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File: 3.92 MB, 5472x2840, SNES-Mod1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3051069 No.3051069 [Reply] [Original]

Would building a raspberry pi emulator machine inside an old snes case be feasible for a guy who's only accomplishment with computer hardware is building a desktop pc and who only knows how to copy/paste as far as coding is concerned?

>> No.3051075

just put a wii inside it.

>> No.3051083

Put it on a jaguar case and sell under the coleco name, you'll make millions.

>> No.3051091

Give it up Mike, your dream is dead.

>> No.3051107

That's what I did with the board out of it now I'm just looking for something to do with the case.

>> No.3051124

why don't you just buy a cheap $5 case with the Pi instead?

>> No.3051319

Because it wouldn't be as aesthetically pleasing. I'm wanting to make it as a gift for a friend and I want it to actually look legit.

>> No.3051391
File: 3.28 MB, 4752x3168, img_2078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it'd be extremely easy. And even if you're not bright enough to put a tiny computer in a relatively huge case, there's a ton of people who have already done it and made guides of sorts.
They make all sorts of cases, including things like the Pitendo and PiStation. And IMO, having a case be 20x the size it needs to be isn't very pleasing.
Could also go with something like this if you really want to diy, but looks pretty janky with the wires coming out of all sides.

>> No.3051410
File: 111 KB, 1000x769, adafruit_pi_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're legitimately retarded for wanting to stuff a Pi into a SNES case because it's "aesthetically pleasing", I hope you know that.

>> No.3051417


If you really want it to be aesthetically pleasing just use a Super Famicon or a EU Snes shell.

>> No.3051418

Maybe he's trying to get invited to the White House to meet Obama for building a computer all by himself

>> No.3051427

I saw a guy who connected the led light, on/off slider, and the reset slider to connect to the pi on YouTube.

Of course it'd be easy to just toss a pi inside a snes, but I'm wanting to make one that looks and functions like an actual snes

>> No.3051432

I worded that awkwardly. He had the actual snes on/off slider hooked up to turn the device on and off, the reset button programmed to exit emulation, and the led light would light up when it was on.

I thought it looked cool as fuck, don't know why that's triggering you faggots so much

>> No.3051448


It's because you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.3051692

Yeah there's thousands of guides on how to do that.

>> No.3051915

Really? Cause after a few hours of googling I can't find shit

>> No.3055289

>And IMO, having a case be 20x the size it needs to be isn't very pleasing.

Actually if you use short Male/Female connectors to route the ports on the pi to where you want them to be on the case, you quickly begin running out of space.

SNES is pretty large though. My worry OP, is that it'll be a good bit lighter which will make it feel cheap and flimsy, will fly off the shelf with the slightest pull.

>> No.3055294
File: 48 KB, 720x405, 1397806443632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be easy enough, OP.
I did a similar thing a couple of years ago with a Famicom Ram Adapter. Just take your time, make a good job.

You don't need to know everything to make a start, just research every point at which you get stumped. It's important that you learn something and have a good time.

Build the first for yourself, with the idea that you'll give your friend the 2nd, more perfect one. If the first turns out perfectly, then hey, less work.

>> No.3056132

>butchering videogame history
like a true hipster

>> No.3056154
File: 2.79 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160211_211308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be too hard if you knew how to solder shit. You can get a pinboard for the Pi that lets you hook SNES controllers up directly to it instead of using a USB adapter, even.

I opted for just painting my Pi case SNES colours instead.

>> No.3056172

That looks hot as hell. I want that black controller real bad. Maybe I should sacrifice one of my spares...

>> No.3056175

>Maybe I should sacrifice one of my spares
I hope it's yellow..

>> No.3056669

Nah, the plan is to breathe some new life into a broken one

>> No.3057434

The black controller is just a cheap USB one I bought on ebay, with the buttons from another.

If buying any snes usb online, always buy black ones. They're made by a different company than the other 99% of controllers, and are genuinely good.

Get over yourself, you precious twat.
He's not "butchering videogame history", he's doing whatever the fuck he wants with the common plastic object he owns.

>> No.3057756

The problem might be, that you are searching for something quite specific, you should try to generalize a bit on your search about using switches and buttons for functions on the pi, rather than search for snes/console specific stuff.

>> No.3058220

Waste of a RAM adapter. Raspi-fags are the fucking worst. Use real hardware to play games, or use real hardware to emulate games. Don't cannibalize real hardware to put shitty hardware in it.

>> No.3058247

I have a dead SNES which I'm thinking of doing this with.

Mounting the Pi is easy, get some nylon standoffs and screws from a RC Car shop or from eBay or a fasteners shop.

If you wanted to make it really nice, you could make a back panel with USB power and HDMI connectors on it. You can get little extension cables with panel mounts from an electronics store.

I want to use the original power button to turn mine on/off and that should be a simple wiring job.

I'm considering cutting and mounting the corner of the original PCB which has the Reset switch, then I can wire this switch up to the Pi. I could use this as an actual reset switch, or I could make it a button to return from emulator to frontend.

The RetroPie project has a method to wire up SNES controller ports to the Pi GPIO pins, so you could use original controllers in the original ports.

If you are patient and buy a soldering iron and a drill, this should be a fun project, even for a beginner.

>> No.3058251
File: 41 KB, 360x480, PhotoMar0691849PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is more or less what I'm thinking of. I found that on the RPi forums.

>> No.3060772

yeah man, it's better for broken components to end up in the dumpster than being reused.

most everyone who would do this is using defective hardware to begin with. anyone else is a retard, sure, but you have to be a special kind of retarded to hunt down a working system in great condition to rip apart rather than getting a broken one for $5 on Craigslist or something.

>> No.3061697


>> No.3061765

Looks radical. Good luck.

>> No.3064168

RAM adapter was probably working fine. I just did what I wanted with the common plastic item I had.

I was never going to sell or lend it to anybody, you're just being a tit and dictating to people what they can and can't do with their things.

It doesn't matter if it's a famicom part, a Ford Escort or a smartphone from 2008, I can do whatever I want with MY things. It does not affect you, fampai.