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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 38 KB, 503x600, 203fa97da76264ff6368bc873f128c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3107561 No.3107561 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about this topic? Prototype games like Resident Evil 1.5 and Earthbound 64 are interesting as hell. All discussion about alpha/beta stages of games welcome too, an example would be the development stages of Zelda 64.

https://www.unseen64.net/ <<for anyone who hasn't a clue what I'm talking about or wants to research more.

>> No.3107589

Playing some Star Fox 2 and this thread pops up in the catalogue, nice.

>Earthbound 64
You'll like this OP http://earthboundcentral.com/2013/12/earthbound-64-texture-in-smash-bros-melee/

>> No.3107616
File: 32 KB, 343x270, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I'd love to see the two player co-op build of Biohazard leaked online. That or the build that includes the scrapped black guy and cyborg characters, if that idea ever made it to an actual playable build that is.

>> No.3107624
File: 116 KB, 640x240, n9makbG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quick reminder that the Biohazard 1.5 restoration project is still ongoing.

>> No.3107641

It's cool that fans are restoring the leaked builds, but I'm still holding out for the 80% review build to be leaked.

Someone out there has to have it.

Not retro, but I'd kill for the Biohazard 3.5 build also.

>> No.3107661
File: 96 KB, 320x224, ironcla1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironclad is a weird one. It's one of the few Neo Geo CD exclusives, but the unreleased MVS/AES version was eventually released on the Wii Virtual Console, which could then be used to put the game on a cartridge. It's a pretty decent shooter.

Another unreleased Neo Geo game that was found is Ghostlop, a Data East puzzle game. It seems to be pretty much finished.

>> No.3107662
File: 360 KB, 661x899, page74-661px-EGM_US_084.pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always fascinated with the stories behind Sonic X-treme. It always sounded like behind the scenes there was a civil war going on at Sega.

>> No.3107676
File: 57 KB, 541x379, vmE2hMk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the early sonic protos interest me especially sonic 1.

>> No.3107683

Max Payne had some interesting stuff going on in beta, like this big guy with a machine gun. Also cancelled Dreamcast version.


>> No.3107723
File: 208 KB, 810x874, TR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tomb Raider beta (or alpha?) looks intriguing.

>> No.3107785

D2 for the Panasonic M2 is interesting. Well to me at least, I'm a big fan of Kenji Eno.


>> No.3107813

Are all the Kirby minigames for the satellite view thing considered lost media?

>> No.3107832

A few of them have been dumped and released, but not all of them. They might show up later thanks to the 8M memory pak.

Also, thanks to some forward-thinking Japanese players the original broadcasts for the Satellaview Zelda game got recorded, so these can still be listened to. I'm not sure if any of the other games with audio streaming like BS Fire Emblem got a recording.

>> No.3107837

Ah, were they dumped within the last few years? I couldn't find any rom files when I looked, and I looked quite thoroughly.

>> No.3107860

I found 4 of them, look for "BS Kirby no Omochabako".

>> No.3108024
File: 28 KB, 395x218, FF64_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the 'Final Fantasy 64' CGI tech demo is still out there?

>> No.3108684

The mostly complete PS1 version of Lufia/Estapolis 3, it was originally suppose to be a PS1 game then late in development the developer went bankrupt, so taito pulled in all the assets they had and did a quick chop and burn to most all of it to get it quickly scaled down to a game boy color game and dished it out. There's a few screengrabs of the game from years ago that I believe came from some magazine, but they are hard to find nowadays.

It was rumoured to be around 80-85% complete before being changed. That game seemed like it would have been absolutely huge and one of those rpgs people would have looked back to fondly if it actually got it's original vision finished.

>> No.3108895

Friendly reminder that there are tons of prototypes somewhere out there, not released online because some retarded faggot is gonna lose his "precious" if someone else has it.

Reminder that those cartridges and especially those discs are slowly rotting away.


>> No.3109093

If it never left the hands of SE, it's probably gone for good. SE had a habit of throwing old stuff out during the 90s.

These people deserve jihad.

>> No.3109110


So buy the stuff off these guys

>> No.3109125

It's unfortunately not that easy. Look at all the drama that surrounded getting the Biohazard 1.5 copy for years. Even included multiple times at forums trying to crowdsource the money, IIRC. Eventually it was all done backroom, with only the 40% build getting into public hands.

