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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3014936 No.3014936 [Reply] [Original]

Did your parents give you all the games and systems?

>> No.3014942

I had both Super Nintendo and Genesis and just about every major game for those consoles. All the ones I wanted, for sure.

But this was mostly because my father played them even more than i did.

>> No.3014943

They gave me a Saturn

>> No.3014945

I had a friend that had everything, he was such a fucking spoiled douchebag. He still is, I refuse to speak with him whenever he contacts me.

>> No.3014950
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Awesome, love the saturn

>> No.3014971

Got an NES for Christmas in 1987 with a bunch of games. Had to buy my own from there, starting with the Genesis.

>> No.3014982

hahahahhaha dis kid

>> No.3015007

My parents got me a Super Nintendo when the SNES was new. I was so happy that Christmas.

I remember putting in "Donkey Kong Country" and being blown away at the graphics.

It seems silly now to me now years later to be blown away by "Donkey Kong Country".

Ahhh memories.

>> No.3015016

They got me a Genesis at christmas, I would get a couple of games at birthdays.

Later down the track they got me a PS1 at christmas. It was up to me to buy games for it though.

I was a poorfag growing up and consoles/games were extremely expensive in my part of the world.

>> No.3015046
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This is the only thing they give me. Well actually i think it was my brother.

>> No.3015049

Same here in every way. We got plenty of consoles, and we made sure the whole family got mileage out of everything. My dad had a pretty hefty collection of games before any of us were even born.

>> No.3015091


>> No.3015170

So, idort thread?
My dad got me both the PS1 and N64 when they came out. I also had a PC for games and Game Boy. So, yeah, life was pretty good.

>> No.3015176

Nah I was a one system a gen kinda kid, but I had both the SNES and Genesis. I only got Genesis because of the MK2 hype and didn't want the censored SNES version since MK1 was censored, but then it turned out SNES also had blood.

I also had a PC from '97 onwards.

I could have had every system if I had whined enough but somehow as a kid I was fine with just having one per gen. Even as a child I felt it was a waste of money and time to have multiple per gen. I was a sensible child :^)

>> No.3015194

Not a single one.
I'm currently fixing my childhood.

>> No.3015204
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No because video games weren't allowed in the house because muh Focus On The Family told my parents that vidyas were the devil.

>> No.3015227

video games werent allowed at your house and you still grew up to be an video games image board going nerd? kinda harsh. if i were you i'd curse the fates

>> No.3015245

I took every opportunity I could to go over to my friends' houses and play their games. I grew up loving games despite my parents' best efforts.

>> No.3015248

>SNES also had blood
MK2 had blood. There was a very long Action Replay code for MK1, but all it did was coloring the sweat red.

>> No.3015312

My grandma did.

>> No.3015372

Looking back, they bought me quite a bit. When I was younger, my older brother and I were both into games, so we had a C64, NES, SNES, Genesis and a Game Boy. My brother grew out of games, but I didn't. I could no longer convince my mom to buy me two consoles every generation, so I went full Nintendo fag, since those were the games I wanted most, and I had a few friends with Playstations that I could use. N64 was the last console my parents bought me. I still vividly remember how fucking excited I was to buy a Gamecube for myself with money I had saved, and shortly after, a Dreamcast. Emptying my wallet has never been so fulfilling.

>> No.3015380

Mah nigga. I still have one of theese, that's some top tier device design.

>> No.3015410

They only system my mom ever got me was a PS1, when I was 6-7 years old. For the Xbox Original I had to do chores until I saved up 120 dollars(which was alot to me). When I got a 360, I bought it through the money I got in a part time job, The system cost me 350 dollars, and I only got about 10-15 hours a week in at work(I was in school, paid for most of my lunches, and paid my cell phone bill), so that it was very satisfying when I bought it.

>> No.3015428

psx. it was never sold as or marketed as the ps1.

>> No.3015429

Congratulations, you are now officially That Guy™

>> No.3015451

I got a Nintendo from my parents in 1987, and everything else I've owned I bought myself.

>> No.3015452


>> No.3015554
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Same happened to me.
I just played like 4 games in all my childhood, and not for more than 2 or 3 hours.
That's why now with 30 years i play and hoard everything videogame related, because i want to recover the lost years of my childhood.

>> No.3015585

I had like 7 games until I was about 11 years old. I spent many hours picking potatoes to get a N64 and a few games for it. They paid kids a fraction of the adults because they didn't have to pay kids minimum wage. Thankfully there were lots of people to swap games with or it'd have really sucked.

>> No.3015621

Lol as if working as a child labourer didn't suck enough.

>> No.3015630

Some of them, and only if I asked. They didn't know much about games and weren't interested in them, so they just waited to see what I would ask for the holidays.
NES, SNES, Genesis and Sega CD.
Everything after that I just bought myself on launch.

