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2895317 No.2895317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does this book trigger people?

>> No.2895329

For reasons not retro.


>> No.2895447

Really? You're joking right? You're pitching little temper tantrums about books now too?

>> No.2895456

I own it; why would it "trigger" me? The timeline is rubbish, though. I think I've mentioned that I follow my own headcanon instead.

>> No.2895463

People on /vr/, especially die hard Nintendo fans, are hypersensitive and will get triggered over everything. See the first response to your thread here.

>> No.2895464

Probably because it's clearly stuff they pulled out of their asses decades after the fact.

>> No.2895474

It doesn't trigger me, I just think it's funny how everything must have a deep lore now, even if you need to pull everything out of your ass to make it happen. It serves nor purpose other than being a bible for fanboys to jerk off about.

>> No.2895482

Because it is used as the counter-argument to the idea that every Zelda game is a self-contained story, but it's not very good at doing that. And even for people who wish to believe that all Zelda games are linked, they disagree with the timeline it presents because reasons, autism, etc.

It is very good as an art book, though; if you liked the atmosphere and design of the architecture, it's very pretty to look at.

>> No.2895484

Totally. The timeline thing doesn't bother me at all, but as an art book and encyclopedia of sorts it's wonderful.

>> No.2895503

I own the book. I don't really give the timeline much heed because I know it's a pure asspull from Nintendo, but all the other fluff and art is quality. All-in-all it's a good purchase if you're a Zelda fan.

>> No.2895507

Hell, I only have a passing interest in Zelda and I'm glad I bought it. It's pretty cool.

>> No.2895513 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1600x668, AP_luke_Skywalker_mm_151002_12x5_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I don't get. According too your wording choice and phrasing, you both seem too bee under the impression that Zelda doesn't have deep lore, which is factually incorrect but beside my point. My curiousity is, why the hell do you care? If you don't believe it has lore, then you have no place to care about those who do.

Let me see if I can peg you. You are one of the following three.

A. A disgruntled anti-Nintendo fanboy seething with jealousy that Zelda has deeper lore than their favorite franchise, to the point of having such a giant book to compile it.
B. An idiot of such a caliber that they never once thought of the lore deeply while they played the games and have since moved on/sold those games regrettably, and are left to wallow only in their own self-directed ire from their poor decisions and see those as Zelda fans fault because the problem is never you. It's everybody else.
C. Some guy who genuinely likes Zelda for non-story related reasons but is a typical grade-A 4chan sheeple that let's the above two groups dictate his opinion before he can form him own, and also wants everyone to see things his way, believing everyone else is pretentious or autistic while being incapable of beholding self in the mirror.

Did I get ya?

>> No.2895520
File: 104 KB, 1600x668, AP_luke_Skywalker_mm_151002_12x5_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I don't get. According to your wording choice and phrasing, you both seem too be under the impression that Zelda doesn't have deep lore, which is factually incorrect but beside my point. My curiousity is, why the hell do you care? If you don't believe it has lore, then you have no place to care about those who do.

Let me see if I can peg you. You are one of the following three.

A. A disgruntled anti-Nintendo fanboy seething with jealousy that Zelda has deeper lore than their favorite franchise, to the point of having such a giant book to compile it.
B. An idiot of such a caliber that they never once thought of the lore deeply while they played the games and have since moved on/sold those games regrettably, and are left to wallow only in their own self-directed ire from their poor decisions and see those as Zelda fan's fault because the problem is never you. It's everybody else.
C. Some guy who genuinely likes Zelda for non-story related reasons but is a typical grade-A 4chan sheeple that let's the above two groups dictate his opinion before he can form his own, and wants everyone to see things his way, else they're pretentious or autistic; the bitter irony being that you're incapable of beholding self in the mirror.

Did I get ya?

>> No.2895524

>this much ad hominen over a single remark
You're my favorite poster, never change.

>> No.2895531

To be fair, I apologize if you were the second guy. I didn't mean the blunt of that for you. It was more intended for Beavis and Butthead from the owl thread I just linked to here.

Let us see what they have to say.

>> No.2895532


I don't care and didn't read it, nor have I played a zelda game in several years, and it's obvious that the games don't connect.

>> No.2895534

I mean I apologize if you were poster 74.

>> No.2895540

Oh so you're A. B. and C.

Thank you for your participation in this poll.

>> No.2895558


You are a crazy person.

>> No.2895561

I would love to see you start a blog. I want to see you start fights in the comment sections. Because people would say things just to rile you up and laugh at your sperglord tendencies and you wouldn't even realize it.

