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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 86 KB, 640x640, 7949_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3017238 No.3017238 [Reply] [Original]

I know Tekken 3 plays better but its 2edgy4me atmosphere/soundtrack ruined it for me. I wish it had the comfyness of Tekken 2.

>> No.3017454

Tekken 3 had a better Yoshimitsu

>> No.3017484

Tekken 2 beats the shit out of Tekken 3.

>> No.3017540

I like the front cover more. That's about all Tekken 2 has over 3

>> No.3017573

Tekken 2 had better music.

>> No.3017940

my niggas

>> No.3017942

>no Ken shooped in

I dunno, I'm more of a VF guy.
I had Tekken 2 when I bought my PS1 and although I liked the characters, I preferred VF2's gameplay. I never played Tekken 3 though.

>> No.3017943

and the edgyness only got worse through the years
see: devil jin and all osts after 3

4 is my GOAT though. that game was perfect

>> No.3017965

4 is the edgiest one m8

>> No.3017971

>not dark ressurection

>> No.3017974

Tekken 2 has the absolute best soundtrack and atmosphere in the series, but I just barely prefer the gameplay of 3.

>> No.3017991

i really like the stages and overall aesthetic of 4 but apparently it's broken as fuck at high level
or jin is atleast

>> No.3017992

That's not how you type 6.

>> No.3018731

mein nigger

>> No.3018764

tekken 2 is the best because angel and devil.

>> No.3018765

mein neger, you wanna-be aryan,

>> No.3018801

Tekken 2's only faults were moon gravity, slow ass game speed and even slower wake up animations. Tekken 3 had Tekken Force too, and that's very important to me. By the way, Tekken 3's intro is trash.

>> No.3019147


Tekken 2 had better music but if you seriously think Tekken 2 is better than 3 you don't know fuck about fighting game mechanics.

3 is one of the best fighting games of all time for a reason, it actually pretty much created the competitive Tekken scene besides the super OG players that played 2.

>> No.3019176

>3 is one of the best fighting games of all time for a reason
Except it's not. Tekken 2 has way better gameplay. I'm a long-time fighting game fan whose played tons of fighters.

>> No.3019187

tekken 3 has tekken ball so it's better

>> No.3019194

you may be a "fan" but i'm an actual fighting game player. tekken 2 is a clunky mess while tekken 3 is smooth as butter. also, tekken 2 is not a good competitive game because of horrible character balance (wang/bruce/a.king/mishimas). You can get fucking twin pistons after a counter jab leading to a 60% combo... off a jab. That's complete bullshit.

anyway, this debate is stupid. tekken tag 1 is all that mattered tbqh family

>> No.3019209

Tekken 3 had no Jun. You're argument is invalid.
>I'm an actual fighting game player
Watch out everyone, we have an e-athlete amongst us.

>> No.3019243

>derp my waifu not in tekken 3 so it sux

>> No.3019253


waifu-fags are the fucking worst. They shouldn't be allowed to touch a controller when fighting games are happening.

The constant bitching on /v/ about not being able to figure out how to do hadoken motions in SFV is hilarious though.

>> No.3019263

Your just jealous

>> No.3019485

4 is pure garbage

>> No.3019487

>3 is one of the best fighting games of all time

No, just no, if you think 3 is one of the best fighting games of all time then you dont know shit about fighting games, while it was better than 2 by a long shot it was still complete ass.

>> No.3019532

Tekken 2 is so slow comparable to Tekken 3
For example getting up - it takes 2-3 seconds in T2 when T3 this time is 0,5-1 second.
Maybe soundtrack was better and they were more characters, but gameplay sucks in Tekken 2

>> No.3019534


You should do a tutorial on how to responds to posts in the most autistic way possible.

>> No.3019552

This coming from the guy who thinks Tekken fucking 3 is the best fighting game of all time.

>> No.3021589

Tekken 2 has a really nice main theme.