>> No.3015634


got NES and Genesis for christmas. got a paper route in 8th grade so I could get buy a SNES

>> No.3015774

>it was never sold as or marketed as the ps1.
nor was it as the 'PSX.'

>> No.3015784

I remember my parents giving my brother and I an NES:

It was the tits. We used to play that Duck Hunt/SMB hybrid all day and night long.They even got us an adapter for playing Famicom games and a few imports (I can't remember which games they bought. I think they were mostly licensed games).

Sadly, my brother almost broke the TV in a fit of rage after he lost on Duck Hunt, and they took it away and probably sold it or some shit like that. After that, it was back to DOS games.

About five years later, they gave me a GBA with Yoshi's Island and Metroid Zero Mission. I loved it so much, I still play on it from time to time, despite its bad shape (it has fucking yogurt inside, no idea why).

>> No.3015828


magazines referred to as PSX all the time.

>> No.3015837

Actually had a blast with these things.
>The modern day version of this is 30gb + bullshit installation and dlc on mobile

>> No.3015839

>Be a kid with parents who don't care for videogames
>Have a friend with older brothers/rich parents who has almost every major console and a shitton of games.

>> No.3015860
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>> No.3015957

I detasseled corn. They paid me $3.50 an hour.
I used the money I saved over two summers to buy a Sega Genesis that came with Sonic 1. I eventually managed to buy more games second-hand and got Kid Chameleon, Shining Force, and RBI Baseball.
My parents would also only let me play for a few hours a day and would lock everything up in a cabinet so I didn't play it when they weren't home.
Still love old games, but I really appreciate emulators these days so I don't have to waste money on stuff I don't need.

>> No.3015981

My bro and I saved up $250 to buy an N64 and Mario at launch, but mom bought us all our systems after that. For the 6th Gen she bought us the Dreamcast, Gamecube, and PS2 when they were released. We weren't high-income, she'd save her money and wait til Black Friday to afford getting us games.

Mom did a great job raising us, I don't have any kids yet but my brother is doing the same thing she did to get consoles for his little ones.

>> No.3016036

My mom got a genesis for my first xmas (there is a photo of her playing altered beast behind me as a baby on xmas)
And I inherited it along with her 2600 and intelivision I ended up getting a sega cd,saturn and later n64 and ps1 all other consoles I bought myself.

>> No.3016852

My family was pretty poor when I was a kid. So I didn't had any video game system. On 98' they managed to get a me a famiclone, and on 03' they got me a Genesis/Megadrive and had very little games for both of them.
On 06' got my first PC and got into emulation, so I finally could play all the games I always wanted to play.
On the bright side it made me appreciate and love retro games a lot more that I probably would if I played them as kid.

>> No.3017007

Parents got me systems here and there, I either had to use birthday/Christmas money or cash I got mowing neighbors lawns to purchase games though.

>> No.3017037
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same as the other poorfags in the thread. when it came to getting a new game it was always mario or donkey kong because you couldn't take risks. I remember pouring over ads like this and wondering what all those other games could be like.

>> No.3017047

When I was born they already had an NES... got a SNES when I was 4, Genesis when I was 6, N64 & PS1 when I was 9 then the PS2 when I turned 13. After that, I bought my own shit. I asked for a Saturn though that one christmas and instead I got a PS1 with FF7... I guess they did me a favor.

>> No.3017048

Did your mom play? What (interests of her own)convinced her to get games?
>Mom did
Dad useless?

>> No.3017139

3 of them, the last one I had 13 at the time.

>> No.3017145

>I asked for a Saturn though that one christmas and instead I got a PS1 with FF7... I guess they did me a favor.

Could have gotten a Saturn with Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.3017158

No, I had an 8-bit computer and I copied all games from friends at school. Either that or typed them in from magazine listings. I tried to make my own games, but they pretty much sucked.

>> No.3017160
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You filthy pirate! Don't copy that floppy!

>> No.3017283

They didn't have those jew ads in my country. Also, I learned to bypass copy protection: do block-by-block disk copy instead of just copying the files (yeah they weren't trying very hard).

>> No.3017396

Nope. Started out with a PC, but could only play shareware. Turns out, the first 1/3 of a game is enough to keep a kid entertained for a long time, and even a 4-year-old can learn to use DOS if it will get him to his video games. Later, got a Genesis. Only had a handful of games for it and most of them were from the local rental store which used to sell its old games as new ones came in. The only game I remember getting new was Sonic and Knuckles.

>> No.3017407

No we didn't have enough money for me to be an idort. My cousin had fucking everything though, PS1, N64, GB, Saturn, Game Gear.... I was just content with Nintendo stuff until I asked for a PS2 slim in 2005

>> No.3017413

I had to buy my own shit as a kid.

>> No.3017558

Only had an NES growing up until 6th gen came along; I was pretty young though so don't remember playing it much (I was around 5 or 6 when my older brothers bought a GCN). Also, my brothers each had GBC's and occasionally we would rent an N64.

