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2877212 No.2877212 [Reply] [Original]

Beat 'em up Thread

Give me some arcade beat 'em ups I haven't played already

>> No.2877219

The Punisher
Alien vs Predator
Armored Warriors
That beat-em-up with all the Three Kingdoms dudes where everyone had their names changed outside of Japan
D&D: Shadow Over Mystara (Tower of Doom is also good)
Night Slashers
Captain Commando
King of Dragons
Knights of the Round

>> No.2877224

Any tips on 1CC Final Fight in less than three lives?

>> No.2877225

You probably haven't played Asterix by Konami. Surprisingly the only beat'em up based on the license.

>> No.2877274
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Burning Fight on the Neo Geo is fucking hilarious

>> No.2877432

The Punisher is a must

>> No.2877454

Memorize the spots where fat guys come out
Use Cody for your first 1CC and knife your enemies to death at the end of the screen.
Keep enemies on one side.

Where do you die exactly?

>> No.2877462

I need to 1cc Warriors of Fate and Battle Circuit and i'm done with Capcom beat 'em ups. Knights of the Round and Armored Warriors can go to hell.

>> No.2877472

The Rolento fight is usually when I run out of lives.

>> No.2877484

Infinite combo him when you can.

If not, stay away from him. He will do either a walljump or a front attack to you. If he wall jump, evade him and infinite combo. If he gets close, jump kicks to keep distance.

>> No.2877513

It's funny. The only part in the entire game I have trouble with is the beginning of the industrial stage, where all the fire pops up.

>> No.2877579

Explain to me the appeal in beat 'em ups. You have typically one hit button, one jump button. You stare at your shadow the whole game to line up properly with the enemy. You mash the Hit button until you win. It's basically just pressing buttons.

>> No.2877635

Really? because it's really easy.
If you are playing as Player 1, just don't change your line (don't move up/down) and you are ready to go without burned. The only thing you have to do is jump the first to flames.

Most games are just pressing buttons.

>> No.2877639

first two flames*

>> No.2877646

I need to try that out the next time I play it. That stage is really the only thing preventing me from beating the game on a single life.

Unless it's the SNES version, then I have trouble in the double Andore battle, because of their ridiculous invincibility times.

>> No.2877653

>Unless it's the SNES version, then I have trouble in the double Andore battle, because of their ridiculous invincibility times.
Wait till you get Abigail nigga.

>> No.2877660

I've beaten the SNES version before, but I still have unlucky double Andore runs, sometimes.

Abigail's not that bad. If I can't find a good opportunity to move into him from above or below and grab him, I just let him do his little rage dash from a distance, then punch him twice, and suplex.

>> No.2877662

Try jump kicks for the Andores at a good distance, can't think of a safer way as Haggar.

>> No.2877769
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do the punch, punch, look the other way and then punch again thingy

>> No.2878420
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>> No.2880402
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In the funny side, try Asterix or Ninja Baseball batman.

>> No.2880608
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Are all the girls exactly the same? This seems more like a fanservice thing than actually trying to be a good game.

>> No.2881489

you could say the same of The Punisher 2bh.

It's not fantastic but it's a pretty decent game.

>> No.2881530

It woyld be fucked to have color swap secondplayer pubisher so bick fury id more like a gift. Capcon went through extra efforts forhin. And beside he has some differences

>> No.2881747

jesus fuck man lern 2 english

>> No.2881878

ever played the Sengoku games?

>> No.2881917

3 is alright, 2 and 1 are kinda mediocre

>> No.2881935

i played captain commando for the first time on super nintendo last week, was aight. i still think i like streets of rage 2 though

>> No.2881943

Just play the arcade, that's a pretty awful port. King of Dragons is the only decent Capcom beat 'em up on the SNES.

>> No.2882063

>all the girls the same

AH. you see you're wrong...
when doing a throw with Mercury, you get the best pantyshot.
thus confirming her for best.

