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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 534 KB, 784x720, youtu.be-Ti2fwroyP2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3052148 No.3052148 [Reply] [Original]


How the fuck does this work??? Saw this on reddit.

Is this the future of retro gaming? Is this how we will play retro games in the future with our oculus rift headsets on? I'm impressed and excited.
I don't care what the nostalgiafags think, quite frankly.

>> No.3052170

NES games are made from a background layer and a sprite layer.
Before rendering the scene, paint the sprites as a 2D plane in 3D space and draw the background layer as a 3D voxel-like map where colors give the depth information.

Obviously there's guesswork involved but cool nonetheless. Will never be perfect though

>> No.3052171

>How the fuck does this work?
Probably by giving each sprite layer a depth.

>Is this the future of retro gaming?
No, it looks like shit.

Say no more.

>> No.3052174

He said he doesn't care about your opinion, nostalgiafag.

>> No.3052182

>How the fuck does this work

Very poorly from what I've seen...
Also, look into FCE3D...gayboy shit like this is old hat.

>Saw this on reddit.

what you see on reddit should stay on reddit

>Is this the future of retro gaming?

Is this the future of the past? this is literally what you're on about and it's a retarded question.

No, the future of retro gaming is 4k screens emulating CRT's authentically :^)

>with our oculus rift headsets on

Wow Zuckerjew...just wow. No. No one should ever buy this piece of brain washing equipment.

>I'm impressed and excited.

I bet you're a cheap date, easy, and sexually available too.

>I don't care what the nostalgiafags think, quite frankly.

Yeah me neither...this just looks like shit, and the fact that you think oculus rift is a good idea is a sign of retardation.

>> No.3052185 [DELETED] 

I peeled a hard-boiled egg clean today removing over 3/4 of the shell at once.

It's going to be a good day.

>> No.3052186 [DELETED] 

shit like that is always a readily seen miracle. God I love it when little good things like that happen.

>> No.3052187

From going to random times on the video, I will say that, for the most part, it looked like shit. The idea is interesting, but it seems completely unnecessary, something akin to colorizing black and white films.

>> No.3052203

It's a neat proof of concept, but even at it's best it will just be a novelty. Also, what application could it have in vr anyway? You could look around a little bit, but it wouldn't really accomplish much.

>> No.3052219

Hey faggotron, there's already a thread, use the catalog next time

>> No.3052230 [DELETED] 

no thank you.

>cheap date, easy, and sexually available too.
yes. hmu babe ;)

>> No.3052232

One word:

>> No.3052438

Looks like it could be neat but it needs a lot of work. The video isn't all that convincing as is. It's not much more than a novelty, though. Certainly not the future of retro gaming.

>> No.3052485

Christ, you're mad about absolutely nothing.

>> No.3052495

I am highly suspicious of how easy this will be to implement. When 3DS came out Nintendo had plans to remaster a lot of their NES games in 3D. They thought it should be pretty easy too, but the process even with really simple games like Xevious was such a pain in the ass they gave up after the first batch.

M2 are good at it, but they're fucking M2 and it takes them a long time for each game.

>> No.3052498

the future of retro gaming is CRTs

>> No.3052541

I don't know the reasoning behind Nintendo for not releasing the 3ds nes games, but I assure you, software emulation with sprites rendered on a separate 3d plane is a one-size-fits-all solution and with the manpower at Nintendo, exactly what I would call "easy to inplement"

>> No.3052562

I tried googling the article I read but couldn't find it. That's pretty much exactly what Nintendo expected though and they found in reality it was much harder than they anticipated. I couldn't give details though because I don't remember everything and it wasn't super specific, but that was the gist.

A shame too, I love the Genesis ports but I was really looking forward to more NES and eventually SNES games getting the treatment.

>> No.3052847 [DELETED] 

Fuck man, that's never happened to me before. I've only ever gotten about 1/3.

>> No.3052896
File: 128 KB, 1231x474, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this the future of retro gaming?
>the future of retro gaming
>future of retro
>tuna salad sandwiches

Thanks for reminding me that I haven't had lunch yet, OP. By the way that is one ugly emulator plugin.

>> No.3052904 [DELETED] 

Drop it in cold water first then crack all around before peeling. Should come off with no problem. /ck/ sends it's love.

>> No.3052932

It looks god awful.

The idea of adding stereoscopic dept to some SNES games while keeping them 2D (like in the virtual boy) was good, though. Too bad the project seems to be abandoned.


>> No.3053006

I kek'd. Delusion is a great thing.

