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File: 110 KB, 600x598, Crash Bandicoot [U] [SCUS-94900]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2878950 No.2878950 [Reply] [Original]

For someone who's bad at searching hidden stuff and just wants to have fun, are Gems really important or I can totally ignore them?

Also, Crash thread.

>> No.2878958

You don't need to collect the gems to enjoy Crash 1, but they can unlock additional areas and grant a alternate ending when all are collected.

Some of the gems are more annoying to get than fun, so if you're after fun then I suggest only getting the ones that are easy to obtain.

>> No.2879079

Honestly Crash Bandicoot is one of those games where getting the gems is worth it and fun. It has nothing in common with collectables in other games like collectathons.

It's more like finding hidden paths which will offer you an interesting platforming challenge. Two of the hidden gems even unlock completely new optional levels, which are fun. And finding the "Hidden" gems is not so much searching but more just surviving.

Like when you get 3 cortex heads, you'll be taken to a difficult bonus stage. You've only got one shot, but if you finish it, you get a shiny gem which will unlock a secret level. Crash is a corridor platformer, you're never going to be "Searching" but instead the game will test your skills and sometimes offer an alternate route for you to explore.

>> No.2879090


That's what makes Crash stand out among other 3D platformers, among other things... You don't have to collect anything to progress, and even the sequels have absolutely minimal mandatory collecting.

>> No.2879128

Crash 2 > Crash 1 >>>>>>>> Crash 3

>> No.2880081


Pretty accurate. Crash 2 is timeless, Crash 1 is classic, Crash 3 is the poorly aging one.

>> No.2880357

The actual platforming levels of Crash 3 are really good imo, and the time trials are nice. But it's got too much of the bike and airplane levels

>> No.2880514


Maybe so, but they still changed the jumping physics for the worse.

>> No.2883365


I like how the real collectibles are so few and far between that they get a sense of value to them.

>> No.2883564

>collectables in other games like collectathons

When the hell did the 'collectable based platformers were bad' meme start? It mostly means that

a) A given level has multiple goal points
b) There's actual reason to explore everywhere

It was only ever a chore in DK64 and the like. Everyone loved the fuck out of them otherwise. Hell, way more people should be bashing Spyro in this case, but that's still almost universally loved despite being weaker and generally easier than the better N64 platformers.

>> No.2883567

The bike levels were great.

>> No.2883570


That ebin memme came about because either the collecting is forced, or the levels are too spread out and slow paced and boring for anyone to give a shit about exploring them.

>> No.2883584
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Wish they would have kept Crash's tail. They removed it because of the low resolution on the PS1, even though the hog, and later Tiny and other enemies, had similar tails, and it worked out just fine. He just ends up looking off to me.

>> No.2883947

I always feel that the third installment of most platformers tends to be too gimicky.
(Examples: DKC3, Crash 3, Spyro 3)

>> No.2885203

You know both those could also be said of non-collecthathon platformers as well, right?

>> No.2885972

he does not look right at all with a tail imo

>> No.2886001

I liked Crash 3 more than 1, but not by much.

>> No.2886405


There's a lot of other things wrong with that design, but the tail is fine.

>> No.2886427

Gems are masochistic pain in the arse in the first game and could totally be left aside without hurting the exprience.

Gems are fun to get in 2 once you already complete the game.

Gems are fucking padding garbage in 3.

>> No.2886429

Crash 1&2 are timeless classics.

Crash 3 is "check that 3D technology, so cool" garbage.

>> No.2887413


Pretty much. Crash Bandicoot was all about technology, but it was used efficiently in the first two. Third one just went beyond what the PS1 could handle, and what served gameplay in a platformer.

>> No.2887458

Crash 3 was the best for me. More variety in levels, mesmerizing soundtrack. Favorite boss battles.
Crash 2 was the first one I grew up on. Love it. Crash 1 was the last one I played, surprisingly more difficult than crash 2 and 3. In the end, I can't say which is my favorite, this trilogy will be the most cherished of all ps1 game trilogies. And for all of you on this thread saying crash 3 is crap, have you considered wrath of cortex, twin sanity, mind over mutant, or crash of the titans to be shit- tier games compared to crash 3?

>> No.2887463


All home console Crash Bandicoot games are perfectly playable, but Crash 3 is being compared to its predecessors, rather than just contemporary platformers in general.

>> No.2887470

gems drove me crazy in 1

in some of the levels you can see gems floating in the air, but if you approach them they shrink and disappear. kid me could never figure out what was up with that

>> No.2887681

>tfw 7 gems to go

I never thought I would make it this far. I am not looking forward to sunset vista or cortex power

>> No.2887884


That's the beauty of it. You recognize a colored gem once you get one, and go back to the levels that had them.

>> No.2888241
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>sunset vista

>> No.2889157

>That fucking UFO motorcycle level.

