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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 354 KB, 640x480, sonic-cd-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2874513 No.2874513 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, is this title worthy of the praise or is it to be trashed into the dustbin of video game history as an overrated hipster magnet?

>> No.2874514

Sonic CD is a hipster magnet? No one I know even bothers with the Sega CD! Hipsters are more concerned with NES and Earthbound.

>> No.2874518

Dust that the settle has now

>> No.2874519

Yep, worthy.

>> No.2874527


hipsters in my area are only interested on PS1, N64, PS2 and Gamecube.

Hipsters are usually teenagers or people in their early 20s. People that young can't enjoy NES games, "too dated" according to them.

>> No.2874529

Nah man anything JanTran or others play is instantly snapped up by the people I know with money.

>> No.2874532

I wanted a Sega CD so bad because it just seemed really cool and weird.

Sonic CD definitely fits that mold but it's also very complicated and confusing. Not Sonic at its best gameplay wise.

>> No.2874537

I was really excited for Sonic CD when I was a kid, but I found the three versions of every level to be really convoluted. I didn't spend any more time exploring each one than I absolutely had to, which I recall isn't very much. I went through every nook and cranny of every level of Sonic 1 and 2, but I didn't feel the urge to do that for Sonic CD. I'm surprised that it gets the praise that it does now.

>> No.2874539


I dunno.

>> No.2874541
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No one needs to enjoy anything. If you like, okay. If you do not like, that's fine too. It's all a matter of taste.

>> No.2874545

I personally played the actual PC port.

>> No.2874550

Oh look it's yet another Sonic CD thread where the OP wants people to agree with his opinion.
Look the game is definitely not for everyone because it took Sonic into a completely different direction than Sonic 2 and 3.
The level design was built around exploring and making it hard for you to time travel, not to run from left to right.
There's a lot of love put into this game and I don't think it deserves the blind hate it gets.
I wish people played this game with an open mind instead of the "lol this isn't Sonic 2" mindset.

>> No.2874551

It has the best story, graphics, music, style and special stages.

The actual main game sucks.

>> No.2874554

It's not bad but definitely is not as good as some claim. Every single guy I've seen claiming that Sonic CD is the best game from the franchise is a nintendrone or just unfamiliar with the series, so yeah, it's kind of a hipster magnet due to being released on SCD. Not better than any of the main MD/Genesis Sonics. Colorful but messy visual design. PAL/JP music is fantastic though.

>> No.2874561


>> No.2874579

It is somewhere inbetween. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

>> No.2874584

Now that the dust has settled, will OP admit he's a faggot for using that phrase?

>> No.2874597

this. nintendo is hipster material, most of the time its just pixel themed junk that they wear not even the actual games.

>> No.2874613

Sega is hardcore. End of story. Hipsters own crap like nintenomon ds

>> No.2874632

Best Sonic game. Emphasis on exploration instead of arcadey speed platforming so a lot of people frankly play it wrong. Possibly the best aesthetics and music outside of any game that isn't Jet Set Radio.

>> No.2874640
File: 6 KB, 251x238, 1310497258732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to go fast in a Sonic game
>"playing it wrong"

>> No.2874647

>implying Sonic is about going fast
>using a wacky TF2 reaction image

I remember being 13

>> No.2874653

>Sonic isn't about going fast
It's not the entire/only focus of the game, but speed is definitely an important part. Hell, the character's name refers to supersonic speed.

>> No.2874658

Sonic is about going fast you retard. It's always been about going fast.

Not exactly that it's about speed itself, but you shouldn't have to come to a voluntary stop. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to speed through the level if I want to, even if it puts emphasis on exploration.

>> No.2874660

It's not as great as people say, any of the Genesis original 4(3?) are superior, but its still a good game.

>> No.2874729

I want /v/tard out of this board.

>> No.2874776

It's great.

>> No.2874778

>now that the dust has settled

My favorite /vr/ meme, by far.

>> No.2874971
File: 191 KB, 256x349, chaotix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most underrated Sonic game of all time?

>tfw it'll never get a re-releases

>> No.2874976

Knuckles Chaotix is decent, but the level design is kinda boring. It's mostly just going back and forth across the screen without many alternate routes, and there aren't a lot of "gimmicks" like tubes, see-saws, cannons, etc.

It's odd that it was never given a port for modern consoles, though.

>> No.2875140

People in their early 20's are old enough for 5th gen onwards. You might be thinking of regular normies.

