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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 400x300, Nintendo Shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2869428 No.2869428 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys use to store your games on?
I need a shelf to store my NES carts on and I don't know what to buy.

>> No.2869454


>> No.2869473

Will be much more helpful

Just to clarify, you made a thread on /vr/ about shelves. Hopefully I don't have to point out why that's not retro.

>> No.2869726


>Sweet ass original oldschool nintendo shelf
>It's not videogames so it's not retro

Op just look at garage sales or ebay for any bookshelf with an enclosed back, they come in pretty much any size to suit your needs. You're likely to find people who will just give them away or ask for $10 max if you search a little.
Even the smallest ones can fit about 30 NES carts per shelf. Any regular size living room bookshelf can easily fit up to 50 titles.

>> No.2869765

I mounted 4 floating shelves in my wall. I should have done something different, because I have already filled them and am piling stuff on top...

>> No.2869767
File: 1.46 MB, 2560x1920, 1403463217436[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with bookcases is that the shelves are generally too widely spaced to efficiently store games. You could just make your own out of wooden palettes and light "fence boards". Video games are also much lighter than books so the shelves don't need to be so thick (or deep)

>> No.2869775
File: 3 KB, 259x39, Not retro SHELVES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, looks like I have to point out why this thread is not retro.

>> No.2869801


>CRT Thread
>Retro Waifu Thread
>Controller Thread
>Repair Thread
>GB Music Thread
>Retro Piracy Thread
>B/S/T Thread
>Magazine Thread

Retro Games aren't the only retro games topic that exists niggur
Why artificially limit valid discussion?

>> No.2869870

Except those threads (save for the magazine and DS4 thread, which are hidden for me) involve the actual software (and by extension retro hardware), not the box of plastic it resides on. You might as well be saying "What're the ideal shelves for holding my VHS collection?". You're not talking about your game collection, you're talking about shelves.

>Retro Games aren't the only retro games topic

Your words, not mine.

Look, I hate to be a downer, but this thread really is better suited for /diy/ as I'm sure they'd be more than willing to exchange ideas for an ideal NES shelf.

Why limit, you ask? Because I shouldn't have 16 hidden threads. It's becoming less and less common for people on here to consider what they're doing when they start a thread, they very well could be killing a good on-topic thread with a discussion that wasn't finished. It's inconsiderate, basically.

But this is 4chan, so fuck proper discourse, right? Fuck everyone.

>> No.2870062
File: 1.79 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130430_145213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ghetto-tastic shelves pre-built into my attic when I moved in.

>> No.2870069

Fuck you for sure. This is a perfectly fine thread for this board.

>> No.2870073

Nice rebuttal. Well put. Really disproved me there. Not.


>> No.2870076

My little brother got his head stuck in the middle compartment of the NES shelf in op. Unfortunately we had to break it to get him out.

>> No.2870084

You're the one that's upset, not me. :)

>> No.2870097

>Implying that matters in the slightest

Cool sidestepping. Care to refute my point, or are you going to continue acting like I'm not bothering you? Because you're doing a really bad job at it.

>> No.2870106

kill yourself my man

>> No.2870112

Nah. Can YOU justify this thread existing on this board? Or anyone, for that matter?

>> No.2870113


Your attitude isn't very retro either, smartass... Although I'll admit saying "Not" is some Pauly Shore early 90's shit.

>> No.2870114

fuck off retard

>> No.2870116

kill urself already 2bh famila tequila chiquita banana

>> No.2870119

You don't have a point to refute. You're complaining that this isn't an appropriate thread for this board, but of course it is.

What about this do you think bothers me? I think it's funny that a thread about shelves has triggered you this hard.

>> No.2870125

Welcome to 4chan, kiddo. Please tell us more about how mad this thread makes you.

>> No.2870128
File: 18 KB, 732x732, mac tonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why keep going

>> No.2870129

My attitude doesn't have to be retro, the thread should be. Which it's not, in case you hadn't noticed.

>all these mad people.

>You're not talking about your game collection, you're talking about shelves
For clarity.

Hahah I actually got 4 different people to suck each others cocks. What fun.

Hi /v/.