>> No.3017617

Where did that term come from though? What does the "X" stand for? Couldn't they've just used "PS"?

>> No.3017670

Xtreme, nah not really I don't even know

>> No.3017701


They bought me the consoles. but games? They never really bought me games. I mowed lawns for neighbors and collected bottles/cans. I also used to sell little debbie cakes and stuff like that to kids at school.

All to play vidya.

>> No.3017748

It was to keep it in line with the MSX, a system that SONY (among others) had previously manufactured.

>> No.3017780

No. I had 2 fellate old women and steal their shekels to buy nice things.

>> No.3017786

You can still emulate on cellphones, anon. And for PCs , I think there's still a 5kB browser version of tetris somewhere.

>> No.3018647

Parents bought a used NES and SNES for us early on, i'm 29 right now, so SNES was right in my time.

Best xmas present still to this day however was getting my N64. Got it the xmas of release, as i beleive it was released in either october or november, so it was quite the item at the time.

Parents built it up like they couldnt afford it, so i fully accepted i wasnt going to get one. Xmas rolls around and i unwrap a minty new yellow controller.. controller.. wtf. we dont even have a system..

rents tell me its for when we rent the system.. hmm ok seems reasonable..

then unwrap the system.. win! i dont think i freaked out quite like N64 kid, but definately was happy as hell, and like i said, still to this day, best xmas ever.

Other than that we always had new PC's so always loved PC gaming, personally i'm probably on my 4th or 5th own rig, however my parents newest computer is probably their 16th-18th. With dads work they got a thousand dollars every 3 years for a computer so we were upgraded with the new tech..

first real hardcore gaming rig was right before half-life came out though, dat Voodoo 3DFX

>> No.3018793

When I was a lad of five, my lad bought me an Intellivision, which my cousin stole.

Then, as a teenager living in Queens, I saved up my money every week to walk a couple of miles to an Salvation Army in Elmont to buy 2600, and 7800 carts.

I eventually owned nearly every classic classic sustem by the time I was 24 and lost most of them in a house fire. =(

Since then, I've been using a lot of emulators and modding PS2 and Xboxs to play my favorite games.

When I was in high school in the mi9d 90s I had a DOS 2600 emulator that I had loaded on a floppy along to 500+ 2600 roms.

>> No.3019002

No. But they give me my first, which is the reason I'm on this board note. They would be proud.

>> No.3019004

>fellate women
/d/ pls go

>> No.3019017
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Most of the time. They got me a Genesis I didn't ask for, and Game Gear and Gameboy Color which I did. Sometimes they surprised me with stuff I never expected like an N64 in 96, a PSX in 2000 (but they told me I had to sell that if I wanted a Gamecube). I only got games as gifts every so often, and they were usually bought on the cheap from flea markets or video stores until I was old enough to realize the money I spent on other toys and candy could go to new games.

>> No.3019030

Got a snes, gb color, gba sp, ps1, xbox, ps2, psp 2000, xbox 360, wii from parents.. now I'm about to buy a PS4 for myself. I played a lot of PC games with my dad as a child too. Lineage II, Diablo II, UT 2003/4, and WoW.

>> No.3019034
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Fuck no!

My worthless shit of a father bought me an NES when I wanted an SNES. The disgusting scumbag.

That piece of shit just had to get cute and decide that he could be all clever and "efficient" getting me that pitiful old thing. It was not cool, it encouraged people to make fun of me. It frustrated me too, SNES games were so much more comfy and reassuring. I couldn't even have one good console, what the shit? But he just had to get me the antiquated piece of shit with a bunch of games, to get bestest deal possible on keeping me occupied.

Then afterwards, he got us a cyrix "486"SLC system. Not the DLC that there actually was some sense to utilizing, the garbage 386 with a minute bit extra. He couldn't just get a straightforward 386dx40. Or, hell, even a plain old 386-33. And that was probably on the low end of that kind of gimmick-idiocy for him. I fucking hate him so much for being stupid.

>> No.3019070

Megaman 1/2/3, Zelda 1/2, Bionic Commando, Rivercity Ransom, Ninja Gaiden, Demon Souls, Life Force, Dragon Warrior, the Mario games, Man... the NES kicked ass. Should have just brought it to a friend's house so you guys could play all the cool games.

>> No.3019131
File: 228 KB, 550x500, dragon grinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YUCK! Dragon Warrior was pure fucktarded grind that just trained you to take monotony. Me and my friends didn't have many of the other titles.

>> No.3019139

My parents were way too good to me and my brothers in this regard considering our financial situation when we were younger. I honestly feel bad about it looking back and have actually brought it up to my mom. She always said she just wanted us to be happy regardless of how much it'd hurt them financially. Love them to pieces.
>end blog

>> No.3019149

It is a huge grind. Zelda II is a far superior RPG. Also, I meant Demon Sword not Souls, that's been bugging me. Megaman/Zelda/Mario/Metroid/Castlevania... there are a ton of games for NES that are really fun to play.

