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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3085784 No.3085784 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an Arcanum thread?
Just picked it back up after not touching it for a good few years. I got my shit pushed in a few times by the bridge thugs at the beginning of the game the last time I played, so this should be an eventful run.

>> No.3086141

One of my favorite games. Great soundtrack and gameplay. Unique atmosphere with steampunk done right.

>> No.3086172

It's one of those games where I love the attention to detail. I'm a dim-witted though kindly ogre with no clothes on, and the NPCs notice all of these things! Granted they're mostly yelling at me or trying to take advantage of me, but it's all good.

>> No.3087173

Not retro.

>> No.3087203

>Can we have an Arcanum thread?

No we cannot.

>> No.3087268

You could've let the thread 404 instead of responding, you know.

>> No.3087319

Ogre rape factory was a great quest. Magic was overpowered though science was probably more fun. Also that ogre you get in the first town is good enough to fight his way through the entire game all on his lonesome.

>> No.3087575

Doesn't matter anyway, /vr/ has had Arcanum threads last until bump limit.

Mods okay them, even before people ran around with NOT RETRO in them.

>> No.3088847

I didn't find looking through countless vendors and containers searching for trash to make items fun.

Although, generally speaking, I didn't find anything combat-related in Arcanum fun, magic was an easy way to cut combat short and go for actually interesting parts.

>> No.3091460

One of my favorites, if not THE favorite RPG that I've ever experienced. I wish there were more RPGs with this level of detail in them.