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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 149 KB, 739x1080, terra_by_muju-d9iqi1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2839950 No.2839950 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss one of the most beautiful games on the SNES.

>> No.2839959


>> No.2840032

FF7 and 5 were leagues better.

>> No.2840038

It was ok as far as FF goes.

>> No.2840184

Only FFVI fans would be arrogant enough to have such a blatant thread for fanwankery.

>> No.2840261

FFV has only fun going for it, FFVII is an overrated, convoluted oil allegory with a Lavos wannabe but with some good characters, decent world and memorable scenes.

>> No.2840304

>FFV has only fun going for it,
You say that like that shouldn't be the primary purpose of these games or that it doesn't completely overrule everything else. Either way, FFV is put together much better than VI is.

>> No.2840309

Every Dragon Quest game shits all over any final fagassy game. sage

>> No.2840319

>playing games for fun
I honestly quite like FFV, it's one of my favorites but aside from the job system and few humorous lines, the game is fairly blah. I feel its OST is one of the weakest especially.

>> No.2840323

>and few humorous lines, the game is fairly blah. I feel its OST is one of the weakest especially.
You just described how I feel about VI.

>> No.2840335

Can you people shut up. We are talking about FF6 not any other FF game!!! FUCK.

>> No.2840347

Idk why people keep saying V has the weakest OST in the series. It doesn't have "epic" like VI's operas or VII's OWA but I find it very solid. Fight and boss themes were among the best (especially Neo Exdeath) and there is a bunch of strong atmospheric tracks like Ship Graveyard or Sorrows of Parting. It probably just doesn't stick out as much for people because the music wasn't used that extensively to accompany the story.

Back to the topic though, FFVI is definitely one of the most beautiful SNES games, but I like it a bit less than V and VII for several reasons I won't be going through right now. Split party dungeons are certainly on the top though, because they wound my OCD. Confession time: I've played FFVI to the very end 4 or 5 times but I don't think I've ever legitimately bothered to beat Kefka's Tower.

>> No.2840367

Final fantasy 6 is the worst ff after ff2

>> No.2840370

>but I like it a bit less than V and VII for several reasons I won't be going through right now.
Tell us

>> No.2840374

>Final fantasy 6 is the worst ff after ff9

>> No.2840403


I really don't think VII is even in the same class as the SNES games. The incredibly dated 3D kills it, while the 2D stuff definitely has more of a "timeless" quality to it.

I'm very interested to see how the upcoming remake handles things though, as currently I can't bear to look at it.

>> No.2840409

The best thing about 9 is that it rewards you for speedrunning it by giving you the excalibur2.

>> No.2840415


A masterpiece!!!!

>> No.2840425
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>> No.2840428
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>> No.2840436 [SPOILER] 
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Genuine spoiler.

>> No.2840442

FFVI would have been better if Celes was the viewpoint character from the beginning.

>> No.2840454

Great duality.

>> No.2840470


>> No.2840498

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuizMqRsTpY This is one of the hypest songs in the series. People are just stupid.

>> No.2840501

Nice, never realized that.

Is there some romance subplot between Celes Shere and Locke Cole?

>> No.2840535


Yes but it's not hamfisted so FF8 fans tend to miss it.

>> No.2840545

I thought it was fairly obvious.

>> No.2840556


It's incredibly obvious; Locke immediately attaches himself to any girl with trust issues, much like he does with Terra at the start; Celes just actually starts reciprocating around the time of the Opera.

>> No.2840883
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>> No.2840972

sell the premake idea to squeenix kupo

>> No.2840985

people keep comming back to the opera scene. Id say the Cyan at the train depot is my favorite.

>> No.2840991

whos that blonde chick?is that supposed to be terra? mess.

>> No.2840996
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>> No.2841009

how do you get ghost in that party

>> No.2841010

it would have been different for sure but can't say I'd be certain. Locke was an every-man that could be related to. Celes would then be taking orders from Kefka in the beginning right? But she had her own personal decision to disobey him. Would the player have the choice to or not? Id play this hypothetical game tho.

>> No.2841013
File: 11 KB, 441x408, SmugT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the train sir.

>> No.2841032

one my faves is "how do we know, unless we, observe for ourselves?"
my top is "power only breeds war. i wish id never been.. born"

>> No.2841036

put an "A" after sabin's name while naming him without a rename card

>> No.2841039

Why was Celes still alive after she jumped off a cliff?

>> No.2841045

>Locke was an every-man that could be related to.

I don't see how one can relate to a thief/grave robber unless one is a criminal himself.

>> No.2841056

Fate/luck? She was jumping into the ocean, which is surely dangerous but plausible to survive. (especially with over a thousand HP)

>> No.2841229

game genie shit

>> No.2841258

He's a treasure hunter, you dick.

>> No.2841287

lol dude you liked the scene with the 90s hippie sex
not that I'm judging but you caught me off guard with that one

>> No.2841297

It's not like we miss out on much of her story. She comes in very early and only leaves briefly after the Magitek factory. A lot of people say that Terra is the protagonist for WoB but there's a big chunk where Terra runs off and Locke & Celes become the focus.