>> No.2895565

He reminds me of that greek guy from imsomnia.ac, check it out if you want something with a similar style.

>> No.2895590
File: 197 KB, 499x499, jkgyBOQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The depth of lore has no impact in this situation. The games are stand alone and did not connect in any way, and I hope you get testicular cancer for being such a burden on citizens like me.

>> No.2895607
File: 40 KB, 287x750, art-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's retarded.

the whole concept of a Zelda timeline is absurd from the word go.

This isn't like Ys where it's the same guy every time (origins not withstanding) it's a constantly rebooting series.

Really I wish it where more like Ys because then maybe Link would be an actual character and Hyrule an actual world. Do stuff like Adventures of Link and Link's awakening more.

but nope. It's always a stinking reboot, and the world never expands and properly grows

>> No.2895628

As was pointed out earlier, the book is actually a lovely encyclopedia of design and art.

Notwithstanding the timeline, you can honestly rip those pages out and you'd have an awesome art book and nobody would bitch about it.

It's an art book with a questionable piece of non-information in it. This is like that Tekken artbook that came out and semi-suggested that Unknown was Jun's sister, or FF Ultimania suggesting that FF7 and X were in the same universe. This sort of shit happens fairly often, why hold Hyrule Historia as being a definitive source?

>> No.2895648
File: 90 KB, 1281x358, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more sperglord to respond to a comment not directed at you because it upsets you and accuse someone of being someone of being a sperglord. It's a back-handed slap where you run away like a sissy because you're not man enough to own up to whatever your opinion or position is.

I'm not even mad, or an advocate of the Hyrule Historia. I hate the book because it's non-canon.

I'm simply calling out idiots for their idiocy.

>games are stand alone.
The term is stand[HYPHEN]alone, and you stole that from my response in the other thread in which I negated someone trying repeat bullshit about Hyrule Historia.

Only you missed the last part apparently, because it's an example of a connective thread between three games (OoT, TP, SS)/

I apologize for insulting you if you're one of those I linked to, but the only burden to society is you for poor reading comprehension, hence why we are where we are. If you took two seconds to read and two more to think before speaking, then you would see how wrong you are.

>> No.2895664

Nobody agrees with you because you're wrong.

>> No.2895684

because 9/10 of zelda talk before it came out was time line theories, with the other 1/10 being how to glitch OOT.

With HH out, 9/10 of the zelda community stopped being relevant.

>> No.2895691

>"watta to dooo to make people stop talking about zelda the fastestoo?"
>"excellentu! A timelinaru!"
>"glorioos nippon win again"

>> No.2895696

>Ittawararudakidesu-sama, I sank wre habe a-totarii fukkudo ouru maaketoingu depaatmento.

>> No.2895789


those books being shit doesn't make HH good.

>> No.2895814

>Tekken artbook is shit
>HH as an artbook isn't good

You have some very difficult opinions to digest.

>> No.2895825 [DELETED] 

I think what he's saying is, he agrees that it's a good artbook but also lacks reading comprehension to understand that you're saying it is otherwise terrible, but not as an artbook.

He thinks you're saying that because those books have non-canon information too, but are compromised as "canon" to some, that it doesn't give HH the right to be considered canon.

Personally I didn't know that there were other poorly written books until this thread. I mean, I'm sure there are such fanbooks, but I didn't know it was as prevalent a thing as in America (talking about the Batman/Star Wars guides and the sort written by people who don't know anything).

So cheers, for the info. It will come in handy next time I get into an argument with stuck-up HH-worshipers.

>> No.2895834

I think what he's saying is, he agrees that it's a good artbook but also lacks reading comprehension to understand that you're saying it is otherwise terrible, but not as an artbook.

He thinks you're saying that because those books have non-canon information too, but are compromised as "canon" to some, that it gives HH the right to be considered canon.

Personally I didn't know that there were other poorly written books in Japan, except Resident Evil Archives II, but I didn't know it was as prevalent an issue as in America (ex. the Batman/Star Wars Ultimate Guides and the sort written by people who don't know anything).

So cheers, for the info. It will come in handy next time I get into an argument with stuck-up HH apologists.

>> No.2895943

/vr/ will only get better if you shitpost.

More shit=more people yelling at admins/Hiro=Hiro getting off his ass to appoint janitors.

>> No.2895976
File: 71 KB, 666x638, 10338 - Daisy Draw_Stream Paulo PauloxDaisy Taeshi_(Artist)_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking this will actually change things