>> No.3019161

Got a PS1 with a copy of Final Fantasy VII on either my birthday or Christmas, can't remember, and that was all I had for a good number of years.

Even when I had money that I earned myself doing chores, yardwork around the neighborhood, paper route, other jobs, my parents wouldn't let me spend it on games because "Anon you already have a game, you don't need another one", they saw it like buying a second bicycle or something.

>> No.3019182

Your parents are retarded & by default you mostly likely are as well.

>> No.3019281

But then, what if that's megaman 6, non-super mario bros or catlevania 2?

Dragon warrior at least improved with the sequels ... but then, it was the old experiment that they flooded out copies of, which was still better than final fantasy, with not even translating #3. And that's still better than nintendo's treatment of lagrange point, making it technically impossible for implementation in the west.

>> No.3019306
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He should have just got you a calculator and told you to program your own damn games desu senpai. Cause that all your little brat ass deserves!

>> No.3019317

Oh, it's that easy huh, what kind of a programmer are you?

>> No.3019357

We were too poor for calculator. I only had some dice and had to run the programs in my head.

>> No.3019376

But no one gave you an actual opening to talk about what programming gear you had as a child, these are two separate topics that came up not requiring integration, but since you've started on that, you should untangle it, what third world country or what kind of trailer park did you come from?

Oh, and you still said nothing about what your *present day* involvement in computer work is, so do explain that too. We're all sure you're coming from a place of special relevant insight!

>> No.3019378
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But they gave me a N64..

>> No.3019382
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Brother got an NES.
we both played it.
We got an SNES
we both played it.
Game Gear went to him but he lost the games and then he lost the adapter. but then I found both in a store nearby. and sill play that thing.
PS1 went to him. I got the N64

>Then the PS2 came out.
I pealed back layers of wrapping paper. I was about 13... Dec 20th played the fuck out of 007 and tekken tag.Played the shit out of it and had the front slide key to use burned shit.
I got myself the other newer shit.

>> No.3019397

Mom and Dad played Atari as kids and NES as teens/adults. My bro was born in 87 and me in 89. They split up, dad remarried best stepmom who worked for NEC and got us a Turbografx and all the add-ons and a bunch of games. Mom bought us the most systems, she gets motion sickness from 3D but is pretty skilled at 2D games, we played a ton of levels in Mario 3 right before Christmas. Dad got me a ton of games during the PS2 era, I'd stay with him for summers back then and we'd play GTA3 for Evil Dead for weeks.

>> No.3019398

My parents gave me a Game&Watch clamshell Donkey Kong after much pleading. Everything past that I paid for with my own saved up money.

>> No.3019424

Stop digging for excuses and face the fact that you're a shitty person to gat angry at your dad for trying, but not measuring up to your high standards. You sound like a little bitch desu senpai.

>> No.3019480

My dad give me a computer only for me in 1995 and i become a master race but first we own megadrive and master system and i stop buy my self console after ps2

>> No.3019607

not genesis
weaboo detected

>> No.3019614

Or, you know, Australian.

>> No.3020418

Or any of the 90% of the world it wasn't called a Genesis.

>> No.3021046

-you're the one digging for excuses, excuses to exalt your the narrow world you chose
-you're clearly the shitty person here since you're terrified of reveal anything about yourself that relates to the very issue you're so touchy about
-you're more clearly the piece of shit here since you're so eager to pass the blame and declare someone with a different attitude to things as you to be shit
-you must be the kind of person that tries things every once in a while, and fails, but exalts the "act" of trying, you piece of shit
-you're the one with demanding standards, since you can't conceive anything else, even when you grab at something which isn't about high standards
-you're the desu senpai, whatever the fuck that's supposed to be, because, that's clearly your thing

>> No.3021235


>> No.3021297

they gave us
- an Amiga 500
- 2 Gameboys
- several games for each of these
So i can't complain in any way, awesome start into the world of gaming.
SNES, N64 and newer PCs we all bought from our "own" money .. which was mainly allowance so my parents money anyway ..

>> No.3021595

Wow you're really fucked up in the head. One day your dad will dead and you'll have nobody left to blame but yourself.

>> No.3021659

he will weld himself a new dad are you fucking stupid?

>> No.3021667


Realistically though, North America is pretty much 70% of the world.

>> No.3021680

Nope, coincidentally just about to fill my dads pc with emulators and roms.
If anyone knows a decent place for doom 1 and 2 for either pc or mac would be appreciate it.

>> No.3021757

to you saying north america is 70% of the world. your dead wrong. its only 16.5% of the earths land area (not incuding oceans and such obviously)
And by popuation north america has 4.42% of the worlds population. the biggest country by population are china with 18.8% of the worlds popoulaion. And back to the biggest country by land area russia wins that title.

