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3029793 No.3029793 [Reply] [Original]

Should I play the PS1, Saturn, or PSP version?

>> No.3029798

Saturn for the extra content, PSX for the hilarious dub.

>> No.3029804


>> No.3029808

What the fuck. Why all these "should I play this version?" threads.

>> No.3029809

PSP Maria is based on Rondo of Blood Maria. You also get the extra familiars, dual audio and minor improvements from the Japanese version. Plus BEST ending theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i0ce-k78zg
I perosnally think it's the best one.

Saturn has the secret garden level (about 3 screens and a special boss), plus two "extra" areas that act more like shortcuts, DESGINATED button for using healing items and a broken ass kung fu Maria than can be kind of fun in a really cheap way.

Honestly though, you're not missing much by sticking with the original.

>> No.3029818

Ooh, also fairy song that's sung by a japanese pedo idol or something

>> No.3029826

Saturn version has bonus features but inferior graphics and is deemed as non-canon by Igarashi. PSP version stays true to the PS1 original but it replaces the classic cheesy dialog with a more correct translation.

>> No.3029857

Ooh btw the version in current gen consoles is the psp one.

>> No.3029860

I've played them all and I think there's very little difference between ports. Saturn was kind of a letdown.

>> No.3029870


I think the 360/PSN versions are just the original PS1 version (no playable Maria, no extra familiars, etc), not the PSP one

>> No.3029875

Pretty sure it's the redub with the new Maria.

>> No.3029915

PSP version is the best personally.

The Saturn version's extra content sounds good on paper until you actually get to it. It's clearly made by some C-Team as the art quality takes a huge dump, and while SOTN's level design was never something I would call stellar, the extra section are 3 long hallways and a vertical zig zag hallway with some lackluster art. At least the rest of the original game's boring hallways were nice to look at visually.

The Saturn version also has some technical issues and downgrades compared to the other versions. It does have a playable Maria though. I wouldn't play this version over the PS1 version unless you're curious.

The PSP version doesn't have the Saturn new areas, but it does have a revised version of Maria, 2 new items, and the Maria boss fight from the Saturn version. You can also choose between the Japanese language track or the new English language track. Most people see the new voice work as inferior due to it playing it completely straight as opposed to the bad voice acting and cheesy dialogue of the original. I never really understood this complaint. It always seemed like it's heavily based on nostalgia rather than an actual criticism.

>> No.3029939


I forgot to mention that the PSP version also cuts down on the load times. They're practically non existent.


No. The XBLA version came out before the PSP version. The XBLA is a straight port of the NA PS1 version with I Am The Wind cut from the credits and achievements added to the game.

>> No.3030000


It's okay, we're discussing a port of a PS1 game, not a PSP game.

And anyway, I don't see how anyone would want to listen to the game with the dub given the PSP version has the original japanese voice acting. Can't beat Wakamoto as Dracula.

Yeah that's what I thought, the PSN version of SOTN on PS3 and Vita is the original PS1 release. The 360 version has I Am The Wind removed and instead it got a track from Lament of Innocence as the ending theme.
The PSP version from Dracula X Chronicles has a new ending theme that's actually pretty good and written by Michiru Yamane exclusively for it (Here: >>3029809)

I think the only way to play the DXC version of SOTN on a Vita is by purchasing the digital version of Dracula X Chronicles, the regular SOTN on PSN is just the original PS1.

>> No.3030145

Saturn version is trash. Go for PS1/XBLA.

>> No.3030182

Fuck off and die.

>> No.3030219

My favorite version is the JP PS1 version with English translations. The new font is really nice. And the item descriptions are accurate. For some reason the localizer for the game decided to make a lot of the items Lord of the Rings references.

Pre-patched version:


>> No.3030223

PS1. The extra content on the Saturn version isn't worth the downgrades that port has and the Maria mode is kinda fun for about ten minutes before the novelty wears off.

>> No.3030224

>but it replaces the classic cheesy dialog with a more correct translation.

It doesn't. It takes the original localization and tweaks it, removing some of the sillier lines.

>> No.3030228

>I understand why fans who've never played the Saturn version would be interested in those features, but I really, really don't feel good about them. I couldn't put my name on that stuff and present it to Castlevania fans.

—Koji Igarashi, June 2007

>> No.3030229

>I never really understood this complaint

It essentially comes down to whether you want boring generic dub voice work or so bad it's hilarious voice work.

