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File: 91 KB, 505x359, Super Mario Bros 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2883628 No.2883628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the 'real' Super Mario Bros 2 in your opinion?

>> No.2883629

Both are rom hacks in different ways.

>> No.2883631
File: 108 KB, 256x351, Super_Mario_Bros__3_coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.2883635

Are you in and/or from Japan?


Then the answer is obvious.

>> No.2883665
File: 76 KB, 848x564, SMUSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is the real Mario 2.

It was the the game the developers wanted to make in the first place, and it outsold the Disk System (and by extension The Lost Levels and Doki Doki Panic).

This is a FACT, not opinion.

>> No.2883683

>It was the the game the developers wanted to make in the first place

>> No.2883695

from what i recall, it started as a mario game, then got adapted into ddp, then went to mario again

>> No.2883707

To add to this, enemies and features from USA have been added to countless other games in the series and Nintendo related products since release. It's the real Mario 2. It isn't even debatable.

>> No.2883710


Left is still more fun to play, though

>> No.2883747 [DELETED] 

autist dipshits... do you go ahead and call pac-man "puckman" as well. sometimes knowledge is best kept within your head and a shut mouth. no one just casually cares about the history behind SMB2... SMB2 is the one where you throw onions. period.

>> No.2883754

>No one just casually cares about the history of Mario 2
>Getting this mad about people talking about videogames & videogame history on a videogames image board

>> No.2883757

2 gave us Shy Guys, so I have to go with Lost Levels for not introducing dumb shit.

>> No.2883764

>no one just casually cares about Rush
>no one just casually cares about David Foster Wallace

See how stupid your argument sounds?

>> No.2883778

more or less, but it didn't "start as a mario game", that's a slight oversimplification. Miyamoto was brought in and offered to make the gameplay "more like Mario", or something like that. I'm fuzzy on the details though, I'm remembering it from other /vr/ anons who know more than me.

>> No.2883803 [DELETED] 


it's not a dumb argument at all. if someone is talking about SMB2 in america you can assume which one they're talking about and refrain from getting all "did you know that the original SMB2 is actually ahunkaretardedautisticdicksinamicrowave....."

>> No.2883894

Whatever title they had in Japan is the right one. I don't care about what they had to change to get the games to sell more, like calling Yoshi's Island "Mario World 2" or the case you mentioned. It just makes no sense.

>> No.2883896

the middle one

>> No.2883901

Why is any kind of knowledge considered autism now? Is the only way to not be autistic is to be completely brain dead and never have a single thought in your head?

>> No.2883913 [DELETED] 


when you have knowledge about something and can't help keeping quiet about it and simply don't know when to shut up about nonsensical details that the average joe could give two shits less about despite people not even listening to you, then yes you are acting autistic.

>> No.2883954

This is a fucking message board about old video games. This is exactly the sort of stuff that's supposed to be discussed here. It seems you're the one who has no sense of appropriate time and place for conversation.

>> No.2883975


so do you call pac-man "puckman" or not?

>> No.2883980

Why do you care? Why did you start shitting up this thread in the first place?

>> No.2883981


then get the fucking point. there is only one SMB2 outside of japan. /thread

>> No.2883982

lol you guys

>> No.2883990 [DELETED] 


>> No.2883992

I miss when /vr/ was a good board.

>> No.2884000

In a way, you're right. SMB2J was more like an SMB1 Hard Mode than a genuine sequel, and DDP/SMB2USA was more like a spinoff with a different approach. SMB3 was where they really took the SMB1 framework and expanded on it.

>> No.2884079

Why is it called USA?

>> No.2884081

shiggy mah niggy told me that our version of mario bros 2 is the real one.

>> No.2884085

Because it was a Mario game first in America, and NoA's president pitched the idea that we should reskin DDP into Mario instead of bringing over SMB2J since it's too similar to SMB1.

>> No.2884089

They needed something to call it in Japan, since Japan already had an SMB2. So I guess they went with "USA" because that's where the Mario-fied version of it was first released.

>> No.2884159


Left is SMB2U, right is SMB2J.

>> No.2884160 [DELETED] 

Left side says Super Mario Bros. 2. The right side is some moon rune shit. Is this even a question jack ass?

>> No.2884163 [DELETED] 

Left Mario has a leg for a dick.