>> No.2870130

You got 4 people all making fun of you, that was really your end goal? lol

>> No.2870137

>missing the point this badly

You mean, I got 4 people to reject my legitimate claim and pat each other on the back for doing so? Yup. That was the point.>>2870112

>> No.2870141

If you just want something that stores them then almost anything will do. Just go to garage sales and salvation army to find something that works.

Otherwise, you can make a set of custom shelves quite easily. Here's a decent video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXTkD7Rq2jU

>> No.2870142

Your claim isn't legitimate. You're just acting like a baby and people are mocking you for it. Which is really quite amusing.

>> No.2870145

>Your claim isn't legitimate, because reasons

You were THAT close to having a cohesive argument. Can you argue without resorting to ad hominem? Because you're not helping your case.

>> No.2870147


>all these mad people.
>everyone is wrong but me

>> No.2870148

>"look at me throwing out reddit buzzwords do i win the argument yet"
fuck off already if a nigga wants to discuss storage for his fucking games let him. janny doesn't have a problem with it why should you?

>> No.2870154

lol If you think I'm putting any energy into giving you any sort of coherent argument you're way off base. I'm just making fun of you because I think it's funny that this is actually upsetting you.

>> No.2870162

>still hasn't given a reason why shelves are retro

Think what you want, but you're still wrong

>reddit buzzwords
I wasn't aware they were buzzwords on reddit, though I would argue you're just saying that because you didn't know what I meant. I'm fine with that
I have a problem with it because our "janny" doesn't give a fuck. He stopped giving a fuck a while ago, and now we have CRT vs LCD threads all the time. Multiples in a day, even. That shit should stay in the general and it doesn't.

>It's becoming less and less common for people on here to consider what they're doing when they start a thread, they very well could be killing a good on-topic thread which had* a discussion that wasn't finished.

Uh, that's my point exactly. You clearly don't care about the quality of the board as much as I do. Not that that means anything, of course, I just wanted to remind you that throughout this whole thread, even though most of it was us nice folk, there has been ZERO discussion about GAMES. A thread got archived because some guy didn't understand the difference between carpentry and retro. Or interior decorating, whatever. Nowhere in this thread has a game been discussed, whatsoever.

>> No.2870169

lol dude you type and post like you got a stick up yo ass calm down its just a game

>> No.2870171
File: 22 KB, 480x360, game shelves 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otherwise, you can make a set of custom shelves quite easily.
This. It takes almost no time and you can even custom cut for various cart sizes. These aren't mine, but made different sizes for NES, SNES, Genesis etc.

>> No.2870174

>"I take my /vr/ very seriously >:("

>> No.2870176

So you both admit you're cancerous shitheels. Great, noted.

>> No.2870178

Holy shit nigga that whole posts comes off like you have aspergers or something.

>> No.2870180

Get this: Even if I did (and just for fun, let's assume I do), how does that affect my argument that this thread is not retro in any way?

>> No.2870181

Dude you're the one trying to have a vice grip on /vr/. Thats as cancerous as it gets.
>"grrr no one must post what I don't like DELETE THIS D:<"
This website is the last thing you have, isn't it?

>> No.2870185

>how does that affect my argument that this thread is not retro in any way?

oh i didn't read that i just came into this thread while browsing pages and saw your autismo posts i just wanted to argue with you 2bh

>> No.2870189

I wish I could commit to something like this asspie is committing to maintaining the QUALITY of this board.

>> No.2870192

>Uh, that's my point exactly. You clearly don't care about the quality of the board as much as I do.

Actually I do. I just think this is a perfectly fine thing to talk about here and think it's funny that people wanting to talk about gaming shelves bothers you this much.

Of course I'm not going to put real effort into refuting you, this isn't even a debate. It's you getting upset and everyone else thinking you're a retard for it.

>> No.2870193

>Implying I don't like convenient storage methods

You're still missing the point, buddy. This is retro GAMES, not retro SHELVES. It's not about
>shelves aren't retro rahrahrah
Though it appears that way on the surface. It's entirely about
>you bumped off a thread that was retro, and replaced it with one that isn't


Uh huh. Lurk moar.

