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3113136 No.3113136 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth to 1cc games?

>> No.3113141

only if you use save states.

>> No.3113142

only if you like the game and it gives you a sense of accomplishment

>> No.3113154

Yes. Most of the time the game's difficulty is tuned around the idea of getting the 1cc. Also often makes you actually care about scoring since you need those extends. Not sure why other anons are shitposting in this thread, OP.

>> No.3113174

I only 1cced one arcade game

It was mildly anticlimactic

But I would recommend everyone to try it with a game they really like

I don't think this guy is shitposting: >>3113142

That seems like a fair point to me

>> No.3113184

1cc of 40mg/ml amphetamine solution sure as shit makes 1cc gaming easier, I know that much for certain.

>> No.3113208
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I don't know, I've been trying to 1cc this for the last two months. I think my abilities have plateaued.

>> No.3113238

Yes if you like a game enough to actually care about mastering it. I 1cc'ed some light gun games myself because those are the kind of arcades I usually enjoy the most and also piss easy to master.

>> No.3113261


>> No.3113265

My brother and I 1ccd jurassic park 3 in the arcade. We were going so hard one of us would focus on the weak point of the bosses and the other would take out any incoming danger. It was our first attempt at that game too we were just so on point and focused nothing could stop us it was pretty satisfying desu.

>> No.3113271

I think the correct term is 2cc since you both used a credit.

>> No.3113286

im going to buy some speed powder on the dark web. I love gaming on amphetamines

>> No.3113505

Of course. An autist locked in the basement has nothing better to do with their time.

>> No.3113536

Adderall will put you in the zone better. It's what all the pros use. Do it you'll be cool. Don't tell or you'll get in trouble too. First hit's free.

>> No.3113550

>Most of the time the game's difficulty is tuned around the idea of getting the 1cc
Most of the time the game's difficulty is tuned around the idea of getting you to put in more quarters. 1CCing is only an accomplishment, and not everyone cares about it.

>> No.3113553

retard pills are expensive though and I dont have a hookup anymore. My friend and I used to do a bunch and then get high and play outrun at the arcade in the sitdown cab it was the best shit ever.

>> No.3114223

eh, depends. if it's easy shit like golden axe then 1cc no matter what.

if it's something harder, i would allow 2-3 credits. absolutely nothing more than 4 though.

u have to keep in mind tat console games give tons of 1ups and shit, so u end up with the equivalent of like 6+ credits worth of lives

>> No.3114430

Ive done it as a kid on a few games.But you really must love the game in order to do it.
Cadillac and Dinosaurs
Aero Fighters
Aero Fighters 2

>> No.3114447

If the game gives you something extra for not using continues (like true endings and true final stages) then yes.

Otherwise, no.

>> No.3114449

>Is it worth to be a winner?

>> No.3114469

Totally. With save states, it's easy to 1cc all games and see any special bonus endings. There are a few games I don't even need save scumming to pull it off as well.

>> No.3114526

Depends on your reasons, OP.
I did it with a couple of games that I really enjoyed and managed to be good at, but my motivation was to record and upload to youtube.
I wouldn't do it with a game I'm not good at, though. It would be more of a chore than to challenge yourself for fun.

Just do it if it's a game you can have fun playing over and over, in case you happen to die midway through it.

>> No.3114558

Who cares, unless it's for bragging rights?

>> No.3115492

That's the same syringe I use for my cat.