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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2848135 No.2848135 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game good or bad?

>> No.2848231

>is this game good or bad

>> No.2848252

I'm sorry?

>> No.2848259

Some of the time attacks could've been slightly more lenient though.

>> No.2848278

Good but Spyro was better Tbh

>> No.2848292

I cant believe this is considered retro now...

>> No.2848325


Yeah, it amazes me too. Shit like consoles so valuable and considered powerful back in the day can be emulated and the whole library downloaded for free still makes me think about how technology is amazing. Who would foresee that?

>> No.2848345

I did

>> No.2848354


The snes is still barely emulatable without a shit ton of tinkering you idiot, double and triple that when you get into the 5th and 6th generations with plug-ins and all that shit.

Go back to /v/ stupid.

>> No.2848375

If I recall, I liked it better than 2. Mind you I was 10 when it came out.

>> No.2848382

snes has been decently emulatable for almost two decades shitlord

>> No.2848390

>decently emulatable
read: 'barely'

Back to /v/ with you.

>> No.2848392

>Go back to /v/ stupid.
oh the irony



>> No.2848398

>implying mods or even janitors give a fuck about /vr/.

How fucking new are you?

>>>/v/ is that way btw

>> No.2848401

Here your (You)

>> No.2848404

You can't even spell, like a typical neo-/v/edditor baby.

Seriously, take your cancer and fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.2848414

Another (You) just for you

>> No.2848435

It's actually my favourite of the 3

>> No.2848438

Are you trying to emulate it on a PSP or something? SNES emulation works just fine

>> No.2848451

I still think it's an amazing game

>> No.2848624


Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2 are better.

>> No.2848643

I have to kindly disagree. Any reason as to why though? More focused?

>> No.2848653

my favourite of the first three
Crash bash and CTR are also good
I lost interest in Crash after that, the new games just didn't look all that interesting

>> No.2848683

The fucking thing is almost 17 years old. At that time, 5 year old SNES games were considered retro.
I mean, yeah. It's very sad that your specific world view turned out to be wrong and all that shit, but get the fuck over it already.

>> No.2848695

This would seriously make an amazing case study in autism.
This poster has an obvious total lack of social skills of any kind and reacts inappropriately and emotionally to extremes to very minor things AND he's banking his entire stance on technicalities (at best).

The reality is that yeah, SNES "emulation" (as in, one program that perfectly replicates the performance of the original hardware) isn't really a thing. So he's "technically" correct. However, it's completely possible to use an emulator along with basic plugins (honestly, without adding any of your own and just starting and running the emulator with defaults) and get a nearly perfect experience.

Frame rates, color palettes and other technical stuff are indeed very slightly different than an actual SNES, but hey. It's not that bad.

To a guy like this, it's absolutely GRATING, and he probably can't stand to play anything on any platform OTHER than his actual SNES. Because even the most SLIGHT alteration with drive him insane. (Never mind the necessity to use a different controller)

The reality is that SNES emulation (and PSX and everything else) works the way it does because it's easier and less costly on hardware. It's not literally 100% perfect, but only shitlords like this guy care in the slightest, so it's fine.

>> No.2848750


First of all, those are pure platformers and not some weird hybrid full of vehicle levels.

Crash Bandicoot established its own looks with Crash 1 and 2 with the jungle/ruin theme. Crash 3 should have expanded from there, rather than throwing the original locations out the window in favour of the clichè travel 'round the world shit.

Crash 1 and 2 have better graphics. With Crash 3, NaughtyDog wanted to try out longer draw distances. Naturally, it would compromise graphical quality significantly, and gameplay-wise, the draw distance added virtually nothing, at least as far as the linear platform levels go (except for being able to see the yellow gem on a distant roof in one of the Middle Eastern levels, that was really cool).

Crash 3's air acceleration (control in mid-air) is much slower. This all comes down to taste, but I think Crash Bandicoot is a good example of precise controls, and having the slow air acceleration there just makes it as clunky and floaty as any other 3D platformer, but only in mid-air.

Crash 3 has fewer/worse secrets. Crash 2 has brilliantly hidden secrets with very clever hints at where they are, while Crash 3 for the most part has you unlock new levels and acquire new collectibles by beating time trials.

Crash 3 has lazier music. Crash 2 has a unique bonus theme and death route theme for each level "theme" that has them, while Crash 3 does all the tracks the same. Same variation of the main theme, with different instruments, making pretty much half of the music in the game references of the main theme.