I don't think you realise that I'm trying to talk to you as a person. I'm trying to make you realise that this board is for retro games, and every off-topic thread posted slides us closer to /v2/. Not to be alarmist, of course.

I just like talking about retor games on a retro gaming board. Geddit?

>> No.2870197

i keep most of my collection on an old ass bookcase from when i was a kid.

newer stuff in dvd cases go into several ikea shelves that i set side by side

>> No.2870201

They're not "gaming" shelves. They're normal-ass shelves that you put games on.

>it's you getting upset

No, it's you missing the point. I want one example that could justify this thread as being retro gaming related. Just one.

>> No.2870203

Because people who don't have cognitive disorders aren't bothered by something like this which is very obviously related to retro gaming.

You are literally like a retarded kid screaming about his coca cola being warm and when all the regular people around try to explain it's really not that big a deal he just gets angrier that no one else sees it as a big deal.

>> No.2870204

>This is retro GAMES, not retro SHELVES
its about what storage medium people are using to store their RETRO GAMES

now stop being so autistic

>> No.2870205

If you paid attention, we're talking about actually building shelves. Or rather we would be, if the whole thread wasn't taken up by your tamper tantrum. This is now officially a thread about watching you spaz out.

>> No.2870206

dude you still type like this is reddit lol aint no one care about you are dumb ass grammar gb2reddit if you want to post like that

>> No.2870214

>This is now officially a thread about watching you spaz out.

i can get behind this idea
we can call it "The Fall of Anon"

>> No.2870219

No, I think I'll get twice as autistic, thank you very much.

The subject of the thread is not the games going on the shelves, genius.

>You might as well be saying "What're the ideal shelves for holding my VHS collection?". You're not talking about your game collection, you're talking about shelves.

The irony is palpable

Oh, and how would you know that's how people type on reddit? Or are you referring to capitalizing sentences? Because this isn't an IM chat.

Still missing the point. This thread's been on the first page for a while, and it's just been us in here. Nobody cares except us, and you still haven't asserted your stance on the matter. You're just here because "lol words from anonymous are funny!"

You are the reason why I go to other sites now. YOU.

>> No.2870226

>You are the reason why I go to other sites now. YOU.
Hows about you stay on those other sites from now on champ? Because no one here agrees with your autismo point of view.

>> No.2870229

haha dude you're a riot

>> No.2870234

>Because this isn't an IM chat.
no its 4chan where no one gives a fuck you sperglord

>> No.2870237

Do you actually understand why /v/ is a miserable board these days? Because it's not off topic posts. It's specifically shit like what you're doing here and now.

The people there see something they don't like and will devote hours of their day to doing nothing but derailing and trolling the thread. If you never entered this thread to complain that people wanted to talk about shelves, it would have just been a quite little thread with a few suggestions and OP would either build himself something with our input or go out and find something.

But no, you saw it and decided it wasn't close enough to retro video games so you spew venomous anger at everyone under the guise of "helping the board" You are pathetic.

>> No.2870240

>You are the reason why I go to other sites now. YOU.

You just made my day. :)

>> No.2870242


>> No.2870250

nice looking boxed ice climber

>> No.2870258

Yeah that's nice, good conversation with a brick wall I just had

Only, I was the first person to direct him to somewhere that might actually help him, instead of some group that genuinely believes ghetto shelves look "Nice.".

So think what you want, because I was originally trying to help OP in the first place anyhow. >>2869726 seemed to miss the point I was making, so I tried to clarify. It all snowballed from there.

Sorry for the derail, but I guarantee this thread isn't going to be very helpful to him beyond "take decent looking wood and screw it together, countersink if you feel like it".

>> No.2870260

Thanks man, I guess I really should have gone to DIY but I really didn't think of that when I made this thread.

>> No.2870264

Well, my terrible work here is done. Autismo away~

>> No.2870268

keep going

>> No.2870269

>Only, I was the first person to direct him to somewhere that might actually help him

Which he didn't need. You were never any help at all. If you genuinely think you're doing anything other than acting like a pedantic asshole then I strongly urge you to see a counselor. You have some kind of mental disorder that probably should be regulated.

