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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 467 KB, 1030x668, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0, Program START_2013-03-31_13-30-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
303594 No.303594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just started playing Eye of the Beholder, anything I should keep in mind? Also, is there a way to stop my paladin from getting knocked unconscious all the god damn time?

>> No.303919

Get a better paladin.

Also, when you get to the floor with the spiders and one of your chars gets poisoned, don't rest. Instead, search for antidote flasks on the same floor.

>> No.303946

I've been playing some roguelikes recently.

Any recommendations on a first party-based dungeon crawler?

>> No.303954
File: 54 KB, 640x480, dm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon Master. The one and only.
After that, EotB 1-2, Black Crypt (if you can emulate Amiga), Lands of Lore 1, DM2, Chaos Strikes Back. Probably in that order.

>> No.304048

What's wrong with EotB 3?

>> No.304057

Developed by a different company, on a different engine. That should already hint you on something.

>> No.304061

>Developed by a different company, on a different engine.
Jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.304075

Betrayal at Krondor

>> No.304080

The might & magic games. All of them, but especially 4 + 5. XEEN.

>> No.304089
File: 253 KB, 1030x668, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0, Program START_2013-03-31_13-04-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in starting over? I'll consider it. I did give him a shield for now and he seems to faint less.
Also thanks for the advice. I hate poison monsters.

I played Dungeon Master for a few floors and now EotB.

>> No.304103
File: 144 KB, 640x739, captive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, also listen to the other guys. The dungeon crawler's I've named in >>303954 are all real time. M&M4-5, Betrayal at Krondor, Wizardry 7, Realms of Arkania 1-3 are some of the best ones.

Also another amazing real-time dungeoncraweler is Captive. Only started it recently, but so far I'd consider second only to DM:CSB.

>> No.304105

*some of the best ones among the turnbased ones, I mean

>> No.304109

No, not starting over. You get an option to hire new (preset) characters later on.

>> No.304121
File: 18 KB, 640x400, bardstale2-1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some great games listed in this thread.

Don't forget amazing games like The Bard's Tale original series (not the remake), Wasteland, Wizardry series

>> No.304127
File: 28 KB, 320x200, Anvil%20of%20Dawn_5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Anvil of Dawn recently, I just finished the first dungeon and Im really liking it so far.

>> No.304151

>dosbox version

For the sake of your brain, OP, i'd recommend you to learn how to work with amiga emulation and play CFOU!'s amazing modded version. It has better sound of music, and best of all, an automap feature.

>> No.304158

>needing to use automap on EotB

>> No.304191
File: 451 KB, 1030x668, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0, Program START_2013-03-31_15-52-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it, alright I'll replace him when I get the chance to.

I'll look into it since I want music but I don't want an automap feature. Either I don't use a map or draw one myself.

>> No.304202

Drawing the maps was one of the best parts of these games.

>> No.304214

I must be weird then because I couldn't ever force myself to draw a map for a real-time dungeon crawler. Seemed like my characters would starve to death before I finish doing it, and pausing is a no-no because most of the time it obscures my view screen.

>> No.304227
File: 153 KB, 864x506, dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda stuck on the second level. I don't know how I'm supposed to kill those monsters that look like piles of rocks, they seem to be way beyond my level.

>> No.304234

Use the All-Seeing Eye for automapping: http://personal.inet.fi/koti/jhirvonen/ase/

Also keep in mind that EOB is an okay dungeon crawler and by no means the best of the genre.
Play Dark Heart of Uukrul next.

>> No.304243

The piles of rocks are very sturdy but not hard to beat with some patience. Try fighting them unarmed, punching and kicking them to death, speeds up the process lots.

>> No.304248
File: 330 KB, 1030x668, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0, Program FIRES_2013-03-28_13-48-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at the same spot exactly. Fuckers are unkillable I swear. Maybe I just suck at this.