>> No.2884171

The one that came first of course, so the right. The international Mario 2 is just a rebrand. And just because enemies/other characters got reused in future Mario makes no sense since it's Nintendo's characters and they can use wherever they want.
DDP also didn't start as a Mario game.
On other note this thread is the millionth reincarnation with the same shitposting and butthurt americans who think SMB2 is "their" superior one and only version.

Man, /vr/ becomes more and more retarded every day. You guys better get back to /v/, /b/ and /pol/ or from whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.2884172

Yes, sadly.
Welcome to America. Land of the braindead and shitposters. Like:

>> No.2884176
File: 85 KB, 497x655, MarioSeuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real one is indisputably the actual Super Mario Bros 2, the Japanese one. That isn't really up for debate. The one we got here is the one most people mean when they say Super Mario Bros 2.

But it's all in the past now, and we got four Super Mario Bros games out of it.

For what it's worth, the USA version is my favorite of the 8-bit games. Including Super Mario World (since it was the last proper SMB game and also included in All-Stars + World), my ranking of the five games is:


I was just never a fan of SMB3. Too many auto-scrolling levels, at least one on every world, always keep me from coming back. I just didn't seem to like the level design in general, though I'm not quite sure why. I can never stop replaying SMW, but SMB3 just feels so slow and dull to me.

I love SMB2 USA. It felt like a big adventure. Four unique characters, a solid game, intricate level design with a lot of variety and no water levels, and it wasn't afraid to toss convention completely out the window. People get way too attached to convention. Now we're stuck with NSMB style until the end of time. Riding on and picking up enemies, large open-ended level design without a timer, weird new enemies and environments, the charged super-jump, sub-con potions... it was Mario and friends, staring in a platformer that wasn't a Mario game, and it was all the better for it. One of the reasons I adored Super Mario Land, as well as "Super Mario Land 3" and "Super Mario World 2" which are a complete stretch to call Mario games and both spawned their own series (though poor Yoshi probably could've done with just the one), with Wario Land spinning off of itself and becoming a puzzle-platformer.

Super Mario Sunshine wasn't perfect. When you try something different, you're liable to fail, and in many ways it did. But I'd rather have a Mario game at least try to be different than imitate it's forebears again and again.

>> No.2884185
File: 15 KB, 410x397, lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2884189

did u no Mario 2 is actually Deepdish Dozer Poptart

>> No.2884242

My first Super Mario game was 3, and I played SMB1 afterwards. So SMB1 is the "real" SMB2 in my opinion.

>> No.2884261
File: 19 KB, 200x200, Actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not autistic to know it, it's common knowledge amongst anyone interested in Nintendo or retro games.

It's autistic to bring it up for no real reason when the person who you're talking to either already knows or doesn't care.

It's the same as the people who pop up to say "Actually that was a variant of the PS2" whenever someone uses PSX to refer to the PlayStation. It's not autistic to know, it's autistic that you can't resist the urge to flaunt your widely held knowledge.

Here in the west we had a game called Super Mario Bros 2, that's our Super Mario Bros 2. We don;t need you to point out that it's not the "real" one. It's the real western one, just as the Japanese one is the real Japanese one.

>> No.2884286

Could you possibly be any more assblasted about something that's on-topic for the board?

>> No.2884298

>SMB3 last

What, SMB3 level design is god tier. SMW mostly pales in comparison, it feels uninspired and half-emptish. Many years after I learned that it was rushed and not finished as intended due to it being the SFC launch title, that sure explained a lot. While it is a great game in its own right, it has nowhere near the polish and quality SMB3 has, and it shows.

>> No.2884332
File: 116 KB, 500x337, miyaurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but I think both SMB3 and SMW are probably the best Mario games. The whole rivalry between the 2 is hilarious.

That said, the whole "SMW is unfinished" thing was mostly due to Miyamoto saying something like "we couldn't add anything we wanted in it", but that's basically what he always says aboout most of his games, he's never satisfied and always wants to add more, SMW is no exception.
For example, he wanted to include Yoshi (or a similar dinosaur for Mario to ride) since SMB1.