>> No.2841305

You can do it without a game genie. You need to use the Airship Glitch.

>> No.2841316

I never played the game, and have no intention to change that (kind of tired of the permanent FF hype), but that artwork is pretty

>> No.2841352 [DELETED] 

thanks for the input, bra ;)

>> No.2841765

AHHHHH rekt.

>> No.2841768

Some NPCs are sprinkled about that allude to her doing some bad things and Celes herself on at least on occasion IIRC. She was involved in the occupation of Maranda and the game was never clear on whether or not Celes was a spy. Aside from Cecil who's never seen doing anything explicitly evil, we've never had an outright bad turned good character be the MC.

>> No.2841814
File: 519 KB, 2000x1523, PjMeNU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing the collage pic of the mod where he says "that's DRUG DEALING!"

>> No.2842496

I just bought FFIV Advance, FFV Advance and FFVI Advance. Should I play them in release order or what?

>> No.2842668


>> No.2842706

I love this game atmosphere, the kind that you hold onto. I feel that the only time the you separate yourself from the atmosphere is when you totally top playing, rare nowadays with all the tutorials, loading screens, non-subtle references and 4th wall breaking.
Tales of Phantasia is also good in that department, any other RPGs like these?

the absolute madman

>> No.2842710


I never see the Tales of series get the facetime it deserves in the West. Excellent game series, better than FF in my opinion.

I even keep the Dejap SFC version around for historical reasons.

>> No.2843976


>> No.2844385
File: 161 KB, 700x771, 1390217562357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pump Sabin full of magic so that his magical Blitzs get even stronger.
Greatest idea or greatester idea?

>> No.2844394


>> No.2844935

>Legit Leo Finale
>That dumb frog/police light gif
I don't even know why it was funny but I couldn't stop laughing

>> No.2844940


Working script had her initially acting as a legit spy against the party and supposedly nearly as mentally broken as Kefka. In any case, she probably didn't go out of her way to murder/torture noncombatants but I don't doubt she killed any who legit resisted her. For that matter so did Cecil; they're pretty much on par.

>> No.2846703


somebody had cast Life 3 on her one more time than she remembered, it's a mistake anybody could make :(

>> No.2846760

>Everyone Can Cast Every Spell At Any Time: The Game

>> No.2846765

you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.2847029

yeah if you grind like hell

When I was a kid, I would always stop to grind as soon as I got the airship. My grandma would take over and fight Intangirs while I ate or watched TV or whatever. Looking back, it's a pretty shitty grind spot but she still mastered all of the espers on every character for me.

>> No.2847429

>other kids' grandmas grinded levels for them in FF6

>my grandma always got me preachy evangelical books for birthdays and Christmas and complained about how long my hair was

what's it like to have a cool family?

>> No.2847467

I really liked Gilgamesh's theme

>> No.2847483 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 960x720, 1449841812759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you max out everyone's stats and make everyone a god.

A god Anon.


>> No.2847490

But he's also the other two.

>> No.2847494

these visuals actually look good

>> No.2847549
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x2000, 1444937797619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through ff6
did not regrouped with terra... she was waiting till endgame movie in that ruined village

>> No.2847870
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This game is great

More fanart pls

>> No.2847885
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>> No.2847912
File: 135 KB, 1150x774, terraffvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Terra the greatest and most beautiful artistic creation by humankind in the past century? She will probably be considered more important than the mona lisa in the future desu

>> No.2847913

Terra has the cutest sprites of just about any SNES game I've played, that alone was part of the reason I kept her in my party whenever possible.

I didn't really like her artwork or her portrait, though.

>> No.2847917

to someone clueless about FF numbering, which one is 6?

>> No.2847923

The one with Terra, Locke, Sabin etc as main characters, and with Kefka as the villain. It was called FFIII in the US when it came out. There's also such a thing as Google, by the way. Or the pictures in the thread might help you see if you recognize the game.

>> No.2847925
File: 91 KB, 447x444, 1339038246699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean roman numerals?

>> No.2847934

>It was called FFIII in the US when it came out
That's what I was looking for, thanks.

>There's also such a thing as Google
I went with Mobygames, but they didn't use VI/6 in the listing.

>The one with Terra, Locke, Sabin etc as main characters, and with Kefka as the villain
>Or the pictures in the thread might help you see if you recognize the game
The only FF I ever played was the first half of VII. In fact I asked because I think the pictures look not bad, and I might give it a try.

Mobygames doesn't list 6, and I recalled faintly that FFs numbering was all over the place, because japanese and US releases weren't in sync, but I had no idea on the details.

>> No.2847947
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Go for it it's the best one

>> No.2848012

I really like the idea of the patches that limit it. Before I thought of rom hacks I was halfway through the game just doing it myself with my own imaginary conduct. I was only allowing the natural magic users to learn magic. Terra, Celes, Relm, Strago. game still wasn't even challenging, not even grinding.

>> No.2848017

She was nursed back to health by the seagulls.

Yes. It was that stupid.

>> No.2848095 [DELETED] 

Why don't you just look it up, you gigantic retard? Are you too fucking stupid to learn how to operate a search engine or Wikipedia?