>> No.2875167

Could have been amazing if they didnt rush the shit for 32x. Would have been a great saturn title but of course 2d was "outdated" by that time. In fact all 32x games should have been saturn games but you know sega.

>> No.2875194

Mine too

>> No.2875340


that's why I said they're interested on PS1 and N64, but not older stuff, especially not NES which, to them, looks "too dated".

>> No.2875546
File: 30 KB, 252x226, oh_yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire point of the game is going fast
>main character is a speed-obsessed hedgehog named "sonic"
>game is littered with buttplugs, plungers, springboards, etc. specifically designed to propel you through levels as fast as possible

You literally have Down's Syndrome.

>> No.2875551

>I remember being 13

Why wouldn't you? It was only a year ago.

>> No.2875845


Sonic CD is shit lol
its the worst sonic game of all time

>> No.2875847
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broke parents couldn't afford peripherals?

>> No.2875864

Come on OP it's Christmas why you gotta be rudeposting like that?

>> No.2875867

Wish Knux stayed as a friendly rival instead of getting pushed into useless side character territory to make room for Shadow.

>> No.2876170

He became a bro that isn't a huge faggot like Tails and will give Sonic (and Tails) the business. What's wrong with that? The only thing I hate is how he slowly became retarded, being a sub-boss in every second game because apparently Eggman is just througkly convincing he's not going to try to fuck him over again. That and the austism in the tracks to his music in Sonic Adventure 1/2.

>> No.2876205

Japanese soundtrack > American soundtrack

>> No.2876368

>didn't get the good ending

/vr/ is the only place I've ever witnessed anyone put down Sonic CD. I and all my friends love it. It's my second favourite after Sonic 1. With the exception of, for some reason, the Asian friends I had and this gay Hawaiian guy, Sonic 2 was universally panned by my group of vidya-playin' amigos, most of them preferring either 3 or CD, excepting myself and one friend who prefer 1.

Wouldn't know. Never played or even emulated. I owned nearly every console back in the day, but never bothered with 32x, Turbo Duo/CD, Jaguar or 3DO. I even had a CD-i and Lynx as a kid.

It has my favourite Special Stages, the bosses are superb and it's the only Sonic game wherein I ever ran out of time on any stage/zone/level because I was busy trying to find everything. That looking-for-shit mechanic is both good and bad. While it added an optional incentive to do more than just the typical gotta-go-fast!!! Sonic gameplay, in later parts of the game, the scavenger hunt began to lose momentum and novelty and grow increasingly tedious. All the same, looking for the reactor thingy and Metal Sonic in the past never completely lost my interest, though my attention does tend to slip a bit as the game progresses.

I can understand not thinking it's the best ever, but I can't grasp hating it completely, especially considering that it, like all classic 2D Sonic games, plays more-or-less exactly the same way as all the other classic, 2D Sonic games.

>> No.2876415


>> No.2876437

>being capable of posting well thought out, complete sentences is a sign of autism

I assume a lot of people here say they don't like Sonic CD because their parents were too poor to afford Sega CD for them as kids and only got to play it in later life. They got pissed that it was just more of the same instead of some amazing new experience.
>i was denied this all this time? UGH!

>> No.2876442

The entire idea of Sonic came from Yujo Naka trying to finish Super Mario 1 levels as fast as he could, you cunt

>> No.2876443


>> No.2876448

You will will enjoy the cum buffet and dick drinking

>> No.2876536

I enjoy a bit of informal fallacy from time to time, though it seems you prefer to enjoy phallus informally quite regularly.

>> No.2876667

Oh the daily SEGA worship thread, fantastic.

>> No.2876672
File: 51 KB, 814x500, 1279985490226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2876690

the guy is legit mentally ill

>> No.2876691

You've already been told to kill yourself several times, as your shit-tier posts are of those which ruins the board. Why are you still around? Why didn't you at least try to change and better yourself?

>> No.2876710

it's hipster shit so gtfo

I don't play arcadey shit to play glorified easter egg hunts.

>> No.2876982

Dude, it's crystal clear you are so. much. better. than all of us combined. You're special.

>> No.2876985



back to your containment thread

>> No.2877475

I don't usually make autism jokes but this is some genuine autism right here. This guy seeks out every vaguely Sega related thread to shitpost about Sega. He's been doing it for weeks now. How pathetic.

>> No.2877519

I used to absolutely fucking hate this as a kid. Didn't understand it at all because I was pretty much retarded. I picked it up again a few days ago to see If I could master it with a few practice runs before a charity gaming thing. I now have a bit more appreciation for it, and can good clear in a fairly average 1h30.