>> No.3021598
File: 461 KB, 1455x1152, cumia bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 3 is one of the best fighters of all time.Your straight up wrong. 1996-97 when ever it came out nothing was better until 99 when DOA 2 came out. But then Virtua Fighter Evolution came and anything made after that cant compare.
Tekken 2 was a great game, but still a VF knockoff. Not until 3 did Tekken become truly great.

>> No.3021605

My nigga.

>> No.3021653

>This opinion

absolutely disgusting, what exactly is even good about the first two tekken games? Atmospherically, Aesthetically, Gamplay wise and music especially compared to 3 is pure dog shit, it's actually pretty unplayable these days where Tekken 3 is still solid on all grounds

>> No.3021743

Genuinely the GOAT Tekken ost:

I remember playing this game to death when I was about 6 years old. Will always have a soft spot for it even if it was awfully clunky looking back.

>> No.3021850
File: 13 KB, 252x276, 1456119887470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what exactly is even good about the first two tekken games?
You just answered your own question in the next sentence (minus gameplay)

>> No.3021864
File: 61 KB, 404x345, 1456255803307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These niggas

>> No.3021906
File: 46 KB, 524x526, 1456204595542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking the the aesthetics of tekken 2

>> No.3021915
File: 27 KB, 480x687, 1454371433473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking edgy teenage anime feel of tekken 3

>> No.3022010

T5DR > TTT2 > T6 > Vanilla 5 > Tag 1 > T3 > T4 T2 > T1

>> No.3022012

Tekken 2 is the best fighting game of all-time.

>> No.3022013

This nigger gets it.

>> No.3022021

Fuck no tekken 2 is pure garbage, it was even ass for its time

>> No.3022040

Guess what? You're a scrub.

>> No.3022041
File: 41 KB, 540x405, Tekken 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 3 just wasn't the same experience. It came out in 1998, a couple years after most gamers already played the fuck out of Tekken 2 and Soul Blade. As well as other 3D games like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider.

The impact Tekken 2 had is second-to-none. Not only for fighting games, but for 3D gaming as a whole.

And even putting impact aside, Tekken 2 still gets my vote for being the better game. So yeah, Tekken 2 all day.

>> No.3022079

No anon, you are the scrub.

>> No.3022084

Except T2 is an objectivity worse game in every way, it also did absolutely nothing for fighting games or 3D games since it was essentially just a VF clone.

Its clunky
Its broken
Its unbalanced
Its full of 100% damage juggle combos
Its glitched to fuck

The game sucks.

>> No.3022089

And it's slow as fuck.

>> No.3022090

This. I liked Tekken 3, but I was disappointed overall. It didn't live up to its big brother.

>> No.3022095
File: 14 KB, 223x574, Jun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In celebration of the best 3D fighting game, who do you guys like to play as? I'll go with this cutie.

>> No.3022103
File: 1.36 MB, 1633x2290, fighting game tier list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3022105

You know we can see you samefagging, right?

>> No.3022109
File: 71 KB, 574x581, Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does your post have ANYTHING to fucking do with this thread or retro games?

>> No.3022114

>all that western trash in shit tier
Excellent list

>> No.3022115
File: 18 KB, 356x336, Shinaicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best 3D fighting game, who do you guys like to play as?
Shina all day every day

>> No.3022120

>What does fighting games have to do with a fighting game thread.
Gee anon i dont know.

>> No.3022130

High level Tekken 2 play

>> No.3022138
File: 26 KB, 510x373, Get Out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a fighting game general thread, it's a Tekken 2 thread, genius. And you're shit-posting non-retro trash on /vr/

>> No.3022149

>Tekken is not a fighting game
Man you are stupid

Also 90% of the games on that list ARE retro.

>> No.3022156

No need to be upset just because people aren't circlejerking your shitty game.

4chan is not your hugbox

>> No.3022157

>90% of the games on that list ARE retro
No. They're not. Are you retarded? You must be trolling.
Again, this is not a fighting GENERAL thread. Can you not read?

You HAVE to be trolling. And I took the bait. Well-played.

>> No.3022159

Either this is bait or you are retarded.

