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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 70 KB, 500x351, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2838405 No.2838405 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly looking back this entire scene is pretty offensive.

>> No.2838427

How exactly? I found it hilarious.

>> No.2838437

It isn't. Go back to Kotaku.

>> No.2838442

Not surprising in the least if you look at history of FF character design. Most of them tend to be androgynous. Sexual ambiguity is the core of FF.

>> No.2838446



>> No.2838454

It makes a joke out of transpeople's issues.

>> No.2838456

I'm frankly surprised Square didn't omit this section from the English localization to avoid controversy with moral guardians. Conservative groups whine about the least inclusion of LGBT themes in video games.

Square nonetheless censored Barret's cursing, or at least some of it. I think a few lines made it past the censors.

>> No.2838460

It's not crossdressing if they identify as that sex you fucking bigot.

>> No.2838461

not really... it's an entirely different situation altogether

>> No.2838463

>Conservative groups whine about the least inclusion of LGBT themes in video games.

On the flipside, SJWs would whine about it being insensitive to trannies like this guy here. >>2838454

>> No.2838464

It's a lampoon on the male hero's sexuality by having him wear a dress. A trope going back fucking years and a tired backbone of comedy slapsthick you stupid cunt.

>>>/trash/ with your weak bait.

>> No.2838465


Because we, as a puritanical and God-fearing society, must shield our children from the immoral practice of crossdressing.

>> No.2838467

That's exactly why this is offensive, it makes transexuals look like opportunists or just men with put on a dress and a wig.

>> No.2838469

It doesn't. Japan barely knows and doesn't care about trans people's issues even today, let alone when FFVII was released.

>> No.2838473

This is why we should stretch the message to them, they still have a long way to go in minorities and people of color's rights over there. I mean, come on, it's 2015.

>> No.2838474 [DELETED] 

Please don't apply your modern and western moral standards to a retro game from an asian country.

Also no one really cares to be quite frank my family.

>> No.2838478

Just because YOU are too white cis heterosexual privileged to care doesn't mean some one us doesn't.

>> No.2838479

Good luck. Japan doesn't care about anything non-Japanese have to say about their country.

>> No.2838482

Calling people colored now? Racism is against the global rules, mate. Take that shit to /b/.

>> No.2838490

10\10 troll

>> No.2838491

Obvious bait thread with obvious bait posts.

>> No.2838494

As a black man, I want you to stop lumping me in with arabs, asians, and mexicans.

>> No.2838497

Yeah I really hate fetch quests too.

>> No.2838504
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>> No.2838506
File: 118 KB, 701x599, Heroes Manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I think you should play games like Sonic the Hedgehog instead. They have very strong and likeable feminist characters.

>> No.2838524

>Sexual ambiguity is the core of Japan
Fixed that for you

>> No.2838528
File: 16 KB, 320x371, 1448628912572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to tumblr bitch!

>> No.2838529
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>> No.2838530

Seriously, how much of the remake do you think will be censored purely because of American SJWs?

>> No.2838531

apparently crossdressing is offensive now, you'll have to ask tumblr of the particulars

>> No.2838534

I hope they censor it out of existence. The remake sucks.

>> No.2838540

You don't know anything about it. Fuck off.

>> No.2838541

It's not turn based! They are changing the story!

>> No.2838546


You mean because of American conservatives. SJWs aren't nearly as sizable, and Square clearly doesn't give a shit what they think since they rebooted Tomb Raider complete with graphic death sequences.

Square has only shown interest in catering to Western religious groups that are opposed to "ungodly" themes in their games. For a while, they actually debated whether or not they would even allow same-sex marriage in FF14, and left it up to their fanbase to decide. If conservatives had banded together and bitched about the game en masse, I'm sure FF14 wouldn't feature gay marriage today.

>> No.2838548
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>> No.2838552

I don't know how you define a conservative. If you think it's the American right, you're far off. Read /pol/ for like a week.

But yeah, SJWs are a problem not only for video games, but for censorship in the media in general. They're a serious problem.

>> No.2838557
File: 24 KB, 236x272, 11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read /pol/ for like a week.

>> No.2838558

Yeah, yeah.

>> No.2838559

Conservatives don't give a shit anymore. Liberals are the new Religious Right.