>> No.304270

Just follow the advice at >>304243, go unarmed at them. Also a good way to train ninja levels. If that's not enough for you, you can hurl some spells at them, but you probably haven't found those out so I won't spoil those.

>> No.304275


Oh man, I remember play EotB: Legend of Darkmoon back when I was like five or six years old.

I had no idea how to play, including how to swing a weapon, so I ended up getting through the forest to the temple by just throwing everything in my inventory at the wolves.

>> No.304279

I found the poison cloud spell but it takes like 2 full mana bars for my wizard to cast that. Not very useful.

>> No.304284

Poison cloud works wonders against slow and stationary enemies, don't underestimate it.

>> No.304287

Might and Magic series. (4 and later at the very least)
Legacy of the Ancients
Betrayal at Krondor
Megatraveller 1-2
Realms of Arkania series. (especially 2)
Wizardry series. (6-8 in particular)
Gold Box games. (Curse of the Azure Bonds etc)
Lands of Lore 1-2
Ravenloft 1-2
Anvil of Dawn
The Dark Heart of Uukrul.

If you wanna bawl your eyes out then start with Wizardry 4 or Dungeon Master 2: Chaos Strikes Back.

>> No.304321

>If you wanna bawl your eyes out then start with Wizardry 4 or Dungeon Master 2: Chaos Strikes Back.
Pretty much all Wizardry games qualify actually.

>> No.304325

whats the game that aged at the best?

I've played only legend of grimrock and I'd like something AWESOME

dark/diablo-ish maybe?

>> No.304332

Oh I don't know. The others ones tend to be just hard.
4 actively dicks you over like it was the computer version of Tomb of Horrors on just a little bit less crack than the original.

>> No.304341

Not OP but I'm considering using this because getting lost looking for that one items for fucking forever doesn't sound like fun. On the other hand, that feels like cheating.

>> No.304348

A lot of the games ITT have aged like fine wine. Some of them have aggravating controls, but otherwise they're as good as they ever were. If you want more like LoG (i.e. realtime combat) then check out >>303954 and Captive.

>> No.304373

Might and Magic 3-5 maybe? (or Worlds of Xeen if you don't mind unbalancing 5)
Wizardry 7-8. (8 really)
Lands of Lore 1.
Betrayal at Krondor.

Honestly it's very dependent on what you consider awesome.
I'm not sure there are that many fleshed out darker settings though. The Ravenloft games are technically in a gothic horror setting.

>> No.304389


is this list worth a shit?

>> No.304410
File: 19 KB, 589x375, 1292312914747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget when you do reach the spiders, if you have a clerical magic, to cast "Slow Poison" it can save your character until you find that flask.

>> No.304467
File: 22 KB, 320x200, ishar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can no one know this one?

>> No.304476

>those top 2 games
Ishar trilogy is beautiful, but the gameplay is rather standard.

>> No.304481

*Aside from the top 2, it's a pretty servicable list though.

>> No.304493

just resurrected the memory of warriors of the golden sun.

>> No.304501

That's the Genesis exclusive Goldbox-like game right?

>> No.304502


>> No.304515

I really have no idea I got it from my older brother when I was like 6. It was for sega and was a turn based rpg that went fps when you went into dungeons and stuff.

>> No.304703

Is there any decent dungeon crawler which has a setting other than fantasy? like, sci-fi or something?

>> No.304773


>> No.304794
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x1603, ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star 2. Its not first person though.

>> No.304821

Lure them under doors and then turn the switch so it repeatedly crushes them. Also fireballs.

>> No.305003

Phantasy Star IV is better.

>> No.305012

Forgot to say: only Phantasy Star I actually had first person dungeon crawling. PS2,PS3 and PS4 are all Final Fantasy style in perspective.

>> No.305249

Thanks for the answers, I'll give them a shot.

>> No.305282

I'd recommend playing the Amiga Captive over the (buggy) DOS one, although since DOSBox is easier to handle than WinUAE you might use that version for sampling whether you'll like it or not.