>> No.2884589
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this one - fc version is a bit better though afaik

>> No.2884605

some of them can do a running dive kick
but yeah this game is kinda unfinished, look up the debug mode cheat to see unused endings and cutscenes

>> No.2884619

Do you know of any of the differences from the FC and NES version?
Was always curious.

>> No.2884624

In addition to anglicizing all of the characters' and locations' names, as well as the game's dialog in the English translation, the characters' sprites were also redrawn, replacing their Japanese school uniforms with T-shirts and jeans. JP has a full white/blue color for alex/ryan, yet in the US version, Alex/Ryan have a white/blue T-shirt with blue/white pants.

JP version has three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. (In the NES version the easiest difficulty setting was removed and the Medium setting in the Famicom version became the Novice setting in the NES version)

The password system in River City Ransom is slightly expanded (three lines of 11 characters each) from the password system in its Japanese counterpart (one line of 5 characters, a line of 7, then another of 5). However, the extra spaces are used to keep track of which bosses have been defeated.

The Japanese version comes with a "save" system alongside the password system. Because the Japanese version features support for the Turbo File, a peripheral released only in Japan that allows the player to save and load game data.

There are two 2-player options in Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari, a mode with "friendly fire" and a mode without. River City Ransom only has the "with" mode.

In the JP version some items have different prices. For example, Mach Punch and Mach Kick (Stone Hands and Dragon Feet respectively) are a bit more expensive than before.


>> No.2884650

Don't know why I never checked TCRF for this game.

>> No.2884653

Ok guys maybe you can help me on this one... I used to go to my local arcade as a kid, and there was this beat'em up where you played a Goku-like character. The setting was pretty futuristic, with robots being the main enemies of stage one if I recall correctly. Also, when you got your ass beat, the game over screen was your character holding up the "Game Over" sprite and getting crushed by it if you didn't pop a coin... I've been looking for this game for ages.

>> No.2884673
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>tfw you rented the SNES version and it's a shitty platformer instead of glorious Beat 'em Up action

>> No.2885746

Knights of the Round on SNES isn't bad

>> No.2886113

It's not good either, even the arcade is meh imo

>> No.2886202

Are there any other games that give an open world feel like River City Ransom?

>> No.2886208

ninja sasuke something for theSFC, it's like Goemon+RCR

>> No.2887147
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>> No.2887194

>Give me some arcade beat 'em ups I haven't played already
The gladiator/road of the sword is absolutely the most amazing underated/unknown fighter that you must play. It's on pgm hardware and mame.

>> No.2887393


Final Fight bros check this out.

How come Guy's katana hitbox has that extra blue box? Check it at 1:45

>> No.2887539

It's well known that each character has their weapon, Cody = knife, Haggar = pipe and Guy = Katana.

I hate the elbow drop in Guy, know i can see why.

>> No.2887686

It's well-known but it's wrongly-known. For instance people think Guy has a longer jab than Cody because Cody's sprite has a shorter punch, but in fact Cody has the same reach with his jab as Guy. The Japanese wikipedia states that Guy has a faster punch as well, but when mashing punch Guy and Cody have the exact same frames when jabbing because when mashing you don't finish your jab animation but go immediately into another jab. The only difference between their jabs is that Guy's jab ends 2 frames faster.

Now when it comes to weapons (excluding Cody's knives of course):

Haggar has the same reach with either pipe or katana. He gets nothing special when using a pipe except maybe some pointless vertical reach (maybe - it's been a while since I checked). Most people think Haggar has more reach with a katana/pipe than Guy and Cody but that is also false (Haggar might have a faster swing than Guy/Cody though, I can't remember, but I do remember that Guy and Cody have the exact same swing). Every character has the exact same horizontal reach with pipe/katana. The sprites do not represent the true reach neither does the hitbox. The hitbox is only for hitting barrels and other objects. But for hitting enemies the true hitbox ends at around the middle of the pipe/katana, for every character.