>> No.3022162

>Either this is bait or you are retarded
The statement of a man with no argument.

>> No.3022164
File: 27 KB, 413x395, 1443616296837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims Tekken 2 is the best 3d fighting game ever made
>Calls anyone who disagrees with him a troll and spergs out

>> No.3022168

What kind of fag keeps a picture like that saved on his computer.

>> No.3022187

What kind of autist gets triggerd by an image on an image board

>> No.3022195

I agree but this is probably the majority opinion.

>> No.3022201

>Thinks I was triggered

>> No.3022641

incorrect. best 3d fighter is rival schools by FAR

>> No.3022648

You are glue and I am rubber.

>> No.3022697

Tekken 2 is one of those games I could play for ends on hour, and I did. Was a big hit at our house, me and my family played it all the time. Best fighting game for sure.

>> No.3022703
File: 67 KB, 1280x960, 1659893-tekken_2__33_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Law master race.

>> No.3023097

Funny how the poster count didn't go up when you made this reply.

>> No.3023342

There are more pressing issues than Tekken 2 vs Tekken 3, such as why Tekken 3 still isn't a PSone Classic for reasons that aren't related to Gon's licensing

>> No.3023425

>Jack's defeat scream
How do you pronounce it?

>> No.3023562

HRAAARGH (argh argh argh)

>> No.3023619

Mark the comments you are accusing me of same fagging. I'll screen shot the post to see how many "Yous" appear. Then we'll see your level of autism for what it's worth.

>> No.3024406

The classic 10 seconds in MSpaint edit, the samefags favorite.

If there was anything, ANYTHING you could have said to prove you were indeed samefagging, that was it.

>> No.3024505

>Funny how the poster count didn't go up when you made this reply.
Hello? You accused me of same fagging merely because I said I liked Tekken 2. So I called you out on it. But when I present the challenge, you back down. This is reverse psychology at its finest here. You're obviously pissed a couple people like Tekken 2 over Tekken 3, so everyone in this thread who says something good about the game is "same faggng." When in reality, the only same fagger here is probably you. Both Tekken 2 and 3 are fine games. Seek professional help.

>> No.3024509

>Samefagging and trying to damage control this hard after getting exposed as a samefag.

>> No.3024517

>Samefagging and trying to damage control this hard after getting exposed as a samefag, except blaming others for such same faggorty to cover your ass
Why do you even care that others like a fighting game from 1996? Did a bully take your lunch money every day at school to play Tekken 2 at the arcade?

>> No.3024524

>This desperate attempt at damage control
It just getting sad now, samefag.

>> No.3024545

Still didn't answer my question about why you get butt-hurt over Tekken 2. Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.3024560

>He's still trying this hard to damage control
Its getting embarrassing now.

>> No.3024569

Nerve struck. Confirmed. You can't handle the fact others don't share the same opinion as you on a game 20 years old. So you shit on anything related in the thread and accuse everyone of same fagging. When in reality, every negative comment about the game in this thread is probably all from you.

And the fact you still haven't addressed why your so butt-hurt over Tekken 2 only helps prove this point.

>> No.3024625

>Still desperatyly trying this hard to damage control after getting exposed as a samefag
Most people would have just accepted they got BTFO and moved on with their lives by now.

Seek help

>> No.3024635

>Exposed as same fag
Prove it.

And can you prove your not the same fag who's been trolling this whole thread with Tekken 2 hate? Nerve struck that hard, huh?

I figured your reply would be as shallow as last time. Come back with you have an actual argument, logic, and facts to back up your claims before you accuse others of trolling.

>> No.3024648

>He's going with the damage control several hours later after getting exposed as a samefag
Seriously, seek help.

>> No.3024659

And that's what I thought. You same fagged this whole thread because you hate a game 20-years-old. Then you accuse others of doing the same to make yourself feel better.

You have no argument to back up any of your bullshit claims, so you keep replying with hollow statements when called out for your faggotry.

Go ahead. Reply with the same comment you've made for the past several hours. And next time be prepared with a real argument so you don't get called out and made to look like an ass.

