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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3060864 No.3060864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone else here fall for the mega man meme? Even /vr/ and Smash 4 shill the fuck out of it

These games simply aren't good and have aged like a turd. I can't see why anyone this day and age would willingly put up with this garbage.

>> No.3060870

Bait like this belongs on /v/, not here.

>> No.3060881

Saw a thread just like this a little while ago on /v/. Actually thought I was still there.

>> No.3060906
File: 244 KB, 536x800, roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Tier:
Megaman V

High Tier:
Megaman 4
Megaman 2

Mid Tier:
Megaman 7
Megaman 6
Megaman & Bass
Megaman 5
Megaman IV

Low Tier:
Megaman 1
Megaman 3
Megaman 8
Megaman III

Shit Tier:
Megaman I
Megaman II

>> No.3060908

>Megaman V
That's the one with the planetary robots?

>> No.3060912


>> No.3060915

Excellent taste.

I'm sorry that Rocket-punch hasn't made a return. Most useful upgrade ever.

>> No.3060919

For what I remember it was pretty good, Tango was a nice companion too.

>> No.3060921
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You have okay taste
>playing V on my psp
>loving it
>beat every star droid but saturn
>select his stage
>every time I select the stage the game glitches and resets back to the title screen
Someday I'll go back and beat it.

>> No.3060937
File: 584 KB, 300x191, wattheactualfuk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top Tier: Megaman V
>Shit Tier: Megaman I

>> No.3060946

Why is Saturn so based?

>> No.3060958

the first couple gameboy megaman games were not very good

>> No.3060974

Mega Man & Bass have one of the worst level design and bosses in all vidya, it's easily the worst main series Mega Man to date.
Your list is shit, you're probably judging multiple games without knowing jack shit about them.

>> No.3060992

>Mega Man & Bass have one of the worst level design and bosses in all vidya
Found the idiot that played the game as Megaman instead of Bass, the proper way.

>> No.3061005

Big turd, bigger turd.

>> No.3061007

Go preorder the next big Ubisoft game you cunt.

>> No.3061013


>wahhhh MM&B is too hard so it's shit!

get good.

>> No.3061096
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I love MM&B and have only done mega man playthroughs. Bass always felt too weird to me.

>> No.3061104

The stages are literally designeed around using Bass though, and speedrunning with Bass makes the game way more enjoyable.

>> No.3061113
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I've heard this a lot, guess I'll do a bass run next time. Really love MM&B though.

>> No.3061176

This list is spot on. I too have high regards for MM4.