>> No.2870273

Yeah I honestly just wanted to see what you guys use to put games on, I was looking for an alternative to just a bookcase.

>> No.2870276 [SPOILER] 
File: 411 KB, 600x2327, 1450814209805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a sad little fucker for sure. Wannabe mod buster ass nigga.

>> No.2870279

jesus christ, has no one heard "don't feed the troll"?

>> No.2870282

Yeah, just ignore the troll. Are you looking to buy something or up for building something of your own?

>> No.2870285

Looking to buy

>> No.2870286

Oh fine, if you insist

>he didn't need good help, only mediocre help
Uh huh
>If you genuinely think you're doing anything other than acting like a pedantic asshole
You mean, "you were talkeng mean to OP :("

Again, that was never my intention. Three assholes started commenting at once so I got a little peeved. Sue me.

I was actually trying to help, you know. So I'll note for the future, "not retro" is too abrasive for your poor eyes. I'll be less curt next time.

>> No.2870287 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 500x667, ObiWanHS-SWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's more the troll, the troll or the troll who trolls him?

>> No.2870289

Seek help. Seriously.

>> No.2870292

How much are you looking to spend? I would avoid official gaming racks, people charge stupid prices for them.

>> No.2870293
File: 102 KB, 640x800, 1438184967255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude asks for storage tips for games, gets bashed
>thread about a random kid
>thread about ebay
>two threads about e-celeb garbage
>waifu thread
>"what is this" thread
>"omg this is hard" thread
>"is this good or bad" thread
>two magazine threads

>> No.2870295

I was thinking $50-100

>> No.2870308

Best bet is salvation army, pawn shops and the like. You can find quite interesting stuff for super cheap if you look.

Or if you want to go easy, the Ikea Billy series of bookshelves is quite reasonable for what you get. A 40$ unit will hold around 70 SNES carts.

>> No.2870313

Welcome to 4chan. :)

>> No.2870320
File: 130 KB, 999x1500, shelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a pair of these for storing NES games. The glass doors are nice, although kind of a pain to grab games out of the center of the shelf.


>> No.2870328

that is what this board has degenerated to, sadly.

>> No.2870331

you are what is wrong with this board.

>> No.2870336

>>dude asks for storage tips for games, gets bashed
If it makes you feel any better, it was just one guy who we all think is a massive autist

>> No.2870345
File: 953 KB, 2322x4128, vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handmade wood shelves for games. Big plastic bins for controllers,cables, etc

>> No.2870353



>> No.2870415

I really hope people like would go away. Seriously, are you fucking retarded? Let people talk without your shit rules.

>> No.2870478
File: 958 KB, 2592x1944, INFOWARS.COM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







6. > LOL SO HARD!!!!

> https://youtu.be/G-Wn48geCJ8

>> No.2870480
File: 1.91 MB, 2592x1944, 4 CHAN.ORG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







6. > LOL SO HARD!!!!


>> No.2870734


>gets bashed

There's still a silver lining, like that it sounds like the whole board went after him. In reality it was just one member of the Retro Purity Police(TM) who then however lead the thread away from its topic into an OT spiral of meta- discussing. If people had not joined and simply ignored him pretty much nothing would have happened. That still gives you hope.

>> No.2870834

that things is gonna fall down, even for a ghetto-ish forniture.

>> No.2870845

It's fuckin' lagged to the rafters

>> No.2871356
File: 150 KB, 1217x1600, P1040101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why limit, you ask? Because I shouldn't have 16 hidden threads

Because of your Autistic shitstorm I've had to hide the majority of the thread.

All this guy wanted was a few suggestions on how to store his retro games but not only have you derailed the thread with your trivial bullshit, you've offered no advice to the OP besides telling him to go to a different board where the interest lies beyond the retro gaming niche.

I think it was appropriate for OP to come to /vr/ with questions regarding storing /vr/, you're pushing him back a step.
It's like asking a mechanic about what shelf he uses to store his tools and then the mechanic telling you to fuck off and ask somebody at IKEA instead.