And if you were only trolling me, then well played.

>> No.3024667

>He's STILL going with the damage control, its been several hours since he was exposed as a samefag but he is still going with the damage control.

The butthurt is real.

>> No.3024690

>Budokai 3
>Shit tier

Other than that, pretty good list.

>> No.3024720

>Sonic the Fighters in shit
Believe it or not it is a decent fighter with interesting mechanics. It doesn't deserve to be in the same tier as fighters that are legitimately broken.

>> No.3024757
File: 509 KB, 346x259, joker-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here,
Thank you guys. I'm really enjoying the shit storm.

>> No.3024775


>> No.3024790

You should have known better to create a thread about a classic retro fighting game like Tekken 2, when /vr/ is crawling with autistic fags. Next time make your thread about Chrono Trigger or Super Metroid.

>> No.3025136

Melty Blood and Bloody Roar 3 are my favorite retro fighting games.

>> No.3025461

You mean the game that had gon, kuma, and mokujin in it? I mean I see where you're coming from but I cant say i personally agree.

>> No.3025475

Melty blood was ok, I only played once in an arcade with my friend though, he later went on to beat it twice while there.

>> No.3025654

Fighting games have the most cancerous fanbases.

>> No.3026023


No. Really? You don't say.


>> No.3026275


>> No.3026386

>Agrees with every order those games are placed in
Same fag

>> No.3026757

Nah, your just a butthurt crybaby who gets mad at people who are better at video games than you.

>> No.3026852

Please leave this whole website and never come back.

>> No.3026854

And you're a bitter autist who's wasted the golden years of his life "gitting" "gud" at children's games.

>> No.3026857

You forgot to mention how he trolls and same fags threads with his epic butthurt.

>> No.3026914

Sounds like the only bitter autist here is you, aww doses the poor baby get triggered when he sees people better at video games than him.

>> No.3026919

Spot the samefag

>> No.3026936
File: 8 KB, 348x129, Try Again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, shithead.

>> No.3026938

>faggots who can't express an actual argument, but instead just goes "IT'S OBVIOUSLY BETTER!" and expects everyone to agree with them

>> No.3026943

This. And all those posters are probably the same fag.

>> No.3026949

Tekken 2 will always be the better game, you dumb son of an autistic bitch.

>> No.3026961
File: 5 KB, 348x129, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for proving to the entire thread you are samefagging.

>> No.3026962
File: 2.56 MB, 190x200, 1530881024800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tekken 2
>Better than anything

>> No.3026971

He's some random autistic asshole who trolled this whole thread from the moment it was created because it can't accept differing opinions. He literally has no life.

>> No.3026979

Why do you keep replying to yourself?

>> No.3026991

>That one butthurt autist samefag who got upset that no one likes his shitty game.

>> No.3026994

>That one butthurt autist samefag who got upset that no one likes his shitty game.
You mean this guy:


Fixed that for you.

>> No.3027000


How sad and angry can one person be, Jesus Christ.

>> No.3027005

>Ultimate definition of an autistic fag
He needs help. He's the biggest joke on 4chan

>> No.3027010

He's the reason fighting games threads on /v/ go to shit 9 times out of 10.


>> No.3027012

Why do you keep replying to yourself?

>> No.3027027
File: 196 KB, 1600x1150, laughing_goodfellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So butthurt and autistic you desperatly try to look through the archives for images

This is a new level of sad, and all because you got exposed as a samefag.

>> No.3027029

Sad. This is just sad. Some people need a life. Is he the biggest faggot on 4chan? I think so.

>> No.3027031

You're paranoid, aggressive and way too hypocritic in your actions my dude.

Are you russian by chance?

>> No.3027036

>Having a full conversation with yourself
Seek help

>> No.3027038

Because I'm not, anon. I'm not.

You see, everyone can see what the fuck you've been doing. We can all see how you've been same fagging thanks to the file search anon just posted.

You've been exposed. Not everyone agrees with your shit opinions. Deal with it. And get a life.

>> No.3027041

>Is he the biggest faggot on 4chan?