>> No.3053007

>Le another butthurt crtfag

>> No.3053018


i think it's kinda cool

Thanks for taking one for the team and playing the "underage contrarian" role, though.

>> No.3053024

This is how I imagined games when I was a kid. Looked way better in my child's mind though

>> No.3053035

I like how this looks over a CRT filter.

I wouldn't use it all the time, but it's neat.

>> No.3053042

I reported the egg sage poster. It's amazing how angry and worked up people get about this that they have to go so far, just because nes can be 3d now.

>> No.3053112

I posted this based on OPs screenshot. It doesn't look good on a lot of games. The emulator would need to have specific patches for each game, like the genesis games on the 3ds.

>> No.3053124

A lot of hostility in this thread. This is just the first draft of this emu. In 10 years it could look amazing. It doesn't seem all too different than what the 3DS does. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo started doing this. With a bigger budget they could make it look pretty nice.

>> No.3053138

This is fucking retarded.
It looks so stupid.
This horseless carriage is a waste of time and energy from all involved!

>> No.3053146
File: 114 KB, 620x352, 266969-h1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the OP's pic you can see why it was so hard. Making everything pop out at the same spots looks terrible. You actually have to go through and tweak the games piece by piece to make them not look like shit.

>> No.3053151

>two threads on the same thing
fuck, why can't anyone use the catalog?

>> No.3053156

It'd be better to actually watch the video.
When it gets to Zelda II, you've got Link walking through damn near everything. At least the emulator helpfully makes things partially transparent when a sprite walks through an object. I have no fucking clue how it would possibly know to do that, though.

>> No.3053160

lol that sounds terrible. But no I don't need to look at anything more than that screenshot. Retro games made 3D can look incredible. But that's ass ugly.

>> No.3053212

Two comments about the same thing.
Fuck, why can't anyone read the thread?

>> No.3053220

okay how the fuck are you guys trying ROMs?

I don't want to give Dropbox my fucking credit card number and google drive is useless, it wont generate a direct link

>> No.3053224

>[Enter text here]

>> No.3053570

Let's hope they do it. They are always late when it comes to stuff others have been doing since the stone age.

Oh you can play classic pokemon gameboy games now on 3ds? top kek i could do this since ages and even before that on my psp.
they probably needed so many years to censor the jynx sprite.

>> No.3055406

Several games simply wouldn't work like this.

Shit, even in the OP the sky is coming into the room.

>> No.3055439

bug fix this pham

>> No.3055597

Pretty cool, but it'll never be used in a widespread way. It looks like it requires a lot of effort so only the most popular games will get the 3D treatment.

>> No.3055938

>Is this the future of retro gaming? ..oculus rift headsets
haha no, theres no utility to perceiving depth in a 2d game

i dont meant that this type of emu cant generate two different angles and provide stereovision, but theres no experience gain, its just silly.

>No, the future of retro gaming is 4k screens emulating CRT's authentically :^)

what do you have against simulated stereoscopic vision? or is it just about the occulus and why?

color = depth?
isnt there several layers of sprite, and paralax and static background? depending on console

perhaps those would be a better choice, but would required testing more variants in a per game basis, and match settings with rom somehow.

>> No.3055949


the answer to didi's question is that objects dont fall to earth at the same speed (if the test is not simultaneous)

they only do if you disregard the infitesimal difference for object of less than a certain fraction of planetary mass, that is, for falls from the same spot ofc, inb4 equator vs artic

or if you do the test at the same time, since both asteroids would pull the planet simultaneous, that is, given circunstances where they wouldnt touch before planetary collisioin and would be therefore a single mass but i gidress

>> No.3055963
File: 3.75 MB, 400x255, 134857-waterboy-I-got-a-wooden-spoon-3GqO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they read the other thread about the same thing?

>> No.3055974

This post should be a banner.

>> No.3055996
File: 5 KB, 300x100, madaboutnothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods, go nuts.

>> No.3056012

What would this look like with a top down RPG like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy?

>> No.3056056

I have had a Dropbox for nearly 3 years. They never needed my credit card number, even after I upgraded to Pro (which used Paypal). Get a free account.

>> No.3056117

satan appears in the depth of field 666

>> No.3056162


>> No.3056173

This looks terrible
Anon you're a little fuck.

>> No.3056232

Has anyone actually gotten this to work? Every time I try it it just kills Firefox, and every comment I've seen in threads on /vr/ or /v/ sounds like it's just based on the video.

>> No.3056530

Nevermind, turns out I needed to install 64-bit Firefox.
>try SMB3
>doesn't even get to Press Start before freezing
Welp. I like the idea, but until it works properly there's no point in using this emulator.