All of my motherfucking hate.

How do the versions on the PS Store handle? I played the ROMs a couple years ago and enjoyed the 3 original Crash games but I don't want to spend $6 each if they handle like shit.

>> No.2889618

1 and 2 lack analog support. Other than that they're fine

>> No.2890137


Crash 2 has analoh support, but not for the DualShock, which came after the game was out. So, for some dumb reason, the PS3 download doesn't support analog controls, but it works finr if you play from a game disc.

>> No.2890324

Was Nitro Kart any good? For some reason I've always thought it was strictly a GBA game which Ive played, but I guess it came out for every system.

>> No.2890484

I've owned the PS2 version since launch, it's pretty fun. Just feels like a sloppy, upscaled CTR.

>> No.2890486
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>Fumbling in the Dark

You have a ways to go

>> No.2890559
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>mfw Road to Nowhere

>> No.2890571
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>second gem path in road to nowhere

>> No.2891409

slippery climb was one of the most memorable levels imo. Getting a gem on that bitch is so damn satusfying

>> No.2891468


I found that even before getting the gem.

>> No.2891491
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>not just running along the ropes and having an easy as fuck time

>> No.2891579

3 left. Sunset vista, cortex power and fumbling in the dark. Kill me

>> No.2891595

For me it'll always be castle machinery. Fuck that level with a rake.

>> No.2892246

I'll never understand how people find the bridge levels hard. The only annoying part are those stupid invisible paths. Slippery climb also isn't that difficult either.

>> No.2892461
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>got Sunset Vista's gem just fine
>get to Fumbling in the Dark

>> No.2892585

Dont know why people hate on 3 had a fuckton of variety and aside from the 3 jetski lvls everything in the game was great.

>> No.2892751

Yeah, same. While true the game is much easier than 1 and 2, the improved physics more than make up for it, and the game is still hard if you want to go for full completion. The controls in 3 are incredibly fluid compared to 1 and 2. 1 especially.

>> No.2892913


Improved physics? More fluid controld than 2? Please. Crash 3 went for those typical jumping physics in platformers, which severely limits your control in mid-air. I.E shit.

>> No.2893262


The invisible bridges are easy, though. As long as you high jump and hold the directional button, you will hit them all with good margin.

Bullshit trial and error stuff before you know about it, yes. Kind of a sin only seen in platformers.

>> No.2894426


> TFW Stormy Ascent was cut from the game

>> No.2895274

I thought the most hardcore part was the Jaws of Darkness bonus level and getting the gem on that one level towards the end where there are randomb boxes on a pit that you need to get in the proper order or fall/be stuck on a side. Now that shit was infuriating.

>> No.2895318


Fumbling in the Dark and Castle Machinery.

>> No.2895338

Didn't have any problem with fumnble in the dark as far as I remember. Not sure about castle machinery, had my far share of issues with the latter levels' gems but the ones I remember the most are the two I listed and sunset vista.
Fuck that level it never ever ends.

>> No.2895341

Sunset vista is fun.

>> No.2895346

my grandmother used to play Crash Warped with me.

A gold childhood memory.

She is also crazy good at pacman, had an arcade machine in her house

>> No.2895383

>It's 30fps, so it works with GNU+Linux
Ah thank you, I' m gonna check Robidoux
out as a console gen

>> No.2895394


You in the right thread now, anon?

>> No.2895414

The first Crash game really fucked me over in two areas.

First, in Jaws of Darkness I couldn't find one of the Cortex tokens. I even found that one where you need to walk across invisible platforms. Then I found out that I was accidentally blowing away the 2nd token by spinning a snake enemy right into a TNT crate which they of course put right behind it, so it'll happen almost every time unless you jump on it instead.

Then I had trouble finding all the crates in one of the gate levels. I didn't realise you could jump into the background until I was 3/4's through the rest of the game.

I've been playing 2 again recently and it definitely feels a lot more polished. I had to start again though after some memory card bullshit that deleted my file, only a couple of levels away from the end.

>> No.2895546


My dad played Crash 1 a lot when it was new. We were all total scrubs, so it took us about a year to complete it 100%.

I didn't complete it myself 100% until 2007 when I picked it up after a massive nostalgia rush for Crash 2, which then spread to Crash 1 and 3. Turns out the games still play very well and aged well graphically too. 1 and 2 are by far the best looking 3D games on the system as far as I can tell.

Toxic Waste was the real hard level for us, or should I say my dad, at that time.

>> No.2896210

You get a different ending. If you don't care about beating it 100% and are interested in the real ending just watch it on Youtube. To actually get the gems is going to require a lot more than just searching for hidden stuff. You will have to take into account it counts crates busted in bonus areas which you only have 1 shot at. If you die after a bonus stage but before reaching a checkpoint you have to restart.

>> No.2896216 [DELETED] 
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You have to restart anyway if you've broken a checkpoint crate.

