anime is still doing stuff like this a lot, and the audience loves it. It would be boneheaded if they didn't.

>> No.3138131

it's not a nintendo game so...
no censorship in the puritan's land

>> No.3138203 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 597x441, 1460186025517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teenage boys secret boner

>> No.3138207

Hurr Nintendo are censors meme.

>> No.3138249

Dumb question

of course I would

>> No.3138318 [DELETED] 

it's not a meme. educate yourself, cis scum

>> No.3138324

Phew boy, glad this quality thread with excellent discussion keeps getting bumped. I hope it stays up for a month.

>> No.3138385

>all the homophobia of 40 year old virgéns

>> No.3138386

I'm gay as fuck and the stuff I would do to Cloud or a boy that looked even remotely like Cloud is obscene.

But that's got nothing to do with this shitty fucking thread.

>> No.3138390


>> No.3138402

Why are you still here, nigger. Do you want me to teach you how to use the hide function? FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT

>> No.3138404


Go back to fucking /v/, jesus.

>> No.3138413


>> No.3138437

You're the one posting in a thread about fucking a guy in a dress.

>> No.3138453

>implying it's a bad thing
top kek

>> No.3138458
File: 148 KB, 1205x711, HOMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who just can't stop replying to a thread you supposedly don't like.

>> No.3138467

>what does photoshop proof?

>> No.3138472

>all these guys bullying some gay kid because they want his attention itt

>> No.3138485
File: 1.96 MB, 1915x1076, shot0240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138492

>nao sum um robo
now some, um, robo?

what kind of gay language is that lmao

>> No.3138494

Fuck you too, stop it.

>> No.3138524

it's portu-queso, but he's probably from brazil - they're all gay there

>> No.3138594

what are you implying im some kind of faggot? of course i would, fuck you

>> No.3138609

That's right, I'm not. I'm just a guy who happens to like guys, and girls, but especially guys who look like girls.

>> No.3138695

Instantly... Or id let him fuck me.

>> No.3138710

This board is fucking terrible.

Just kill it already

>> No.3138724

But if it was about Tifa it would be ok right?

>> No.3138749

probably. sjw-tier hypocrisy

>> No.3139732

Why can't you enjoy a casual conversation about a videogame topic you faggot?

>> No.3141486
File: 2 KB, 64x80, FFRK_Gilgamesh_FFV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just a guy who happens to like guys, and girls, but especially guys who look like girls.
For Gilgamesh, it's morphing time?

>> No.3142948


Depends on how soft his balls were and knowing how much they slammed Tifa's perineum they were quite calloused.

>> No.3143463

I like big hairy balls.

>> No.3144956

I like jailbait titties.

>> No.3145060

i like big white uncut d's.

>> No.3145135
File: 134 KB, 912x1181, lightning_louis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do worse.

>> No.3145384 [DELETED] 

Man I could sure go for a Toblerone right now.

>> No.3148213

No, it's mine!

>> No.3148232


>> No.3148346

I remember finding those in the EU PC version.

>> No.3148347

Does he know the pose is stiff as fuck and looks really off?

>> No.3148667 [DELETED] 

Hurts my hands

>> No.3148696 [DELETED] 

I want Barret to fuck Cloud in his sissy white boypussy

>> No.3150938

tifa please

>> No.3152126
File: 765 KB, 750x1000, 1449685175577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutetly. we could rub our femme peens together til we came

>> No.3152132
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1430284617740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ships are vincent x cloud and cid x cloud and tifa x aeris but that's a good ship too cheers

>> No.3152143

Orthopedic underwear implies a bra for women with large breasts and back problems, anon. There's nothing orthopedic about panties.

>> No.3152147


>> No.3152154

>Orthopedic underwear implies a bra for women with large breasts and back problems, anon. There's nothing orthopedic about panties.

it was probably just a really poor translation of something like support underwear. they're a really common item to help keep things more in place and prevent fat from creasing

>> No.3154509

it was for her 13-incher

>> No.3156005

Hold it with the fagshenanigans.

>> No.3156025

I want to smell Cloud's cream.

>> No.3156029

>implying it would matter whether he's in drag or not

>> No.3158746

why not?

>> No.3158770

which thread exactly did you think you clicked on, friend

>> No.3158847

Manly homosex is one thing, faggot futa shit is another.

>> No.3158887


>> No.3160583

probably salty

>> No.3162892

Why not both?

>> No.3162904

There's nothing gay about feeling pretty.

>> No.3162905


>> No.3163005

What does Yuffie's nipples taste like?

Are you ok, anon?

>> No.3163024

My last post in this thread before that one was nearly two weeks ago you paranoid nut.

>> No.3164465

Were they going for an obvious joke or is there some context I'm missing?

>> No.3165483

stolen strawberries

>> No.3167102

and her cunny?

>> No.3167113

Pilfered pomegranates

>> No.3168301

The character is a gay priest

>> No.3170508 [DELETED] 


>> No.3170568
File: 146 KB, 620x896, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buff cross-dressing trap cloud > effeminate emo redesign in advent/crisis.

>> No.3171803

You're getting androgynous emo for your VIIR and you'll love it

>> No.3173089

That's the worst. I'm fine with boypussy but bussy can fuck right off.

>> No.3174089
File: 51 KB, 400x556, crossdressing-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap cloud is hot desu

>> No.3174397


Yes, would stick it right in between his emo Asian buttcheeks.

>> No.3175113
File: 85 KB, 951x1200, 1429789695753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big is the Don's dong? Could he satisfy Miss Cloud?

>> No.3175120

Holy fuck! This epin thread is still around! Phew! It was made all the way back on the 10th! It's reached the last page almost multiple times!

Thank god this is here, but 6th gen ISN'T RETRO and SNES vs Genesis threads reign supreme!

>> No.3175224

I'll fucking curb stomp you if you make such a moronic post again you pinko.

>> No.3175316

That's right, Jay!

>> No.3175989

Get raped.
I'm going to bump this to spite your faggot ass.

>> No.3176152

I don't see why you guys are making such a big deal over this thread.

Learn to relax. /vr/ isn't /v/.

>> No.3176215
File: 185 KB, 700x495, w3GPlQh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap Cloud is best Cloud

>> No.3176230

I don't see why, the dress would get in the way.

>> No.3176264
File: 155 KB, 455x396, 1458727624611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know anon, it's totally fine to pop a boner when looking at another guy. We're in a new era where you won't get laughed at for it.

>> No.3177814

make a slit in it

>> No.3178260

That still won't make him a woman

>> No.3178291
File: 1.20 MB, 809x1250, 1444587321201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like Aeris but holy shit dat ass

>> No.3178304
File: 129 KB, 906x860, Aeris asstits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.3178365

why does that bitch have a mushroom levitating above her shoulder

>> No.3180440

she's psychic

>> No.3182273

I'm not seeing the problem.

>> No.3182941

I need to know how many inches she can take.

>> No.3185478
File: 81 KB, 500x382, tumblr_mx22dpco0n1r87fuao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3186073

I mean, I just saved the OP pic into my fapfolder, so I'd say yeah.

>> No.3187112

He somehow looks a lot cuter in Aerith's clothes instead of that ugly dress and wig of his.

>> No.3187874

it shows his assets better

>> No.3187972

Dont. Just dont. Leave the past in the past and move the fuck on

>> No.3188620

Let's bump it again!

>> No.3188851

>Squall x Cloud with cloud in drag
My fetish

>> No.3188856

Tifa deserves better then that pink STD ridden slut.

>> No.3188994

I like the way you think.