Crash 3 dethrones Cortex as the antagonist. As a result, he and other human characters became less of a threat. It only got worse from here, and reached rock bottom with Crash Twinsanity and CTTR, where humans are a common sight. I know this point sounds weird, but Crash's main enemies are human, and Crash keeping less of a distance from humans seems totally off to me.

>> No.2848756

Fucking awesome.

>> No.2848779

Yeah the motorcycle, jetski, and plane controlled perfectly! It wasn't like they just decided to pad the game or anything!

>> No.2848781


>> No.2848835


Hey, the jetski controls were excellent. Plane and motorcycle levels, not as much.

>> No.2848839

>At that time, 5 year old SNES games were considered retro.
"Retro" wasn't really a thing in the late 90s. Old games were just considered old and not cool anymore.

>> No.2849401

Mostly bad.

>> No.2849407

Crash 2 had those jetpack levels with the absolute worst controls of all time though.

All of the Crash games are a little bit flawed in some way.

Good series though, especially if thought as a successor to DKC.

>> No.2849441


How were they that bad? Could have been much better, but those levels weren't made to be that hard.

I don't see it being any better if X was up and O was down, as opposed to the X moving forwards and O moving backwards.

>> No.2849448

It just felt like the entire challenge was simply derived from struggling with the controls.

And this is coming from somebody who thinks there is nothing wrong with tank controls. Or single-stick N64 shooters.

>> No.2849480

>Crash 2 had those jetpack levels with the absolute worst controls of all time though
Controls were very fine. Try the swimming sessions in Skyward Sword for crap controls.

>> No.2849624

There's only 2 jetpack levels. And they're short.

>> No.2849635

I think everyone is too critical of this game. Vehicle levels sucked and I definitely think its not as good as 1 or 2. As another anon pointed out it sort of strayed away from the jungle theme. Still I dont know how you could play a Crash game for the PS1 and not have fun. Some of the levels in Crash 3 were pretty cool. The dinosaur levels, tiger levels, boss fights, medieval levels and new attacks were charming. Might just be that nostalgia goggles though.

>> No.2849764

>I think everyone is too critical of this game
It is the second sequel of a complete platformer game. The audience had expectations coming with that, namely the game being about platforming. Playing Crash 3 you realize two things, fist the platforming only makes at best half of the game while the rest is some sort of misplaced, unwelcome 3D promoting wankfest, the second being that the artistic direction, both for visuals and audio, took a complete nosedive since the last game.

>Some of the levels in Crash 3 were pretty cool. The dinosaur levels, tiger levels, boss fights, medieval levels and new attacks were charming
Arabian and Egypt levels were solid, just like the bosses aside from the Ngin nonsense.

>> No.2849881


I liked the N.Gin boss fight, though I thought the N.Gin boss fight from Crash 2 was more memorable. That fight was pretty mesmerizing to me as a kid for some reason.

>> No.2850942

Yes, but not as good as Crash 2

>> No.2850963

Time moves in a linear fashion. Get over it.

>> No.2851127

Am I the only one who likes the vehicle levels? (Except swimming and jetski, fuck those)

>> No.2851187


Those are okay, it's the plane and motorbike ones I don't like.

>> No.2852000


European cover is so much better.

>> No.2852078

the only levels I didn't like were the diving ones, man were they boring
great game otherwise

>> No.2852401
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Nope, it's a big ball of timey wimey, wibbly wobbly stuff.

>> No.2854063


Don't get me wrong, it's still great, but certainly not in the same league as Crash 1 and 2. Those are legendary, Crash 2 being as good or better than any Nintendo platformer.

>> No.2854540
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As a kid, I never really cared much for Crash 1 (inb4 "get gud"), so the debate for me for the better game was always 2 vs. 3.

I think that 3 was smart to add in the Time Trial mode. It gave the game a little bit more longevity, as I always wanted to see how many platinum relics I could get (if I remember correctly, I topped out around 6). I also think it had better boss fights, especially when you compare the final Cortex fights in 2 and 3.

Crash 2 had better music - especially in the jet pack levels - and, as another anon mentioned earlier, it did a better job at giving subtle hints about secret items. The controls did feel smoother in that game too.

So at this point, these games seem to better pretty dead even. However, Crash 2 had, hands down, the best level of all 3 games: Level 15 - Unbearable.

This level has it all. To start, it had two chase sequences, but this time with something much more engaging that that fucking boulder. And after you outrun the second bear, you can enter the secret area, which was challenging as shit, in the 2D environment that these games were always better at producing. Finally, you get to ride your polar while being chased by a third bear, all in reverse again, at hyperspeed. And after that is ANOTHER secret area.

I don't think any other level in the entire series had this many tricks up its sleeve. For that level alone, I would pick 2 over 3. Any time I pick up the game these days, I have to play that level at least 3 times before moving on to the next warp room.

