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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 649x650, 226979-1-sega-dreamcast-1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2902431 No.2902431 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a child I really liked a Nintendo 64 like my cousin. I really enjoyed all that games, such Pokemon Stadium and Mario Kart.
When I was 8 on Christmas, my mom gifted me a Sega Dreamcast and I was like uhh this no the console I asked for.
Well so I played this console until I had my gifted PS2 slim from my rich foreign aunt.
I had a lot of fun with the Sega Dreamcast and it had a lot of cool things and Im really happy to have played it in my childhood.
The Dreamcast had internet, 4 controllers intups without multitaps, the virtual memory, the controller was cool, a keyboard to online YES it had cable online (I never tried it) and have cool games too like Sonic Adventure) my fav), Half-Life (the franchise started from there and the dlcs too..), Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, and a bunch more.

Do you agree with me the DC is the best console for that time? Or why you are disagree? I know the PS2 was "better" but I really liked this Sega(the only one I had)

>> No.2902480

Depends. If you're looking for a large library of JRPGs, then you're shit out of luck. But if you're looking for arcade ports, arcade-style games, or just plain hardcore games, then you're in luck, because the DC has them in droves. That being said, I prefer the DC (and by extension the Xbox, since it's basically a Dreamcast 2) over the other PS2 and Gamecube.

Also, the DC usually has the best ports of games that were on 5th gen consoles, like RE2 & 3, Soul Reaver, Rayman 2, Tony Hawk, etc.

>> No.2902482

>If you're looking for a large library of JRPGs, then you're a faggot

>> No.2902632
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>> No.2903265

I heard there is a JPRG played online on DC nowadays yet

>> No.2903347

>Not asking for a Dreamcast out the gate

man parents really do know best

>> No.2903375
File: 25 KB, 500x362, 1447593307351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I hate to be this guy, but "I sense the faint smell of...." Bait. Calling you on the Half-Life nonsense. I'm a total sperg for Doom and Half-Life and know way more than a mentally sound person should about them and the console ports. DC Half-Life port was never officially released and even then, it was a PORT, not the original release (if that is what you meant by "the franchise started from there"). Okay, sorry about that. Just woke up grumpy and sad to see /vr/ going from the last bastion of insane, vile and yet fairly productive discussion on this goddamn Indonesian Masturbation Discussion site. I will promptly shut the fuck up now.

>> No.2903404

>DC is the best console for that time

You're not alone OP. Other kids I knew loved the N64 but I went with the DC and loved it. I can't really be objective about it, but I totally agree. I've tried to get into a bunch of N64 games over the years but with a few exceptions have usually always struggled. With DC games on the other hand there are genuinely very few I don't like. Most of the library is rather fun even if most aren't triple-A or cult classic games.

>> No.2903413


The engrish in this post is hilarious.

>> No.2903414

It's total bait with the Half Life bs plus the DC as the best console of all time is also laughable

>> No.2903563
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>> No.2903586

The last good console of all time, probably

>> No.2903634

I love the PS2 but the Dreamcast was definitely the end of an era.

>> No.2903875
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Now, even though I did call this bait, I will admit the Dreamcast has some pretty dope games and was all around a fantastic console. I had an n64 and borrowed a PS quite often but did not play a Dreamcast later years where it couldn't have the same impact on me, but I can still appreciate how damn fine of a console it is.
But, in line with trying to keep this place a "bastion of insane, vile and yet fairly productive discussion", I won't argue with your opinion of the Dreamcast, I will just call you a faggot who is wrong. I don't dislike you, there is nothing wrong with either of those things. Good day, friendo.

>> No.2903881


*til later years, my bad

>> No.2903947
File: 132 KB, 1600x800, vgavscomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the DC, I want to get a VGA cable for mine, but I'm not sure if I should splurge on a good one or get the cheap tomee one.
What do you guys think?
Also, do they even make S-Video cables for DC?

>> No.2903952
File: 16 KB, 300x293, bcyEpRdoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.2903970

I got the Retrobit VGA box back in 2011. Still works, no issues.

And yes, there's an S-video cable. I bought a pair for when I play on my CRT, because not all games (like Bangai-O) support VGA. I forget which brand I got, but it came in a box.

>> No.2903981

>agree with me
That brazilians should blog on /vr/? No.

>> No.2903991

>Calling you on the Half-Life nonsense.

HL1 was a PC game at first, but the DC had a cancelled port that ended up getting backported to the PC with all of its enhancements (like the twice as detailed new character models).

I think that backport was called Blue Shift but I'm not sure.

>> No.2903995

>I think that backport was called Blue Shift but I'm not sure.

The HD pack was an optional add-on that came packaged with BS.

>> No.2904049

The DC version of Half-Life had a weird bug where the VMU block requirements would increase as you got farther in the game.

>> No.2904067
File: 1.26 MB, 2560x1440, 1452307558420-836503438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have internet so I can't? (not brazilian btw)

I didnt try to bait anyone, I only meant popular games and I thought HL was released because this. (picture)
It came with my DC

>> No.2904118
File: 282 KB, 615x763, 89c50c76eb717dff6be7a83724b6b49e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid I owned a N64. I got it at launch and was blown away by Mario 64. As time went on I seen kids around the neighborhood all getting PSX. The jaggy graphics gave me fever dreams and loading times I mocked. Tho deep down I knew that games on a CD was pretty awesome, they even had video on some games.

But as a kid I didnt buckle.

I sacked up with my Pokemon this and Banjo Kazooie that. But one fateful day a friend down the street got a Dreamcast on Christmas. I stopped by because rumor was around the school yard he got one.
The style..
The design...
The fast loading times compared to the PSX....
The SPEED of Sonic Adventure.....
Sorry Nintendo, but I must leave you.

Until I saved up enough money to get my own I was over my friends all weekend for months. We played PSO online together with a dial up connection and 100% Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 together. We duked it out in MVC 1. We raised our Chaos in the VMU. Hell we even put in a few rounds of Sonic Shuffle.

Seriously, the best gaming memories of my life right there.

Just last year I grew tired of modern gaming with its constant DLC and high priced consoles. I dug the Dreamcast out....I got that rush again.
QUALITY games.
I have sort of become a small time collector now for Dreamcast. Love it.

>> No.2904124

I just got my S-Video in the mail today for my DC. It looks BEAUTIFUL on my Trinitron.

>> No.2904130



>> No.2904146

The Dreamcast is absolutely my favorite console. I've played nothing but Crazy Taxi 2 for the past two days.

>> No.2904282
File: 217 KB, 500x500, Blue_Stinger_-_North-american_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth $10?

>> No.2904301

Behar brothers, VGA boxes they are amazing. Got a Hanzo 2 years ago, still of the best things I've bought for my dreamcast.

>> No.2904317

It's one of the few so-bad-it's-good video games alongside Illbleed by the same developer. It's fun to laugh at but don't expect an actually good game.