>> No.2848176
File: 1.52 MB, 320x240, PlayStation - Final Fantasy VI (Intro)_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone keeps psx verison only just to watch exclusive cgi?

>> No.2848267

To me as an outsider this CGI looks like it would mesh terribly with the sprite and 2D artwork from the other screens. Seems like a good example of the worst of early raytraced 3D FMV cutscenes. CGI for the sake of CGI and fuck consistency or art direction.

>> No.2848661

>tfw accidentally left TERRA's name in all caps
Should I restart ?

>> No.2848678
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>Every time a FF(any but 6) gets created FF6fags come into those threads shitposting how bad that FF is and how good FF6 is
>Complains when FF fans from other FF games come into their threads

>> No.2848689

All caps or no, you never match up with the game script either way.

>> No.2848759

>being this /v/

>> No.2848761

here's your reply

>> No.2850617

are there any optional super bosses in this game like in VII ?

>> No.2850649

Optional bosses, yes. Super, not really.

>> No.2850651

oh :(

>> No.2850724

Say what you will but I will not hear a bad word about VI's OST. It's one of the best in gaming, period.

>> No.2850742

does anyone else feel that random battles happen a BIT too much in 6?

>> No.2850756

They are frequent but it's better than a lack of random battles in a jRPG

>> No.2850809
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>random battles happen a BIT too much in 6
No. See Tales of Phantasia. There have to be worse offenders out there, but I can't think of any off the ToP of my head.

>> No.2850821

Adventures of Hourai High is the worst offender I've ever had the displeasure to deal with and I played pretty much every translated SNES JRPG out there. FFVI didn't even stand out for me in the random encounter department for me.

>> No.2850980
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BOF2's random encounter rate is insane, too. Especially in the final dungeon.

Still love the shit out of that game though.

>> No.2851217
File: 57 KB, 558x458, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat it for the first time. Shadow's my favorite but it's lame he can't equip Ragnorok.

>> No.2851416

FF4 takes the cake here. Played through it recently and got 3 random encounters in 4 steps.

>> No.2851418

Maybe they'll remake this next.

>> No.2851428

are you kidding? when they go to visit Rachael, at Locke's home town, everyone discusses how sad it is, and leaves. Celes comes back to stare at her. I am not sure of her actual reason, but it's probably jealousy.

there were a lot of little scenes, like this. I am not sure what the resolution was. I haven't played the game in forever. I bought the IOS remake, a year ago, but that was mostly to just have it

>> No.2851463

yeah, but it wasn't always worth it. I mean, anything Shadow could throw would do way more damage than his magic. And since you can buy elemental swords for him, there isn't even that setback. Giving Gau magic is pointless so is Mog.

the whole point of the plot is that killing Espers can allow ordinary humans to learn magic. the game wants you to teach everybody magic, but it doesn't reward you evenly for every character you teach it to

>> No.2851491
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How's the FF6 tier list friends? Include two different lists for exploit and non-exploit tier.

>> No.2851493

Can someone explain the invisible elevator?

>> No.2851496
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>> No.2851501

you mean during the final battle?
FF heroes never fight the final boss on solid ground

>> No.2851503

When I played this as a kid back in the 90s, there was a rumor in my group of buddies that you could bring back general Leo somehow. I must've spent hours in that village where he's buried checking every single tile for some trigger to bring him back.

>> No.2851505

IIRC FFIV did, both endgame and GBA/PSP Zeromus.

>> No.2851532

she doesn't have amnesia at that point you sick fuck

>> No.2851549

Exploit God: Setzer, Cyan, Relm, Gogo
Exploit High: Celes, Terra, Gau
Exploit Low: Everyone else

Legit God: Gau, Mog
Legit High: Terra, Celes, Locke, Gogo
Legit Mid: Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Setzer
Legit Low: Cyan, Relm, Strago, Umaro

Based on usefulness in the endgame; a character's viability mostly has to do with what equipment they can wear. The issue with Setzer is that even if you don't consider fixed dice + offering a glitch, there are other characters that do it better with a merit award. Edgar has great equipment options, but can't compete with the other knightsword users who all have overpowered unique equipment that can't be worn with a merit award. Shadow has a unique advantage in Interceptor and Throw is nice defense-ignoring damage, but toward the end of the game that stuff stops being quite so impressive compared to what other characters can do.

>> No.2851551


you fucking joking son? some kind of meme?

>> No.2851559

Gau and Mog can both wear the Snow Scarf. In Mog's case, it allows him to reach a perfect 255 defense value and gives him great elemental coverage. Mog is a pretty awesome colosseum fighter.

>> No.2851560

Yeah I figured it was due to the snow scarfmuffler I just don't like the dance skill.

>> No.2851789


HOLY SHIT you aren't kidding. I ran from most nonessential fights so I didn't really care but FFIV has an absurd encounter rate.

You're standing in a void during the Zeromus fight.

>> No.2851815

*pushes up glasses* Chaos, the Emperor and Yu Yevon?

>> No.2851824

Vayne Solidor, Ultima, Emperor Mateus...

>> No.2851825

Nevermind you already said the emperor.

Does Vagrant Story count? If it does, do glowing magic circles count?