At the end of the day, we're either going to tell him to buy some shelf, offer some helpful links, or construct one himself. The only difference being that we have experience with the physical size limitations and an understanding on what others like us want, unlike the majority of /diy/

I think you need to spend some time to rethink what defines an online community. Or stop shitposting outright if that's beyond your capability.

Now, for the topic at hand, pic related is a few $5 dish racks.

>> No.2871526


That is cool. Turns your retro games into a decorative object.

>> No.2871567

The problem is that the RPP is over 80% one guy who's here almost every single day. And although we make a lot of jokes about autists around here, he legitimately has a cognitive disorder. Once he latches onto something, he will go for hours on end, replying to himself multiple times if ignored.

In general your advice is sound, don't feed the trolls and they'll eventually go fishing somewhere else. But there does come a point sometimes when the community as a whole needs to get together and collectively tell someone who shitposts as much as he does to shut up.

These really are awesome shelves, and for cheap to boot. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.2871705
File: 569 KB, 515x3372, Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use six evenly placed out wall shelves for the time being.

I want to eventually build my own cabinet with glass doors, but thats later on.

>> No.2871708

>for roms

You're just as bad as the people who buy copies of Earthbound

>> No.2871712

Hey could you get a Tripcode so I can filter you. Thanks.

People like you are whats wrong with this board.


Seriously? This is 4chan. And if you're gonna go grammar nazi on people having fun you have no place here and are disturbing the peace. and will likely be reported for such.

TLDR; Kindly fuck off.

>> No.2871717


>> No.2871729

>Buying a copy of a game is bad, but pirating it is A-OK!

Uh huh.

>> No.2871734



You go by how the word is pronounced, not spelt.

>> No.2872238
File: 87 KB, 694x679, 1434210144454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No blur or smudge
>Clonestamped out
>Layer channels enabled
>Thin layer of alpha over the night sky.

Jesus christ, this kid knows his shit. I'm legitimately impressed, and scared at the same time.

>> No.2872748
File: 113 KB, 640x480, 20150725_150657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old lady used to work for Mars candy and I recently lost my cat so I was rearranging some stuff. Put the Nes on top of this M&M candy rack and it fits snug and can still flip the top and access the buttons. It's ghetto yeah but I justbought a shelf so I'll be changing it up. Working for right now because I can just pick the whole thing up and movie it around. Maybe I'll get it painted NES style or something.

Anyway just wanted to tell ya I dig your game shelves, cya

>> No.2872998

damn nigga is that asbestos insulation on the top right

enjoy lung cancer

>> No.2874265

That's awesome, I reckon keep it original M&M colours though, for authenticity.

>> No.2874423

I store my games in modded fridges.

>> No.2876021
File: 2.06 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use a box made for 8-track cassettes made by "Napa Valley Box Company". I found it on eBay for ~ $35 shipped. I fits my natural wood themed NES station perfectly for my garage, along with 13" Trinitron. The Napa Valley boxes come in 8-track and cassette tape variety, so be sure you get the 8-track version for your NES games.

>> No.2876513

>You go by how the word is pronounced, not spelt.
You are a fucking idiot. How do people use computers when they dropped out in the 9th grade?

>> No.2876681

>not spelled

Go back to whatever third-world corner of Europe you crawled out of. Talking like that around here makes you sound like a horribly uneducated hick.

>> No.2877036

Why the fuck are you so mad about shelves to store retro games? Retro gaming isnt specifically just games, its also a community. Calm the fuck down will ya, just hide the thread if you're so angry about fucking SHELVES.

>> No.2877057
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>> No.2877059


>> No.2877139

You shouldn't call other people idiots when you don't know what you're talking about yourself. It makes you look very foolish.


>Use A before words such as "European" or "university" which sound like they start with a consonant even if the first letter is a vowel. Also use A before letters and numbers which sound like they begin with a consonant, such as "U", "J", "1" or "9". Remember, it is the sound not the spelling which is important. For example, "1" is spelled O-N-E; however, it is pronounced "won" like it starts with a "W".

There's no need for you to be so defensive though, English is full of strange little quirks and it can be tricky to learn. There's no shame in making mistakes, but you need to be willing to accept your errors if you are ever to improve.

>> No.2877153

I store sega games in a trash bag.