>> No.2838564
File: 176 KB, 900x582, 1350434773822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read /pol/ for like a week

>> No.2838565

Yeah, yeah.

>> No.2838568
File: 29 KB, 640x343, 248771-seifer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality thread OP, you're totally not a faggot

>> No.2838569

The great thing about this joke is that you have to be an enormous manchild to even understand the burn.

>> No.2838570

>"Hurr durr libruls taken away muh freedums"

... Are you serious, or am I being keked?

I don't know what era you were born into, but it was always the far-right religious groups trying to censor the media. Sure, tumblrtards do the same shit today, but they're generally limited to the Internet and college campuses. None of them are sizable or organized enough to have any legislative influence. Meanwhile, they're vastly outnumbered by religious groups that would like nothing more than to outlaw all non-Christian denominations, crucify atheists and homosexuals, ban free press, and declare Pat Robertson America's supreme dictator.

>> No.2838579

You're a retard. I would suggest reading /pol/ or /his/ but everyone here will call you a big fag for doing that.

>> No.2838589
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>> No.2838603


I read /pol/ every day, if only to feel better about myself.

/pol/ is and always was a circus of Hitler youth shitposting unironic antisemitism. I used to be outraged, but then I just felt sorry for them. I can't imagine what kind of terrible shit their parents must have done to them to fuck with their minds so badly.

>> No.2838606

Hitler wasn't right, but he didn't kill 6 million jews. You obviously didn't read any moderate posts.

>> No.2838615

They have enough influence to promote gay privileges and legalize gay marriage though.

>> No.2838616

What's wrong with that?

>> No.2838617

A lot of people dont. Nor do they go to any of the citations for the less PC statements and articles.

They just go "ew far right news! I'd rather stay with my liberal news and leave it at that."

No one likes confronting alternate critical views anymore. And that goes for the entire spectrum it seems.

>> No.2838620

It degenerates Western society. While Muslims would simply stamp that out with violence, our pussy society welcomes it with open arms. And who is behind this degeneracy power play? The media.

>> No.2838621

OP has spent too much time in the Tumblr echo chamber. There's no way that would offend unless you've been beaten upside the head long enough.

>> No.2838623

It was an argument against that anon who said gays don't have any legislative power when in fact they have a tremendous amount of it.

>> No.2838624

We're going to die out, by the very rhetoric that we learned in high school. "They came for X, but I wasn't X, so..."

>> No.2838626

Quiet, the white women talk for you now.

>> No.2838636

SJWs got Target to stop selling GTAV in Australia.

>> No.2838637

>OP makes obvious bait post
>thread shits the bed and talks about everything from homosexuality to Hitler

I don't know how you did it, but you matched OP and raised proceeded to raise the ante $50. Well done, board for retro video games.

>> No.2838639


>> No.2838643


wow, all of /v/'s culture wars retardation has finally reached /vr/, guess it's time to leave

>> No.2838646

We will miss you, anon.

>> No.2838884

Wow, way to ruin my thread. Thanks guys.

I was just saying a lot of this section of the game is awful. Homophobic with gay muscle men, some guy saying to Cloud he's got a nice "heifer" there (he was talking about Aeris) things like that.

>> No.2838905

>some guy saying to Cloud he's got a nice "heifer" there (he was talking about Aeris) things like that.
You're in a male gym in the slums of sector 7. You really expect the guys from there NOT to talk like blue-collar yokels?

You need to spend some more time outside OP. Not everyone is as flowery and sensitive of other's feelings as you.

Also look up 'world building', ya dumb c'uck.

>> No.2838945

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.2838952


Fuck off faggot nigger shemale.

>> No.2838954

>what kind of terrible shit their parents must have done to them to fuck with their minds so badly.

Probably nothing. Don't get me wrong their parents probably did all sorts of shit to them, but they were likely fucked up anyway, parents just added more shit to the shit factory that is their head. Bad kids don't mean bad parents, some people are just fucked up and there's nothing you can do about it even with the best of parenting. Likewise being a good person when you're adult doesn't mean your parents were awesome, many awesome people had terrible as fuck scumbag parents.

>> No.2838967

The environment a person grew up in and the people they interact with can affect their world view. It doesn't necessarily have to do with bad parents or a defective mind.