>> No.305298

Does anyone here use any program to manually map their dungeons? Pen and paper are nice and all but with larger dungeons and games it can be a little troublesome.

>> No.305379

While there surely are some dedicated programs floating around, I've heard of some folks using MS Excel, interestingly.

>> No.305712
File: 2.66 MB, 320x240, EOTB - Dran Draggore FYIAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The origina FYIAD.

>> No.305793

It's genesis only yes, standard real time first person dungeon crawling, with battles in the overworld being turn based and isometric.

The games actually pretty fantastic, particularly the music.

>> No.305830

Gah, I cant remember the name of a game from another thread, it was a dungeon crawler, apparently free roam and it was NOT albion nor one of the classics like DM, goddamnit.

>> No.305875

I recommend Albion and Ambermoon if you want story and interesting settings. Especially Ambermoon is amazing.

>> No.305954

Alright, I'll give that a shot. Thanks.

>> No.305961

no it isn't. as a list of games to look up, maybe, but definitely don't use it as recommendation, it's like the list was made by someone who never really played the games just decided to make a list.

because past the graphics, it's extremely dull in about anything it tries to do

if you start asking what game has aged the best, you should just kill yourself

>> No.306046

Gonna need more details than that, there are tons of freeroaming dungeon crawlers.

>> No.306062

It seems like one of those "popularity vote" things though, which explains how Daggerfall got to the top (since TESbabbies only recognize that one)

>> No.306130
File: 24 KB, 313x286, 1338597797344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clouds of Xeen above Darkside
haha what?

>> No.306179

>Part A of Game above part B of Game
Why does this bother you more than Ultima 8 placing second in the list?

>> No.306234


Are you still around? I spent a good bit of time trying to get Captive to save under WinUAE yesterday but it doesn't fuckin' work. I create a custom floppy to save with and use the in-game format option, but when i try to save WinUAE hangs up indefinitely and starts flashing rainbow and crazy shit like that. I can cancel the saving process easily by right-clicking out of it but I'd really, really like to be able to save my game without states.

>> No.306249

Different guy, cause xeen is better than ultima.
And ultima 8 is pure shit. Both clouds and darkside are great games, but darkside is the better one.

>> No.306269

Wasteland, you non-thread-reading person

>> No.306314

Are you sure you're using the proper chipset? Having a different than required chipset sometimes does really hokey shit to the games.
Also, did you just make the disk using the default WinUAE option or did you also rename/format it in the Workbench? Some games (Black Crypt comes to mind) do require the disks to be labeled a specific way.
But Ultima 8 placed above both of the Xeen games, that's what I was referring to.

>> No.306390


I'm using a a1200 kickstart and it runs flawlessly otherwise. Haven't tried formatting it in the Workbench yet, guess I'll go flail around there for a while, but from what I've seen the game isn't horribly picky about the floppy it uses to save. I've seen traces of other people succeeding using the same method that's going screwy for me. It's frustrating

>> No.306558

Yup, WinUAE says it needs a custom disk.

>> No.306573

wasteland isn't really a dungeon crawler though.

>> No.306682
File: 225 KB, 721x567, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That error (which I assume you got when you tried to save) means it needs a floppy image of custom as opposed to standard SIZE, and doesn't have any implications as far as labeling/formatting goes. I've gotten past the error; when I try to save on a custom sized floppy formatted by the in-game tool, which says it's done its job properly, this happens. and it doesn't stop happening.

>> No.306763
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, 2013-01-27_00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got stuck on the door that ask me to be stronger.
Still don't know what I am supposed to do.

>> No.306792

>Playing the LoG EotB remake
Isn't that shit still unfinished?
>Those avatars

>> No.306797

you sure downvoted me.

>> No.306824

I saged because it was an off-topic post.

>> No.307015


Anyone other Captive players/WinUAE vets have input on this? >>306682

I'm about to say fuck it and Atari ST this bitch up, but I'd really like to solve this so I at least learn a bit more about Amiga shit.