>> No.3109137

Not long ago there was a set of this game's production material (or something like that) for sale. Not sure if someone bought it, I'd have to check. It didn't include a game, though.

>> No.3109583

These look like it was taken from this build:

I like the free camera and the level size, shame they couldn't do these things along with the animated braid without slowing the game down to a crawl.

>> No.3110134

For as heavy as RE is focused on co-op now days I'm surprised they haven't released a version of RE1 with co-op. Shit it'll probably be in REmake 2 now.

>> No.3110798

Never gonna happen. Capcom figures the series already 'went back to it's roots' by introducing co-op in 5. Thinking "well Bio 1 was originally going to be co-op, so why not!" Now they want to reboot it AGAIN. But I digress, not really retro.

>> No.3110824

It was a PC tech demo. It never had anything to do with N64

>> No.3110842

People just associate Graphics Onyx and Indy2 workstations with the N64. However, Squaresoft used those workstations in developing ps1 games and fmv cutscenes.

>> No.3110939

I wonder what the hell happened to Zelda 64 in 64DD, it seems that the game used to have a bigger scale there so it would be amazing to see how OoT was before the dev team decided to make it a regular N64 game, even on the N64 the game went through a lot of revisions so 64DD OoT must be like a completely different game.

Seeing a 15 minute footage would be enough, i don't think it could even run on an emulator considering all N64 emulators are pretty shit.

>> No.3110951

Why does everyone care about failures or prototypes?

Prototypes are basically inherently failures, or just attempts at proof of concepts working the way to the finished stage.

I remember people going apeshit over an undumped Duck Tales 2 on GB or some shit that was almost exactly the same game that got released. Honestly, who fucking cares.

And don't give me the whole
>muh preservation

Because if we have a completely finished released game, the prototypes are largely irrelevant.

>> No.3110967

I wouldn't call starfox 2 a failure

>> No.3110992
File: 145 KB, 596x459, lionkingproto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll explain why I like them, but at the end of the day you either find them interesting or you don't.

Again, some people like preserving games, be they released, unreleased, finished, or unfinished. You either like that or you don't.

I personally find protos to be intriguing. The cartridges or discs themselves were often rougher and more personal than commercial releases, labeled by hand or with a bland, printed out label. It can be fun to see a cartridge that was likely used (or assembled) by the developers themselves or by someone else within the company when either making or promoting the game. It can also be fun to see new content in a favorite game, and similarly it can be interesting to finally play a version of a game that was previously only seen by the general public by way of grainy photos in magazines. I for one would love to play that version of Rockman 4 with the Sphinx robot.

>> No.3111851

The best.

>> No.3111856

What's the story behind Biohazard 1.5?

>> No.3111859
File: 89 KB, 320x240, sadxproto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windy Valley beta from Sonic Adventure


>> No.3111886

>It always sounded like behind the scenes there was a civil war going on at Sega.
You'd be correct in that assumption.

SoJ and SoA fucked around much during that time that they only managed to give people samples of what could have been. Sonic R, Sonic World in Sonic Jam, and the 3D special stages in 3D Blast were huge dickteases to people anticipating a real entry in the series at that point.

>> No.3111892

This failed to find a publisher? What the fuck

>> No.3111905

Beta fucking suck, end of story

>> No.3112309
File: 67 KB, 640x483, vest_reference_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just google it, seriously, it's too long to type it.

I guess that's a tl;dr, but there's more to the story if you're really interested. Especially what was reused from 1.5 in 2 and other games in the series.

>> No.3114635
File: 50 KB, 351x667, parasite_eve_beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with some Parasite Eve.

>> No.3114812

The world was going to have multiple seasons controlled by the 64DD's clock. One of the things that would be affected by this is the Fishing Pond.

The Lost Woods was more similar to the Haunted Wasteland, a big open space where you can get lost, instead of a maze of separate rooms.

There was no child link, but there were 9 adult temples.

The cut temples were Wind, Ice, and Light and the puzzles in Ganon's Castle are still based around these themes. Part of the Ice Temple became the Ice Cavern. The fans from the Wind Temple were added to the Shadow Temple.

Ice and Water were separate, not a replacement for the other. Beating the Ice Temple would unfreeze Zora's Domain.

The Lens of Truth and the 3 spells were originally medallions.

The Spirit Temple would have had past, present, and future, but there was no time travel in the rest of the game yet.