If SMW was really rushed, the wouldn't so many secrets, damn tight physics (to date, the Mario with the most polished controls, no other Mario lets you throw objects upwards, I don't know why they went back to the basic SMB3 graba and horizontal throw mechanics on the New series). These controls in SMW means that there were many, many hours of playtesting and tuning.
Also, if SMW was really unfinished, it wouldn't be Miyamoto's favorite Mario game, he would hate it and try to forget it.

As for the level design, I don't get why some people insist that SMW is "empty", what example is there? Most levels are carefully designed, neither empty or over-designed. Then again, the same thing can be said about SMB3.
The main difference is that SMW is larger and has more secret areas, whereas SMB3's secret areas are mostly sky bonus levels ala SMB1.

>> No.2884349
File: 62 KB, 499x589, Luigi_veggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't start as a Mario game, but it was made by Mario devs and made to be Mario-like, and Miyamoto was indeed involved. It was always very Mario-y

It was later retooled into a full-fledged Mario game when it was brought to Nintendo's attention that the Mario 2 they had would probably see poor sales in the west.
Super Mario Bros. has a lot of it's appeal that it's a simple game to pick up and play, Super Mario Bros. 2 is pretty much the same game but with new levels that are MUCH harder, not only would it be technologically unimpressive and just more of the same, it would be way more difficult to get into for the average customer, releasing it at that time would not be a good business move, it was determined.

This guy really does a great job explaining it if you have 20 minutes to kill:

Super Mario Bros. 2 wasn't without it's criticisms, but ultimately it was liked. Later, the western Super Mario Bros. 2 was released in Japan as "Super Mario USA", and it was actually quite the hit.

>> No.2884354 [DELETED] 

Wow, you mean mario 2 was NOT a mario game? MIND = BLOWN

>> No.2884376

>SMW is larger
SMW has 72 levels, SMB3 has about 90.

SMB levels are shorter, but are tighly packed with content, while many SMW levels have al lot of emptish space between enemies or other points of interest within a leve. To see this clearly, play all the way trough SMB3, and then immediately after start a new SMW game and play through it too, the difference will be glaring.

As for your other points, they likely perfected the engine and control first, where SMW falls short in comparison to SMB3 is design and consistency. The latter SMW worlds feel rushed compared to the first three, both the levels and their overworld regions. I'm sure the game would be better if they had another year to make it and not have to tie up all ends es early as the late 1990 SFC launch.

>> No.2884385

>SMW has 72 levels, SMB3 has about 90.

Yeah, by larger I meant that the levels themselves are bigger and have a lot of secret areas, secret exits, etc.

>play all the way trough SMB3, and then immediately after start a new SMW game and play through it too, the difference will be glaring.

I recently played through all the Mario games on All-Stars, I don't see it, can provide any examples? There's also places on SMB1 or 3 that aren't packed with tricky platforming or enemies, but I think everything is cleverly designed on Mario games, nothing feels random or empty. Maybe bonus phases where you only have to collect coins and stuff, but that's just what they are, bonus.

>The latter SMW worlds feel rushed compared to the first three, both the levels and their overworld regions.

Again, I don't see it. Forest of Illusion is a very unique location with a great map and levels full of secrets and trickery, definitely doesn't feel rushed. Introduces new enemies as well, then again, every world introduces new enemies.
Chocolate Island introduces new enemies like the rhinos, has unique level design like the level with many different paths depending on your coins or timer, a secret ice level, etc. Bowser's Valley might feel a bit less than what the last world on SMB3 was, but it still has good levels with unique mechanics, like the timed moving platforms.

In reality, world 8 in SMB3 isn't all that long or unique either, it only has 3 proper levels (well, 2 and a fortress), one of the levels being a tricky bullet bill level, and the other a desert level with the angry sun, it's stuff we've seen before, except now it's night time.
And the rest are just autoscrolling tank/airship levels. It has a great, ominous map, though, I wish World had its own Bowser map, maybe make the bowser castle itself have various levels inside.

>> No.2884410

Lost Levels.

You didn't ask which game was better, you asked which game is the real SMB2.

>> No.2884439 [DELETED] 


Sorry your thread didn't turn out with people in awe of your japanese gaming knowledge, you autistic faggot.

makes a great point and is all most people have been trying to point out.

