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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 168 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20160309_00_36_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3063830 No.3063830 [Reply] [Original]

He does what he calls "Visual Reviews" where he talks about the visual appeal of retro game boxes and cartridges. It struck me as a very odd but very original idea for a channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/JcaliforniaJ

>> No.3063831


>> No.3063838
File: 45 KB, 640x480, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3063858

No. I'm not going to check out your youtube

>> No.3063985

that's interesting op but you need to understant that it's not the place to say that.
Tell your mom about this for instance

>> No.3063991


Shilling your own channel should be a ban...

>> No.3064029


Not interested in youtube videos since I have high IQ, and people in those videos nearly always speak too slowly or make lots irrelevant chatter like "hey guys remember to subscribe" which causes me to close the window and read instead.

However, box art is in fact really important, and people miss out of the importance of it. I have always believed that eventually emulators will incorporate them. But ultimately VR is going to have 90s living rooms, with virtual 3d boxes which can be rotated and manipulated, and we'll get to directly see and hear the experience of inserting the cartridge into the console.

>> No.3064048

How high is high? I have 130 and I have no problem with slow or fast speakers.

Same goes for all the fluff youtubers speak about, just don't listen.

>> No.3064049


>> No.3064052

Nice blog faggot. You can fuck off now.

>> No.3064110

>talks about the visual appeal of retro game boxes and cartridges
So basically all the shit that doesn't fucking matter? This is the collector scum driving up the prices of retro vidya. Burn in hell.

>Not interested in youtube videos since I have high IQ, and people in those videos nearly always speak too slowly or make lots irrelevant chatter like "hey guys remember to subscribe" which causes me to close the window and read instead.
This, a thousand times. Not sure if it's linked to IQ, but I wouldn't be surprised. My favorite way of getting news and info is just to read it. Can't stand listening to people try and make a presentation out of it.

>> No.3064131

I honestly think N64 had the ugliest boxes around.

>> No.3064142

this, if you're going to talk about cart and box aesthetics, collect wonderswan or famicom games. gorgeous boxart and cart art.

>> No.3064145
File: 189 KB, 800x600, famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salvage the thread with collection porn

>> No.3064148
File: 275 KB, 1000x564, hard-off 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3064203

>I just found this channel...

You're not fooling anyone. We know it's yours.

e-celeb shit goes to >>>/trash/

>> No.3064232

It is a bannable offense.

Too bad the mods on this site are worthless faggots who only ban people who call them out on their incompetence.

>> No.3064247


You'd think he'd have copies of these boxes that weren't all beat up and shit

>> No.3064268

I rather like how the N64 had the multi-color aesthetic (red, blue, green, yellow, grey, black) and used it for many aspects of the system. You'll find it used on all the sides of the game box, the console's box, the controllers as well as the boxes controllers came in, and other accessories too.

>> No.3064479

People have been doing packaging reviews for years.

>> No.3064506

Find an old one for us then. Say one posted over 5 years ago.

>> No.3065057
File: 25 KB, 400x409, mini+antec1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual appeal of retro game boxes and cartridges.
The visible physical side of /vr/ gear is a very legitimate topic to appreciate, in fact, it can be something very interesting to focus on:


> >1. Bought Zalman 6000Alcu to replace dying OEM HSF. Was amazed by the difference in noise. Started loking around for more info. Found SPRC. (Hereafter referred to the Happiest Day Ever for my credit card company)
> >2. Replaced OEM PSU with Enermax.
> >3. Replaced Zalman HSF with Papst.
> >4. Replaced Antec case fans with L1A's.
> >5. Decided that the case itself was the problem, so I built a new one out of my Desk!
>1 to 4 OK, at 5. Let's say you had a bad day.
> >6. Suspended Maxtor740X HDD
> >7. Sandwiched and sidesinked said HDD.
> >8. Removed northbridge fan
> >9. Modded GF2Ti to be passively cooled.
> >10. Upgraded to Zalman 6000Cu for improved cooling.
> >11. Ducted CPU fan to 120mm case fan.
>6 to 10 OK again, nothing special yet, but OK. 11. Looks like a stroke of genius.
> >12. Scratch built thermal control unit for 120mm fan.
> >13. Modded Enermax PSU with L1A
> >14. Decided that for silence you need to get rid of the fans altogether. So....
> >15. Built a machine that is cooled by being submerged in Turbine Oil Not just the mobo, mind you. The whole damn thing Mobo, PSU and HDD.
>12 to 14 Ok again, although 14 was a really wild idea.
>15. Shows you need some professional care, might be you needed to be admitted in a specialized hospital.
> >16. Discovered that case fans will in fact still spin while submerged in 0 weight Turbine oil.
>That must have been a funny hallucination.
> >17. Discovered that you need to close up more than just the breather hole on a Hard Drive to make it waterproof. Cool
>Still he doesn't notice he's taking his wild ideas a bit to far.
>This guy needs help to be cured.

