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2867793 No.2867793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Happy 15th anniversary Phantasy Star Online

Initial release date: December 21, 2000

Thanks for all the good times and shaping my teenage years, based Dreamcast dialup console gaming, years ahead of yourself as always.

Rest in Rappies original Sonic team you where the best.

Post pictures or discuss your favourite PSO times to pay homage to 15 years of online success still available online today.

for dead DC/ PC v1/2 and gamecube

for psoBB

experimental WIP raspberryPI image for DC-PC usb modem bridge


>> No.2867805

been itching to try one of those private servers to play again, but never got around to it

I love me some PSO tho

>> No.2867826
File: 1007 KB, 470x341, 1387936553966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was the fucking bomb when I played it on GC. Never bought one of those clunky online adapters, because Internet was still pricey as fuck those days and flatrates were unheard of. Still had tons of fun playing this with my mates offline. I have to admit is hasn't aged well though.

>> No.2867829

I feel really bad that I missed this at the time despite having a Dreamcast. There's no real way to replicate the experience now,. right?

>> No.2867830

"Guys all I want are star atomizer ' s , and if a heaven punisher drops, you guys can have the rest"

>> No.2867860

>hasn't aged well
What? For the most part its still pretty much the best loot grinding arpg outside of diablo 2

>> No.2867862
File: 208 KB, 1296x1062, 2015-12-21 21_55_12-(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shame there are so many fragmented communities nowadays.
no time like the present !

the best thing about Dreamcast UK was the internet service was FREE, all you had to do was pay the call charge with the provider, and back then it was 1p a minuet to the dial in number after 6pm.
had to pay the phone bill a fue times after skipping school and playing all day online at peak rate haha!

you can never live that fleeing moment again unfortunately, you can experience it, but it wont be THE experience.
the closest you might come is playing psoBB and reading through the internet archive of forums that where live back in 2000 about all the greif and drama that was going down then

PANIC AND SCRAMBLE for a red box
fucking rage if you didnt get it
die and drop your wep and meseta, t-thanks sega
there was plenty of DTA all right.


>> No.2867917

Oh neat, a new private server to try

>> No.2867929

are newtype rangers the most broken combination?

>> No.2868046

Spent most of yesterday playing on Sylverant. Alone for the most part.

One dude played along while I hunted Saint Rappies for about an hour or so, but he left after trading me a Heart of Angel for one of my spare lvl200 MAGs.

Another guy logged in while I was in the lobby at one point and was super psyched to play, but he was on DC. Apparently DC and PC can game together, but GC can only play with GC. Boo!

Anyway, this is my winter break, and I'm sitting around with fuck all to do for the next couple of weeks. So get online!

>> No.2868469

dat new christmas music on ephinea's server

>> No.2868660

I still play the GC version on my modded wii. You can backup your saves, connect to private servers and play offline co-op. Its a pretty legit version and i have had saves going for about two years.

funnnn times.

>> No.2868683

Dreamcast isn't retro

>> No.2869037


I still fire it up on my Dreamcast from time to time and wreck shit with my hucast.

The load times really benefit from a GDEMU.

>> No.2869039

>another SEGA thread
>for their trademark (failed) RPG

>> No.2869047

Can't be much of a failure when it got 3 expansions, a line of spin-off series and a sequel that has millions of subscribers, plus Capcom copying off it for Monster Hunter.

>> No.2869054

>Monster Hunter
>a copy of PSO
surely you jest

>> No.2869056

Read the sticky

>caring about what threads are being posted

It's not shitposting, at least. Cry harder

>> No.2869060

So is there any server that has a reasonable playerbase left? I can't believe Schthack went down and there's no point playing this game without people to enjoy it with.

>> No.2869075

>a sequel that has millions of subscribers
That's quite a feat considerng the game doesn't have subscriptions. I'm not even being pedantic, it's a drastically different moneymaking model.

>> No.2869262

I haven't seen many souls on Sylverant the past couple of days. Maybe folks are busy with the holiday just around the corner? Don't know about BB servers though, as that's not my bag.

>> No.2869263

The devs even admit they were inspired by PSO when making MH. Lurk more.

>> No.2869272

We almost had a good thread going.

>> No.2869287

I played on SCHTHACK for a long ass time. Used to get lots of players during the summer and it was usually pretty fun. Mostly fell off after PSO2 came out but there were still stragglers.
Fucking festivities at the beach and trying to get a /v/ soccer match going in lobbies 14 and 15. I'll miss it.

>> No.2869363

Been playing on Sylverant about two months now. Love it. Old school, yet fun repetition.

>> No.2869364

Fuck yeeewwww bruh

>> No.2869371

Why is this guy so mad about SEGA threads? Is it a parody of stupid Nintendo fanboys?