>> No.3021842

To be honest, not sure if bait or not.

>> No.3021849

But will Dad2 play laserdiscs?

>> No.3021876
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No. Most of my consoles/computers in the 90s were hand-me-downs from my spoiled cousins who had to have the newest thing, and got it. So I had a 3DO despite being poor.

>> No.3021883
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>Christmas 1995
>want Super Mario RPG for Christmas
>see two SNES-shaped gifts under the tree
>excited for weeks
>they're these shitty prank kits, both of them
>th-thanks mom

>> No.3022887

Dead serious. Like I said, it got EVEN worse after that, stupider, gimmickier, pushier, more self congratulatory and more laced with catches and deranged expectations.

>> No.3022895

No it's not, it just was 70% of sega's market.

>> No.3023013

Let me here tell you the tale of my Dad2 who could infact play laserdiscs. This may come as a surprise to you because your dad as incapable of playing laser discs but let me assure you that dads are, in fact, capable of playing laser discs and that if your dad is not it may be due to his personal inability to weld things that may allow the playing of laser discs by the aforementioned dad. My Dad1, upon failing to successfully weld and play a laser disc upon his personage resulting in his untimely demise did thereafter leave comprehensive document of his his efforts that allowed by my sequential dad, the afore mentioned Dad2 to eventually succeed in welding and thereafter play a laser disc within his self. The exact method by which the laser disc was inserted for playing, and whether the laser disc was ever extracted are unknown at this time but it is assume by the closest of his colleges that it was either extremely painful or pleasurable or C, all of the above.
On that high note we can continue or not.

>> No.3023093

I the the N64 was the last one they bought for me. After that, I broke down and bought a PS2 a couple years after launch, I've still never got a console the same year it was released to this day.

I regret not buying more carts on ebay when I was in that phase, just before I graduated high school, I started purchasing a lot of SNES and N64 games to have, usually stuff I rented and liked.

>> No.3023168

I've appreciated the fact that the world needs me dead long before. At least, YOUR spectacular new world.

You people are so full of shit, I've already quite thoroughly conceived of "daddies" that have been welded(at least in part) that can play laserdisc. Except you've got your gender roles disgustingly screwed up, it's babygirls/kittens/princesses that play laserdisc, dadies/masters just restrain you and smack you around to get you into line.

I didn't get all that far in getting it down so far because, you know, I'm not that great as writer, you should be aware, I'm supposed to be programming games with just a calculator.

And shit got even worse, last time I had a run-in at a bookstore with the kind of guy who I could familiarize myself with storycrafting with, there was this fucking giddy ideologue from Serbia or Bulgaria incessantly clamouring for attention chanting his delusions about holy daddies, and how amazing the Russian orthodox church and ISIS are at standing up for holy daddies.

>> No.3023186

Mom got me a N64 for christmas 1997.
Year later got OoT from her. She actually managed to track down a copy at a time when it was basically sold out.
Years later, when TP was released, she remembered that and got me the game for christmas as a kind of callback.

She also got me my SNES and PS2, bought my GCN and XB360 myself.

I still get a game for christmas, because "its tradition".

>> No.3023248

If this is serious, I mean if this is really serious and this is how you think, please kill yourself now. You just didn't get life, it didn't work out. Leave it. Your dad sounds dodgy alright, cause he must have done something wrong to end up having something like you.

>> No.3023340
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THIS. The pathetic fucking loser with one measly console needs to kill itself before it gives other people shit for the fact that it is a pathetic worthless loser with one shitty console!

>> No.3023427

Jesus, and you hold that grudge on him after how many years?
Parents sometimes suck, and sometimes childhoods suck thanks to it. Nothing we can do about it, but no matter how much you hate him it will not change things that happened decades ago. But you can change how things are now. Stop focusing on what you didn't get then and focus on the fact you can get them now and enjoy them
Also NES has a lot of good games, I discovered them too late sadly. But I can play them now and have a great time.

>> No.3023486

>laser discs
>laser discs
>laser discs
jesus. shut up

>> No.3023525
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Sort of,as a child my older brother got all the systems and I got his old ones. When he got the 64 I got his old sega. But when he hit his teenage years n started acting out (early 2000s) the tables turned n I started getting spoiled n got a playstation n then gamecube etc. All of which I still have to this day and play frequently
>pic related
>my first console and game I ever played

>> No.3023531

I had the SNES and Genesis in the 4th generation, both at launch. 5th generation was just PSX because N64 and Saturn were meh and games for them were really rare in my part of the world. When 6th generation came around we got a PS2 and we planned to buy the rest of the systems but fucking PS2s kept getting stolen and we had to buy new ones.

>> No.3023541

Game Boy Pocket from my mom for Christmas.
Game Boy Advance from my aunt & uncle for birthday.