>> No.3030247

>The PSP version doesn't have the Saturn new areas, but it does have a revised version of Maria, 2 new items, and the Maria boss fight from the Saturn version. You can also choose between the Japanese language track or the new English language track. Most people see the new voice work as inferior due to it playing it completely straight as opposed to the bad voice acting and cheesy dialogue of the original. I never really understood this complaint. It always seemed like it's heavily based on nostalgia rather than an actual criticism.

The dialogue is mostly good. Jeremy Blaustein localized it. Only a few lines, like What is a Man? are odd. The voice acting, especially for some characters like Dracula really ruin the dialogue. It's mostly accurate too, only taking a few departures.

>> No.3030257

>or so bad it's hilarious voice work.

Alucard is great.

Dracula is the laugh riot, with the voice actors (there's two for some reason) hamming it up, and having some weird dialogue.

Maria and Richter are good too. I love how Maria says "Richter".

The JP voice acting is great. Nothing to complain about. All professionals. My only complaint, and this is biased since I played the ENG version first, is that Alucard sounds like a typical bishonen, and that's really boring. Maria sounds 10.

The new ENG dub is pretty bland. The voice actors aren't great, but aren't awful either. They are just middle of the road boring. It's the weakest of the three, I'd say.

>> No.3030261

>The voice actors aren't great, but aren't awful either. They are just middle of the road boring.

Exactly. If I had to pick between two bad dubs I'd go for the one that goes the extra mile instead of the one that's bad because it's just so bland.

>> No.3030276


I think part of them are genuine. Part of them are just an easy way to get a conversation going, even if it's a version war thread. Part of them are explicitly trying to start version wars.

>> No.3030556


For one, I liked the named Granfalloon.

It's not a Tolkien reference but actually a Vonnegut Jr. reference.

>> No.3030595

>is deemed as non-canon by Igarashi.

Only the playthrough with whatshername, because she was overpowered as all hell. That's why she plays different in the PSP version.

>> No.3030824



>> No.3030830

He never called it non-canon, just that he wasn't responsible for the hackjob Saturn port. He only retconned Circle of the Moon and Legends.

>> No.3031008
File: 181 KB, 467x599, tumblr_kvymicDtLy1qafqfoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psx version has the iconic dub.

psp has a redub and 2 familiars from the jap psx version, plus a playable maria.

saturn has the most content (and a different playable maria) but is missing some graphical effects and is jap only.
you get the ability to run so you don't have to backdash 24/7.

you'd think we'd have a complete version by now. also the xbox live release changed the ending theme.

>> No.3031106


You could also play a translation of the PS1 version. that exists.

>but is missing some graphical effects and is jap only.

Heavy slowdown too.

>you get the ability to run so you don't have to backdash 24/7.

A bunch of those abilities are quite neat. I'd love to see them ported to other verisons of the game.

>> No.3031272

Yeah, I actually think the PS1 dub is really good. The only one that sounded like he was phoning it in (aside from the familiar voices) was Richter. Everyone else sounded as if they put some genuine life and enthusiasm into the role, though the voices given to the Ferryman and the Librarian were kind of odd.

Anyway, what was actually bad was the direction. A lot of times there was emphasis on the wrong syllable, again, mostly with Richter's lines but elsewhere as well. The script could get kind of awkward at times as well. Any cutscene involving Maria had dialogue that felt kind of off. But the voices themselves were great.

>> No.3031278

Iconic? Troll 2 is iconic too, doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.3031291

You're confusing infamous for iconic. Iconic absolutely means something of notable quality.

>> No.3031321

Your definiton of quality is fucked up.

>> No.3031324

I wasn't implying that the dub is iconic. You're both just using that term incorrectly.

>> No.3031329

The OP did. Iconic was appropriately used. But whatever, you're just playing semantics.

>> No.3031331

Main game go through the PSX version.
Still wanna play more and beat everything then go to the Saturn version for Maria mode. All other additions besides Maria in this version are garbage.
PSP if you want a new dub and a different version of Maria

>> No.3031346

>you're just playing semantics.

Yes, glad to see you're keeping up. I mean, you're wrong, but at least you understand what the conversation is about at least.

>> No.3031348

N-no, you!

>> No.3031403

Is Luck mode good?

>> No.3031421
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Saturn has most content, but everything's in Japanese and it goes for a much higher price point. If you have a PS1 go for that, otherwise the XBLA port is just fine.

>> No.3031469
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I'm currently doing a no-swords playthrough of the PSX version. Pic related, it's my setup.

I'm only as far along as the Long Library/Staircase from hell, but my brother is amazed I made it that far without even one sword.