Ura Zelda was supposed to have a dungeon editor and dungeon randomizer.

>> No.3115156

Robotech: Crystal Dreams.

The spirit crushing was strong when that game was cancelled.

>> No.3115235
File: 53 KB, 480x709, cc0f684d08265193e0c831974e92807c_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star Online Beta version was 100x better than the shitty finished version. It almost makes me want to cry.

>> No.3115251
File: 274 KB, 567x850, 3632-devil-may-cry-old-full.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devil May Cry on the PSP Cancelled
fake box-art

>> No.3115306

Turtle Rock, Hyrule Castle (think ALttP), and the Lost Woods as an actual level with a boss (Gohma) were also planned to be dungeons in Zelda 64.

About the Light Temple; 50% of that made it into the Water Temple and parts of Hyrule Castle got reused in the Forest Temple. Dunno about Turtle Rock, though I heard it was meant to be placed where the Fire Temple currently is.

>> No.3115354

>Turtle Rock
What was thought as "Turtle Rock" was nothing more than a very early Dodongo's Cavern, only with that giant skull head that was the entrance to the boss being a rock face entrance to the dungeon. It's possible that the original home for the beta DC could be where the Fire Temple is now though.

>Hyrule Castle (think ALttP)
Nah. What happened was that EAD was close to pulling an SM64 with the game (a la making what was actually Ganon's Tower a hub that lead to the various dungeons and shit) since they weren't sure if they were actually going to pull off Hyrule Field with the limited hardware of the N64.

>Lost Woods as an actual level with a boss (Gohma)
I don't think so. From what it seems it was planned from start to finish as what it is in the final (with the only exception being the overall design and the name change form "Maze Woods"). Those shots with Gohma seem to be from when the Deku Tree began to take form in both plot and dungeon design.

>> No.3115378

The DS version of RE1 had a similar online mode, but I think it was a competitive mode rather than cooperative. I remember you could play the whole stars Alpha team.

>> No.3115974
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 1452778982146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostalgia overload. I remember seeing these pre-render "in-game" screenshots on geocities Squaresoft fan sites and being so blow away with hype.

>> No.3116702
File: 2.45 MB, 1824x3264, IMAG0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WaveRace64 on videogame magazine in January 1996

>> No.3116703
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Kirby Air Ride on N64. Summer 1996.

>> No.3116705
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Conker Quest 64 on October 1996.

>> No.3118631

Why's that?

>> No.3118918
File: 792 KB, 1417x1417, 28c37sz.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what RE2 was originally going to be. It was shitcanned, because the devs were unhappy with it. But screenshots and promo videos of it survived on the Internet. Because the proto featured plenty of exciting material that didn't make it to the final game, certain factions of the fan base became obsessed with it and wanted to see a build getting released. Capcom naturally refused. Cue years of fanatical obsession, butthurt, fake rumors, backstabbing and lies.

Fast forward to summer of 2012. We learn trough leaked screenshots that a group calling themselves Team IGAS are in possession of a real, legit build. They paid 5 figures to obtain it and announce their plan to restore it to a playable state. They too refuse to release anything, but some nigger manages to steal one of their work-in-progress builds and tries to sell it.

Left with no other choice, IGAS finally releases the same build free for anyone to download, so no actual sales can occur. Soon after, an unmodified "vanilla" version of the proto gets leaked by somebody else, so finally, after 15 years of waiting and bullshit, the lost piece of Resident Evil history is finally out there.

In the meanwhile, the Team IGAS restoration version has switched to using a custom engine, because the original Capcom engine is just too broken to work. Because of this, some purist crazies feel that IGAS is somehow raping their children. Doesn't remove the fact that the project is looking fucking great, and will no doubt be an interesting experience.

>> No.3119085

The Dinosaur Gangster one for SNES, and the multi-mode generic Super Hero one for SNES.

>> No.3119102


Dinosaurs for Hire: Genesis (Looks like it actually got released)


Fireteam Rogue: SNES


>> No.3119313

>In the meanwhile, the Team IGAS restoration version has switched to using a custom engine, because the original Capcom engine is just too broken to work. Because of this, some purist crazies feel that IGAS is somehow raping their children. Doesn't remove the fact that the project is looking fucking great, and will no doubt be an interesting experience
These are the people putting in custom voice acting and stuff like 3rd person mode and a mercenaries like mini-game, right?