>> No.3065080
File: 58 KB, 480x360, Reykjavík DIY Quiet PC_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >18. Discovered that Turbine Oil will dissolve the silicon caulk I used to seal HDD #2 Cool
>You would think this might make him hesitate. No, he goes on...
> >19. Discovered that that rubbery stuff you dip tool handles into to protect them will dissolve in Turbine Oil too. (bye bye HDD #3) Cool
>Several failures aren't enough to stop him.
>He's addicted, and definatly hallucinating
> >20. Discovered that Casting a Hard drive into a block of Acrylic will in fact waterproof it.
>Here (almost) a stroke of genius again.
>I could have told him that epoxy with some glass does the trick.
>Had he told me about this idea before executing it, I might have suggested to add some copper tubing in the casting so he could cool it with water. He didn't tell me.
> >21. Discovered that sitting a HDD in a vat of 55C Oil will fry it after a few days (HDD #4) Cool
>You should have asked me!
> >22. Decided to sidesink, sandwich and suspend HDD #5 above vat of oil, not in it. Laughing
>Probably the treatment is starting to work.
>But still he stubbornly holds on to his wacky idea by keeping the rest of the system under oil. > >23. Decided the desk PC needed an upgrade, So...
> >24. Bought Seasonic PSU
> >25. Upgraded to XP 2100+
> >26. Dicovered that the ducted 6000Cu wasn't going to cut it, so upgraded to an SLK-800 with a L1A.
> >27. Replaced Maxtor with a 80gig Cuda IV
> >28. Replaced GF2Ti with a Radeon 9500.
>Here he is trying to fool us.
>He is acting completely sane, so we will release him.
> >29. RMA'd the 9500 repeatedly until I got one that I could softmod into a 9700 Pro and a Fire GL X1. I just switch the drivers back and forth depending on whether I want to do CAD or Games. Wink
>ohohh, a short relapse...
> >30. Replaced to whining ATi HFS with a Zalman HP-80A.
>Here we released him, although we fear he will have some occasional relapses.

>> No.3065210

Finding those in good condition is a lot harder then it seems. Sometimes you take what you can get. My Color A Dinosaur box is all kinds of fucked up but meh.

>> No.3065548

>All those fucking Yugioh games
I guess no Japanese game store's GB section is complete without them.

>> No.3066153

>But ultimately VR is going to have 90s living rooms

Speak for yourself, maybe we'd want 90's living rooms, maybe we'd want 00's living rooms, hand in hand when those games were most accessible, maybe we'd want 80's living rooms, maybe earlier, from when entertainment genres closely tied to many games were in their heyday?

>> No.3066517
File: 634 KB, 3217x507, Mario_Party_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question:

Without checking, by your own memory only,

which Mario Party had the box cover with Mario in the Cowboy Hat, and which one had the game die with the number on it?

>> No.3069015

I dont get people that post youtube channels here.

Even if it wasnt shilling, I would never want to put a decent channel in the sights of 4chan.

>> No.3069030


Mario party 2
Mario party 1 (I think the die said 3 which confused people)

>> No.3070815

Your greatest dream for VR is to simulate the physical experience of playing a video game? Wow, such a mark of high IQ.

>> No.3071726


I talk about random shit while playing games.

I'm retro focused most of the time since my PC isn't powerful enough to emulate consoles beyond the PS1 and a bit of dreamcast.

>> No.3071790

For the record I have 0 monetization. Any adds you see are from youtube or copyright owners.

>> No.3071976

>I have high IQ
>speak too slowly or make lots irrelevant chatter

>> No.3071998


It's time for another game of, say it with me now!


>> No.3072013

>I have high IQ, and people in those videos nearly always speak too slowly
>he doesn't watch Youtube at 2x speed

Click the preference icon in the bottom right of the video.

>> No.3072061

wow, this post. 10/10

>> No.3072064


>I'm not monotized

Not surprising captain 40 subs.

>> No.3072070

I'd rather make money off of a real job than be a lazy unproductive shit.

Besides being a youtuber should be a hobby, people making money off of that shit is kinda dumb. They don't contribute shit.

>> No.3072075

so why even post to youtube?

people who are popular on youtube started out because it was "fun" and then they got big and they did it full time.

Theres no "honor" in having a "real job"

>> No.3072080

>so why even post to youtube?

Because i enjoy it and i'm not a lazy shit who wants to make cash on his ass.

it's not all about easy dosh m8

>> No.3072102

Not him, but you sound like someone who can't remember what youtube was like before pewdiepie and game grumps got big.

>> No.3072167

Suck my 8bit dick

>> No.3072183

You need help. Talk to a professional, I'm god damned serious.

>> No.3072232

>hey guiz check out my youtube channel!


>> No.3072898
File: 167 KB, 296x360, [Seat Offering Intensifies].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I think you have a problem.

>> No.3072905

Oops boys and girls I made a mistake!
Here are the samefags.

>> No.3074285
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot don't greentext your own comments when quoting someone else.

Now go drink some fucking draino and that autism will clear right up.

Autist mc Neckbeard does have a point though; box art is fairly unappreciated.

>> No.3074312

>all that jap shit

Disgusting. I can't masturbate to this.

>> No.3074445

>"Yes, I'm 18. It's not my fault my mic makes me sound like a kiddie. Plus i'm missing a front tooth due to my stupid ass past baby self eating paint chips resulting in dental problems for years to come."

Anon, it's probably best you go away and rethink your life for a little while.

>> No.3076704


You have greasy bloated hams for hands.

>> No.3077561


So they're like all moderation staff on the internet?

>> No.3077568

Well should have guessed that /vr/ would attract pretentious cunts. As Stephen Hawking said, people who brag about their IQs are losers.

>> No.3077583

No one's forcing you to post here.

The door is that way >>>/trash/
and take your spam thread with you

>> No.3078740
File: 25 KB, 450x346, final3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them are my own comments, it was two other people looooong ago. I have never made a computer case out of wood or water cooled anything.

>> No.3078747
File: 18 KB, 400x278, geforceheatsink-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I will use a different symbol than a basic > for one of the participants next time.

>> No.3078748

You do realize that you cant post shit like that and not contextualize it? We cant read your fucking mind, anon

>> No.3079508

Holy SHIT you are a faggot!

>> No.3080369

>I have high IQ
confirmed for being 15yo.