BroTip: Literally the best Magic Item when you're going swordless is the Holy Book. It keeps your range enough to hit things, hits multiple times, and always flies off-screen in the same direction (So a crafty person could aim that for an extra sting). Is there a way to swing a punch diagonally without a sword? I have not found one.

>> No.3031923
File: 22 KB, 640x480, SOTNSaturn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the PS1 version. Then the Saturn version.

Considering the many secrets and the different ways you can go at the game, playing it twice isn't too much.

The Saturn version is Jap only so you need to know the game first, and its extra content is better appreciated if you already know the game.

Personaly ever since I played the Saturn version I haven't looked back. Its extra content is plentiful and all super good; the fact that you can a 'double tap run' in the 2nd castle, alone, makes it worth playing; and that's without mentionning everything else.

When playing the Saturn version (Jap only) I used these sites to help me with weapon names and descriptions:



>> No.3032815


Level 99 with level 1 stats.

Save files for PS1 version, ENG and JP versions.

>> No.3033126

the psp version is so much easy to find

>> No.3033245

This is fucking autistic. Just play the game once. On PS1. Considering the game loses steam once you get to the inverted castle, you might not even finish it once. No need to get two versions of the same game.

>> No.3033251

Not the same game if Saturn version has extra content?

>> No.3033254

You've seriously never played a game more than once?

>> No.3033268

It's the same game.

No, I don't play through a game then immediately play through the same game on a different console because it has an extra 10 minutes of content.

>> No.3033445

I legitimately like the exchange between Richter and Dracula at the start of the game. SotN never stood out to me as far as bad 90s voice acting goes.

>> No.3033973

Play the original first, play other versions if you decide you want to play Symphony again and change some things up. Saturn lets you do Richter and Maria mode without clearing Alucard's game first so that's a nice bonus that fits into this plan. Also the Saturn and PSP version have Maria as a boss fight, and the Saturn one's is extra cool because it's against kung fu Maria and has a cool song that you don't hear anywhere else.

>BEST ending theme
>he isn't the wind

>> No.3034095

Just in case Spanish version of XBLA port is one of the worst tranlations out there.

>> No.3034162

You sound like a modern video game player. Most video games nowadays are made to be "experienced" once, and then move on to the next. Perishable temporary goods.

A retro game like SOTN was designed to be played several times and to be always fun. The very fact that you can get several endings, several special modes and even other characters, all the secrets to find, and more weapons, items and powerups to use that you could ever in a single playthrough.

>> No.3034226

Saturn version has better hitboxes. You can fuck around much more with the dive kick than on PS version.
Dunno about PSP version, probably same as PS.

>> No.3034260

>Saturn version has better hitboxes. You can fuck around much more with the dive kick than on PS version.

I've heard about that. I'd love to hear more about that. What does that mean?

>> No.3034270

I'd love to see a more precise technical comparison too. More points to the Saturn version is always good, since all that most people seem to remember are the fact that there is no transparency effect despite the fact it only matters in a couple of screens.

>> No.3034280

Repeated dive kicks is the most obvious revelator.
On Saturn I can mash d+attack and not get hit unless enemy attacks or jump.
On PS if I do the same, I get like 3-4 hits and then I get hit, even with enemy standing still.

On Saturn I can finish naked Legion with dive kicks, on PS no matter how I try I can't and always get hit for no apparent reason (by the core, not by lasers).

When you're a divekick abuser like me, you can really feel collision are pretty much perfect on Saturn and way more approximative on PS.

>> No.3034292

>This is fucking autistic
And you're a fucking casual.

>> No.3034316

The PSP version is fantastic, and has the best dub.

It also bears mentioning that it comes as part of the Dracula X Chronicles, which is a 2.5D remake of Rondo of Blood. The caveat there is that you *have* to play through some of the new Rondo to unlock SotN (as well as the original Rondo), but it's a fun game so it's not like that's a bad thing.

>> No.3034802

PS1 japanese version fan-translated is best version for a first playthrough. Great translation, best voice acting (if you like undubbed), and you get some redundant items cut from the USA version as a bonus.

PS1 USA to laugh at the dub.

Saturn has more slowdowns, so try only if you care for Samus Maria mode. Also, Richter mode with fancy clothes. Extra rooms are too few to matter.

PSP version if you want to play with Rondo's Maria. New dub and translation is ok too, so it's my second option for a main game after PS1 fan-translated.

>> No.3034805

Forgot to mention, some graphics and transparencies are simplified on the Saturn version. It's a beautiful game, it deserves to be played with all its intended effects.

>> No.3034994
File: 170 KB, 960x720, RetroArch-0228-192833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CGI Team: We finished the intro video.