Gee, I wonder why Resident Evil fans of the prototype would feel a bit alienated by this.

>> No.3119324

>Soon after, an unmodified "vanilla" version of the proto gets leaked by somebody else

True hero right there.

>> No.3119881

Well what the fuck are you gonna do with the broken Capcom-build? It's unplayable. It's missing so much shit all you can do is jump from room to room with the debug menu and shoot zombies until you get bored. Puzzles don't work, much of the story isn't there, and trying to use some of the guns, or access some of the rooms crashes the fucking thing. There's no way to progress. Yeah, really the superior version there, pal. Not a very fulfilling experience.

IGAS are at least trying to provide a fully functioning game. Granted, not really the fully authentic Capcom's vision, but the point is that there never will be one. Capcom abandoned this one before completion, accept it. They will not finish it. IGAS are at least referencing original sources as much as they can, so what ever they put out won't be too far off.

>> No.3120010

You forgot your trip solidsnake11. Or are you trying out being "anonymous" this time to shill out for team igas. Are you going to spam the catalogue now with intterracial porn like you always do when someone talks shit about your beloved "team".

Fucking wanker.

>> No.3120043

He has a point though.

You're just shit flinging now. Unless of course you're secretly working for capcom and don't want people to know about your plans to release resident evil 2.5

>> No.3120086

>40% build
Are you implying there might be a more completed build, but some dumbass is hoarding it?

>> No.3120091

Master Quest??

>> No.3120570
File: 156 KB, 800x600, PSDX6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the theory. Supposedly there's one more build out there that is slightly more complete than the one IGAS got. They say it's at 80% completion, but I personally think it's bullshit. Too optimistic, more like 60% at most. Anyone who thinks that there's a (near) completed version of this out there is delusional.

>> No.3121079
File: 47 KB, 480x708, c0524ddd95738fb134a970cb0dab575e_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akinori Nishiyama and Atsushi Kanno had 8 years of hard effort and critical thinking into PSO before it's release on the DC. There's this very passionate biography of the massive ideas they've had for the game which was almost perfect at it's beta but because the DC was so limited on hardware at the time an enormous amount of cuts had to be made to the game } like the fact that in the beta you could literally explore the entire Pioneer 2 ship such as residential areas and converse with locals. Armors and barriers didn't only have to be rares to be visible, mags had more features and parts to them, more areas that where never put into the game, had race along with classes etc. Basically PSO2 if it could have all been done on the DC which btw Akinori Nishiyama even admits of creating the constructs of PSO2 in 1996 really pushing the gaming revolution aspect with just PSO. I personally thinks it's insanely work of art and masterpiece but ridiculously underrated game.

Phantasy Star Online along with a fuck tons more great retro games back then could have been so much better and revolutionary when they were being thought up but because technology in general was limited by time and finances (especially Sega's broke and) Great Gaming goals were not completely met.

>> No.3121680
File: 163 KB, 620x876, fc00116_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiken Densetsu: The Emergence of Excalibur. Square's ill-fated five disk spanning project for the FDS.


>> No.3122065

Whiny Devil Baby as my wife calls it.

What a shitty game series.

>> No.3122878

The same reason people find deleted scenes or outtakes from movies interesting. It can be cool looking at what could or should have been in the final product and just didn't make it for any number of reasons.

I'm more confused at how passionately uninterested you seem to be on the matter. There's no wrongdoing in any of this intrigue, it's okay to simply look the other way.

>> No.3123069

>a dungeon editor and dungeon randomizer.
weird they never got around exploring this again

>> No.3124151
File: 10 KB, 237x153, img_ff304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still sad about the cancelled Final Fantasy remakes for the wonderswan color...

>> No.3124165

Your wife is a whore.

>> No.3124739
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Is there anything known about command war?

>> No.3125190
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>> No.3127259

It's a sad world when whores get their opinions right.

>> No.3127621

Actually, your whore of a wife is wrong and has terrible taste. After all, she married you.

>> No.3127662

I remember this one actually had ads printed for it. I really wanted to play it.

>> No.3129467
File: 41 KB, 488x385, ACKTUALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3131635

Feel this video is apt for this thread. Sure we've seen it before, but for those who haven't


>> No.3132102

From the Small Soldiers game, this old Medal of Honor trailer showed gory footage before they removed it from the complete game..


