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File: 9 KB, 349x240, eDhyZjV4MTI=_o_segata-sanshiro---sega-saturn-shiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3071946 No.3071946 [Reply] [Original]

What's the correct way to pronounce SEGA?

>> No.3071950
File: 204 KB, 404x416, hestonlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

>> No.3071953


>> No.3071954


Sorry for not being a native japanese speaker or a native spanish speaker.

"Sega" is actually a difficult word to pronounce for me, I don't know if it should be Say-Ga, See-Ga or Sea-Ga

>> No.3071962



>> No.3071969

It's the first one


>> No.3071970


>> No.3071975

? it's not a Spanish word. It's seh-ga

>> No.3071984

Sega is pronounced "garbage"

>> No.3071986


japanese and spanish read vowels the same way

>> No.3071992
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>"Sega" is actually a difficult word to pronounce for me

Course it is.

>> No.3072020

It tells you when you turn the console on

>> No.3072021


>> No.3072036


>> No.3072050


The 'e' is silent.

>> No.3072094


>> No.3072382


That's how it's pronounced in Australia.

Say-ga in America.

Seh-ga in Japan and the rest of the world.

>> No.3072428


sah * gay

>> No.3072431



It's Seh-Gay

Sega comes from SErvice GAmes, so the pronounciation is Seh-(rvice) Gay-(mes)

>> No.3072437

Newfags won't get this.

>> No.3072439


>> No.3072441

Only filthy secondaries who have never played a sega game or watched any of their adverts wonder how to pronounce sega.

I get it.

>> No.3072446


what did he mean by this

>> No.3072454

Ha. If that's true, they very purposefully changed it, if for English localization issues - having gay in your name doesn't really work. Plus the chorus sings it in the beginning of Sonic games during the Genesis era as "Say-ga", and its pronounced this way in numerous old Genesis and Sonic commercials from the 90s (both Japanese and English ones).

>> No.3072462
File: 46 KB, 256x224, sonicakua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Seh-Gay, end of discussion.

>> No.3072471

Eh, 2/10.

>> No.3072472


Fuck you, misinformer.

>> No.3072475

Stop being so seh-gay

>> No.3072481

I personally say SAY-GUH as in the Sonic intro but I think >>3072431 is correct, I've read the service games thing before, that's where the sega name comes from.

>> No.3072484

SErvice & GAmes

>> No.3072487


Right, and how do you pronounce "Ga" when you say Games?

>> No.3072529

Because the Japanese don't have a native word for se.

>> No.3072532


That's the australian way to pronounce Sega though, not the rest of the world.

>> No.3072542
File: 5 KB, 100x100, sekatakana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er... yes they do.

>> No.3072553

I always thought the Australian way was "seaGAH?".

>> No.3072556

Segue (Segway)-ue(way)+uh.

Basically seh guh, but with my Kentucky accent I tend to pronounce it say guh.

Also, every time you put in Sonic it starts off with a big loud SSSEEEGGGAAA.

>> No.3072558

This is what I mean: http://youtu.be/YxOEPBO4OqA

>> No.3072561

"Dead Arcade Innovators"

>> No.3072580
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Service Games.

>> No.3072583


So Seh-Gay

>> No.3072592
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>> No.3072595

That's irrelevant. They took two letters from each word, but not the sounds. Its their brand and they've made in clear in their advertising the pronunciation.You can easily find examples on Youtube.

Maybe you are too young to remember when they were pushing consoles and handhelds, or come from a country where you saw no advertising from them, but its always been this way.

>> No.3072604


>> No.3072606


I dunno, not him but I think this is a redpill. It makes sense that since the original names is Service Games, it should be pronounced Say-Gay. I will pronounce it like that from now on.

>> No.3072642

It says so when you boot up any of their Sonic games.

>> No.3072650

if it makes you happy, go ahead. Just know, its not even what the company calls itself. Nor is it how anyone else pronounces it in regular conversation, at least as far as I've always seen.

>> No.3072892
File: 126 KB, 761x1500, 1389006045269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct: sehga
True blue Aussie: seega, mate. Crikey.
Poofter Americunt accent: saygaar

>> No.3072973 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3072974
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>> No.3072995

it's just how the japanese do acronyms dude

>> No.3072996

Strueth. Made me laugh.

>> No.3073018

Setrocity Zone

>> No.3073331

>Sega comes from Service Games
>saabisu geemu

>> No.3073342
File: 135 KB, 500x400, 1449468614621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3073353


>> No.3073367

Are we really this autistic these days?
Also, have you literally never played Sonic 1? I find this hard to believe.

>> No.3073404


>> No.3073662

Wow, that's pretty edgy for a Nintendo fan.

>> No.3073672

it's possible op is born in 00's, never played any sonic game and all his knowledge about sonic comes from his favorite youtubers, who occasionally shit on the game while commentating something else
it's way more likely that he's just baiting though

>> No.3073673

Go youtube every SEGA commercial ever made amd you will find out at the end.