He's also the reason SoR3 became a meme here on /vr/.

>> No.3027042

You could atleast change your IP before trying to samefag repeatedly.

>> No.3027046

>SoR3 became a meme here on /vr/
What is SoR3?

If you had a way of actually reading my IP, you would clearly see how stupid you look to everyone else in this board.

>> No.3027049


This is absolutely hysterical, holy shit.




Got any proofs for that samefag conspiracy theory of yours chum? :^)

>> No.3027053

>Still desperatly trying this hard to samefag

>> No.3027057

Don't blaspheme the name of our Lord and Savior please.

>> No.3027059

You have no argument.
You have no life.
Everyone now knows what a huge same faggot you've been on 4chan.

You keep saying this, "You're same fagging!" bullshit, thinking you're pwning a single guy you're arguing with. While the others who have actually been conversating in this thread are looking at you like, "Who is this dumb motherfucker?"

You've been owned and embarrassed. Feeling hot, yet?

Lesson learned. I bet you think twice before pulling your same faggotry shit next time.

>> No.3027063

>What is SoR3?
Streets of Rage 3, a game that while good is generally accepted as being inferior to the second entry in the series. He's managed to turn it into a meme.



>> No.3027065

>Gets exposed as a samefag multiple times
Got butthurt because people didn't like his garbage game
>Gets triggered at the thought of people being better at video games than him

What are you doing with your life anon, you have been samefagging this thread for several days now.... seek help.

>> No.3027069

>135 posts
>40 posters
>Im not samefagging i swear

>> No.3027070

Posters like him are the reason all boards need thread ID's.

>> No.3027071

Damn! I'm laughing so hard. What a fucking loser.

What is it with him and the number 3? Streets of Rage 3... Tekken 3... I bet he likes Donkey Kong Country 3, too.

I hate to go harsh on a poster like this, but holy shit this guy has stirred up so much shit.

I'm saving all these links, by the way.

>> No.3027078


No one's buying your bullshit, anon. Pro tip: Quit while you're ahead. ;)

>> No.3027079
File: 1.55 MB, 1500x3000, 1445739382288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 3 is a mid tier game according to the latest revision of his list.

>> No.3027082

>This level of delusion
I think all that samefagging gave you brain damage, you should go see a doctor.

>> No.3027083

>Rising Thunder
>Into the trash
As it should be.

>> No.3027086


>> No.3027087

>I'm saving all these links, by the way.
You should legit make an image macro informing people about this guy m8.

Not like it's gonna stop him from making n imaginary strawman macro of his own in response, but it's worth the shot.

>> No.3027091

We know what you're doing, idiot. You're better off dropping it before you make yourself look like an even bigger fag. If that's possible.

>> No.3027093

Its pretty sad when you become so desperate you end up having a conversation with yourself.

>> No.3027097

>being so cornered you go into full broken record mode

>> No.3027103
File: 27 KB, 200x200, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3027105

He probably pissed himself when anon started posting those links. He got his ass served to him hard.

I really should. Maybe I'll show a little mercy... if he'll drop the bullshit... NOW.

>> No.3027108

>Still talking to himself
My sides!

>> No.3027110

>Actual image of poster shown
>Taken from his mom's basement

>> No.3027112

Sucks that the old archive posts are gone now. I remember this image being constantly reposted on /v (same filename and all) and the responses towards any criticism regarding it being "lol this is bait" and "lol smashbabby/shonenbabby/09er".

>> No.3027116
File: 201 KB, 500x281, jojojojojojojojojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if i try to scare him with these idle threats people will stop making fun of me.

>> No.3027119

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3027123

Everyone in this thread thinks you're an idiot. What's funny is how you're acussing others of same fagging when you've already been completely exposed for the same fag that you are.

So all this shit you've been talking about how "same faggers have no life" now implies to you.

Hurts, don't it?

>> No.3027126

If your going to samefag you might want to mix it up a little, just a heads up.

>> No.3027128

That doesn't surprise me. He's obviously stupid beyond words, but you would think he would at least change the fucking file names.

