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File: 28 KB, 465x420, Chris_Houlihan_Secret_Room.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3120893 No.3120893 [Reply] [Original]

The game is 25 years old and I just today learn about the secret room.

>> No.3120965

Thats okay,I just learned lucca rescues you if you hang out in the jail in CT for over a minute

>> No.3121012

Right, but that's the same with any game if no one's played it before. It doesn't matter when you learned about a secret, it matters when the general public learned about it. That room has been known of at least a decade and a half - so it was at most eight years hidden. So the game being 25 and you just finding out isn't really anything special.

If you look at say, the Shadowrun debug room however, that was publically discovered in 2013. Twenty years after the game was released.

>> No.3121017

Actually it's not even fair to say discovered since the Devs mentioned it themselves since it went undiscovered for so long.

>> No.3124120

Chris asked you to do ONE thing...

The rest of us kept it a secret. Way to go OP!

>> No.3124241

I actually found this room when I was a kid in the 90s but I never told anyone

>> No.3124463

Does Chris even know about it?

>> No.3124646

He does if he ever Googled his own name.

>> No.3124720

Seriously? Damn. I never knew that.

>> No.3124724

He might get Chris-chan instead.

>> No.3124729


>> No.3124736

Isn't he that guy who won some kind of Nintendo Power contest?

>> No.3124741

The room's been known since the game came out.

>> No.3124768

That's the cover story. Chris Houlihan was pre-selected to win because he was dying and his wish was to be referenced in a video game.

The cleaning staff who cleaned his room after he died found that he had written "This is my Top Secret Room!" in Sharpie on the bathroom wall with a triforce underneath.

He died several weeks before the game was released.

>> No.3124772

That's a pretty sad story. Glad he still got his wish became true. Props to him.

>> No.3124782

I was lying.

>> No.3124786

Can confirm, my dad is Chris Houlihan.

>> No.3126401

Please stop.

>> No.3126403

That whole "last wish" thing is bullshit. The part about him having participated in that Nintendo Power thing is true but sources don't seem to give a clear conclusion whether Nintendo of Japan and NoA disagreed about giving his name to that room.

>> No.3126674

I find that kinda funny since I found it on my first play through as a tyke, didn't know about the contest, didn't know who this guy was, and all that was in here was some petty rupees. Not even a heartpiece. I had no reason to give a fuck and everyone else seems to crap their pants over this now that I'm an adult. It really wasn't that we'll hidden. The Cape is better hidden than this place.

>> No.3126732

I nominate you for best anon post of the week

>> No.3126740


You're lying. There's no legitimate way to get there. You can only access the room through creating a very precise series of complicated glitches.

>> No.3126746

has anyone actually looked to see why starting at Sanctaury and running to the castle triggered the room?

Seems more like special programming then a bug, even though I understand that the room was a catch-all for bugs.

>> No.3126747

the room was known about in the 90s, chris houlihan secret room and Nike zelda cheat. it's mentioned in super play alot. 94 it was known, if not before

>> No.3126756

When you bounce off a wall by the pegasus boosts or get knocked back by a bomb the game loses track of your xy position momentarily. The entrances in the overworld warp you according to your position, so the game doesn't know where to send you and bugs out.

>> No.3126762

The bug occurs when the game detects an error in Link's Y coordinate. It is known to happen 2 different ways:

By using a Bomb to knock Link into the lowest few pixels of the screen. Link can also use the Pegasus Boots to knockback himself backwards. Next, using the Pegasus Boots facing downwards into a screen transition, finding a hole, and dropping into it.
Going into certain rooms (like the Sanctuary or the cave northeast of the Lost Woods) and dashing out of it. As Link leaves the room, the camera shifts down slightly. Then, Link must find a hole and stand next to it, setting a Bomb down and allowing the blast to knock him into the hole.

>> No.3126765

There's no legit way to get in there, but it's still possible to run into it in normal play, so he probably did see it as a kid. It's just very, very rare.

>> No.3126794

I think it's weird that he shrugged off that a normal entrance randomly brought him somewhere unexpected.

>> No.3127725


>> No.3127741
File: 10 KB, 325x203, Adventure_Easteregg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best egg is first egg

>> No.3127746


>> No.3127787

Reddit being awesome and 4chan being shit like always.