>> No.2838987

Nice to see that, after a long hiatus, /v/ shit is spilling into /vr/

>> No.2838992

>they still have a long way to go in minorities and people of color's rights over there

Why would anyone weigh the wants of 0.1% of the population against the preferences of the other 99,9%? Racism isn't an issue to a country where 98.5% of its people are the same race, many of them will never even see a minority.

>> No.2839009

>Why would anyone weigh the wants of 0.1% of the population against the preferences of the other 99,9%?
Because it's the right thing to do. Because not doing it makes you unethical and a douche. Because using that logic undermines everything worthwhile in life to be subject to mob rule and would stamp out all that is good or different in the world.

>> No.2839287

Sage. Not vidya. Don't be a baby.

>> No.2839524
File: 90 KB, 666x930, 98347827345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious that when they were settling the west some men would wear dresses and they'd hold dances. The men did this b/c there weren't enough dance partners and everyone found it funny. People get offended by the stupidest things. If some dude wants to wear a dress why should I give a shit?

>> No.2839527

>replying to shit tier bait
what the fuck is wrong with you retards

>> No.2839529

I think it's just whining about cultural appropriation of the trannies. Of course if you, as a normal individual, even imply that trannies may be alike, well that's some kind of fucking ism. This is coming from a male bisexual that remembers when it was just gay instead of lgbtqwtfbbq111!! Fucking tmblr

>> No.2839539

This is because different channels have completely different news, with little to no resemblance to reality, hands up don't shoot and its coverage being a perfect example. It used to be, with only a handful of news outlets, that people at least agreed on more or less what happened, now we don't even hear about the same events, must less a vaguely similar take on them.

>> No.2839540

Anyone who honestly gets offended over it has mental issues. Anyone who is actually trans has to understand that crossdressing and gender dysmorphia are separate things. They do overlap in various ways, but crossdressing is very much it's own thing and always has been.

>> No.2839546

>the only feminist in the game literally wants to dominate the world

>> No.2839563 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 960x539, shit tier bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2839631

>the remake will never have the warmth and comfiness of the original
>the high poly models will be ten times more wooden than the lego models from the original

>> No.2839707


>> No.2839787

>people on both extremes are crazy and unreasonable
who'd'a thunk
see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory

>> No.2839803

the remake is bound to suck dick.
don't be sad anon just pretend it doesn't exist

>> No.2839808

this is like a /b/ tier bait how is this thread still up

>> No.2839820
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>> No.2839874

But a lot of Tumblr is perfectly fine with it and there are crossdressing blogs.

Oh right I forgot, this is 4chan where sites are based on stereotypes only.

>> No.2839898
File: 1.35 MB, 680x952, 1425104419449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2840167
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1430670407288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fucking BEST troll i've seen on 4chan in a LONG time.

>> No.2840171

is that fish eating worms

>> No.2840493
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>> No.2840551


It's an entirely different situation.

>> No.2840559

No it wasn't.

>> No.2840623
File: 1.25 MB, 500x500, 1430762163733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss pre-GG /pol.

It was good, it was really good.

>> No.2840631


You must not have watched any comedy movies in the 80's... every other film was about someone dressing up as the opposite sex.

>> No.2840693

Oh GOD I've been looking for this fucking image.

Thank you.

>> No.2840696

To whom?

>> No.2840705

>DS4 Controller

Us gamers amirite

>> No.2840783

>How exactly? I found it hilarious.

Hilarious things are frequently offensive.

tumblr would probably say that it is homophobic and transphobic and dripping in cishet privilege.

>> No.2840794

slay the gays

>> No.2840854

I'm pretty sure OP just wanted a trap thread.

>> No.2841171


>implying you can just decide to "identify" as a different gender

>expecting anyone with a shred of sanity to respect your ridiculous claim

>what is basic biology

>"muh feelz" > objective reality

>> No.2841172
File: 1.49 MB, 1398x884, 1344866808785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go back to the times when /v/'s SJW bullshit didn't infest this board? Please?

>> No.2841250

>Repeating something similar what happens on /tv/ everyday
>oh mah god, best troll exxx deeeee, le funny cat picture

>> No.2841717

>muh science

welcome to 2015

>> No.2841721

Which movie? I WANT A NAME, DAMNIT!

>> No.2841727 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 428x232, 1449588874854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2841742

That person's not really a feminist, though. She's basically a fetish.

