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File: 33 KB, 512x448, mario 2 fds screenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3051127 No.3051127 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about SMB2J / Lost Levels?

I beat the All-Stars version (inb4 wimp) today and the level design blew me away. Sometimes I found it borderline hilarious what they expected of you for certain jumps or how far you were meant to make it without taking a hit. It's cruel, but it's so well done how many things they thought of.

It pissed me off, but the Invisible Poison Mushroom Blocks™ placed right where you WOULD try to jump over Hammer Bros. in 8-3 was pretty brilliant.

You better believed I had a Game Over on the stairs in 8-4. The ones you start at.

After I beat the game, I saw a map in 1-2 of where the FORWARD warps are hidden. Mind blown. It's just so awesome that this is an official Nintendo game and not some romhack. This shit is real.

All this is coming from someone who just recently gave a shit about this game, and playing every level of it (and the original, which I also found quite engrossing but not as much as this one).

Anyone else think this game is brilliant? Have you beaten the FDS version?

>> No.3051137

Levels ABCD are not that good in my opinion, just world 5 with underwater physics.

>> No.3051147
File: 17 KB, 2256x256, 9-4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you thinking of World 9 where you have the underwater physics in the overworld?

World 9 is totally fluffy and bizarre, but I liked it. It's just a weird little thing. Especially 9-3, no diea what's supposed to be going on there. But who doesn't love the 'Airigato!' ?

A through D have some different stuff, but as I recall from earlier today most of D was just harder versions of some previous world. I can't recall which though...

>> No.3051154

Yeah that's probably it, someone always brings up how most ports are missing those letter worlds but I never thought they were that great.

>> No.3051219


best 2d mario game

>> No.3051239

Wouldn't this level fuck you over if you accidentally went under the A and U, since you cannot scroll the screen back? Or was one kana less than a screen wide (I don't know how many blocks you can have on a screen)?

>> No.3051247

Really? You can't count?

>> No.3051314
File: 15 KB, 3661x500, SuperMarioBros2(J)-World8-Area3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. At least when I was playing it, it didn't look like there was a way to get stuck.

Here's another level map for 8-3, one of my personal favorites. It's like 8-3 from the original but in the sky and on crack.

>> No.3051318
File: 29 KB, 3584x720, SuperMarioBros2jMap1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another map for good measure. I wouldn't have found that World 4 warp in a million years. It's crazy how well it's hidden.

>that one block sized gap with a hole just to kill you incase you're Super Mario/Luigi, you HAVE to be small

Sasuga, Miyamoto.

>> No.3051324

>Really? You can't count?

I can count in three languages but I can't be arsed to look up how many blocks wide one screen is in Mario bros 1, or if those blocks are even standard width blocks and not double width ones or something.

>> No.3051358

Play VS, the later levels will kick your teeth in.

>> No.3051481

It seems pretty scary, I'm not sure if I'm up for that. Even with what amounts to infinite lives on the All-Stars version of LL, I had a fair amount of trouble at so many points.

>> No.3051489

You can't be "arsed" to count the fucking blocks in OP?

>> No.3051554

The number of blocks tell you fuck all since the camera also centers on Mario as you move forward, so you'd need to take that into account, plus at what value the cut off is for an "empty block" (eg. can you still pass behind it if the camera only shows half of the block empty). You also need to know at which block # does the screen trigger scrolling.

There are more variables at play here than the amount of blocks on the screen (which is most likely 256px screen width / 16px wide blocks = 16 blocks).

I'm not intimate enough with how SMB1 is coded so I don't know any of those. Assuming that the screen scrolls at the center (so once you pass block 8), and you need 1 completely fully open tile to be able to jump/swim/pass through, then the kana can have a maximum of 7 blocks between the hole on the left and the border blocks on the right, for you to be able to pass through. Which is EXACTLY how much empty space you have on the most wide kana, meaning that this is an edge case, meaning that there is no margin for error. Therefore if any of those assumptions are off by 1, then you can still end up trapped there, despite how many blocks you just counted!

Which is all fucking bullshit because if someone here has an emulator, they can fire it up with some game genie or whatever code to warp to that level and test it for 100% certainty.

>> No.3051557

The stairs at the end of the stage are wider than any of the kana and that fits entirely on the screen

>> No.3051573

>The stairs at the end of the stage are wider than any of the kana and that fits entirely on the screen

Does it fit entirely on the screen when you are on one end of it, or when you are on the end of it? The kana could fit the entire screen but leave you no path to go back around it, if you take the lower route with the wall, due to when the screen scrolls forward.

It could also be an auto scrolling level.

>> No.3051580

>The number of blocks tell you fuck all
Lol what? Half the screen size of blocks will trap you

>all that text
Dear lord. You were "arsed" to write all that shit, though.

>> No.3051657

>that one block sized gap with a hole just to kill you incase you're Super Mario/Luigi, you HAVE to be small

Actually you can make it big, it's just really hard.

>> No.3051661

Oh really? I was under the impression that it was just there to fuck with you if you got a mushroom earlier.

Maybe I'll try to squeeze through as big sometime. Could be easier as Luigi?

>> No.3051674

>Anyone else think this game is brilliant? Have you beaten the FDS version?

yes, and yes, but I did the 99lives trick in 1-1

>> No.3051679

I don't blame you. I'd do it too. I mean it's not cheating per saaay...

Sometimes I think that's why All Stars just starts you on that level, since you really do need the zillions of lives. They save you the trouble of doing it in 1-1. But I dunno if that's what the intent was, just an idea.

>> No.3051693

Why stop at 99 when you can have 127?

>> No.3052398
File: 57 KB, 444x384, tumblr_n1ibmgcsvX1rrftcdo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with D-4.

>> No.3053507

Why stop at signed bytes when you can have 255?

>> No.3056143

The ending castle of world 4 annoyed the hell out of me. Aso, I liked the warp pipe that took you back to 1-1.

If save states didn't exist I probably wouldn't have gotten far. I'm at 5-1 right now.

>> No.3056159

I am getting angry remembering this.

>> No.3056774

is there any way around this?

>> No.3056965

I've beaten this, but not SMB3. Oh well. It's pretty fun, as it is more challenging.

.... yeah. If you are fast enough, you should be able to run and jump while ducking.

>> No.3056996

First time I played it, I jumped over a flag pole. I had a chuckle and went on, expecting nothing but an endless level. Nope. Warp pipe. Neat, I thought. Then I realized that this pipe would took me back to previous levels.

>> No.3058530

it looks hard, but when you push the sprint button Mario goes through it super fast if you time it right

>> No.3058595

Assholes like you are the reason this board sucks

>> No.3058621

Don't ever talk to me or my son

>> No.3058642

Fuck off, Randy.

>> No.3060348
File: 80 KB, 512x512, 1151431360739.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but the blocks in the corners are shopped

>> No.3060638

Yeah anon it's great. The all stars version is good because saving after every level kinda dampens the unfairness

>> No.3060884


>> No.3061491

It's not a shoop my friend, see here: >>3060884

I agree, but it still keeps the challenge of it so I find it all good. All-Star graphics are nice too, even if the FDS has the real Mario 1 look.