>> No.3027131

can't someone just nuke this thread already

>> No.3027134

>If you're going to samefag you might want to mix it up a little

Says the dumbass who was exposed here:

Try using your own advice, faggot.

>> No.3027139

I bet you'd really like that right about now, huh?

>> No.3027147

>He's still going

>> No.3027148

Anyways... just take the L. Take the loss.

You win some, you lose some. Just don't let it keep you down or define you as a person. You probably do a lot of good. Just be more careful when you call others out next time, because sometimes they answer.

>> No.3027156

This fucking thread....

>> No.3027157

I think he's shitposting just for the heck of it now. At this point he's got nothing to lose hence he's not even trying anymore.

>> No.3027163

Agreed. Call me soft, but I don't wanna embarrass him or bully him. I think he gets the message now that he got exposed. Who knows. He might be a nice guy. Let's hope he takes this stride, rolls with the punches, and moves on.

>> No.3027167

Still desperatly trying this hard to damage controll after getting BTFO i see.

This is some next level ass hurt

>> No.3027170

>moves on
He's been at it since at least 2013 mate.

>> No.3027174

Holy fucking shit. Ok, nevermind. Three years of this shit? I was starting to feel bad when anon posted those links, but now I see it won't matter. This really is sad.

Dude. Just knock it off.

>> No.3027182

>He might be a nice guy.

>> No.3027184

>STILL trying to samefag

>> No.3027191

Can't say much about 2013 but I remember checking and discovering that his posts go as far back as 2014 on the old /v/ archive.

So yeah, guy is a legit wacko.

>> No.3027204

Trust me the only person you are embarrassing is yourself.

>> No.3027205

I'm done. Was fun, but now I'm legit feeling sorry for you. I would ask why you do this, but you've gone into full defense mode. Anyways, just be a nice 4channer from now on. Star over. Get a clean slate.

You can state your opinion on a game without shit posting up the whole board. Leave one, intelligent post and reply to the other anons in a mature and reasonable way. Even if they disagree, they'll at least respect you.

Posting whack shit isn't getting you anywhere. But I'm done with this. I wish you the best. Change your bad habit, anon.

>> No.3027206

This /vr/ SoR thread starring our local shitposter is from 2014.


>> No.3027223

>Gets exposed as a samefag then "leaves the thread"
See you in a few posts

>> No.3027231

Which characters do you use in Tekken 2, shitposter-kun?

>> No.3027264

Running out of steam samefag-kun?

>> No.3027281

Funny how the posting stopped when that 1 "tekken 2 is good" samefag guy left

>> No.3027283

Funny how the other guy got tired the moment you went out of original arguments.

>> No.3027291

>Mortal Kombat on ANY fighting game tier list

Dropped hard as fuck. I wish you MK faggots would mass suicide already. The world would be a MUCH better place without you.

>> No.3027298

Somehow even worse than the original version.

>> No.3027306

Probably because the guy was a complete schizophrenic and spent most of the thread talking to himself while somehow coming to the conclusion that people from multiple unrelated threads were all the same person who was out to get him like some kind of bogyman.

The guy is legitimately sick and needs help desperately.

>> No.3027313

I know right, fucking proxy-abusing schizophrenics man.

>> No.3027317

>were all the same person who was out to get him like some kind of bogyman
y'know, for the time you've spent shitposting on 4chan, you could have at least learned some proper english.

>> No.3027324

Ooop looks like he's back, guess he really does have no life.

>> No.3027327

Wew lad.

>> No.3027329

Just walk away man, go outside, get some air, get your life sorted.

You made an idiot of yourself on the internet but you can recover, you are only hurting yourself.

>> No.3027336

Alright, done.

Now what?

>> No.3027338

Don't waste your time on him, anon. It's not worth it.

>> No.3027339
File: 17 KB, 480x360, youcantrusethecruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still waiting for him to try and make good on his idle threat, shits going to be so hilarious, never seen someone embarrass themselves so hard before.