As for Guy's katana hitbox it does not allow you to hit enemies who are on a higher/lower plane than you. It merely gives you a bit more vertical contact when hitting enemies that you normally could hit with weapons (weapons can hit enemies on a slightly higher/lower plane than you compared to your normal attacks). So even if its an advantage it's almost pointless (in my opinion).

>> No.2887701


Yeah, Guy's elbow attack is the worst, but it's still a staple move considering back-hopping is better than walking. Guy is actually my favorite character and my first 1cc because I hated Cody ever since playing the mediocre SNES port decades ago. He's probably my best character too because I have the easiest time doing the punch infinite with him, simply because he's the one I learned to do it with. Guy is the weakest character out of the 3 as everyone knows, but I love his fast walking speed, his wall jump kick because it's effective and satisfying to use, and his jump kick which comes out fast.

Ugh. I wasn't gonna post on beat-em-up threads anymore since 2-3 weeks ago because no one even tried Batman Returns (SNES) even after my long post about the game in one of the previous threads. :/

>> No.2887716


Okay, some more info. Just tested out Haggar's pipe/katana swing.

Haggar swings faster than Cody/Guy with both pipe and katana (or more specifically he recovers 5 frames faster), and his pipe and katana have the exact same frames. So he's as much of a katana guy as he is a pipe guy.

But anyway, you're right.

Cody is the knife specialist.

Haggar is a specialist when it comes to pipes and katanas thanks to his faster swing.

Guy has a bit more vertical reach on his katana. Despite not being substantial it's still considered an advantage when using a katana. However, I would love to be proved wrong on this and find out that there's more to Guy's katana than what I know.

>> No.2887718

Your best "character" varies on how much you play with them. Back then Cody was my best but sucked with Haggar, now i'm pretty good with Haggar but suck with Cody.

And yeah beat 'em ups thread aren't that popular here. Also i remember your post but honestly i don't like Batman Returns that much.

>> No.2887719

Anybody have any knowledge of how beat 'em ups are made? In particular, how are collisions handled when they have to collide on real axes (up/down + left/right) and a "fake" axis (forward/back)?

>> No.2887749

>Your best "character" varies on how much you play with them
Pretty much.

>Also i remember your post but honestly i don't like Batman Returns that much.
Okay. Perhaps you were expecting too much from it. It's just a solid beat-em-up for the SNES, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.2887751

>And yeah beat 'em ups thread aren't that popular here.
That's because we only ever talk about the couple arcade Capcom games plus Streets of Rage 2. There's not much else out there.

>> No.2887754

>Night Slashers

My nigguh!

>> No.2887778
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>no Final Fight

>> No.2887785

I didn't put it on the list, because I figured everyone and their mom has already played Final Fight. It's the first game I think of when I hear "beat-em-up."


>> No.2887806

Captain Commando a shit

>> No.2887941

>No Denjin Makai yet
Ya'll motherfuckers need Denjin Makai in your lives.

>> No.2887953

Did you even look at the OP image?

>> No.2887958

are you fucking blind or what

>> No.2887959

For some reason, I forgot to type the number 2, my apologies.

>> No.2887975

Subpar to being honest, consideting it was done by Banpresto, the LJN of TOEI licenses

>> No.2887978

Banpresto just published the game nigga, it was done by Gazelle, a short-lived company from ex-toaplan guys IIRC.

Also, Banpresto published Denjin Makai 2 which is the shit.

>> No.2888579
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Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja was my first beat'em up.

>> No.2888583
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Technos Double Dragon

>> No.2888881

Banpresto was primarily a publisher not a developer.

For instance, they also published Guardians, but Guardians was made by Winkysoft who created the Super Robot Wars series. They're a famous developer in Japan, while unknown elsewhere. I think Winkysoft or Banpresto changed the official name of Denjin Makai 2 to Guardians to differentiate it from the first game which was average. Guardians is one of the best beat-em-ups ever made though.

>> No.2888995

The original Denjin Makai is good too, but pretty tough. But yeah Guardians is just an improvement overall, especially the controls.

>> No.2890241
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This game is fun as hell. Yellow is damn broken though.