It seems weirdly different to the other games though. levels are a little too bitty maybe? I suppose if it had the smooth sweeping play of the others it'd be too easy to warp. I wish you could pick and mix the soundtrack, both have highs and lows.

Also, fuck that fucking race.

>> No.2877520

It's a great game. The only complaint I have is that the level design is too confusing in certain places and sometimes, when you want to time travel, you end up running back and forth in the one part of the stage without finding a usable sign or enough room to go fast enough to time travel. I think the time travel mechanics are fine though and having multiple versions of the same stages is very cool. The music is wonderful, JP/EU soundtrack is obviously better but the US version is great too. The Sonic 1 sprites are the best ones in my opinion so I like that Sonic CD uses them and I also like the "get 50 rings to go to the bonus stage" mechanic which is another thing lifted from Sonic 1.

I did play the new version though and not the original. I'm not sure what the differences are. I should get a Mega CD one day.

>> No.2877539

The differences are odd. There are even differences between the steam and android versions. on the sega CD and android you can use the vertical shafts of quartz quadrant to warp. on steam, you cant. I believe SCD requires 4 seconds to warp, the new versions require 3, just to take the edge off. Have a google about, there's some interesting stuff.

>> No.2877550

here you go

Also I think they threw out the physics entirely and started over, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.2877587

>sometimes, when you want to time travel, you end up running back and forth in the one part of the stage without finding a usable sign or enough room to go fast enough to time travel.

The thing is, using the time travel signs is a waste of fucking time. Just grab 50 rings and do the special stages, instant good ending.

Correct, a guy reverse engineered the entire game, built his own, modern version, and pitched it to Sega.

>> No.2877615

here is my 100% honest opinion on Sega CD. personally, it's my LEAST favorite Sonic console sidescroller, not counting Knuckles Chaotix, Sega Master System, or any 2d games made after '99 as per the rules. The jump sound is annoying (minor complaint, the time-travel is TOO much of a gimmick and really slows down the game, the music, in all honesty, I personally don't like, but maybe it's because I'm so used to 16-bit jams that when this game came out with it's stereo music, it was a bit off-putting, though I do like the stage-clear music. that's cool. The graphics remind me so much of Sonic 1, and having played sonic 2 first, that felt like a setback, though now I know later that the team split to develop both Sonic 2 and CD at the same time. I think the "hold up run-dash" is cool, and the figure 8 running animation looks awesome. besides that though, it just doesn't feel like sonic 2 and 3. it feels like sonic 1. that's not entirely a bad thing, and it's not like it's a BAD game, because it certainly isn't, it's just not the best Sonic game of that generation.

>> No.2877652

That's interesting. I grew up with Sonic 1 and didn't play 2 or 3&K until years later. I really like Sonic CD because it feels and looks like Sonic 1.

>> No.2878330

Thing is, those bonus stages are hard as balls. Finding the machines is too but you get a lot more time and chances to do so. You can take your time and search the machines out on each stage, or you can take the risk that if you fail enough bonus stages you're fucked.

>> No.2878334

yes, the jump noise is earrape tier.

>> No.2878438

It was possibly the last objectively good Sonic game. The only people I've ever seen say anything bad about it are those who haven't played it and just enjoy shitting on anything Sonic-related, as if Sonic becoming a shitty joke in the 2000s retroactively makes the entire series garbage.

>> No.2878520
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I love the game for the art direction and music, it's like Sonic 1 on steroids for that.

However, gameplay wise it falls a bit flat.
The idea of making an exploration based sonic game is awesome, and in fact is the only sonic where I don't rush to the end of the stage.
However, exploration clashed a bit with the speed part of sonic, not inherently, but because the level design didn't use sonic speed and pinball mechanics to platform but relegated the exploration to old, classic square platforms.
Not only, but the time traveling mechanic was annoying as hell, since you had zero control over it, except slowing down.

So you end up with levels where you have constantly to stop to look around, stop to avoid time traveling (or to preserve ticket you needed on a too small ramp) while sometimes entering small sections that have bumpers and springs all over the place made to travel, which have the same feeling as modern boosters.

A good initial fix would have been to have only past and present in act1/2 (future is useless there anyway, keep it for the 3rd), and have time travel start when you press a button while running, so you can activate when you need it and you can keep your momentum when you don't.
Then you could have "smoother" levels where sonic's physics can be put to use without worrying that the player is picking up too much/less speed

>> No.2879756

>3&K, Colors, and Generations aren't objectively good
What the fuck.