>> No.3132152

eh? only the 3rd game got cancelled. 1, 2, and 4 all got released and although I've only played 1 it's a fantastic port.

>> No.3132195

I still want this game

>> No.3132330

Weren't those "screenshots" just nothing but mock-ups they did on the tier of the original version of FF4 for the NES? Since I do recall that the game never actually got off the planning stages of development; love that Haruhiko Mikimoto art though.

>> No.3133216

Whore got the fact right that DMC are bad beat'em ups with crap enemy design, and it only got worse due to the fascination its fans had for juggling said unoffensice enemies over and over with no repercussions. You got to give her credit.

>> No.3133441

Not retro and nobody cares about your wife unless you share some nudes.

>> No.3135498

No, your whore is just a talentless cunt, who is faulting the game for her own lack of gameplay skill. DMC encourages you to get good. There is no "press X to win" feature for a reason.

>> No.3135551

WOW, whats the deak with that!?

>> No.3135902

>like the fact that in the beta you could literally explore the entire Pioneer 2 ship such as residential areas and converse with locals
You're saying this actually made it into a beta version of the game? As much as I love the idea it sounds like something dropped at the drawing board to me. If they put all that work into successfully creating something that would have been such a significant part of the game, why would it get cut? You cut unfinished and uninplemented ideas, not working ones. I don't buy the 'hardware contstraints' explaination, it would have been tested on Dreamcast-like hardware or not at all.

>> No.3136594


We need vigilante vidya Indiana Jones to break into these people's houses at night and dump this stuff while screaming IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM at the top of his lungs

>> No.3136720

>the build that includes the scrapped black guy and cyborg characters

I'm positive they never made it past the design phase but I may be wrong. Playing as a cyborg would have been fuckin' rad!

>> No.3136880

Any old beat'em up did that just fine and with acutally dangerous enemies, that's hardly something special.

>> No.3136901

IIRC someone found the audio the cyborg used and his portrait in one of the leaked betas, that's it though :(

>> No.3137253

Thanks anon i've never seen that.

It's amazing how it went from a technically advanced SNES action/aventure game to a 3D zelda clone and then became an adventure game about a bear and a bird where you collect things.

Even if Banjo Kazooie didn't existed and they finished the original proyect it's very likely that Donkey kong 64 would have a lot of BK elements, even more than it already has.

>> No.3137650

Look closely at the trailer before it's release.


>> No.3137660

sexy hands doe

>> No.3137687

"1000 beats a day, 365 days a year!"

Good lord. I'd forgotten that people actually tried to make 'Internet time' a thing.

>> No.3139764
File: 57 KB, 1159x279, why god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely hope this man is bullshitting

>> No.3139796

How dense can you get?

>> No.3139802

Pretty dense, all things considered.

>> No.3139803


Video of an unfinished version of Rockman X3.

>> No.3140143

Wait what's the story behind this pic? What game?

>> No.3140152

That's a very stupid question. Did you not follow the conversation?

>> No.3142421
File: 114 KB, 1141x532, 2nbvy8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to try the "white city" prototype of Mega Man X

Also, not retro: any part of what was made of Mega Man Legends 3

>> No.3142440
File: 373 KB, 1319x911, np100-14-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The room with the Stalfos in this picture is still in the debug ROM.

>> No.3142451


Very cool picture!

>> No.3142456

Yeah, that level is kinda intriguing. It definitely appears to be an intro stage and would explain why the RT-55J robot is featured so prominently on the JP box art despite being nothing more than a strange, semi-hidden subboss in the final game.

That being said, given how only a few screenshots of it seem to exist and were I think recycled by different publications, that version could very well have never been distributed and was only used internally by Capcom for screenshot production (instead of mailed out to magazines or used at conventions/shops for playable preview).

As far as Rockman X prototypes go, I'm aware of 2: one that supposedly has some very minor differences from retail (now in the hands of a reddit user who supposedly framed the damn thing - consider this one not backed up and likely to be lost to the ages) and a sample version that sold some years back (I know nothing about this version except that it apparently exists - I never saw an image of it nor can I confirm that it even was a legit proto).

>> No.3142463

I wonder what the Hellraiser game would've been like.