>> No.2884441 [DELETED] 



>> No.2884502

Sequels in videogames have more to do with marketing than anything. not sure if you noticed but there is a lack of story/consistent universe. I find it hard to care what the 'real' part 2 is. I enjoy both games.

>> No.2884505
File: 143 KB, 505x359, football.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which one is the real "football"?

Don't be an idiot, OP.

>> No.2884963

>World best
Not with its floaty controls and overpowered cape/Yoshis.

SMB3 was and still is the GOAT Mario game.

>> No.2884979


>floaty controls


I love SMB3, but you can't do this in it:

>> No.2885002

Mario has no weight to him in World. In 3 and even 1 he has the perfect amount of weight.

>> No.2885025
File: 123 KB, 612x563, 065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2885028


How can he have the perfect amount of weight in both SMB1 and 3 if both games have different physics? Make up your mind, either 1 or 3.

Also, I don't think he has no weight in World, but he does feel swifter and a lot more easy to maneuver, maybe that's why it gives you the impression that he's "floaty" or whatever.

>> No.2885101

You mean back when it was just an idea?

>> No.2885116


>> No.2885346

Accurate. Super mario 2 was fun as fuck though.

I think everyone was surprised when we jumped shyguy in the first level only to find out if not only didn't kill him, but he gave us a lift.

The music was great too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9s4fuOL3FM

>> No.2885504

>you're at a bar
>yes, actually socializing IRL and off the internet
>a cute girl mentions playing SMB2 growing up
>(this conversation is all in the English language)

if your brain for even one second thinks that by "SMB2" she meant Lost Levels, then you sir are a jackass.

>> No.2885535

You just went full normie.

>> No.2885540

chick must be 30 or some shit

>> No.2885542

My choice is the Japanese version because it's a real mario game, not a resprite of a completely different game.

>> No.2885553

I'm not him, but I'd imagine that he is also probably about that age. I played SMB2 as a kid and I'm in my late 20s.

>> No.2885576
File: 289 KB, 1204x1032, madara explains mario 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2885624

That's not what this post was about at all you massive autist.

>> No.2885642


now I'M the autist? fucking hilarious, mister i-think-i'm-turning-japanese

>> No.2885643


and i'm approaching 40... do you know where you are?

>> No.2886746

Did you know that super Marino brow 3 is just a repurpose version or
Donkey kong Kong country 2? They rerelease it as super metroid 1 in aremenian because they thought Columbia gamers would find the original Chinese version of star fox too hard. Korean games didn't get the Mexican version of ardy lightfoot until it was release as part of sega ages collection as super megaman 6 sas??????

>> No.2886839

This isn't a fucking bar, moron. It's a board specifically for nerds to discuss old video games.

>> No.2886845

World did have a pretty significant change in physics from both 1 and 3. In World, Mario's gravity is constant throughout a jump. In 1 and 3, the gravity is lower during the rising phase and higher during the falling phase. That impacts the feel of the jump quite a bit.

>> No.2886848


The topic is "which SMB2 is SMB2"??

I painted a picture perfect example of you manifesting your autism in public to prove a point, shit for brains.

>> No.2886852

You seem to be the autist since you have no concept of how different conversations are appropriate for different times and places.

>> No.2886853


>doesn't even know a single symptom of autism nor how an autist's mind works but hurls the word around to fit in

>> No.2886854


3 also was a significant change departure from 1.

In fact I think 3 and World are closer to each other than to SMB1

>> No.2886856


Ironic. Seeing as he's making a valid point, just in a different place and time, yet it goes right over your head.

>> No.2887207

This isn't knowledge tho, it was someone asking irrelevant opinions over something that only matters to the individual. I'm sure that is a sign of autism.

>> No.2887267

How old do you think most of us here are you fucking child.
>36 represent.

>> No.2887389


likewise. 1979 in the house

>> No.2887403
File: 48 KB, 479x720, 3e1b4f2b31a83d6b219422119f412d4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While DDP/2 may not be an actual Mario game, I do appreciate it's surrealness. And if not for it, we probably wouldn't have Shy Guys or Birdo as character staples

>> No.2887405


It's an actual Mario game. It is THE SMB2. Do you live in Japan? I didn't fucking think so. Just because years after it's existence you found out some history doesn't keep it from having been released as SMB2. You guys have mental issues for even debating this. I hope you get doki doki raped in the ass.