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2842638 No.2842638 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know whether to praise this game or not
On one hand it's very inferior to the other games in every category, on the other the lack of save feature along with constant onslaught of T-103s and hunters make this most intense game in the series yet

It is kinda funny how you can dodge most enemies but there are so many of them it feels like true survival

>> No.2842694

When I was younger and still played this I remember loving how the game threw you right into the breakout without any real exposition on the characters.


Thanks OP, gotta finish it now.

>> No.2842724

I love this game. No, it doesn't really stand up to any other first person shooters, but its got that cheesy B-movie feel that they eventually abandoned. Its also a great way to get a different perspective given that the player actually has some control of the camera in it. It really nailed the spooky factor, and the diverging paths give the game a lot of replay value.

>> No.2843171

What is this and why as a Nintenbro have I never heard of it?

>> No.2843210

It was never on any Nintendo consoles.

>> No.2843219

>its got

*it's got

>> No.2843352

I hate it because this is the game that started making Hunters zombie replacements.

Most people hated that in Revelations but hunters / lickers and pretty much all lethal BOW's have been relegated to cannon fodder long before Revelations saw the light of day.

>> No.2843438

*it has
You have love that grammar nazi fail.

>> No.2843451

i played this game as a kid, i think i completed it twice. its not a bad game but i dont think its particularly good either. i'll never forget that horrendous voice acting.
also i might be wrong is saying this, but cant you avoid getting attacked by just turning around? ie: a zombie behind you cant hurt you since hes not in your point of view.
think i need to play this again.

>> No.2843469

Was a fun lightgun game and my first introduction to Resident Evil. Thought it was cool to have a lightgun game that you could control, rather than being on rails.

But playing this first confused the hell out of me when I played regular Resident Evil.

>> No.2843809

I really like this game a lot. It's got that same unique creepy b-movie atmosphere RE1 and 2 have, which was lost starting RE3 onwards.
Plus it mixes enemies from both 1 and 2 and has tons of backlore which is nice as fanservice.

Gameplay isn't amazing but it's fun, and all the alternative paths make for huge replay value. Plus IIRC there are some different enemy placement in new game+.
You have to beat the game at least 3 times to see every path, maybe even 4 because I think at one time you have to choose between 4 different paths. There are some more hidden paths I only discovered until years after I got the game.

Besides I'm a sucker for first person PS1 graphics, games like this Echo Night, etc, I just love the style for some reasons.

I only ever played it with a gun through emulation using an Aimtrak, so that was very faithful, but I seem to remember the controls weren't very good when using the gun. As in, when using a pad, you have better moving and poor aiming, with a gun you have better aiming and poor moving. The PC version has good aiming AND moving but is unfinished and has glitched enemy AI to the point it's not worth playing, so there is no definite way to play the game which is a shame.

>> No.2843815

>It is kinda funny how you can dodge most enemies but there are so many of them it feels like true survival

I never to say this
>that path when you meet the giant alligator from RE2
>turn backwards to try to run away
>a 2nd giant alligator appears from behind
Coolest shit in the entire game.

> zombie behind you cant hurt you since hes not in your point of view.

Oh no, they definitely can. They can bite you from behind and when that happens the character automatically turns towards the direction of the enemy hitting you.

>> No.2844491

The gun survivor games are pretty mediocre even for their genre. Dead Aim is much better

>> No.2844590

It is once you realize you can plug a mouse in to your PS2 and play the game with mouse aiming.

>> No.2844591

Biggest problem is that it doesn't have Guncon support.

Dead Aim and Dino Stalker are more fun since you can actually use the lightgun. Sucks we didn't get Gun Survivor: Code Veronica over here.

>> No.2844974

Euro and Japan versions support Guncon. North America lost it because of the Columbine shooting and shit. Everybody was taking the easy way out by blaming it on games, so Capcom thought that their shitty decision somehow made the game more marketable. "Hey look kids, we removed the light gun! Now our game doesn't inspire school shootings anymore." Fucking retarded.

This was such a sweet concept, it could've been great. But Capcom made two mistakes: they should've worked on the game more, and more importantly, they should not have released it on the weak Playstation, a console that just wasn't up to showing a game of this kind in it's full glory. They should've made this a PC exclusive, where the more powerful hardware could've allowed more to be done. Imagine things like body part specific damage modelling for example, delivered accurately with mouse controls. Now THAT would've been badass.

Dead Aim finally managed that, minus the visible physical dismemberment of the zombies, and it was definitely a better game for it.

>> No.2845665

Dead Aim is absolutely underrated I'm glad it's getting some love here.

Only problem I have with that game is that the skill gap isn't very high. Once you've mastered the dodge button that's pretty much all there is to it. RE3 had a higher skill gap.

>> No.2845676

Because you limit your interests to Nintendo shit and miss out on fantastic games.

>> No.2846072

I didn't see any other RE thread so I decided to post this here.

The RE 1.5 Battle Coliseum demo is out. It's really impressive for something made from scratch.


There are unlockables, but I didn't unlock anything yet.