>> No.3142506

>No Duke Nukem fiasco

>> No.3142534
File: 290 KB, 640x885, d39f28ce1a9fc45048c52763ab6004ec1353972441_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3142540
File: 313 KB, 640x883, f56e5d67fc21b37028d76e876afad0b41353972508_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy these RE 1.5 high res scans

>> No.3142552

You mean the thing with Interceptor? The whole "Hey guys! We have all these awesome preproduction builds of Duke 3D and we're going to release them for free to the community! Soonish! We just need to, like, clean them up and stuff... We promise! Just hold on a bit! A bit more! Soon,,, Oh, oops! Looks like as a result of legal action we no longer have the legal rights to Duke, so there's a 99% chance that those builds will never be publicly released."

I wonder if Hendricks or whoever all had some access to them will ever let them leak out. I doubt it, though, since there would likely be legal ramifications and only a very few people ever had access to them.

>> No.3143951
File: 43 KB, 334x480, zelda01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Quest was called Ura Zelda in Japan, but it doesn't match Nintendo's official description.

Ura was meant to make use of the 64DD's capabilities and expand on the existing game but there's nothing in Master Quest that does that. Master Quest is a separate game, not an expansion.

>> No.3143980

They are currently trying to release it.

Many GBC games were never released, weird time.

>> No.3143995

Looks like a really cool spin on the scrolling shooter genre.

>> No.3146074
File: 579 KB, 1458x980, np094-100-101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue dungeon was supposed to be a remake of the first dungeon in Zelda 1. That room with the blue and brown floor is also in the debug ROM.

Hyrule Castle Town was much larger and in full 3D.

>> No.3147823
File: 34 KB, 667x404, 1460913256550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know anything about this "project atlantis"

>> No.3147878


>> No.3147935

can you share plis?

>> No.3148370

Superman 64 for the PS1.
He's the same dude who bought the 40% completed Biohazard 1.5 and it got leaked from under him so he's really pissy and paranoid.

>> No.3148451

Quality post, m8. Thank you for contributing to the thread.

>> No.3148491

Is it weird I feel a weird sense of dread looking at Resi 1.5's surviving content

same with any horror game's unreleased beta from the PS1, theres always something unsettling about them

>> No.3148502

The screen? It is from an early version of the Lion King for SNES. At least one of the enemies is still a skeletal sketch.

Do those alpha builds of RE1 bother you? Or is it more the element of the unknown surrounding the unreleased content?

>> No.3148513

It's more they look much darker than what we got, in terms of atmosphere, and yeah the mystery surrounding what the whole game would even be like.

>> No.3148528
File: 586 KB, 850x1091, bf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really like to be able to fire up MAME to check out Bouncer someday, but that gets unlikelier and unlikelier as the years fly by.

>> No.3149868
File: 58 KB, 600x450, 1670703-toonstruck2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toonstruck 2.

More point and click action with Christopher Lloyd? Man I was so disappointed as a kid when this never came out, I must have played and replayed the original a dozen times.

>> No.3151105

Looks like a scrapped lobby to me. More than 4 players, just a single platform. I can't imagine any actual gameplay happened there.

>> No.3151112

The 64DD is full of weird, interesting beta shit that never happened. So many possibilities.

Hate to shill but Hard4Games has gameplay/review of every single released DD games along with exploring some of Ura Zelda. They recently got a development console so here's hoping they can actually get some games for that fucker and check it out. As far as I know, they're the only people out there who are doing anything about finding more about the DD in terms of Dev/Beta shit.

>> No.3152374

As someone who loved playing Soldier of Fortune, the gore would have made MoH x10 times better than it already was.

>> No.3153358
File: 419 KB, 1489x2348, Lara_Croft_Doodle_no_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they would've kept the option to have Lara wear her shades at all times, and the ability to target two separate enemies simultaneously with the dual guns.

>> No.3155826

If the model number starts with C instead of N, it means the game is compatible with 64DD.

Ocarina of Time is CZGE or CZLE. When Ocarina of Time was released, Nintendo was still planning to release the 64DD in the USA and Europe.

>> No.3155950

>Team IGAS restoration version has switched to using a custom engine
Why not make a new old-school Resident Evil game then?

>> No.3156343

I assume its because that would require actual considerable effort

>> No.3156368

Sega has really interesting beta stuff because of how much shit they were trying to develop in such a short time.

>> No.3156449

Damn, I remember seeing that first screenshot in a magazine.