>> No.3127793

wouldn't call that an easter egg myself but that's reddit for you

>> No.3127821

When I first played alttp I accidentally got into that room through the hole I marked in the picture. It confused the hell out of me because I had gone down that hole before before and I never got into the Chris room again.

Just wanted to tell you guys that it does happen. Especially if you're a kid who takes forever to finish a game because he barely knows english and bruteforces his way through it.

>> No.3127824
File: 119 KB, 976x386, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.3127921

Yeah, any hole can bring you to the room if the right glitch occurs.

>> No.3128001

>Newsgroup: rec.games.video
>Subject: Secret messages in Zelda III !!!????
>Date: 15 Jul 92
> I thought that this was pretty lucky to come across this just as
>the thread of secret messages in games was winding down, buy last night
>when I was playing Zelda III for the third time I came across a secret
>message (at least one that I had never seen before).
> If someone has posted this before, ignore this, but if not, read on.
>I was playing this time to get all of the stuff that was possible and I
>got all 20 hearts and all of the items and then I went to fight Ganon.
>After he turned into a bat and broke through the dark castle, I jumped
>in after him (like I did a thousand times before) and instead of landing
>in the room with Ganon, I landed in a room with about 40 or 50 blue rupees
>in it. I got all the rupees and then noticed a "telepathy tile" on the
>wall. I touched it and it said something very close to (I didn't write it
>down until afterwards):
> "My name is Chris Houlihan (sp?) and this is my secret room. Let's
>keep it between us, O.K.?"
>Then when I left the room through the door I walked out the door to my
>house in the Light world (where you start the game). I then went back into
>the dark world and went back into the dark castle and everything was
>normal that time.
>After finishing the game, I checked the credits and there was nobody with
>a name even close to Houlihan (in fact the only American type name was
>Owsen or something like that).
>So, has anyone else seen this? The only thing that I did different was
>get all 20 hearts before attempting to fight Ganon. I also only had
>5 games (what you see after defeating Ganon) total, but whether or not
>that has anything to do with it, I don't know.
>Additionally, does anyone know WHO this Chris Houlihan person is?
>Well, thanks for listening,
>Jonathan Dawson


>> No.3128046


So yeah, the NA version had been out for three months when the internet first stumbled into Chris's room (that we know of.) Considering how few people were online then, many players probably got in well before that.

>> No.3129378

What? I thought the room was there intentionally to be discovered. Are you saying they accidentally made a whole secret room with some random guy's name in it?

>> No.3129385

There are multiple ways to get there, the room is an exception handler for a bug they couldn't fix.

>> No.3129412

So if it spazzes out during the room transition sequence it just defaults to that room? Was Chris Houlihan still a competition winner? Seems like a strange prize in light of this.

Does it only happen going from outside to inside, or can it happen with any room change?

>> No.3129427

I think it's only in the overworld map, not sure.

>> No.3130112

>Seems like a strange prize in light of this.

It is a very strange prize.

>> No.3130208


>When I was part of the NOA User Mod team at Nsider, NOA Mike (one of those three NOA staff guys in NP back in the 1990s - Amy, Travis, Mike) let me know that the QA team accidentally "debugged" the Chris Houlihan room. It was originally meant to be accessed easily through some means, but unfortunately the only way to get to it is to confuse the game's coordinate system to force you into the room.


>> No.3130687

What the actual fuck? I did some looking around online and I'm finding stuff that supports you're saying, but I did a playthrough of lttp only a year or so ago on an old SNES with an original cart I've had for years. I ran through the room and my wife asked me how the hell I got to it and I didn't bat an eye and just exited, showed her where I was on the map, then went back in. Zero problems, no special "get to the bottom few pixels" bullshit with boots or bombs.

>> No.3131093

Just posting to say that I found it in that same place as a kid. Was never able to get to it again though.

>> No.3131164


I did a rerun a couple of years from now, and IIRC I was in a dungeon and then I fell in a hole and got into Chris' room.

>> No.3131176

"There is a big boxer called Bald Bull in the NES version as well and a light flashes to the right in the audience when he charges. If you punch when it flashes you will land a body blow. No one has known about that for about 22 years." -from an Iwata Asks

>> No.3133132

me too. except in my case, I told this black kid in my karate class who refused to believe me. I didnt know what exactly I did or how to reproduce it or if all there was inside was just some rupees

>> No.3133185

The fact that they identify as a redditor of all things is fucking hilarious