>> No.3027343

>sick beyond words.
You're legendary.

>> No.3027348

Eh, I've still got a free half an hour or so left. Though I'd probably be better off playing a vidya or something for the time being instead, so I guess you're right.

>> No.3027351

Guy is sick. Have you not been following this thread? You'll never "win" with this guy, he'll just keep shitposting until you finally realize how much time you wasted.

>> No.3027356

>You'll never "win" with this guy
>implying I'm even fighting him
I'm feeding him the same way I feed animals at zoos. It's fun to observe individuals such as him.

>> No.3027357
File: 35 KB, 531x604, signs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replying to yourself
>Echoing what other people say
>Repetitive behavior
I bet you're spinning round in your chair right now

>> No.3027362

>shaming people with disabilities
Check your privilege m8.

>> No.3027363

Look at this monkey: >>3027357
He probably actually believes this, too. I've never seen anyone this bad on this website. And he's been doing this since 2013. He really is legendary fag status.

>> No.3027365

We're the real losers here. Think of how big of a loser he is. Now consider how much time you've wasted in him. Now think of the video game you could have been playing.

>> No.3027376

We can see you samefagging m8, why do you keep trying this hard?

inb4 edited mspaint screencap

>> No.3027379
File: 347 KB, 974x521, Fail Thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear OP,

Thanks for the lovely thread.

>> No.3027442

This guy has no brakes.

>> No.3027460

Oh "tekken 2 is the best" samefag is the same guy who makes all those Streets of rage 2 threads then samefags the shit out of them when people disagree with him about that game too.

Christ this guy needs some serious help.

>> No.3027471

Yup! It's you versus the whole world. Which is controlled and influenced by a single samefag.

Go get 'em tiger.

>> No.3027475

Whats this guys obsession with the number 2?

>> No.3027491

That photo really doesn't need captioning.

>> No.3027543


>> No.3027640
File: 323 KB, 500x482, 1456578362420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here;

As I said before, I'm actually enjoying this shitstorm.

>> No.3027708

OP is the guy who's been samefagging.

>> No.3028064
File: 1.14 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3029213

Bumping thing legendary thread.

>> No.3029218

This is the damndest thread I ever seen.

Better go back to Super Metroid and Chrono Trigger threads.

>> No.3029224


>> No.3032585

Someone post the edited version of this picture with stupid shit written underneath the icons like
>ability to remove your own head

>> No.3033092
File: 334 KB, 1080x720, tekken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Tekken 1 right now. But goddam it is hard! This is the farthest i've gotten (all the way to heihachi) but only with one character.

I remember in Tekken 3 beating it with almost every single character before my memory card got formatted. Tekkie 3 wasn't nearly as difficult as this one.

>> No.3033106

Tekken 1 is kicking my ass right now. I don't want to quit, but at the same time I'm worn out. That Galaga demo in the beginning of Tekken is looking awfully tempting right now.

>> No.3033112
File: 57 KB, 779x600, devil-kazuya-yamasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread could be thrown off of a mountain and would still keep coming back because it's retarded like that.

>> No.3033148

Ill be honest I thought they where all kind of wank till 5

>> No.3033217

Tekken 3 was very playable, and quite polished for a late Playstation game. Tekken 5 though, was a whole different beast. It was the same late stage entry but for PS2, and man it was beautiful and fun. Tekken 3 had Tekken Force and Tekken Ball. Tekken 5 had Devil Within, arcade versions of the older games, and an endless arcade mode which I really loved. I love single player content in fighting games.

>> No.3033240

why is that pic mirrored?

>> No.3034789

bumping this gold

>> No.3035235

Let's be honest, are any of these games decent?

>> No.3037016
File: 524 KB, 1037x777, Tekken_2_Kazuya_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


be ready to lose to me for 30 mins and quit the game because I am insane.

I agree best tekken, it just has this great atmosphere. best ost in the series also.

>> No.3037132

Shit game

>> No.3037132,1 [INTERNAL] 

tekken speaks to our childhood, I love Tekken 2 and 3