>> No.3157694
File: 132 KB, 320x243, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Bouncer, this is one of the most frustrating stories in arcade history. It existed, there were a ton of prototype cabinets floating around, it was even in a fucking movie, then Entertainment Sciences burns to the fucking ground, taking every copy of the game with it. The people who play-tested it fucking loved it, I really think we missed out big time on this game, it looked like a fucking blast and really ahead of its time graphically. I'm really starting to think it's gone forever, and that's a goddamn tragedy.

>> No.3158081
File: 37 KB, 640x480, e35PeKd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the setting of the 1.5 proto is more interesting and exciting, and still mostly unexplored. That being said, if the custom engine's developer eventually agrees to let others use it, who knows what the community might be able to create?

Spoken like a true, salty cunt. IGAS needed to recreate nearly all assets from scratch, because the original one's were of too low quality to be recycled. In fact, many don't even exist in the first place, because Capcom never created them. How does that not require effort? It's been almost 4 years already.

>> No.3158108

Nobody cares of Team IGAGSONNIGGERDICK solidsnake11. Go away.

>> No.3158123

I have been following this one for a while, if this game ever makes an appearance it will be a day I wont forget. I cant help but imagine some old arcade board or even better some old complete cabinet sitting in some dusty, dark and forgotten warehouse or basement covered with a sheet. Just waiting to be discovered...

>> No.3158202 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 10932124_1548678302039340_2092694974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots hate me because I'm more alpha than you beta faggots will ever be.

>> No.3158369
File: 21 KB, 224x320, 1421718170115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happened before.

>> No.3158423

Can I download that somewhere?

>> No.3158843

With all that being said, early ff7 was pretty much the n64 tech demo. Hence the shit models

>> No.3159897

Super Mario World was originally going to be Super Mario Bros. 4 for the NES.

Super Mario 64 was originally meant to have 32 levels and playable Luigi. When they couldn't all fit on the cartridge, Miyamoto wanted to make Super Mario 64 2 for the 64DD.

>> No.3160326


I want to play RE0 N64 beta more than RE1.5 to be honest.

>> No.3160354

>bloodsucking zombies

>> No.3161282

This would've been such a cool game, rip


>> No.3163315
File: 13 KB, 240x170, WhoKnows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so-called Hall of Time.

>> No.3163325

Looks very fun. I would love to see this get dumped some day. We need a sequel to umihara.

>> No.3164530

I'm about to get my first oot gold cart, if I get a gameshark can I see the beta levels?

>> No.3164705

Well, those betas *could* be used as reference for actually making an "original maps" patch since most of the levels in those betas were filled to the brim with details and stuff that was eventually simplified to avoid tanking on the targeted 486 user base.

I would REALLY be into something like that, and since you're not providing the actual beta map data from 3DR it could be legally ok.

Too bad I myself am also a case of being beta as it gets so I'm on the fence about discussing it on IRC, much less their forum.

>> No.3164725

not really. there are no "beta levels". Its mostly just unused models and text that they left.

>> No.3164740

Doesn't really make any sense.

>> No.3167523
File: 15 KB, 240x170, VolcanoOrFireTemple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an alternate version of the Ice Cavern, the Ocarina Pedestal in front of Jabu-Jabu, an alternate Kakariko village, and some unused cutscenes, but no additional levels were found.

>> No.3167587
File: 249 KB, 408x315, Early_Peach&#039;s_Castle_SM64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you all want it..

>> No.3167606

This (or a similar version) did exist in a publicly playable form, apparently, so it is entirely possible that it will turn up some day. I think Nintendo is a bit more controlling of their prototypes than some other companies, but they do still turn up for public sale every once in a while.

>> No.3167635

I've seen plenty of videos from multiple sources that had their hands on a copy of the beta in multiple regions of the world. Plus they had a playable build in 1995 at a Japanese tech show, so I know the beta is out there somewhere.

Forgetting all of the dumb memes that have popped up recently about the game, it is truly my personal favorite game of all time and has been since I was a child and I would love to just be able to play the beta at least once.

>> No.3167639

I remember seeing this image in Nintendo Power when I was a kid. I assume the carpet in the castle was lava at the time...

>> No.3167669

[citation needed]

>> No.3167959

Cool, early Dodongo's Cavern main room.

>> No.3169813

Fuck i didn't wanted to get triggered today

>> No.3169893

I find early mario voice amusing

>> No.3169960

Man, I do not understand the thought process of these guys.
Who really gives a fuck if a copy gets spread around the internet? You still have THE ORIGINAL.
Fuck, one could even take pride in knowing that all those digital copies on the internet are copies your prototype.

