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3029596 No.3029596 [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you consider superior? Explain advantages and disadvantages

>> No.3029603
File: 30 KB, 256x360, Mega Man 4 Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better game, coming through.

>> No.3029612

2 has Metal Blade which is the most OP Mega Man weapon ever so it basically depends on your personal feelings on that I love it

>> No.3029615

>Metal Man dies with 2 shots of his own weapon
>Bubble Man stage
>Item-1, 2 and 3 abuse
>Wily Castle 4 (and its music too)
>I don't know why that "difficult mode"

>Top Man
>Reloaded with ammo and health reloads, extra lives and energy tanks, making it easy
>Unnecessary MM2 boss fights

>> No.3029617

So OP Metal Man dies with 2 shots

>> No.3029621

Between those two games, Mega Man 2 is a far better game.

Hell, Mega Man 3 isn't even in the same league with Mega Man 2 so why did you choose it? Mega Man 4 and 6 are better than 3.

>> No.3029630

there's nothing wrong with bubble man's stage, first water stage in the series since ice man's stage was more about platforming than underwater stuff.

>> No.3029634

It's good, I don't deny it, but it's hard as balls

>> No.3029641
File: 101 KB, 256x189, Mega_Man_X_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman X is way better than this

>> No.3029649

>I don't know why that "difficult mode"
That was the original japanese level of difficulty. They didnt get "normal" mode.

>> No.3029651


>> No.3029691

>three classic megaman threads on /vr/

Capcom shills in full force lately. I'm not buying your terrible emulator+ROMs package, or any fucking games you retards put out anymore. Just go out of business already and rot in hell.

>> No.3029817
File: 616 KB, 700x896, 1456606781971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too prefer 4, I like 2 and 3 though. 2 is piss easy and 3 has some weak levels, such as the wily levels.

Speaking of mega man.

>> No.3029896

Mega Man X4 is even better.

>> No.3029992


3 for Music, Sliding/Ducking and DocBots.

>> No.3030237

3 is one of the worst games in the series. Horrible slowdown. Ugly, mostly forgettable levels.

I genuinely have no clue why people pretend it's as good as 2. Even the creators say it was rushed and turned out half baked.

>> No.3030260

2 is better because it doesn't have tons of slowdown.
>edgelord shit
Fuck off, kid.

>> No.3030292

This. I played all the games back in the day, and even then I thought Mega Man 3 was only meh.

>> No.3030334

They like 3 because it gave us the slide, Blues, Rush, Doc Robot (for 2x the robot masters in one game!), and an amazing OST.

>> No.3030352

Not tons, but definitely some. Flicker, too.

>> No.3030470

>Item-1, 2 and 3 abuse
Rush jet is absurdly good on 3 to the point you can use instead of coil so I dunno why item abuse would be a problem for 2 but not for 3.

>Horrible slowdown
Somehow I completely avoided mega man back in the NES, and by having played them only on the ps2 collection I thought 3 was very good. So maybe the slowdown gives people a bad impression of the game? That said I don't like it as much as the others because of the robot masters' weapons, they're mostly not that good IMO.

>> No.3030598
File: 29 KB, 238x357, 1443886079925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on bubble man stage
well fuck you

>> No.3030628

2 has the best music of any megaman ever, bar none.
2 was also the last time the creater's made the robot masters, after 2 it was all fan-created drivvle.

>> No.3031027

The OST is overrated. Top Man And Magnet Man are god-tier, but the rest is meh. Compared to 2 where every song is god-tier.

>> No.3031031

3 had sliding and better music. but that jet thingie was cheapo

>> No.3031067

the level design was really different because the plot was megaman going to different space colonies or something like that. I wouldn't say they're forgettable so much as ineffective.

>> No.3031159

MM3 had an objectively better intro theme and boss themes.


>> No.3031213

I only ever played X briefly when I was younger, gave it a shot last year and thought it was pretty bad, especially considering games that were coming out at the same time.

>> No.3031262

X is a fucking masterpiece. X4 was a step down in every single way except for being able to actually play as Zero.

>> No.3031264

>MM3 had an objectively better intro theme
Too bad they didn't have time to actually put in an intro.
I feel like MM4 is basically what they wanted to do with MM3.

>> No.3031296

MM4 is probably the most balanced Mega Man game. It doesn't have piss easy bullshit like the reversible Rush Jet, but it also doesn't have MM2's half baked ideas that resulted in bullshit like the Crash Bomber boss. Easily the best 8 bit game

>> No.3031305

as someone who played both games in their glory days (i'm almost 31), 3 blows 2 out of the water

1: sets the tone
2: improves on it, 8 robot masters instead of 6
3: perfects it, adds slide, rush > items.