>> No.2855464

Unbearable is my favorite stage!

>> No.2856072
File: 679 KB, 707x683, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's breddy gud, OP. Arguably not as good as Crash 2, but still a great game nonetheless.

>mfw this was my first game

>> No.2857837

Objectively, Crash 2 is probably better but this one's special to me too because it was my first Crash game.

The hotel I was staying at on vacation had a game room where me and my brothers played it with a bunch of Israelis.We wasted the whole vacation in the game room and didn't want to go outside. That was an awesome vacation.

>> No.2860029

It's about as good a Crash game you'll find.

The high point of the series, really - it was pretty much all downhill from there.

>> No.2860039

>Crash 2 had better music - especially in the jet pack levels

No amount of dank tunes can save those levels. They're barely playable messes.

Cant believe they shipped.

>> No.2860065


The controls in those levels suck until you think of Crash as a constantly moving airplane in a rails-shooter and start using light stick controls (inverted). Don't play it like the rest of the game. Then it suddenly works perfectly and the controls make sense.

Try playing the last boss level first, where Crash moves on rails. Then go back and play the other levels, where you have to move him yourself, but play it like he's on rails. The controls should "click" for you.

>> No.2860069


>> No.2860928

does anyone have the image from the 1st crash game of the icon of the female bandicoot in the bonus round, it's and "what i saw and what it was" image?

>> No.2860939
File: 22 KB, 142x98, TawnaTokenE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its of this token, the one that points out that it looks like a bandicoot with a hat on a yellow background

>> No.2861134
File: 586 KB, 713x863, 1443808200101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm found it

>> No.2861664

I always had the most fun playing 2, I think the level design was at it's peak and having all the little secret levels etc was so cool. Crash 3 always felt the easiest of the trilogy, mainly because so many of the levels weren't actually platforming.

Crash 1 was by far the hardest of the 3, you were more limited in what you could do, and the platforming was way harder. It had many levels where you needed good timing to survive (The one with the toxic waste barrels, and slippery climb/fumbling in the dark), and while the controls were a little off (It was easy as fuck to miss platforms due to the camera angle and the way you moved in the air), it was a damn good game.

2 has the most nostalgia for me though, but I loved how the secret areas, death bonuses and gem bonuses were way harder in contrast to the rest of the game, making exploring fun and a good challenge.

>> No.2861832


At least the tunes were dank.

>> No.2862742


I can't really enjoy the in-game version of that track anyway. It's one of the tracks that are way better before they were ported to the PS1. It's on Josh Mancell's Soundcloud.

>> No.2862994

Though I like 2 better, Crash 3 is still one of my all time favorite games. Everyone else pretty much covered the gripes people may have with it, but I liked the themed levels, vehicles, and fun powerups. Felt like they were really trying to do something different with the series.

>> No.2863043
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I've always been a Crash 2 and Crash 3 player. Just started playing Crash 1 PSone Classic recently. My impressions:

>a frame or so of input lag built in
>air physics are fucked
>bounce physics are fucked
>bonus via pick ups
>world map structure
>cannot die to get clear gem is fucking hardcore
>can only save in bonus or getting a gem (what?)
>loading a save reverts your lives to 5 (what?)

Platforming design has been pretty fun so far so I'll forgive it.

>> No.2863109

It's a brilliant game, 2 is just slightly better due to its lack of gameplay gimmicks but both are in the top-tier of PSX games. The post-game content of Crash 3 was some next level shit at the time.

>> No.2863157

And yet PS2 and GBA will never be retro.

>> No.2863170

>I mean, yeah. It's very sad that your specific world view turned out to be wrong and all that shit, but get the fuck over it already.

but your world view is also wrong, 5 year old SNES games weren't considered retro. It's sad and all that that you were also wrong, but oh well, what can you do

>> No.2863175
File: 473 KB, 320x240, accidentallyloggingontoaponyserver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel like replaying this game
>Remember that all the levels in the first segment are shit except for the medieval times one
>Remember the scuba levels

>> No.2863176


It's Crash 3 that has fucked air physics. Changing direction in mid-air in Crash 3 is extremely sluggish.

Whenever I read this, I feel like some people don't realize you control your jump/bounce height by holding down the jump button while ascending. It's like this in many platformers.

>> No.2863180

Good job you're pretty smart then.
But not as smart as me, heh.

>> No.2863209

Just to clarify because my post sucks:
>bonus via pick ups
>world map structure
are positives

>> No.2863243


The PS1 classic thing I bought on PS3 had significantly more input lag than it has on the PS1 or on emulator. It's probably made like that to compensate for the horrible input lag most HDTVs at least had when the PS3 was new.