Nobody's ever given me a main console as a gift. Those were always bought for me and my siblings as a whole to share. We started out with the Genesis, then PSX, then PS2 and Gamecube. Now we're all separate adults with our own 360s/PS3s or 4s/Wiis. I have a Dreamcast and I'm the only one with any real interest in older consoles.

My parents were the type who knew of videogames, but weren't interested themselves. Very much, "Oh, yeah, honey, that's nice...okay, I know you like your games..."
I honestly don't think my mom has ever even touched a video game in her life.

>> No.3023585

There were two times a year that I could get games/systems, Christmas and my birthday. If I asked for it, I got it on one of those two days. So I didn't have all the systems, but I didn't have a lack of them, either.

>> No.3023591

At home we had NES to WII except the SNES. We also had our own GBA. Then only me got the DS, NDS and DSi.

>> No.3023594

Nope, I didn't. It was NOT a grudge. I did say it got worse.

And the hell with nintendo, I've revealed that I've moved on from that junk, perhaps somewhat involuntarily.

>> No.3023607

Keep dreaming. I've thought way too much about death for the idea to just spring up on me like that.

Why do you want to see someone you don't know dead? How would that be fun to you? By seeing them gobbled by a train like in nintendoland, at the expense of obnoxious delays? By seeing them punch into an arcade monitor, testing the lethal robustness of the capacitors? Is it lame and boring there otherwise?

>> No.3023608
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Nope. My parents were against videogames on the grounds that they would "rot your brain."
My cousin's family ended up giving my brother an I an N64 in 2004 or so. My parents only allowed us to use it on weekends.
I owned a Gameboy and later a Gameboy color that I had acquired as hand-me-downs from other people we knew, so I played with those a lot.
I did most of my video game playing at friend's houses. I also played a ton of Runescape.

>> No.3023624

My mom sent a super nintendo when I was small to me in my third world shithole country but my dad sold it for booze money.

>> No.3023648

Yes. While my family was relatively well of, my best friends, who come from considerably less moneyed families than I do, also had multiple systems. Only when I started talking about games here on /vr/ did I realise that owning multiple consoles as a kid was an oddity. You guys "accused" me of being rich.

Anyway, by the time I sold off my consoles, I had 122 games for SNES, nearly 200 for NES, 78 for Genesis, 24 for TG16, 18 for Sega CD and 12 for Neo Geo. I also had Lynx, Game Gear and Master System, but I don't remember quite how many games I had for those, but I know I had under 10 for Lynx.

>> No.3023660

>got a n64 for christmas '96 when very young
>didn't flip the fuck out and start screaming about getting it

I missed out on being a meme, fuck.

>> No.3023869

damn, bro, your family was a sad bunch of people, stooping to wild excuses for being poorfags, that just made them look even more sad!

>> No.3023878

No. Just SNES, Game Boy Pocket, Playstation, and Playstation 2...We got a game on holidays, but mostly had to use our allowance. They gave my sister a Wii for her 20th birthday, which was fucked up because they just gave me a card and a novelty pen for my 20th birthday.

>> No.3023883


Best post. This post should win an award.

>> No.3025486
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>Anon you already have a game, you don't need another one

Nobody seriously explained the normal view on that to them?

Did you do anything about it, play demo discs? Trade with anyone?

>> No.3025880

>- an Amiga 500
Ah! Now here's someone who actually had cool parents!

>> No.3027940

Were you able to acquire pirate carts for it? How long did you have it?

>> No.3030181
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>Focus On The Family

I remember how they would sneakily get their christian propaganda shown in school.

Sometimes, just sometimes, we'd be excused from class to watch these suspicious tapes about this... cartoon elf with obnoxiously wholesome values. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vALpwgc2dqU

I despise religion.

>> No.3030192

My dad got me the Atari while n64 came out. He was from Iran and didn't know Jack shit. I played the fuck out of it with my sister. She went on to help design music for some very popular titles.

>> No.3030647

Your dad should've given you a Virtual Boy just so you could have a fatal brain seizure you fucking faggot

>> No.3030676
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Ahh, that sounds very familiar. I remember lots of this kind of concern around.

Though there was a lot of sloppiness to it, for example, people never did get clever enough to just use those shitty cyrixes after the 486 era, when they were the ultimate business CPUs.

>I despise religion.
Wow, you're being irrationally presumptive and paranoid, I also went to a Christian school, and they shoved video games under our noses, and I don't mean just the C64 and super solvers type ones, I mean NES and SNES, as a step to making sure we were properly "integrated" with the community or some sick shit like that. Ugh. I remember once playing some early megaman through recess when I wasn't supposed to, and then even into the next class, wondering if they were gonna kill me for being late.

Of course, to fully round out that bullshit, they did lots of batfuck screwy things with math classes also, so maybe they were thorough.