>> No.3073901

I'm American and nobody adds -r to words that end in a vowel. That is a Britfag thing.

>> No.3074407


How do you know it's a Nintendo fan and not, say, a Sony fan, or a PC fan, or an Amiga fan, or a NEC fan, etc?

>> No.3074409



Sea-guh then?

>> No.3074410


>> No.3074625

You never played Sonic, OP? You should be ashamed.

>> No.3075342

M8, you lot chuck out unnecessary R sounds all over the place. It's the biggest American accent cliche. I cringe every time I hear 'Orstralia'.

Still, I've never heard a 'saygar' I'll give you that. I just like that picture because it makes Yanks look stupid and that's the bread & butter of Aussie humour.

>> No.3075373

Everyone I've talked to in America has called it Awestraylia. Perhaps you just spoke with a retard.

>> No.3075379

No, it's say-guh. You're right that its derived from service games, but the the pronunciation is based solely on the abbreviations letters (SErvice GAmes) without any regard for the actual pronunciations of the words they're from.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega put the top part of this article into google translate

>> No.3075580

This way

>> No.3075598

turn on megadrive / genesis, listen to it literally say sega, realise this is a bait thread, try not to post poor content in the future.

>this many legit replies
s m h t b h f a m

>> No.3075615

The way its written. Fucking muricans are such degenerates that the concept of pronouncing something the way its written is completely out of their reach.

>> No.3075765

What kind of Americans are you talking to? Midwest accent is master race accent.

>> No.3075776

"service games"

>> No.3075780

Not everyone lives in Minnesota, which is the only place I can imagine someone taking like that.

>> No.3077176

The Hollywood or TV accent mates. R sounds are also always thrown in when some comedian is imitating Americans. Like I said, it's the cliche. You lot seem to be blissfully unware of it because it doesn't sound weird to you. I'm sure you could say lots of stuff about the generic Aussie accent that I'd probably disagree with.

>> No.3077189

You mind giving some specific examples instead of just generalizing?

>> No.3077242

I'm pretty bad at thinking up examples. Would you pronounce the R's in 'caster sugar'? I'd pronounce that 'cahsta shooga'. The way I hear it a Pom would pronounce it close to the way I say it and a Yank would make sure those R's come out strong.

>> No.3077248

Like this, you imbecile

>> No.3077261

That's because that's the proper pronunciation of it. Those R's aren't silent letters.

What you're talking about isn't the same as adding imaginary R's to words that don't have them, which is something nobody does.

>> No.3077262

that argument doesn't apply to Gif either.

>> No.3077265


>> No.3077281

Who the heck says Oar-straylia?

I can't think of a single USA diphthong that does that, and we have all kinds of accents strewn about.

And the British skip their Rs then add random ones to places they don't exist. But not even they say it Oar.

So I'm honestly really confused as to who you're actually thinking of.

Canada maybe? If you're where it's really thick they might pronounce it kind of Oor-ish. Still not a long O, but its at least a tad closer.

>> No.3077294

Deep Southern pronounce Washer as Worsher.
And I have once met one who says Together as Togrether, though he's sort of made fun of behind his back for it even by his fellow kentuckians.

And I know Dubya used to say Nucular instead of Nuclear, which puts more emphasis on the R than the correct pronunciation.

But I can't think of a single area that says Arse-tralia, no matter how funny that would be.

>> No.3077301

Might as well say Arsetralia those fuckin' cunts.

>> No.3077305

>the standardized hollywood TV accent pronounces it Orstralia

lol uwot m8?

>> No.3077317

Does that mean we can officially change Australia-kun's name to Arsetralia-kun?

>> No.3077327

M8, I never came up with the 'saygaar' joke. All I said was 'unnecessary R sounds' and if the pommiest poms speaking their Queen's English don't pronounce the R then the R sound is unnecessary.

>> No.3077408

Why do you think R's should be silent?

>> No.3077409


>> No.3077419

Only filthy degenerate Kangaroo fucking criminal scum say SEA ga

>> No.3077438

It's just how English and Aussie accents go. I'm not telling you how to speak your accent here, I'm indulging the curiousity of some guys who asked. I assume they have some sort of minor interest in accent differences or something. If you think I'm telling you how to speak you're getting it all wrong.

>> No.3077441

It's pronounced like this you big dummy.


>> No.3078648


>> No.3078764


>> No.3079140

It's "sayj" and it goes in all fields.

>> No.3079163

>I don't know about the various dialects of Japan and also a hothead assclown: THE POST

>> No.3079506

They say "Sega" in every retro sega game ever. How do not know how to say it?

>> No.3079519

What does that have to with how you pronounce Sega? It's an amalgamation of Service Games, and originally American.

>> No.3079526

This is a troll thread.

>> No.3079628


>See-Ga or Sea-Ga

What's the difference between these?

>> No.3079947


See-Ga: Sydney

Sea-Ga: rest of Australia

>> No.3079967

sad gay