>> No.2863765

Thanks for mentioning this. The Post-Console mixes are fucking amazing on his Sound Cloud!

>> No.2863923

Holy shit, why are pre and post console mixes even a thing? I thought PS1 only had CD audio and not CD audio, for the lack of a better example like lossy music file or something. Why does this need to be instrumented differently like midi?

>> No.2863971
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>> No.2864854


I hate those clingy pets they brought back to their home for whatever reason.

They should have been left as a means of transportation only, not stick around and look useless and drive karts and shit.

>> No.2865086


Crash's music basically WAS midi, but put together using fairly high quality samples. Probably saved a shitload of loading.

>> No.2865283
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Kids, Kids, They're all Excellent games in the crash trilogy.

>> No.2865287

Crash 1's difficulty is greater then crash 2, crash 3's difficulty was consisted of the relics. so crash 1 and 3 are tied for me in terms of difficulty.

>> No.2865301

>crash 3 is shit

>> No.2865970

That's not really true. But the divide between the largely 2D and 3D consoles was the biggest leap games have made, and there's a much bigger difference between the feel and philosophy of the games. SNES games felt more retro then than PS1 games do now.

>> No.2865971

The time trials are the whole point of Crash 3. The quality of the game may as well be based off them alone.

>> No.2866046


Swapping clever secrets with time trials is just unimaginative. If anything, it should have had both.

>> No.2866054

It's my favorite Crash game.

I should try to find an original copy

>> No.2866090
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>not liking the dinosaur level

>> No.2866287

Out of the original trilogy Crash 2 is the best. It kept the art style, characters, charm and gameplay the same while improving on level design, secrets, graphics and new gameplay mechanics (ice, nitro, sliding and crouch jumping). It had the perfect balance of keeping what was good in the first game the same while making other stuff better. Also, you can still easily go back and enjoy Crash 1 immediately after 2 despite the large difference, it just flows . Crash 3, while undeniably a good game, doesn't seem to stand up to Crash 2 and just seems full of gimmicks like the coco tiger levels, plane levels and powerups. It sticks out compared to 1 and 2 because it deviates a little too much from the traditional style of a Crash Bandicoot game. Crash 2 is a much more memorable experience imo, and in some ways (quite a lot) even Crash 1 is better than Crash 3

>> No.2866292


>> No.2866446

Not the fastest run but the commentary is good

>> No.2867895
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Some people, for some reason, just can't wrap their head around controlling a character in 3D space with a D-pad.

Meanwhile, thousands of PC games have just this setup.

>> No.2867941

Except, you know, using the mouse to aim where you're going. Still love dem PS1 platformers doe.

>> No.2867960

Crash 3 was actually my first Crash game, and I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion but I kind of like the giant variety of settings and styles in it. I really need to go back and get all the relics, I don't think I ever played all of the levels in the secret lab.

>> No.2867969

better commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_WqMMBBUMY

>> No.2868002

This is fucking cancer, fuck off.

>> No.2868015


Why does he keep dying on purpose?

>> No.2868756

It's pretty good.
Also CTR is probably the best Mario Kart clone out there.

>> No.2868782

>Mario Kart clone
jesus christ

>> No.2869034

I really liked the part where he says its time to kill himself
If you're doing a crystals only run its often quicked to game over after the crystal than finish the level

>> No.2870674

the dino didn't drive a kart,

>> No.2871953

Man I miss the days when game advertisements dared to blatantly shit on the competitors.

>> No.2872976

Probably among the best Crash games out there. Good variety in level designs and gameplay.

Mentioning it gives me so many memories back. I have an original disc but it is so scratched it won't read. What a shame.

>> No.2873014

Do you guys feel like part of the reason Crash lost his appeal is because he sorta got cocky? One of my favorite things about Crash was how he always had this scared look on his face. He's scared but he's still pulling through all that shit for the greater good.

>> No.2873227


He always looked scared and sometimes confused. Just because he looked cool riding a bike doesn't mean he got cocky. His victory dance is just a brief moment of cockiness.

If Crash's lost appeal can be attributed to his personality, then the real breaking point is Crash Twinsanity. That game fundamentally broke his character. A good Crash is all cool, goofy and cute at the same time (admittedly, only Crash 2 and 3 retain all 3). Crash is none of those in Crash Twinsanity, and is nothing but a braindead tool, while Cortex is turned into the protagonist, while also ruining his personality too.

>> No.2874262


ty anon this was great fun to watch.

