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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3086994 No.3086994 [Reply] [Original]

are there any RPGs out there that aren't boring as fuck? i remember enjoying them when i was a kid, but now whenever i play them i'm bored as fuck.

list some RPGs that aren't boring as fuck.

>> No.3087000

You might try action RPGs like Zelda 2, Golvelius, Battle of Olympus, Faxanadu, Soulblazer, Ys, Secret of Mana, Dragonslayer etc

>> No.3087015

Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 9
Paper Mario

Most of my favorite RPGs are non-retro, I think.

>> No.3087025

>I have ADD



Half Minute Hero

>> No.3087124

Try Earthbound. The modern day setting and goofy atmosphere really set it apart. The music is pretty unique too.

>> No.3087836

I would second Paper Mario. Also Super Mario RPG. Paper Mario is better IMO

>> No.3087850

Live A Live

>> No.3089160

The problem is RPGs are only good on handhelds.

>> No.3089182

Yeah, length might be the real issue.

Ys 1 and two are pretty short but varied. There is a lot to do and no filler.

Live s live is good too. It has a handful of short games. Each has its own story and play mechanics.

>> No.3090289
File: 62 KB, 480x362, wiz1-2-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out some graph paper and try playing Wizardry. It's got some significant grinding to it, but the way you take the maze bits at a time, mapping out more of it on each pass, is lots of fun.

>> No.3090302

Fallout 1

>> No.3091126

Phantasy Star 4 has a great pace and minimal grinding along with comic book-style cut scenes and a great soundtrack.

>> No.3091142

>Get out some graph paper

No thanks.

>> No.3091260

Do Vampire The Masquerade and Deus Ex count as retro? Because those are cool.

>> No.3091280

Treasure of the Rudras is pretty good.

Unless you get lost, then it is not good.

You're probably going to get lost in that game.

>> No.3091946

The same happens to me, i used to love some games as kid and now i can't play them at all, try Rogue Galaxy an action Rpg

>> No.3092636

Any RPG where non-boss battles are actually an event instead of a chore of continuously pressing A to attack.

So any Mario RPG (although these tend to be on the easy side), Liv-a-Liv (you have move around before turns and you get healed after every battle, meaning getting to the end it's less of battle of attrition but a test of skill), Final Fantasy Tactics/Advance/2: Grimore of the Rift), Front Mission etc.

Action RPGs aren't really RPGs in the Final Fantay sense, their either platformers ahere after killing enough enemies you do or damage, or overhead enivronmental puzzle games where after killing enough enemies you get an items that makes it easier to navigate and/or kill enemies.

>> No.3092654

I thought that until I played Wizardry

now I understand

>> No.3093821
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I thought the manual mapping would be really tedious, but it's actually pretty fun. My mind was opened to that idea when I Etrian Odyssey, but now I realize that doing it on a touch screen just isn't the same. I'm emotionally attached to my Wizardry maps. I add little artistic embellishments like shading and crosshatching in the dark zones. I love my maps.

>> No.3093830

you are growing up man...
many things you enjoyed when you were a child are boring as fuck now
there is no way of experiencing that again. You can't go back to the past, you can only progress to a similar future

>> No.3093889

post them

>> No.3093926

I don't have a working scanner right now.

>> No.3093931

photos? Anyway, if you ever get an opportunity to post them, do so. That's a side of /vr/ that rarely shows up

>> No.3093935

Will do. I'll make 'em look extra sexy just for you guys.

>> No.3094115

Also, you say that it's a "Side of /vr/ that rarely shows up." What do you mean by that? What else is characteristic of that side of /vr/?

>> No.3094129

Play at 2x speed.

The problem with Ys is the story never fucking matters and every game it's basically reset.

Not even sure if it's fair to call LAL an RPG. It's an... experience.

>> No.3094137

I meant the non-computer aspect of /vr/ games. Note taking, mapping, using pen and paper next to the video game, used to be a common thing. On /vr/ you mostly see screenshots though

>> No.3094160

I'd say that in Wizardry, the bulk of the game takes place on the paper.

>> No.3094163


>> No.3094164

It's very common for the really old games. The computer is little more than an electronic game master in these games, and it's expected of, and normal for, the player, to do note-taking as if they're playing on a table with friends.

>> No.3094170

super mario rpg
chrono trigger

>> No.3094181 [DELETED] 

I'll that's another part of why I like the game so much; it tickles my teegees.

>> No.3094185

I'll bet that's another part of why I like the game so much -- it tickles my teegees.

>> No.3094201

Try Star Ocean Second Story. Difficulty isn't too easy and fun combat / crafting systems.

>> No.3094208

The problem with Tales/SO is that although their battle systems are fun, they also get super repetitive.

Only the later ones really ramp up their battle systems to be consistently fun IMO

>> No.3094216
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Agreed, some parts are definitely a drag. But for me it is a relaxing experience. I get in my comfy chair and sit in front of the crt with a fresh brewed cup of tea. Then put a good hour or two in. I find it fun and really relaxing. It puts me in a different mind set / mood of more upbeat modern games desu. Next retro game I'm playing is Parasite Eve btw.

>> No.3094221


Why not Threads of Fate

I don't know why Threads of Fate came to mind, I blame your picture of LoM

>> No.3094238

Haven't played it yet. Have heard mixed reviews about it.

>> No.3095305
File: 2.99 MB, 720x480, zelda-capture-3mb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthbound is a great game but it is also boring as fuck sometimes. Bad recommendation for someone who gets bored with RPG's since it's essentially a modern Dragon Quest. Don't lie to me and say that you didn't get bored grinding on the sharks or waiting around in threed.

I recommend pic (webm) related, most of that series. Also, the Pokémon games are still great, particularly (IMO) generation 2 (gold silver and crystal). 1 (red/blue/yellow) is good, but for me gold did it better, when I take off the nostalgia goggles.

Also, if I'm wrong and you somehow don't find earthbound at all boring, then the first game, Mother (Famicom/NES, never released here) is pretty good, but even more grinding-oriented sadly.

The Mystery Dungeon games are more roguelike and also not released over here (well, until the Pokémon ones in 2006), but they go all the way back to the SNES.

Also, Popful Mail is a platformer with a couple RPG elements for the Sega CD that I like a lot.

And Ys seems like it might be good. I've only played a little of the first game.

>> No.3095320
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Seconded on Phantasy Star IV.

Ocarina of Time is great, too. So are A Link to the Past and the original Legend of Zelda.

And seriously, Pokemon even appealed to 8 year old me and my 20 second attention span. Yes, I was 8 in 1996.

>> No.3095417
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You might wanna specify why you think they're boring as fuck, and which ones you've played.

If it's the turn-based combat, then play action-RPGs like Star Ocean, Tales, Valkyrie Profile, the Soul Blazer trilogy, Alundra, Vagrant Story, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, etc.

If you like the turn-based combat but think it's too simplistic, then play tactical RPGs like Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Advance or the Fire Emblem games.

If it's the unengaging story, then stick to PS1 or later games that have more focus on story like Xenogears, FF 7-8-9, PS:T, etc.

If you're tired of JRPGs, play WRPGs like Deus Ex, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, or Planescape: Torment.

You're not saying what you're bored with so there's not much to go on. You might want to avoid grinding since that'll always get boring and it's usually unnecessary.

OP is a faggot and shit thread is shit.

>> No.3095427
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Advance Wars, that is.