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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3074904 No.3074904 [Reply] [Original]

ITT retrogame rages

>summer, 1997 or 1998
>stuck at grandfam's house while my folks are on vacation
>out in the boonies of Buttfuck, CA
>annoying comes over, brings Nintendo 64
>Not a bad selection of games
>cousin says we can trade turns
>hogs the console and the tv in my room
>pop in Mario 64
>hardly get any turns
>cousin shit-talks when I do well
>goes to drain the lizard
>immediately start Bowser level
>cousin comes out of bathroom
>Bwahahaha.webm at level start
>dude you died, it's my turn now
>gimme back the controller, it's my console or i'll say you're hitting me
>grandfam dotes on the fucker, would believe he's innocent of murder standing over the body
>gimmebackthecontrolleryoudiedyoupieceofcrapasdrkjubhagfihouuvhklsdulihbcmlieubhm etc.
>leave room, no patience for his shit, find book, listen to him playing in my room
>seethe at my cousin, seethe more at Bowser
>fuck that spiny-ass dinosaur ass fuck and his evil laugh

>> No.3074905

It's pretty impressive that two decades later you still come off as an angry baby

>> No.3074936

>Stepdad only lets us play SNES for 30 minutes a day
>would walk in and turn it off, not even give us a chance to save
>remember crying when he turned off DKC3 while rushing back to save point after I beat a really hard level
>when he married mom, he sold our color tv and replaced it with a small black & white one
>bro and I didn't know the Yoshis in Yoshi's Island were all different colors until they divorced

>> No.3074983

Can't really blame him, parents dumped him off an he had to deal with the shit side of the family

>> No.3075010

>bro and I didn't know the Yoshis in Yoshi's Island were all different colors until they divorced

I'm sorry man but that's hilarious.

>> No.3075028 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 335x303, 1398265906396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This board is reddit as fuck.

>> No.3075783

Except stories like this existed way before Reddit did. You're either new to the site in general, or you never went to /b/ when I did ~2007 - 2009, because every day we had this.

It just happens that Reddit is where you find nothing but this type of thing nowadays.

>> No.3075795


Story threads like this are one of the best things to read on 4chan anyway

>> No.3075803

Because Reddit lives off the worst parts of our already retarded and extensively popularized legacy? Wow Anon, we could be onto something here.

>> No.3075820


Dude what an asshole. My parents didn't understand the concept of saving either when I was growing up.

>> No.3075927
File: 58 KB, 640x360, tumblr_mqcyatLdG71rwabofo1_401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that newfag as fuck reaction image

>> No.3075937
File: 30 KB, 435x342, 1458378593107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let my friend borrow a couple of my genesis games because he didnt have that many growing up
>get them back 3 months later
>covers are all all fucked up, scratches and food/shit stains all over the cartridges
>cases have huge gashes where it looks like someone took a knife to them
>one of the cases is snapped and wont even close properly

>> No.3076094

fuu this is sad hope you are better my man

>> No.3076298

>that tumblr as fuck reaction image

>> No.3076526
File: 338 KB, 1304x974, 1394162205150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and other similar stories are why I never EVER lent out my games to anyone back then.

If I let my friends play my games, I had to be there to make sure they didn't get fucked up

>> No.3076567
File: 16 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing smash bros with a friend
>clearly kicking his ass
>turns the system off in the middle of the match

>> No.3076571

Some people just don't try

>> No.3076607

>around 1998-1999
>at friends playing some GoldenEye
>another kid is there, not my friend but my friend's friend
>this kid was incapable of growing up, hanging on to every toy he had since he was younger
>also he was whiny as fuck
>why my friend was friends with him was beyond me
>so playing goldeneye, I find whiny kid and kill him
>he starts crying "why did you kill me?"
>I'm in disbelief and look over to me friend
>my friend looks at me and says "dude why did you kill him?"
>"you fucking serious? "
>drop controller and leave
>both those guys are possible faggots now

>> No.3076635

Ssh, anon, sshh.

>> No.3076657

Um, so why *did* you kill him anon?

>> No.3076674

Lol fuck off

>> No.3076676


>> No.3076684

You monster.

>> No.3076690

Those Contra days and endless fights on who gets the "Spreadgun".


>> No.3076802

>friend constantly screenlooking
>repeatedly killing me
>gloating about his kills
>pick up cart and throw it square at his forehead

>> No.3076834

I was born in Buttfuck, CA OP. You still visit?

>> No.3076836

Did you put him in the worst nursing home you could find?

>> No.3076840

Not for the past ten years or so. I want to go back to my hometown, though. A little-ish farming town about 80 miles North of Sacramento.

>> No.3076950

you're a fucking asshole

>> No.3076956

What an asshole thing of you to do

Split screen ghosting will always happen because unless your peripheral vision is as shit as a racehorse with blinders there's no way you're not seeing what you're opponents are up to. It's part of the game.

>> No.3079409 [DELETED] 

>what you're opponents are up to

Get gassed you illiterate degenerate.

>> No.3079495

My sister broke 2 snes controllers in a week over Donkey Kong Country.

>> No.3079576

>Idolize my big brother and his nerdy friends
>They play D&D and do other adultish role playing stuff
>Know what the term rpg is through them and think that playing rpgs is super cool, but never tried one myself
>See in Toys-R-Us that Super Mario has an rpg out
>Ask for it for Christmas
>Christmas morning get Super Mario RPG
>Excitedly pop it into my SNES
>Play it all Christmas break
>Wow, this is great
>Have a visceral and emotional experience learning the genre
>Think it's the best thing ever, awesome characters and story, unique gameplay, so colorful and different
>My brother and his friends come in the room and see me playing
>"Wow, this is such kiddie shit"
>"It's so unoriginal"
>"Do you even have to graph out the dungeons?"
>"I bet he's never even played an Ultima game in his life"

>Browsing /v/
>See the millionth Undertale thread
>See kids everywhere having a magical experience with the game
>See them getting into rpgs because of it
>Hit reply
>"Wow, this is such kiddie shit"
>"It's not even original, it's just like Earthbound"
>"I bet you've never even played a SMT game in your life"
I love you, bro. I wish I could have made you proud.

>> No.3079589

Maybe today he's happily playing one of those tumblr Team Fortress 2 servers where killing is disabled.

>> No.3079601

Did you give her the dick?

>> No.3079602

My ex (~21 yrs) did this once while playing Super Mario Bros 3 with my nieces(7-11 yrs) once during a bet they had. Ever since then, they kept asking me when was I going to get a new girlfriend.

>> No.3079603

Undertale is shit though.

>> No.3080059

>Ever since then, they kept asking me when was I going to get a new girlfriend.

Lel, kids are funny as fuck at times