>> No.307261

Maybe you should try a different version.
Go check Planetemu.

>> No.307359

FINALLY figured it out for you (and me too, I guess)

After the flashing screen happens, press F12 and swap back to the standard Captive.adf and press right button. Voila, the game is saved on the formatted disk. Then, when you need to load, on the load screen you swap to the save disk and load the game. Flashing screen happens again, so you again swap back to Captive.adf and press right button.

>> No.307372

I'm not sure why the flashing screen happens, but it only seems to be a graphic error and doesn't seem to interfere with the saving process.

>> No.307453

Can't you start WinUAE with two floppy drives, put the game .adf on DF0: and the save .adf on DF1:?

>> No.307479

Theoretically yes, but I'm not sure whether the game will recognize that you have the save .adf on DF1. It has an option to choose a drive for formatting, but not which one you'll be saving your game to. And I've already accidentally corrupted my game .adf by saving over it, so be careful with this. Perhaps make a backup of Captive.adf and then experiment with either this, or the opposite - save on DF0 and game on DF1.

>> No.307516


Even though Captive has options to format floppies on DF0: through DF3:, I'm pretty sure it's a single-floppy game in that it only wants to load/write to DF0:. It doesn't give you any options otherwise, at least.

Thank you so much! I have to run out the door so no time to test it right now, but I appreciate the help. I'll probably be back in this thread later this evening if it doesn't go under.

>> No.307642

I'm always flabbergasted by support for the first captive but not the second,(i know it had issues but damn, authors were on the right track)

>having your party member packed neatly in a backpack, for when the time got hard.... well, it made me hard back then.

>> No.307734

Captive 2 had a more limited release though, mostly on the failure that was CD32 and besides that only a relatively limited run on the Amiga. I've tried it for a while and it seems like a completely different game compared to 1, but still great all over. The controls seem incredibly perplexing though, I couldn't get out of a car once I got in. Will have to look those up somewhere.

>> No.307863


as I said, it had issues but the potential... it will never be embarked on. even with kickstarter creaze I dont think there will be enough people that felt what I felt playing second captive... The gloutioud future that never had a chance to become, that is all form me

>> No.307918

I'm pretty sure that had there been a DOS version released it'd still be remembered as a cult classic today (same applies to Fate: Gates of Dawn). It was just released at the wrong platform at the wrong time.

>> No.307960

nah, I felt it was different to fate,
but it was a vision never to be fully realised cause of closed structure of amiga.... I still have the sentiment, as it was long before daggerfall and assorted elder scrolls.

>> No.307998

a game too big for amiga, that's what it was.

>> No.308870
File: 45 KB, 337x473, Stonekeep box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stonekeep, if you can stomach butt-ugly digitized video capture graphics. Cartoony drawn style holds up MUCH better.

>> No.309290

I always thought Stonekeep had one of the best and most quality uses of digitized graphics ever actually.

>> No.309370
File: 465 KB, 1920x1080, DOSBox 2013-01-27 15-20-28-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.311510
File: 460 KB, 1030x668, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed 3000 cycles, Frameskip 0, Program START_2013-03-31_16-43-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.311617

I must've spent like 2 days in that fucking segment of that floor with respawning spiders, fuck.

>> No.314341

What's a relatively (comparatively, anyway) easy game of this genre?

>> No.314432

Eye of the Beholder

>> No.314465

lands of lore, eye of the beholder, dungeon master in that order.

>> No.314470

DM2's jap intro is fucking badass


>> No.314783



>> No.316016

>>307516 here.

Ignoring the graphical glitch works, but just for the record, all of the problems were alleviated by hunting down the 1.2 version of the game.

Bump for motherfuckin' dungeon crawlers.

>> No.319736

bumping eotb thread

>> No.319873
File: 353 KB, 640x400, uw_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread seems to have a distinct lack of Ultima Underworld.