>> No.2879792

I don't like to admit it but it actually kind of pisses me off that people these days think Sonic was always a joke because of that retarded Sanic meme.

>> No.2880174

Not him, but I downloaded the rom for Colours to try on my DS flash card, hoping for classic-style gameplay and thought it was absolutely awful. And I thought Generations just was a compilation title. It's not?
3&K is good. Definitely better than 2 and probably better than CD, but the original is my favourite, though none of the MD classics are bad, IMO.

Didn't read the whole thing, but I agree with the time traveling schtick and flat platforms getting in the way of pinball mechanics platforming. How would you fix that? I'd relegate one of the three buttons to activating/deactivating collected time travel posts. Like A, I guess. I'd also make the running time longer, from four seconds to five or even six.
Passing a time travel post would collect that ability that you can then activate it by pressing A when you find a track long enough to speed up for time travel. Losing momentum while trying to time travel forfeits the ability until a new post is collected. Add some loop-d-loops, springs and twisty tracks (like the ones in S2) and you're golden. Thoughts?

>> No.2880293
File: 128 KB, 980x551, SonicCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Colours DS is okay, but you gotta view it as a DIMPS Sonic, not SEGA Sonic. People hate on DIMP Sonic but I enjoy them. Excluding Pocket Adventure and Advance 1 (those were more classical), they're put much more emphasis on speed. They have what I call "flow" where when you memorise the intricacies of a level, there's always one or two paths that will get to the end in less than 2 minutes. The problem with this is in most of them, if you deviated from these paths too much, it's usually results in instant death, which is far more frustrating than classical Sonic where you'll usually just locked into the safe but unprofitable "bottom path". It's fun to get right, but it's up to your to decide if the memorisation/frustration makes it worth it. They've alway had pretty outstanding music, so I givem a pass.

I feel for CD, you should travel AT the posts when going fast enough... I don't understand how it really works... He pass a post and get imbuned with the magical power of time travel, but only if he jump-starts it? Why not make it he jump-starts an isolated time travel machine? Place them in a place where it's possible to gain speed, but not necessarily easy so they won't accidentally activate them on a first-run until the player starts to notice "Oh here's a flat stretch/a boost thingy, there'll probably be a time post nearby". Also it would prevent the rare but infuriating glitches like getting stuck in a wall".

>> No.2880374

>And I thought Generations just was a compilation title. It's not?
No, it's a new game

>> No.2880392

>pisses me off that people these days think Sonic was always a joke
Anon I...

>> No.2880408

shit tier system has a shit tier series autists sperg out over. shocking

>> No.2880415

Die already

>> No.2880429

Did the Mega Drive rape your family or something? Is that why you're so upset?

>> No.2880445

That man is right. Sonic is pretty up there on the autistic tiers. At this point it's like obsessing over Thomas the Tank Engine. Let the blue children's mascot go already.

>> No.2880446

>And I thought Generations just was a compilation title. It's not?
Generations is a new game with stages that are based on old stages from Sonic's past. Every stage has a classic and a modern variant.

>> No.2880447 [DELETED] 

>>2880408 (You)

>> No.2880450

At some point you have to realize you aren't helping the situation.

>> No.2880640

>22 years later
>now that the dust has settled

>> No.2880659

>buttflustered NES fag that never enjoyed the SONIC series

>> No.2880663
File: 21 KB, 480x360, sonic cd hidden message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2880715

>Sega anything
>Straight Into The Recycling

>> No.2880728

it's funny because people who play sonic are usually complaining about other sonic games

>> No.2880745

I don't know what a DIMPS is but if I can use the term to differentiate the Sonic games I don't like from the ones I do, I'm all for it. I didn't like Sonic Advance, either. And I barely remember Sonic for the NGP/C.

Now, when someone presents an idea that makes me question the utility of my own idea, I know they're on to something. Your time travel mechanics idea is a pretty good one. I'm not quite sure which one I prefer, yours or mine, but I'm leaning your way.

>> No.2880762

That's because only the few 90s sonics were interesting

>> No.2880765


>I like the series and I must think all games on it are perfect and flawless!

That's not how it works

>> No.2880781

Can't we stop with the daily "le Sonic CD is bad because it's different" meme?