It's ironic that women who act like this are deified mostly by perverted and pathetic men.

>> No.2841759

The Straw Man.

>> No.2841767

This is your fault, /vr/. You complained about the janitors being Nazis, so now they've left the board.

Your choices are to either moderate yourself (hahaha), or spam this thread until it reaches the bump limit.

>> No.2841793

You could always just hide it and ignore it exists, instead of coming here to bump it. But that would be assuming you actually wanted this place to improve instead of just wanting to be able to bitch day in and day out.

>> No.2841813

No it isn't

-Signed, a tranny.

>> No.2841840 [DELETED] 



Guess saging doesn't work anymore.

>> No.2841847


I didn't bump it.

hiro pls make sage visible again.

>> No.2841852

>I need people to see my downvotes, like on reddit
smfh tbqh familia

>> No.2841856

Saging is pointless and always has been. Replying in any way will more than likely illicit responses from people who will not sage.

>Sage this shit
>go back to /v

All replies of that sort will never, ever be taken earnestly but will inevitably lead to the thread getting bumped more. If something here honestly bothers you, the best course of action is to hide the thread and ignore it.

>> No.2841858
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The problem is, they really haven't. They've just doubled down on their faggotry by becoming extremely passive-aggressive about what they enforce and when.

All that we ask is that they not be knob-polishers. Evidently they just don't know how.

>> No.2841867

>Mods being nazis
>Allowing non-retro stuff be on /vr/ like diablo2
Wait what?

>> No.2841885


Just before moot took off to pretend 4chan never existed the Jannies were extremely active. It was a double-edged sword, though: they still deleted at least as many posts they "didn't like" as actual garbage ones.

>> No.2841895


To be fair, this was several months ago. Retro threads and on-topic posts were nuked left to right for seemingly no reason. When someone made a troll post, the entire thread would be taken down instead of weeding out just the troll posters. And I'm pretty sure one of the mods had some serious hangups about homosex. Any attempts at serious discussion that happened to touch down on gay characters in video games (in a positive, non-/pol/ light) was deleted, and the posters banned.

>> No.2841904

Totally. It was extremely weird to see that GBA Castlevania thread keep going for weeks while Dreamcast threads were getting deleted all over the place.

>> No.2841973

like every post in this thread BUT op's are /v/-tier

>> No.2841981

op if youre serious /vg/ would probably be a better place for discussion like this. maybe.

>> No.2841989

did you used to only blame the jews for everything and now both the jews and teenagers on tumblr lmao

>> No.2843687
File: 967 KB, 245x245, [Turbo Autism 2x].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare you to watch this and not cringe.


>Pro-Tip: it's fucking impossible.

>> No.2843748


They are just men in a dress tbf

>> No.2843753

No it's not, crossdressing for infiltration into an enemy's base/home is an effective tactic.

Been done before in SNES games OP (Glory of Heracles III, and Day of the Idea for some examples). If you are this easily offended, you need some thicker skin.

>> No.2844569
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>> No.2845235
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>> No.2845305

/tv/fag here. Someone actually narrowed it down to like 2 or 3 movies it could have been based on the topics and order of the jokes. I forgot what movies tho.

>> No.2845307

Just remembered one, Ace Ventura, and then something else.

>> No.2845315

I can't believe you guys fell for such an obvious bait.

>> No.2845423

The fucking title alone and the fact that it's one of those "Game Theory"
Shits makes me want to cringe. Matt Patt (or whatever his name is )is fucking cancer

>> No.2845427

I had to stop after his hashtag "joke" came up for the 7th time. A man can only cringe so hard.

>> No.2845484 [DELETED] 

look at all these liberals who have the silly notion that anyone who is racist MUST have bad parents and/or childhood ha!

ill let you know that we think the same about you and were absolutlery right about it! :^)

realy it amazes me today that there are people so ignorant that they think racism is a bad thing and multiculturalism is a "good" thing! wow! and they even want a non homogeneous society (a non-white one)! i feel sorry that you have such views but oh well i can only hope that you grow up and leave such childish beliefs.

>> No.2845487 [DELETED] 

what? are you really stupid? no they fucking don't that 0.1% is in that country only because the rest of the population accepts it and if they dont like it they can fuck off!
and you even have the audacity to say that is "unethical" fuck you!