>> No.3030717
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I didn't have a computer. Well, i didn't have a color TV in the first place.
Actually i didn't have electricity at home for most of the day.
Sometimes i feel like my childhood was 80 years ago or i was born in some african shithole.

>> No.3030731


SMRPG wasn't even out yet.

>> No.3030765
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Whoa, yeah, now you're talking, he totally should have! Virtual boy had at one point been only 35 sheckels! That was just completely outrageous that *WE* could have passed up a wild deal like that!

Also, it would have actually been the most portable thing I had! Short of a shitty xbox-hueg hong kong CD player that skipped if it was touched the least bit.

It would have also been a very useful reference point, for drawing on first hand observations against the vicious nintendo brats in the community.

>> No.3030909

Ahh, I see. We used to sometimes make do with monochrome, or dirty power or unreliable utilities, or whatnot, but not *that* often.

Though what I hated the most were the poseurs who had to hatefully bluff that they were with all the "modern" shit.

>> No.3031245

>I also went to a Christian school
This was not a christian school. This was a public school with christian shit snuck into it by assholes.

>> No.3031270


>> No.3031406

>it was never sold as or marketed as the ps1.
It was after the PS2's release, but it was spelled "PSOne."

>> No.3031420

The PS one (two words, with "one" spelled completely in lowercase) was not the same thing as the original PlayStation though.

>> No.3031436

A chirstian leftist school is still a christian school. Just like gay churches are still churches, despite their bullshit progressive agendas. Just because you're smacked around from two directions at once, doesn't invalidate one of them.

>> No.3031439
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They supplied me with a NES, SNES and a N64, my brother hooked me up with his old Playstation when he got a PS2, and I was generally expected to get games for it on my own or rent, the only games my mother ever bought me were Dragon Warrior, Pokemon Red, Gold, and Mega Man X(thanks mom seriously) and one time a bud in high school gave me DBZ: Buu's Fury.

Every other console I bought on my own. Every other game than those four I bought or rented or borrowed. I was initially pretty jealous of some of my friends that had more games than me, but I felt better when I realized I had a better completion ratio but could still borrow games from them.

>> No.3031453

Folks didn't wanna give me video games, until they got desperate one Christmas because you can't keep buying kids generic little boy toys forever, and broke down and bought a bargain bin console despite it being well out the door at the time. Had to buy every console myself after that.

>> No.3031729

FUCK NO my parents never bought me shit. That's how I got into retro games because they were cheaper and I could get a Xbox or ps2 so I stuck with a dream cast and a snes now I can't even afford old games because of fucking gay ass hipsters. We need hitter back to genocide their ass

>> No.3031884

Why didn't you explain it to them that playing another game was like watching another movie?

>> No.3031889

>Final Fantasy VII

Could have been much worse I guess, especially on the PS1 of all systems. Did you at least 100% it?

>> No.3032138

I really wanted a game boy and one christmas I got a closely shaped game child (that was like some kind of football game&watch).
We had a 386 and 486 PCs that my father used for work and one of them had a few CGA games. Soon after I knew how to install stuff and such my parents upgraded to a pentium MMX and one day I got kgen from a kid in my class. I really loved to have a megadrive inside my PC and was in extreme awe (many friends had the console and I loved it).
Later I got a PSX for my birthday and played the hell out of it (a lot of friends also had it and demos were a thing as well).
The next system I had was the Dreamcast, which I bought by saving my monthly allowance.
I inherited a pentium 3 PC when it was already a bit old and also loved it (I was still using the pentium PC quite a lot), I loved my PCs I wish I had kept them. The next stuff was bought by me.

>> No.3032689
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Calm down for a second! There's many corners of the gaming world that are very much accessible. You just need to open your mind, take a level headed look the important details of your cravings, and take a methodical approach to getting a far better distraction arsenal than it would ever be expected for you to have.

>> No.3033497
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xbox is just lousy PC ports anyway, so no loss there...

wait, you HAVE considered the PC side, RIGHT?

>> No.3033562

You mean you can't afford old games because you're a retard who can't get a decent job. Video games have always been in high demand since the 80's and the supply only keeps dwindling. Learn some basic economics, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.3033579

Shut up, asshole! Video game pricing is fucking obtuse, and your stupid consumeristic, slavedriving platitudes are obnoxiously useless to making any sense of what's being dealt with. This is a fucking board about games, not about industry-bootlicking and primitive capitalistic dogma.

>> No.3033659

Any time I see someone post it I know they're describing themselves. I also know it's you because there could only be one tard here stupid enough to use that word.
Nearly all games went down in price after they came out eventually becoming very cheap. You're just to young to have experienced it

>> No.3033678

>I think there's still a 5kB browser version of tetris somewhere.
The one I had contained like 99 games in one.

>> No.3034207

Yes, we were always about one generation and a half behind minus when we got the N64, but I didn't care because that meant everything was cheaper.

