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File: 40 KB, 1357x628, pal-ntsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3057668 No.3057668 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3057672

The one with the country that made it to the moon.

>> No.3057674

sooo SECAM?

>> No.3057675

I get Australia and New Zealand but

>> No.3057683

Nazi tech m8

>> No.3057686
File: 21 KB, 480x360, Famiclone_Froggy_Family_Game_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


argie here, what we get here is something called PAL-N, but regardless since most of our electronics come from USA (for instance, the consoles, at least those that weren't chinese clones like the famiclones) were NTSC, so most of the TVs here are actually multinorm so it could display both PAL-N and NTSC.

>> No.3057692

>implying moon landing wasn't staged by jewlywood

lol americans

>> No.3057694

What did high resolution computer monitors use?

>> No.3057695

It's remarkable some believe it was faked, they're so gelatin.
NTSC all the rest are perverbial garbage

>> No.3057714

*claps and salutes with a burger*

>> No.3057721

Well 3rd worlders it's one of either two possibilities.

Man's greatest achievement was broadcast on and with NTSC standards.
Or man's greatest hoax was broadcast on and with NTSC standards.

>> No.3057725

*hides thread*

>> No.3057734

Apparently the Apollo broadcasts were SSTV.

>> No.3057741

Actually the greatest hoax is Americans believing that they'll get health benefits by cutting off the foreskin of their baby boys.

>> No.3057745

we int now
turkey supports isis que picardia

>> No.3057749

Boy I'm so glad us 3rd worlders can shitpost on an American image board about Chinese cartoons because of inventions from American companies like IBM.

Maybe we'll get toilets next week from the UN too!

>> No.3057761
File: 291 KB, 500x1200, 1442977006793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American image board
You misspelled Japanese.

>> No.3057774

PAL was barely used, at least in Uruguay. Like >>3057686 said, most TVs accept everything, so the standard was usually NTSC, except for some VCRs and maaaaaybe some cable decoders, but even those were usually NTSC.

>> No.3057778
File: 97 KB, 753x1060, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so Japanese I shit ramen

This website was American made by an American weeab.

>> No.3057779

RGB or VGA (RGB with separate sync connectors). I think RGB isn't region locked, and VGA sure as hell isn't.

>> No.3057784


>> No.3057785

You are a fucking moron. Go do a whois real quick, faggot.

>> No.3057792


How underage& are you.

>> No.3057806

I'm sorry, we Europeans love to jank off about our glorious past too.

>> No.3057820

>didn't get the memo

>> No.3057832

PAL had the color accuracy and higher resolution, but most devs being lazy faggots, most games were slowed down and got borders.

So PAL would have been the best, if it was used properly. But it wasn't.

>> No.3057837

I still have no idea who this moot e-celeb is. Did he do undertale let's plays?

>> No.3057839

What does blue mean? No TVs here?

>> No.3057840


>> No.3057846

There is no blue on the map. If you mean grey that normally means no data.
Western Sahara is annexed by Morocco so it should use SECAM. Polisario have their own DVB-T station now but I've no idea about analog times.
Bhutan had a ban on TV they only lifted in 1999.

>> No.3057849


He's just some nobody who made canv.as, and is now being a bitch at Google.

>> No.3057859

Las Malvinas son Británico

>> No.3057865

Only on Japanese consoles. If you were actually playing on a computer that wouldn't have been an issue.

>> No.3057887
File: 9 KB, 108x136, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RGB = 206, 196, 205 so it's a violet-grey. But there was probably a psychological component making it look less grey.

I figured it was Bhutan though. I remember something on the news back then about their first ever TV service.

>> No.3057923


Wrong, they're Botánico.

>> No.3057935

toca de aca pirata

>> No.3057985

NTSC for vidya.
Moonlanding was still fake.

>> No.3058007

What's the difference?

>> No.3058012


>> No.3058028

The one I grew up with is better.

>> No.3058038

>NTSC for vidya
Only if you're an Amerifat/weeb or nip, which means you fundamentally have inferior taste. All the good vidya was on European computers.

>> No.3059894

>all these NTSCfags

>> No.3059898

18+ website,

>> No.3059924


>> No.3059926

dank meme, kid.

>> No.3059928
File: 64 KB, 437x468, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play games made in NTSC in NSTC, play games made in PAL in PAL

>> No.3059930

Can I play NTSC games in PAL60 with the advantage of higher resolution and better colors while also having 60fps?

>> No.3059978

30 fps
manual color correction

25 fps
automated color correction

>> No.3059979

>3 of them

>> No.3059991


Except Crash Bandicoot 2, that's better on PAL somehow.

>> No.3060003
File: 9 KB, 294x333, aef68bbc8284a350-b8fb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Algeria use Sécam like the rest of francophone Africa?

>> No.3060097

Everything TV here has been multi system since decades and we officially have both versions of many consoles.

>> No.3060121

They got the hookup from their Egyptian buddies.

>> No.3060194

Libyan surely?

>> No.3060198

They gave Algeria PAL because they promised to build them a bomb.

>> No.3062170

>kill everyone in NTSC/SECAM, save PAL
>kill everyone in NTSC/PAL, save SECAM
>kill everyone in PAL/SECAM, save NTSC

Assuming you survive no matter what, which region do you choose?

>> No.3062173


your mom

>> No.3062176

>kill everyone in PAL/SECAM, save NTSC
Why would you pick anything else? That's like 95% of the brown population right there.

>> No.3064063

Glad this travesty is slowly dying. I wanted my foeskin, I consider it's removal a form of rape/mutilation

>> No.3064067

Americans are worse than any brown population.

>> No.3064070

Third world countries can't accept the fact America made everything relevant. Did the Soviet Union contribute to science and technology in the slightest? I didn't think so.

>> No.3064945

PAL 60 master race.

>> No.3064996


This, now shut the fuck up and play the version that matches the region the game was made in.