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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3121040 No.3121040 [Reply] [Original]

3 games from your collection pic thread? Match one to the previous poster.

>> No.3121047
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>> No.3121050

OK everybody lets post our copies of Battletoads until somebody with 3 relatively obscure games kills the thread

>> No.3121062

Matching to system would make it far easier to take part in this thread, especially in the case where the games become much less common.

I'm also not sure I want to see Battletoads in every image.

Back to lurking with the rest of potential posters I go.

>> No.3121073

Not OP, but doesn't obscure games just make the thread more challenging and fun for collectors?

>> No.3121091
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Here anon, even did a nes/n64/ps1 games like you.

>> No.3121103


Or doing like an EASY, NORMAL, and HARD option to match

>> No.3121106

... the fuck is even that NES ga-oh it's Willow.

>> No.3121112
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I'll continue from both of you just to give this thread proper continuity.

>> No.3121114


You didn't match a game to the previous poster. Try again.

>> No.3121128
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Don't even kno what the nes game on left is but it looks cool. Willow owners unite lol... Tbh I only picked it up because I love the movie... Tried playing and couldn't get into it

>> No.3121131

It's The Magic of Scheherazade. Arabian Nights action-adventure/RPG.

>> No.3121139

Hey OP i have all 3 of those too good taste.

>> No.3121152

Both have mischief makers though.

>> No.3121156

Really? Willow is a high quality game from capcom, thought it was really good.

>> No.3121157

>Both have mischief makers though.
No they don't.

>> No.3121163

don't think I gave it enough time only played a little bit after I left the first village. Gonna have to try it again some day. Currently trying to work on my backlog of ps1 jrpgs though.

>> No.3121169

What is like being blind?

>> No.3121175

>Contra: Hard Corps
I don't think any of those are Mischief Makers, anon.

>> No.3121492
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I never did finish the last part of Lunar 2.

>> No.3121494

System seems a little too broad, but last thread there were some calls to go with four games instead of three.

>> No.3121512
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I vote 4 games, here's some easy ones to get it rolling.
Nintendo, Sony C-C-COMBO

>> No.3121514

And now it becomes a dick measuring contest on which weeb can produce the most obscure JRPG

>> No.3121536
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>> No.3121538

welcome to the internet

>> No.3121650
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>> No.3121658
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I love 1080

>> No.3121704
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>> No.3121708

Another Tail Concerto fan.
That game isn't even popular with the obscure collectors it seems.

>> No.3121731
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bonus: sealed quake 64

>> No.3121763
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I'm coming in with the DX version of Link's Awakening fuck the police

>> No.3121901
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Bomba mon

>> No.3121909

Isn't the Tengen Tetris super fucking rare?

>> No.3121912

You suck.

>> No.3121913

Is it... good?

>> No.3121914
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Boogerman! One of my favorites from snes and Genesis. My parents hated it lol.

>> No.3121926

The oldest games I own are PS1 but I've played other games on emulations/collection releases

Do I belong here? I enjoy the conversations here compared to /v/

>> No.3121929

Sure just don't question the rules like a faggot.

>> No.3121932
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The rules make perfect sense to me

See ya on the flipside brother

>> No.3121950

Yep, fun little game and great if you like immature fart and burp jokes. Interesting and unique setting as well.

>> No.3122002


I fuckin' love Willow m8

>> No.3122005
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I haven't actually beat Dragoon yet. My girlfriend and roommate both beat my copy though.

>> No.3122048

Haven't started it yet desu it's pretty far back on my backlog

>> No.3122050
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>> No.3122061
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SaGa/FFL is so good.

>> No.3122071

Wikipedia says there were about 100,000 copies that were sold.

>> No.3122076

Good ol' NA boxart

>> No.3122079



>> No.3122080

What does this mean?

>> No.3122081

to be honest

>> No.3122084
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Valis seems to have gotten the shit end of the stick.

>> No.3122094


Have the Renovation games raised their price/became more scarce after the Game Sack special?

>> No.3122097

Pretty fun platformer actually

>> No.3122183


Couldn't tell you. I don't know when the Gamesack Special was, but I bought my copy a little over a year ago for around $14, I think.

>> No.3122193

sheeit, I don't have any of those. Is that chrono trigger the PAL or Japanese version?

>> No.3122196


japanese, CT wasn't released on PAL

>> No.3122197

Do ppl that buy Japanese RPG's have to learn Jap to play or do they just guess what's happening from guides?

>> No.3122203

Depends on the person.
Some of them know japanese, or have already played the game in their language before so they know what to do.
Or maybe they just buy it to look at the box on the shelf.

>> No.3122218
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Nothing super uncommon, but definitely some of my faves.

>> No.3122254

>No PC/Computer games.

The fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.3122284

Dude come on ! Match at least 1 game to previous poster.

We're getting there man have sum patience. I personally don't own any old pc games anymore sadly. Used to have some old blizzard and stuff. My parents must of got rid of them.

>> No.3122291
File: 141 KB, 713x638, battletoads_(cd32)_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Battletoads came out on Amiga CD32. While it's a console, it's basically an Amiga 1200, you can use it as a computer if you get a mouse, a keyboard and a floppy drive for it.

Now stop being a whiny tripfag.

>> No.3122297

Big box games are great.
True. Best Battletoads is the original arcade version.

>> No.3122325


Oh crap. I was trying to match >>3121731

Did not see the other posts.

>> No.3122429

These threads always turn into such a disaster with people who don't understand the rules and/or post nothing but rare stuff just to show off.

>> No.3122460
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I bought BFD in 2010 for $30 before the collecting craze started. I only wanted it because I was feeling nostalgic for the 64 after finishing high school and it was one of the only Rareware games I never played. I was shocked when Bad Fur Day suddenly went up in price a year or two later. I don't care that it's worth a lot since I don't plan on ever selling it anyway.

>> No.3122696

That's all part of the fun.

>> No.3122726

>tfw stopped collecting after I got my everdrives
lurking and waiting for super common games to show off

>> No.3123780

Same. Everyone just posts rare and expensive shit and it kills these threads. But i guess they have to brag right? That's what they bought the games intending to do. Sorry, I dont have 200+ dollars to drop on a signle game. I mean i could if i wanted, but i'm not a fucking idiot haha

>> No.3123796

Some of us aren't underage or bandwagon collectors.

>> No.3123849


>before the collecting craze started

>> No.3123896
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Forgive my shitty pic quality.

>> No.3123920
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>> No.3123959
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Rayearth was the very first Saturn game I got.

>> No.3123968
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Gotta love SOA.

>> No.3124007


>wah wah people have games that I don't

There's always that one faggot who tries to ruin something good and unfortunately that's you.

>> No.3124456

Not him, but he has a point. The people who post pictures of nothing but rare games stop these threads in their tracks. People who are illiterate and can't follow directions are another fucking problem.

Posting a rare game is fine, but at least post something else that people are likely to have.

>> No.3124517
File: 2.67 MB, 2542x1890, 2016-04-08 14.33.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3124535

Holy shit Metal Warriors ! One of my favorite snes games. I remember my parents bought it for me because i rented it so many times at blockbuster. Years later my mom sold it at a sale for 10 bucks with all my other snes stuff :(. Now its worth like 300 loose.