I think it's part of why I prefer older games and ones that were "weak" enough to emulate on my PC.

Good times.

>> No.3036023

Did you have PCs?

>> No.3037453

Is PCs how people in your country abbreviate paper route?

>> No.3037465

nope, hand me down nes from my big sister and an snes we had to share. She never played though. Bought every further console with my own money.

>> No.3037581
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Oh me and my siblings could have, but my oldest brother ruined that for us.

>be 8yr old me, one of five kids in family
>parents would rent NES from blockbuster all the time
>Christmas is coming
>parents unknowingly buy us NES and many games
>presents wrapped a month before
>parents put them in the blanket closet
>13-year old brother always peeks at presents
>one day he's alone
>carefully removes tape and sees NES
>tapes it back up
>parents are smart and can tell it's been opened
>parents return the NES and all games


>> No.3037589

had to buy my n64 from the local game shop down the road. Got my SNES (broken) from an E-waste drive my class held in 8th grade

my mom bought me a GC when I turned though

>> No.3037593


turned 10*

>> No.3037597

GC at 10? Fuck, you're young.

>> No.3037603


it was 2004, m8

Im 21

>> No.3037606

Fuck man, that's some twisted parental shit. That'll bite them in the ass come nursing-home choosing season, amirite?

>> No.3037623

up until the PS2, yeah, since i couldn't get part time shit at the age of 15 in 2000

>> No.3037646

that is true


now that everything from 6th gen back is out of print, that means that there is a dwindling finite amount of copies left and asshole resellers (game stores as i like to call them) horde a good number of that shit and then tell you "well, that's just supply and demand!" when they have 10+ copies of Zelda 1 for $25+ a pop and they aren't fucking worth that price.

i do what i can, but i even sold my boxed copy of Conker pretty fucking cheap, that won't change the fucking market sadly.

>> No.3037979


my b-day is 2 days before xmas, which as a child is total bullshit. Good news is I get an xmas bonus because i get my b-day tacked onto my xmas list... but usually that meant splitting it in half (early presents yay)

games back in the day were the same as they are now, and I had genesis, nes, and n64. So u can guess how that got distributed... once the new system came out, bye bye old and into the closet it went.

I can remember getting 1 or 2 games every yr. Some yrs i got a 3rd like in the spring. I recall getting Super Smash bros one day in the spring (when it came out) while I was sick. Best 4-day weekend with a fever ever.

>> No.3038034

That's not "doing what you can". That's just silly self sacrifice that only benefits resellers. Doing what you would mean doing something purposeful. Like making a high res scan of a manual, screwing with the reasons for people to put up with resellers.

>> No.3038041

Yeah, they should have gotten you nosy brats a master system instead.

>take that! you think you can rob us of our magical moment of surprise? think again!

Or an atari 7800.

>> No.3038048

Pff. That's fucked up. Your parents hated you.

>> No.3038051

The PS Xpansion for the SNES.

>> No.3038103
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Was one of the perks of having divorced parents.

>> No.3038139

No, we were poorfags. In 1991(?) my rich baby boomer grandparents bought me the original Gameboy for Christmas. One of the best XMases in my life. But other than that, all the way to the late 90's I mostly just played on other people's systems. Lucky for me, I knew a lot of people and had connections.

My school had an Amiga 500 with a stack of warez games, I shit you not. I bet that shit wouldn't fly today, but back then nobody, not even the teachers fully understood how illegal that was. Software piracy back then was not that well understood here.

A friend had a SNES and a Commodore 64, but I lost contact with him in 1993 when his parents divorced and he had to move. We had great sessions together playing Last Ninja and Rambo and Commando and shit.

Then I had these two cousins. The other one always kept his PC hardware up to date. Trough him I was able to access many a great MS-DOS game from early to mid-90's. Sadly, he eventually died of cancer, it fucking sucked.

The other cousin is a hardcore Sonyfag, he introduced me to the Playstation and Resident Evil. Great times. He also had a Megadrive earlier.

For someone with no money, I managed to play a lot in my youth. In 1998 I finally bought my first own PC with the cash from my first job. That AMD K6-2 rig I still sometimes use to play Blood and Tomb Raider from time to time.

>> No.3040563
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>> No.3041329

Illusion of Gaia is a fucked up game for any kid to play.

It's nothing but death despair and hopelessness. I remember thinking it was pretty fucking harsh even as a kid. I still feel that way today when I play it.

>> No.3041365

Was born into a Master System (or my older sisters got it when I was super young). Then my little sister and I got a Genesis, GameBoy, Sega CD, and 32X. And then I got a Saturn and then PSX. Then I started getting my own shit.

>> No.3044316
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An E-waste drive?!

>> No.3046552

That's pretty cool. Another fitting phrase would be "our friends in cottage/RV country have one".

>> No.3046585
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>> No.3046598

$40? What do you need $30 for? Here. have $20.