>> No.2881106

Anon, the social media generation would like to have a word with you. We're so sorry. There was nothing we could do to stop this from happening. One day in the near future, Sonic the Hedgehog, a fun and interesting series of games on the Genesis that were so good they practically sold the console, will be remembered as "a series awful games with sluggish controls and terrible level-design that aged horribly" by modern gamers who didn't want to learn to play them as a result of the fact that they don't reward you with instant gratification, or people who just didn't play them at all and listen to invalid opinions. We're so terribly sorry.

>> No.2881126


Most people who shit on Sonic CD are die-hard fans of Sonic 2 or 3&K.

>> No.2881204

We need to stop pretending wacky workbench doesnt exist. It would be interesting to see the level remade to have the traditional alt paths level design. Some sonic 1 stages could use the same treatment.

>> No.2881218

That's not what was said either.
Talking about a general self loathing.

>> No.2881541

I don't think Wacky Workbench is a bad level. As long as you actually use the floating platforms like you're supposed to, and pay attention to the electric bars, you won't get fucked.

>> No.2881574

>your post
>Straight into the recycling

>> No.2881601

Kill yourself already

>> No.2881951

DIMPS are the people who assisted in making the Advance, Rush, and portable Colour/Generations Sonic Titles. They changed the physics, gave the levels flow (which I meant to clarify: there's always a path *where Sonic will always be moving* that will get you to the end in less than 2 minutes), and basically created Cream and Blaze.

Not sure if they made Sonic 4 but it's had their physics engine, which upset a lot of people (I can see why, it's much different from classical Sonic).

The only flaw I see in my TT system is do you get chances? Or once you pass a post is it "done" whether you activated or not? I guess in the school of modern design it shouldn't, as people would probably call it "too hard" if they got activated accidentally.

I feel like they should keep bad futures, but make a reason for going there, because they have the best music and it's bullshit you can basically cut them out of the game. I was thinking you have to find some sort of key or something that helps you find the Robotiser in the past, maybe a radar. But I guess that would introduce a grandfather's paradox...

>> No.2881954

Don't feed the troll.

Ignore shitposters.

Jesus christ people they just want attention. If they said SEGA/Sonic sucks let them, why do you even care if they don't like it?

>> No.2883032

>bad futures
I must agree, they are very good at setting the mood "this is the future we're heading" and giving player satisfaction when they see the good futures compared to those. But from the second run onwards you never see them again basically, and it's a shame.
My suggstion was the most conservative for the game, but a better fix would be to limit the actual timezones that there are. We just need the "past" the time when the robotizer is working, and the future/present, when sonic arrive and face eggman. Basically every acts start in bad present mode, eggman is winning (tileset and music is bad future, basically). If you then travel to the past (wich is a mixup of current present tiles and music with a bit of the past, since past tend to suck a bit compared to the rest of the game, IMHO), destroy the machine, you need to go back to the present to exit, which is now a good present (basically the good future). In this way you could maximize the share of content that a good player end up seeing in a run, by avoiding its dispersal in what are useless zones in the end.

man if I have mixed feeling about them. They have introduced one of my favourite features in a sonic game ever since the classic, that I wish was ported back actually, boost mode in sonic 2 advance.
I must also agree that making sure there is a way to end a level fast if you're good is okay, and is in fact one of the things that annoy me about sonic 3&K, that has better branching pats and exploration but it lacks a bit the flow it had sonic 2.
But at the same time I can't believe how bad was S4 engine, especially compared to sonic advance one, or how poor their overall stage design can sometimes be. It's like they aren't always the same company

I always wanted to try and make sonic 1 with better level layout, would be a cool "little" hacing projecttoo bad I don't have time at all

>> No.2884002

While I like the "only the past and good/bad present" idea, I just remembered how the Good/Bad Futures factor in, at least for certain zones.

Obviously the Good Futures are designed pretty much for free rings, to make getting the Emeralds easier, being enemy free, and some of the Bad Futures allow you to reach earlier areas that you can't reaccess in the past/present. There was something extremely satisfying about using the Tidal Tempest Act 1 Bad Future to get back to the start, so I could find a PAST post in the present and reach the past.

That's what the needed to do, make it occasionally mandatory to go to the Future, whether it be bad or good, to progress. Combine that with the idea of only warping AT the posts when going fast enough, so on occasion you get forced to go into the future, to drive the point and players, and you would have a version that doesn't entirely negate the Bad Futures existence on a good ending run.

>> No.2884012

They enjoy the anger, but one day

one day they will find enlightment

Like me, I'm just enjoying watching the multiple heated arguments on page 1 today

>> No.2884625

you're an idiot.
Don't reply.That's it.