>> No.319886


I heard about this gaem from /vr/ yesterday and immediately bought it from GOG. The mouse-driven control system is bretty cool, and it seems fun so far.

I also tried Nethack with Vulture's graphical mod

>> No.319963

I'm the same guy from yesterday's thread
And yes, I like playing Nethack with Vulture too, although I prefer ADOM personally.

>> No.323027
File: 239 KB, 646x428, DOSBox 0.74, Cpu speed max 100% cycles, Frameskip 0, Program UW_2013-01-19_13-52-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fix that.

>> No.324026

Just click on it multiple times.

Mind you, when I played Eye I didn't really get the whole 'character creation' thing and just maxed everybody's stats to the max.

>> No.328759

bumping before 404

>> No.328786

In EOTB I never knew you were supposed to get a wand and use it to push the beholder in a spike trap. I always just casted all buff spells before entering the room and meleed it to death.

>> No.328801

you're not really supposed to, both ways are possible. you a reward for saving the king (iirc?) to make the bossfight easier.

you can always just do the almighty dance to kill the beholder, it just takes longer.

>> No.328814

That's what I did. My keyboard hand was practically falling off by the end, but it was worth it.

Would have been a lot quicker in Eye II, because of the 'all party attack' button. As it was I only had time to hit once with Severious on each pass.

>> No.328817

eye 2 does have all party attack? i always thought it was introduced in 3? than again, it's been some time since i played eotb (time to replay soon)

>> No.328820

I didn't know either but it became some kind of thing in every Amiga mag and it was hard to avoid knowing.

>> No.328828

I could be remembering wrong.

>> No.328831

It's been decades, but I think you're wrong.

>> No.328849

Seems like my memory isn't too bad after all


>> No.328853

Lands of Lore 2 wasn't a dungeon crawler, it was a FPS action adventure.

>> No.328856

What is the best system to emulate Eye of the Beholder with?

>> No.328863

>opinon time

>> No.328870

Ah, you win this round. Interesting that that review thinks it's better than the previous two.. most things I've seen say the opposite.

>> No.328879

i always played dos version. depends if you want to import your characters all the way through the series i guess (you can't play 3 on amiga. if you want to is a different question). not sure about export on amiga versions but i guess there's not reason it shouldn't be possible

>> No.328880

Import does work on Amiga, of course

>> No.328893

than it's really just a matter of preference if he doesn't want to play 3 i guess

>> No.328897

>most things I've seen say the opposite.
Seems like a shitty 'video game journalism' site. Take it with a spoon of salt.
Eotb3 was a fucking disaster imo, and I'm pretty sure that's the consensus.

>> No.328908

I really don't mind. Browsing through this thread if it is crap Ill probably try it but I wouldn't care if I had to start again.

>> No.328915
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 1363691530027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys I have:
Anvil of Dawn
Eye of the Beholder III
Realms of Arkania III
Wizardry 8

Which one should I play RIGHT NOW and why?

>> No.328917

I tried it a bit years ago, I think... the first level at least was outdoorsy and felt aimless and meandering. I got bored quickly.

>> No.328919

i think the main problem is it's much worse than eob1+2, so if you (like me), play them in order with one party and than import it to continue the journey, it really hits you in the face.

>> No.328925

download dungeon master or lands of lore and play that i guess.

i'd recommend wiz8 but i'd rather play it from 6 to 8 with same party.

>> No.328936
File: 69 KB, 420x692, 72_27073_0_AdvancedDungeonsDragonsEyeOfTh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it hasn't been said already, I'm going to put it out there. The Sega CD version was the best version of this game available due to it's soundtrack being done by Yuzo Koshiro using a style that he pioneered with this game and the rest of the game itself still staying 1:1 to the DOS version.

Here's Yuzo Koshiro's dungeon theme

>> No.328986
File: 163 KB, 1024x768, wiz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiz 8 was - and still is - the best in my experience. No other game in the last decade could fill the void the Wizardry series left.