3 also doesn't give you one bullshit weapon that works on everyone. 2's metalblade is broken as any weapon in the MM universe

>> No.3031347

Don't fucking use metalblade then, you casual scrub.

>> No.3031658

I think Air Man's stage is harder. Heat Man and Quick Man's stages are also tough and require a lot of attention.

>> No.3031689

3 would be better if it wasn't so blatantly rushed.

>> No.3031693

I'm still mad we didn't get this.

>> No.3032396

Mega Man 2 doesn't have 6. Did you even play the game, you liar?

You're thinking of Mega Man 1, which is still better than 3.

>> No.3032406

This. Mega Man X4 is one of the best 2D action games ever. The other Mega Man X games were mediocre at best.

>> No.3032414

>he can't read

>> No.3032420

heat man's stage is a joke with item 2. i hate air man's stage though.

>> No.3032440

They're both the same in terms of their relative platforms.

X > X2 > X3
X4 > X5 > X6

>> No.3033701

Most people prefer Mega Man 2 because it's one of the easiest games there is. All you have to do is mash the fire button to kill everything, especially on that god-forsaken "normal mode". These are the kind of retards who have to use the pause glitch on the Yellow Devil in Mega Man 1 because their brains are too under-developed to learn patterns or how to dodge things.

>> No.3033738


Mega Man 4 is my favorite too. I recently beat all the original 6 NES versions and then got on a bit of a Mega Man NES phase where I couldn't stop playing most of them for the past several months. Finally getting sick of playing them, but MM4 is the one I went back to the most, as well as the first Mega Man game.

I'd rank em like this:


Mega Man 2 is a bit overrated because of how easy it is to blow through the whole thing. Still its a lot of fun regardless and also the music is fucking killer, so all that kind of makes the difficulty moot if it is so enjoyable.

MM 3 has some annoying shit but still some great music

MM5 has awful music and piss poor level design but I love the charge shot a lot in this game. That is what makes this an underrated game for me. So fun to blast shit

and MM6 is even more underrated. Some new features added that makes it a lot of fun like the jet pack. The music still sucks though and some annoying level designs still keep me from playing it as much

The original is pretty damn difficult, but a pretty fair difficulty, some really cool bosses and set the stage for the greatness to come. The bosses are piss easy to beat like MM 2 , not as fun to play as a lot of them either but an important entry and great game still

>> No.3033743


Oh also forgot to add:

I fucking hate the protoman or "breakman " or whoever the hell it is that keeps showing up in MM 3 and jumps around the room. Really annoying and mars the game for me a bit because it happens so often. I know its hard to beat and no big deal but its just pointless. I am glad the slide was introduced though

And MM4 does have some pretty lame ass bosses and robot master weapons too, but with the introduction of the charge shot it doesn't matter much because that's all you need for the most part.

>> No.3033752


I hate the lazer part on quick man stage

>> No.3033754

Mega Man 3 is more fun, but only if you don't abuse the invincible cheat.

Mega Man 2 is basic beginner mode. Fun if you're totally new.

>> No.3033815

Are they not the same shit?

>> No.3033865


>> No.3035682


Who cares, metal blade is so fun to use

>> No.3035692

>>Unnecessary MM2 boss fights

Sorry but I disagree. Because of these extra stages we had a steady growth in difficulty instead of the usual easy Robot Master stages followed by the Wily castle ass raping.

>> No.3036745

> lame weapons

4 was the first game where every weapon was useful in some way, you had
> homing projectle (dive)
> screen clear (toad)
> shield (skull)
> time stop (bright)
> multihit (ring)
> multidirection (dust)
> powerful single hit (drill)
> aimable charge weapon that also covers vertical blind spot (pharaoh)

it wasn't without flaws but 4 went a long way to making every weapon feel fun to use.

>> No.3036764
File: 555 KB, 933x1024, 1456802326913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le edgy meme

>> No.3037732

>le "le x meme" meme
ok buddy

>> No.3037741

i laffd

i wish i knew u irl wud b laff

>> No.3037968

seeing as they made a robot master out of wood and designed a few others off the MM1 masters (they even admit it in the robot master's own descriptions) I too would want someone else making robots for MM3...

i own, love, and cherish all 6 of those MM nes games and MM2 does not have the best music. The audio and midi's of 3-6 are superior in quality. MM5 has some weird experimental tunes, but 3, 4, and 6 are some of the best 8bit tunes ever made on an NES outside of stuff Koonami was making.