>Iga: But the castle has no textures

>CGI Team: It's done.

>Iga: It's done?

>CGI Team: It's done.

>> No.3036365

>Saturn has more slowdowns, so try only if you care for Samus Maria mode. Also, Richter mode with fancy clothes. Extra rooms are too few to matter.

There are two whole new whole areas and their reverse castle counterparts. Each having new textures, new enemies, new musics, and there are even new weapons too (at least one of which has its own new special).
IIRC it's about 10% more in the total progression % of each castle.
So it's not just a few new screens thrown in.

Also, the new areas allow for more freedom, more unlinearility; and the new area in the middle make a better connection between the west and east parts of the castle (in the original you have to go a long way around either through the upper or down part to go from east to west or vice versa).

There is also the double tap running in the reverse castle which makes the game incredibly fun.... and according to anon above, better hit detection.

and also, being the Jap version, you'll also notice other differences from the PS1 NTSC-U version, although they are due to the fact that it's Jap and not Saturn exclusivity. For instance, you can not by "that one OP sword" at the merchant which you can buy in NTSC-U, as soon as you meet him, and which totally break the game and the interest of finding new weapons. Also one of the summon-helpers is completely different (or was it two ? Pretty sure it's two.)

>> No.3037527

Huh, didn't know the PSP version had the Maria fight (from the Saturn version I suppose? Never played it since I don't own a Saturn, but her battle track is GOAT). I love the Cursed Prison theme as well.

>> No.3037546

For those who haven't seen, this was covered in the interview with Double Fine, Iga and translator-san. They also talk about blue menu turning out the way it did because they ran out of time, Iga knew it looked like ass. That qt from Double Fine also confessed that SOTN influenced her, aww.


>> No.3037773

>from the Saturn version I suppose?

No it's different. Saturn version had her shooting giant magic dragons and shit while the PSP version plays like she did in Rondo.

>> No.3038132

more thingies :
-Uses system clock for ingame clocks, clock tower, and moon / sun pendants

>> No.3038370

>No, I don't play through a game then immediately play through the same game on a different console because it has an extra 10 minutes of content.
I feel sorry for you if you really never experienced a game that made you replay it back to back. I remember that when I first played SotN I replay it like 2 times before moving on to another game and I probably replayed it another 10 times since. It's one of those games that, if they click with you, you'll probably go back to it again and again.

>> No.3038379

-better bat attack.

>> No.3038389
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Watching it, pretty cool video.
I always thought the knight with the owl was inspired by the old man and his dog on IV, it was cool to have it confirmed by Iga himself.

>> No.3038689

Oh that's cool.

What better bat attack? Bat enemy, bat boss, bat familiar ? How different is it?

>> No.3038746

Bat form special attack (3/4 turn f + attack)
doesn't stop after a set distance.

>> No.3040940



>> No.3044574


holy shi that girl is AWFUL at this game.

And grinding in a dev play?

>> No.3045520


Damn thanks anon i remember ps1 games being a bitch to apply patchs

>> No.3045601 [DELETED] 

This thread made me feel like replaying the game but I've already played it several times. Any idea for a challenge run?

I've already done
- original game normal
- original game Thief mode
- original game HardType romhack
- Saturn version

I've also played every SOTN style CV several times, including Hard modes, Thief modes, etc

I'm not really interested in Richter/Maria modes because they lack RPG elements. So what's a good challenge run?
Or maybe I should just go for Thief mode on Saturn.

>> No.3045606

Start RTA'ing it like a real man, bitch.

>> No.3045607

This thread made me want to replay the game but I've already played it several times.

Any idea what's a good challenge run?

I've done :
- original game
- original game Thief mode
- original game HardType romhack
- Saturn Thief mode

I'm not too interesting in Richter/Maria though

>> No.3045612

what's RTA ?

>> No.3045636

The japanese term for speedrunning

>> No.3045648



level 1 run.

>> No.3045884

This interests me, but I'm sorry, how do you apply this patch? Only PS1 patches I've ever seen were for xdelta and google doesn't help.

>> No.3046291

this isn't running on retropie.

>> No.3046309

Real Time Attack, basically the entire thing is done in a single segment and time is from power-on to the end of the credits.

>> No.3046442


Not a patch. They're edited save files for the English and JP versions of the PS1 game.

They are saves at the first save room, where Alucard is level 99, but with stats of level 1. Which means he is permanently stuck at level 1. He has enough MP to use mist to go through doors.

It's kind of easy, but it feels like a true Normal mode for the game.

>> No.3047032

