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2881665 No.2881665 [Reply] [Original]

>What is your favorite of the 3 Insomniac releases?

>What is your favorite level in each game?

>What is your favorite world?

>Favorite music in each game

I only played 1 and 2 myself, but I loved them. My favorite music is probably Toasty from 1, and Autumn Plains for 2. For World, Dream Weaver's in 1, Autumn Plains for 2. Fav level in 1 is Treetops, 2 is Skelos Badlands

>> No.2881758

I played all three and I like the first one best. The second was good but didn't feel as magical. The third brought back the magic but had too many characters for my tastes.

>> No.2881805

>tfw I only played the first game.

With that said I think it is the greatest 3D platformer of it's era. This means it is better than:


As well as the other platformers during this time.

>What is your favorite level in each game?
Cliff town, just got a strange nostalgia for it that can't be explained.

>What is your favorite world?
Magic Crafters for sure.

>Favorite music in each game
Magic Crafters again

I got to play the other two games one of these days.

>> No.2881808

I think they're all great desu. I ended up playing them in reverse order over the years and loved all three. My only criticism would be that the camera in the first game isn't quite as maneuvreable as the other games which slows things down a bit.

>> No.2881910


I went back and played it, and really couldn't get into the gameplay that much. The atmosphere is still unparalleled though, and it's still one of my favorites because of that.

>> No.2882206

I'm much more of a Crash person. I think Crash has better atmosphere, music and characters, at least as far as the first two games go (Crash 2 for characters and music, Crash 1 for atmosphere).

I still loved Spyro 2 though, I remember it being the first game that made me upset I completed it.

Spyro 1 was good too, but has some control issues, particularly being unable to jump as high while sprinting.

Spyro 3, I couldn't really get into. It seemed to get childish with none of the charm of the first two, and I dislike having to play as other characters so much.

I don't get the atmosphere for the most part, though. It's good, better than for all the big platformers on the N64 at the time, but to me, only the hub worlds from Spyro 2 are very special, in terms of atmosphere and music. I like how the games go kinda experimental with the music, but it didn't always end well, and sometimes it was a bit samey IIRC.

>> No.2882246

The music does have pedigree. It was mainly done by Stewart Copeland, who was the bassist for Guns 'n' Roses.

>> No.2882296

if you're good you can dash backwards and the camera should reverse

>> No.2882303

Here's your (you)

>> No.2882397

What's the easiest way of playing Spyro? I feel like there's so many PS1 games I missed out on as a kid.

I have the PSX console and a laptop. Game prices are silly expensive so I'm not sure if backups or emulating is easier.

>> No.2882413

Spyro 1 was the best freaking platformer I ever played and I've never seen anything even close to being as good. It has everything, the atmosphere was ethereal, the soundtrack was amazing and the game design was really great.

The only other platformer I ever liked was Crash because it's a fast themed game that's different from Spyro.

>> No.2882414


mednafen via openemu/retroarch. Access to the entire PSX library for free, predicated on a fast enough machine.

>> No.2882415

>fast themed
Fuck I meant fast paced

>> No.2882865

justafriend Hero's Tail playthrough when?

>> No.2883175

>The First one. The one I grew up with and the only one I have ever played

>Gnorc Cove

>Magic Crafters

>Dark Passage I think

>> No.2883998

>What is your favorite of the 3 Insomniac releases?
It would definitely be Ripto's Rage! Say what you want, but I always felt the second game had a nice balance between level design, collecting stuff and having a fun little story to go along with it. The first game was great at capturing the exploration and collecting stuff, but the platforming was not up to snuff. The thrid game felt like the sequel, but introduced way too many gimmicks to the point where collecting stuff got a little overwhelming. This is coming from the kid who got the first game then the third game and then the sequel last.

>What is your favorite level in each game?
First game would have to be Dr. Shemp. Boss fight is pretty amusing given you have to flame his ass to actually hurt him and those dudes that try to charge into you but accidentally fall off the cliff instead are probably some of the best enemies in any video game I've played. For the sequel, it would have to be Shady Oasis. After playing through the first and third game it was pretty satisfying that I got to kill so many enemies that closely resembled those thieves. For the third game that would have to go to Fireworks Factory. There's a lot of fun stuff to do in that level and I really enjoyed seeing a little girl kick so much ass while I was getting through the whole stage.

>What is your favorite world?
For the first game, Magic Crafters. For the sequel, Autumn Plains (there's so much much stuff to explore it's not even funny). For the third game, Midnight Mountain.

>Favorite music in each game
First game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bd940BkxGY
Second game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZqoZ9ixcQA
Third game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI_N7L7orzY (one of my personal favorites in the series, one of my favorite boss soundtracks in any video game)

>> No.2884001