For nostalgia goggle values and gruesome, balls to the wall hard puzzles and retarded encounters (Fiend of Nine Worlds anyone?) go for Wiz 6 and 7.

>> No.329126
File: 20 KB, 320x200, Ultima%207%20-%20The%20Black%20Gate_7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are now aware the best dungeon crawlers are overhead view

>> No.330507

>you are now aware there is no such thing

>> No.332792

Uh yeah, all the original dungeon crawlers were overhead.

>> No.332954


like what, adventure on the 2600?

pretty sure wizardry is the progenitor of all dungeon crawlers/rpgs and that first person format got ripped off for years before anyone tried to make one with overhead view

>> No.333050

ultima isn't a dungeon crawler.

>> No.333063

I tried Ultima Underworld and NetHack on /vr/'s recommendations. I got to level 5 on NetHack before things took a very sudden turn for the worse and I got raped.

UU I haven't tried too much of, but I like the control system. I'm about to try some more now

>> No.333173
File: 45 KB, 640x480, ultima1-FMTOWNS-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima games have plenty of dungeons, and in the old games they were in 1st person viewpoint

Dang japanese getting all kinds of weird stuff

>> No.333227

any game that has dungeons isn't a dungeon crawler.

>> No.333281

How do you define a dungeon crawler? Dungeons only, no outside world?

>> No.333315

Could you recommend some easy Dungeon Crawlers?

>> No.333326
File: 403 KB, 2380x1140, 1362597232747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.333330

lands of lore is basically babbys first dungeon crawler.

or legend of grimrock

>> No.333352


Big thanks. Youre great guys

>> No.335558


This seems like a pretty cool list. I've never really touched DosBox until i came to /vr/ so I'll probably try out a good few on here.

GOG.com seems to have some godlike love of Ultima 7, is it great then?

>> No.336110

>Not a dungeon crawler

I don't mind the image, but that's idiotic. Especially since Every Wizardry game except 7 and 8 fit the definition presented in the chart. And even 7 is a borderline case.

Further, what about pedit5? Is that not a dungeon crawler simply because it's not first person?

>> No.336674

the list isn't perfect but it serves as a general guideline. wizardry probably should in dungeon crawlers (definitely 1-6).

>> No.337742

Bards tale is the best.

>> No.337769

If a game has turn based combat like Wizardry then its not a dungeon crawler.

>> No.337786

The GBA eye of the beholder was pretty fun if you didn't mind the bad graphics and sound.

>> No.339507
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, anvil of dawn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went with Anvil of Dawn (first time playing it) and oh god its great. The music, the animations, the DUNGEONS. I'm loving every second of it.

>> No.339535
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, anvil of dawn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching enemies die is delicious, they got great animations and screaming sounds.

>> No.340387

/vr/ What's a good console dungeon crawler?

Need one for my phone

When I was a kid my father had one but It was so scary I never let him play it. It was for the sega cd. The first dungeon had either blue or gray bricks and portriats showed battle damage. it was scarring

>> No.340394

you didn't say what phone but eotb1

>> No.340426


Sorry, my phone has retroarch so any /vr/ console PS1 and lower.
>what's eotb1
thanks anon downloading now.

>> No.340453


Thanks again Anon

>> No.340461
File: 32 KB, 613x600, 1342178981403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lawdy my sides

>> No.340551


Sorry for my plebness in this type of game but how do I attack?
I ended up dying to the first red goblin looking monster.
>click swords
>use swords on goblin
>sword on ground
>sword on ground
>sword on ground
>cleric's inventory given to fighter
>death everywhere

>> No.340557

Right click on the weapon. Only the 2 characters in the front row can use melee weapons.

>> No.340579

playing the snes version anon I'll try buttons on the sword when I pick up my phone again. Wiped on a fuckng goblin man.

Any other controls I should know? How to cast spells? What does picking up rocks do? Camp heals what? FOOD?

