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3086756 No.3086756 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else played this game?
>is it balanced
>favorite character
>review 1-5

Just found this game in a box in the attic. So far, I kind of like it.. though it sucks only having two characters to choose between.

>> No.3086780

Genesis sucked.

>> No.3086786

I felt it appealed to teens and young adults. The games were generally more difficult than Nintendo games and ads were made bragging about this. I used to hate on the Genesis but I prefer it over SNES these days. The games for it have a lot of depth in that most have a higher skill-cap.

>> No.3089509

Genesis does what Nintendon't

Also, AOF is a classic for anybody who knows fighters, which is rare on this board of seemingly mostly Americans. It's not the greatest game but it is a classic and an important piece of SNK history

>> No.3089521

I got the PS2 AoF Anthology, so I imagine OP's pic is just a port of the first one.

First AoF was the best by far. It's not unfairly difficult but it does suck you can't choose any character for the main game, just Robert or Ryo.

AoF2 was just too damn hard and 3's controls are just too weird.

>> No.3090261

I can't complete any bonus game except the bottle cut. Beating Mr Karate is impossible for me.

>> No.3090283

well you're playing a shit port for starters

>> No.3091793

So cool to see some positive feedback. I really think this game is pretty awesome. I mean, I definitely feels like Street Fighter but really that isn't a bad thing. The energy bar is really cool with the taunts diminishing your enemy's. Great, if not somewhat easy moves but not super casual. I don't see how this is a bad game really.

It took me a few good hours to get the hang of circling on the genesis D-pad but really I've got it down now.

Oh, I wasn't lucky enough to play the arcade version but really this is pretty fun. It isn't the best fightan game I've ever played but it definitely isn't the worst.

>> No.3092186

No it's really good. I just wish you could play as the full roster, especially Lee since he looks cool. You can play as them in versus mode, so I don't understand what the problem was. Obviously it would interfere with the story, but just make a non-story ladder. The game also looked gorgeous in arcades with its giant sprites.

>> No.3092254

>Genesis version
>playing fighting games on Genesis at all

Super Nintendo is far superior

and the console version has a 10/10 soundtrack

But AoF is a "meh" fighting game

The only reason it was remotely popular was becuase of how graphically impressive it was at the time(Zooming/panning camera, visible damage, and muh story driven cutscenes)

But it has some stupid controls, and specials are limited by the ki bar

competitively its pretty shit, but im not sure how the characters rank in terms of balance

but a lot of characters are fun to play if you can get past the shit controls(hard attacks being dependent on the last attack button pressed)

the cast is limited by the shit systems in-place, but ironically the series goes downhill from here. But the character have definitely outlived their own series. Which is funny, seeing how AoF has only 2 ok games, and its entire cast easily rivals all of Fatal Fury.

again, its nice place to learn your fighting game history, but you will have more fun playing those same characters in other fighing games entirely.

>> No.3092265

The console versions of this game (SNES, GEN) suck. The controls are fucking stupid, and the hit detection is all over the place.

>> No.3092292

>I just wish you could play as the full roster

I would love a hack that enables all the characters in single player mode.

>> No.3092372

The Genesis version sucks ass... Shit sound and shit graphics.

>> No.3092381
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>> No.3092391
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>> No.3093128

Yeah, I agree full-on.

I kind of like the limits to specials. You have a decision between recharging/taunting/using abilities. For a fighting game I think that is pretty cool.

Oh, I really haven't noticed a problem with either hit detection or controls. I will say I prefer my pro pad 6 D-pad though.

Hmm, not everything must be perfect (graphics/sound) the gameplay makes up for it and for around $5 I consider this game well worth the money.

Looks bretty gud all around, anon.

>> No.3093143

At the risk of spamming my own thread, you could use a fight stick and make the controls so much funner. I really should invest in one.

>> No.3093182

Jack is cool. More fighting games need burly bikers.

>> No.3093429


Motherfucker, the SNES controller has more buttons than the fucking arcade version, and im sure it still falls victim to this shit.

Neo Geo arcades are limited to 4 BUTTONS

but because of the Ki system, 1 of those buttons are reserved for TAUNT, which replenishes ki while diminishing you opponents ki.

"Ora Ora"

you are left with 3 BUTTONS


to put in perspective, Fatal Fury had:

Light Punch
Light Kick
Hard Punch
Hard Kick

In AoF, in order to do Hard Kick, the last attack button pressed has to be kick, so that the next time you press Hard Attack, you get a Hard Kick.

And considering you are playing on genesis, you are mad boned, because arcade sticks for those consoles are super shit.

Just emulate it and get a xbox 360 arcade stick on the cheap.

Emulate SNES version for superior music.

AoF isn't that great, if you want an SNK fighter from that same era, play Fatal Fury Special. It even has RYO as a secret character.

>> No.3093843

I loved that game. Thats why my favourite fighting game ever is capcom vs snk 2 mark of the millennium. Todo is my favourite character and I was very disappointed that robert was not included as a playable character...
I would love if someon makes a sequel of that game

>> No.3093956

Comes from a strange and mysterious time when tourneyfags were barely a thing and devs could get away with putting more effort into single player mode of a fighter than vs