>> No.2874421


>> No.2874709

I like it. It's the first Crash game I ever played, so it has some nostalgia for me

>> No.2875270
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>Crash 1

So I made some progress last night, I finished Native Fortress and got to the second island. I really enjoyed the pure platforming challenge in that level but I think most of the difficulty was from the fact you couldn't see what the "puzzle" until it was too late because it's mostly off screen.

For example the "puzzle" was torch hopping, but you wouldn't know there were actually 3 torches instead of 2, so you would get scorched for wasting time hopping on all 3 torches (you're supposed to skip the second.) It's impossible to know this without trial and error.

Trial and error I can deal with, but once I ran out of lives, I was set back 3 motherfucking levels and that I can't deal with. I had to redo Rolling Stones and Hog Wild just to get back to Native Fortress.

>> No.2875297

You must be new to the game. I just beat it 100% and I lost all my lives only once despite being respawned with only five every time you pick up your save game.

>> No.2875401

Yes this is my first time playing the game, I wrote about it in an earlier post. I think it's nice to analyze the first game having already getting accustomed to the later games.

I just game over'ed in Lost City because the camera is trying to fuck you over as much as possible. The physics are also untuned, sometimes the momentum of my spin will carry on even after I land, so you spin off of a platform even though I didn't keep holding that direction. I would take some screenshots showing why the camera is awful but I don't have function turned on yet.

>> No.2877470


Yeah, the save system is pretty flawed.

>> No.2877493


It's true that you don't necessarily see the entire puzzle on screen in time, but in those cases, if you begin them right away when it's clear, you will always make it. Worst case scenario, you'll go "oh shit, there's a third one", and make it anyway.

>> No.2878669


It makes perfect sense that Crash keeps some momentum if you land while still spinning, his feet will have no grip while doing that.

>> No.2878812

I hope you aren't trying to tie the game into some real life physics scientific fact over good platforming fundamentals.

>> No.2878825

It was designed that way so you get another boost shortly after landing. There's several sections in the game that require you to utilize that momentum.

>> No.2878830

If that's the case then I'm so fucked, more vague bullshit difficulty to go through. I can tough it out, but losing all my lives and replaying the last 2 stages is pretty ass.

>> No.2878843

My little cousin got 102% on this game when he was like 8. It isn't hard at all. If an easy platformer gives you this much difficulty maybe you should find a different hobby.

>> No.2878846

It's probably because he didn't experience physics that made sense before having played the original.

>> No.2878905

An object in motion stays in motion. An object at rest stays at rest. An object with forceexerted upon it will respond with an equal or greater force.

>> No.2880678


I'm not saying that, but you always need some ever so slight connection to reality, otherwise, Crash could float into space instead of landing.

>> No.2880685

>All of the Crash games are a little bit flawed in some way.
crash bash is LITERALLY perfect in every aspect

>> No.2880697 [DELETED] 


Yeah, no. Not only a significant decrease in graphical and musical quality (though a few tunes are brilliant), and very little variety in mini-games.

Doesn't help much that I hate mini-game games either.

>> No.2880702


Yeah, no. Not only a significant decrease in graphical and musical quality (though a few tunes are brilliant), but also very little variety in mini-games.

Doesn't help much that I hate mini-game games either.

>> No.2880720

>Doesn't help much that I hate mini-game games either.
that's your issue

I don't see a decrease in graphical quality
all the environments are beautiful and atmospheric and the sprites are characterful and distinctive
the music is also very cool and varied between the levels, it also matches them very nicely
as for variation in the minigames, there must be like 8 or 9 different types and the differences between the higher levels of the same type of minigame are actually significant

>> No.2881003

there is no time. time doesn't exist and it's only an illusion. We're just matter, changing and moving constantly.

>> No.2881025

Crash 2 > Crash 1 > Twinsanity > Crash 4 > Crash 3

>> No.2881119
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>Twinsanity > Crash 4 > Crash 3

>> No.2883360


Honestly, Twinsanity is pretty good gameplay-wise if you look away from the forced inverted camera.

But I have never played a game that just absolutely murders itself by having so much forced humor, and such a godawful choice of music. The glitches are no big deal, it's the presentation that kills the whole package.

>> No.2883382

But the a capella music was awesome though.

>> No.2883450


A capella doesn't belong in any form of media in which you don't actually see the performance, only hear it. The whole point of a capella is to see the people recreating instruments with whatever body hole they wish. You don't go home and actually listen to that on a CD, because regardless of well it's performed, it will never, ever, replace real instruments. Besides, HORRIBLE mismatch between Crash's environments and the soundtrack.