>> No.3170008


If you are planning to sell at some point (or, in the case of true collectors, use them as trade bait for other protos), undistributed protos are more valuable. Also, the bahevior of some people who expect others to share their stuff for free can be rather unappealing, so some likely do it out of spite/not wanting to freely give something to whiny kids on the internet.

I mean, when was the last time you went out of your way to thanks someone for sharing a prototype?


Interesting. Were these unique videos that implied that the publications had access to the game itself, or could it just be that they had access to a Nintendo promotional tape? It could also have been a pass along sort of deal where only a couple carts were sent out from Nintendo and were thrn forwarded from one publication to the next before ultimately getting returned to Nintendo. They were probably extremely possessive of their dev carts for Mario, given how it was a big game for the then unreleased console. All known copies could have easily wound up back at Nintendo HQ as intended, unfortunately. I wonder if any were sent out to shops? That would be the best bet of finding one.

>> No.3170019

I do understand the monetary side of it (not necessarily like it).

Let's just suppose shit gets south and you need to have a grand amount of money right way, and you got the money maker right in your hands, for most of these prototypes the monetary value alone is the fact that nobody ever saw it running or knows the differences, or seen what lies inside the ROM. Granted most "collectors" don't even care about all this geeky stuff (for them) as long as they have that precious "one of a kind" value to boast in front of everybody, but neither does the seller if whoever he is is going to pay tons of shady money for it. So, actually dumping the ROM and releasing it online would reduce the price potential buyers are going to invest into a literal piece of plastic everyone already knows about and nothing curious or new. If you're not an ultimate fan of the game featured in the prototype or if the game is not popular enough, you might as well leave it where it is, and the other guy will never get his money's worth. I also got the argument that money used to purchase unreleased prototypes would be used to acquire even more unreleased prototypes to resell to people "who really deserve it" (almost never happens because it's always spoiled fucks with shittons of money), but if I had enough resources to hunt those prototypes and heck even pay for them, I would just resell them after dumping the ROM, because I like to make people happy, even if it's just one awkward fan of an obscure as hell game. It'd be a tad slower and methodical than the ones doing it for profit, but we're literally talking history, which is priceless in itself. I hate things to be lost to time because of selfishness, even though history itself is full of stuff like that.

I didn't read that Superman thread, but I don't think it makes any much sense as what I just wrote though. Collectors are retarded, if the recent rise in retro game pricing is of any indication.z

>> No.3172182
File: 24 KB, 460x157, urazelda_insider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fabled Unicorn Fountain.

>> No.3173106

any mameset will have it now, as will any mame rom site.

>> No.3175454
File: 28 KB, 320x240, MM_Link_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this Majora's Mask screenshot was interesting. There's an ocarina on B.

>> No.3177641

*nods sadly*

>> No.3178321
File: 71 KB, 512x341, aceharding01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancelled port of Deja Vu II to NES

I would've liked to see at least a playable alpha ROM of this since the NES ports of Macventures had good music except for Uninvited, but it did eventually find its way to GBC in a 2-in-1 bundle with the first game

>> No.3178443

The empty space in the HUD on the upper right is for a switchable mini-map.

>> No.3179774
File: 278 KB, 900x1200, electronic.gaming.monthly.issue88.november1996.pg40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh yes. biohazard 1.5. never thought i'd see the day where a build finally leaked. shame it did the way it did but it happened. very keen to watch gemini and igas work on the restoration project.

have a mag scan

>> No.3179897

>That space below Marios lives for Luigis

>> No.3179970

>very keen to watch gemini and igas work on the restoration project.
You mean the 'reimagine project', right?

>> No.3179993
File: 634 KB, 1214x1666, game.informer.issue54.october1997.pg.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, of course it won't be completely source-accurate but even the last known capcom build was around 80% so that wasn't finished either

>> No.3179993,1 [INTERNAL] 

That SolidSnake11 is not me.Is actually someone pretending to be me,I dont insult like that.and i dont' call martinbiohazard Marchinbiohazard,so the guy pretending to be me didn't even do the job correctly. Anyway that SolidSnake11 is a troll that I know who he is,don't mind the posts he make,AND the image he posted of himself IS TOTALLY NOT ME