>> No.2896218


You have to restart anyway if you break a checkpoint crate and die.

>> No.2896619

bonus stage crates do not count

>> No.2896682

Honestly it does have better physics, but I personally don't like the non-platformer levels (ww2 airplane, underwater, motorcycle). It's just a personal preference tho, but I still like the game overall.

>> No.2897760


Last Crash game to look and sound like a Crash game.

Admittedly the game has a really weak soundtrack, but at least it's faithful.

>> No.2898673


Not really missing out on anything by watching the 100%, though. Besides, it's not the canon ending, unlike its sequels.

>> No.2898939

Seems like someone forgot about slippery climb and cortex power

>> No.2899602


Cortex Power is easy, it's like only a couple little places you have to backtrack.

>> No.2902250

totally fly /totally bear.
for cb2
the trickiest fuckers,
specially fly,
>bodyslam 6 crates in the dark
easy right?
>you'll end up having to guess a jump oer a pit in blackness,
>try to grab as any as you can in darkness to backup for the fly,
risking death both ways
>not to mention the piston based levels

>> No.2902261

The futuristic levels in all 3 games are dogshit.

>> No.2902546


There's only futuristic levels in Crash 3.

>> No.2902730

I take it you never made it to the 5th warp room in Crash 2.

>> No.2902771

dev plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3zOzmI4oj8

>> No.2902774

>any criticism I don't like is a meme!

God this board is the worst sometimes.

>> No.2902807

Dude, tell me which specific ones were bad. Collection platforming is one of the best things to happen to gaming to be quite honest, there's no better sub-genre full of excellent games besides the action/RPG.

>> No.2902839

I'd rather eat out the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk than play this game

>> No.2902857

Whats wrong with it?

>> No.2902858


Nice le shouty video game man quote, sport.

>> No.2902860


Probably one of these

> Muh D-pad
> Muh linearity
> Muh furries

>> No.2902893

>le linearity is bad meme
Don't forget to tip your fedora on the way out.

>> No.2902902

>complaining about D-pad on a retro video game board

I don't know how you could play Crash and not have fun. I'm guessing you've never even played it.

>> No.2902920


Not the same person, senpai. I hold Crash Bandicoot more dearly than anything else.

Those were just the common bizarre criticisms I see frequently.

>> No.2902932

If anything the linearity is what makes crash replayable today.

>> No.2903106


Those levels were amazing presentation-wise, but yes, gameplay-wise the weakest.

>> No.2905316


Yeah, but I always wanted to explore Crash's world from the first two games, still do.

>> No.2905348

Most popular games had an animal as the main character. Crash being a bandicoot, sonic being a hedgehog, Mario being an Italian, etc.

>> No.2905671
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>Mario being an Italian

>> No.2905871


I dismiss all platformers if the main character is a human, or any specific animal I don't like. Unless it's Pandemonium. I do end up playing Mario, though, since someone always has one of them.

>> No.2905875

>Mario being an Italian

He may be fooling you

but he ain't fooling La Migra

>> No.2905958

>or any specific animal I don't like
Which ones you don't like?

>> No.2905976

a u t i s m

>> No.2906209


Not really much of a rule to it. There's just certain animals I don't like.

Bears, for example. So Banjo Kazooie is affected by it.

There's a bunch of weird preferences to what animals I like. Some of the thing I don't like that come to are: Round ears, fat, too large, anything flappy, furless, primates, anything that crawls.

In this context, I also want to throw in all common domestic animals. The fuck would I want to play as a cow or a sheep for?

>> No.2906276


Some of the things I don't like that come to mind *

>> No.2906325
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>For someone who's bad at searching hidden stuff and just wants to have fun
Why not just wait for the HD remake on PSN for $19.99 which will surely include a gameboost "feature" which lets you skip directly from cutscene to cutscene, eliminating all that pesky, outdated, sexist gameplay mechanics and allowing you to, as you put it, just have fun?

>> No.2906331


>no response
Thanks for BTFO'ing that guy for me.

>> No.2906576


I like bears and some domestic animals, but I can still see where you're coming from.

>> No.2906897


What is sexist about Crash's gameplay? You mean the thrust move in Crash's victory dance? Because they totally fucked that up in Titans and Mutant.

>> No.2907060


> Skip cutscenes in Crash 1

> Skip from intro to ending

>> No.2907067

Collect-a-thons were the minecraft of the 5th generation, pointless no-skill autismal simulators that only ever attracted weird children with socializing problems.

>> No.2907078

You the weeb who started this other thread?


>> No.2907120

Yep that was me ;)

>> No.2907128
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Then I just here to tell you that most of your precious JRPGs are much worse in being "pointless no-skill autismal simulators that only ever attracted weird children with socializing problems." than any "Collecthathon" (which Crash really isn't, by the way). Cheers :)