The closest thing to dungeon crawling I've ever done that wasnt in daggerfall is one of the first 3 phantasy stars.

>> No.341037

are you looking for a big challenge? Bards Tale or Wizardry 1 the NES versions are okay but the Amiga or C64 versions are way better

>> No.341109

Theres a game called Undercroft in the appstore, duno if its for android too. Its a great dungeon crawler, a little bit on the easy side but good nonetheless.

>> No.341285


Mostly looking for an intro to dungeon crawlers.

>> No.341313
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Is Wolfenstein 3D a dungeon crawler?

>> No.341845


>> No.342261

>World of Xeen if you don't mind unbalancing 5
Does 5 get to easy or what?

>> No.343381
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How do you guys do your mapping in oldschool blobbers, friends? It seems like there would be a lot of frustration and redrawing if you didn't know a layout of the dungeon from the getgo and ran out of room on your graph paper.

I'm a bit of a casual, so I used ready made maps in Wizardry 6 (the only blobber without automapping I've seriously played yet), but I want to play some more without any outside aids. Is there some trick to it, or do you just grab another sheet and finish the map on that?

Anyone know any simple programs for manual mapping? Is anything as quick as just drawing on graph paper?

>> No.346502

Honestly try Wizardry 1 first and then move on chronologically if that one bores you. Avoid the DOS version (levelup bugs) and the NES version (haven't played, but heard of some armor class bug). SNES version (Wizardry: Story of Llylgamyn) is best, get that and also the patch that fixes the untranslated bits of text left in it.

You CAN try to play EotB or Dungeon Master on phone but I'd imagine the controls to be terrible. Seek out turnbased dungeon crawlers instead.

>> No.346537

world of xeen

>> No.347294
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Story of Llylgamyn on SNES is fucking sweet. Particularly good for the updated graphics and music.

The only problem I have with it is that the controls are worse than playing a PC version, since you can't just press the corresponding key, but have to highlight and select.

>> No.350979

>How to cast spells?

Right clcik on holy symbol/spellbook. However, you have to camp first and pray for spells/memorize spells. D&D man.

>What does picking up rocks do?
You can throw them, use them on pressure plates, etc.

>Camp heals what?
HP, you cast healing spells while camping, you memorize spells and some status ailments get healed too (paralysis but NOT poison).

If your food is gone, you can't memorize spells and don't heal hp while camping. But there`s a create food cleric spell after you gained some levels.

>> No.351070

I've been searching for something like this myself. The best I've come up with it this but it only has an online version which is a shame.


>> No.355075


I found this:


You can download it and it's keyboard-based so it's a bit faster than that one. Unfortunately, I don't think the map scales out (you have to set the size).

>> No.356324
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>not dualwielding +3 shields

>> No.357081

I hope hes your paladin just because of how noble he is. I mean even his farts are noble.

>> No.357138

Do the bonuses even stack? I know that wouldn't work at all in 3e games but I think similar applies to 2e.

>> No.357360
File: 28 KB, 646x425, eob4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything except rings of protection stack (ie if you have enchanted armor, rings of protection no longer give you anything). shields and even bracers stack with everything.

also protip for EOB1, if you have two handed weapon (pretty much only applies to halberds), you can still equip shield and get the bonus even if it's greyed out (no longer possible in eob2)

>> No.358049

Dungeon Crawler =/= Dungeon Master clone

>> No.361081

god damn this board is slow. this thread has been here all week

>> No.361093

Slow boards are the best.

>> No.361127
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does daggerfall have any mods to spice up the world map? i like the towns and dungeons, but the actual map is empty as hell

>> No.361182

Is this a hack? I don't remember this bitchass nigga in EOB1 (which is what the dungeon looks like) but it's been a while.

>> No.361968

it's eob2

>> No.361989
File: 108 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m0z7jiYwUu1r40533o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue where to even look for them, but I found this page:


>MFW people on the nexus said they were against adding a daggerfall page because there are "better games".