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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 800x632, gog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2836582 No.2836582 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/,

Any recommendations for hidden gems on GOG? Underrated games that deserve some love?

I love games like that.

>> No.2836589
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>> No.2836602

Yes? No?

>> No.2836663

>buying old games

>> No.2836689


>> No.2836708
File: 139 KB, 400x294, 1437594110073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing GOG releases are good for is pirating, OP. Even that's a near thing; they often don't get them playable on modern systems (also known as THEIR FUCKING JOB) until a patch or two, and having the files trapped in a Winblows installer is fucking _bullshit_.

>> No.2836719

Most of the adventure games. Try Harvester.

Ever thought he was looking for suggestions to pirate?

>> No.2836730

FBI here, go ahead.

>> No.2836863

you should post on lereddit about gems or check racketboys list of le gems! retro gems are my favorite too.

Fuck off.

>> No.2836870


Shadowman, if you`re into action adventure collectathons

>> No.2836913

Why did all the third-worlders jump out at this thread to justify themselves for not paying for other people's hard work? This had nothing to do with piracy (aka stealing).

>> No.2836989

>piracy (aka stealing)
Nice try, agent.

>> No.2837009
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>> No.2837010

GOG is using cracks from GameCopyWorld. I wouldn't exactly call that hard work.

Not to mention the original devs. are getting nothing out of it most of the time. I guess if you're a moralfag, sure.

>> No.2837042

King of Dragon Pass is pretty fun.

>> No.2837063

They already removed the encryption from the Archive files in their executables, after a stink a few months ago.

And their track record for releases working is still pretty good.

Well, realistically speaking the original developers are, in general, not seeing a dime of these sales.

>> No.2837068

No because that is how standard contracts work. People like to frame this shit as evil but when it is standard operating procedure.

>> No.2837076


Evil can certainly be standard operating procedure. Indeed, the world is replete with such instances.

>> No.2837080

Wait, so you say no, then you agree with me about that's how it works?

What? I was just commenting on where the money was going. I generally buy my software, if it's available for a reasonable price.

>> No.2837245

Surely no one on /vr/ would do such a thing.

>> No.2837252
File: 153 KB, 3050x2233, Square_Steam_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/,

Any recommendations for hidden gems on STEAM? Underrated games that deserve some love?

I love games like that.

>> No.2837253

It's an oversimplification though.
The publishers who fund the devs do so based on estimates of returns.
If you were to take away future returns on old games, that would reduce the value of investing in devs in the first place and affect publisher decisions.

Of course really this is all just part of the evil of uncontrolled capitalism and the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

>> No.2837258
File: 109 KB, 1250x458, amazon_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/,

Any recommendations for hidden gems on amazon? Underrated games that deserve some love?

I love games like that.

>> No.2837261
File: 27 KB, 630x355, uplay-ubisoft-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/,

Any recommendations for hidden gems on Uplay? Underrated games that deserve some love?

I love games like that.

>> No.2837264


>Of course really this is all just part of the evil of uncontrolled capitalism and the concentration of power in the hands of a few.

Just a heads up, you're being a pretentious sociologist retard in a thread about GOG.

>> No.2837267

I missed the stink, fill me in?

>> No.2837827

GoG's installers are really archives, but some of them had encryption to prevent people from extracting the files from the archive without the executable, since only the executable had the key for the archives.

People got pissssed, so they stopped doing it.
For 99.999% of users it makes literally no difference though. But it's important for people who want the software to work 20 years from now.

>> No.2837853

>devs don't get paid!

Devs get paid by publisher to make game. Publisher gets paid by retailer to stock game. Retailer gets paid when you plonk down your cash. So who gets hurt when you don't buy a copy? Retailers.

Here's the digital version:

Devs get paid by publisher to make game. Publisher gets paid by you to download game. So who gets hurt when you don't pay? Publishers.

Here's the GOG/Steam/whoever version:

Devs get paid by publishers to make game. Publishers get paid when they sell rights to game to third-party seller (just like retail). Third-party seller gets paid when you pay for a download. So who gets hurt when you don't pay? Third-party sellers (just like retailers).

Are you seeing how this business works now? There is literally nothing you can do as the end-user that will have any impact on the devs getting paid because they were already paid in the first place. None, exactly NONE of the money you pay goes to them if you're buying it directly from their company or if you're standing in line at WalMart, or if you're downloading it off piratebay. You have never had any financial impact on a developer for any retro game ever.

>> No.2838008

Except for shafting future devs from making the kinds of games you play, since if the publishers get less money it's less likely they'll pay for the same kind of content again.

>> No.2838040

> if the publishers get less money it's less likely they'll pay for the same kind of content again

A game's sales are a direct reflection of devs' work. A shitty game is shitty work and people who do shitty work shouldn't be in business.

>> No.2838064
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>> No.2838067

>A game's sales are a direct reflection of devs' work
if you completely disregard marketing and branding

people will keep on buying the next iterations of COD, FIFA, NFS or F1 games regardless if they're shit compared to the last one or not

>A shitty game is shitty work and people who do shitty work shouldn't be in business.
the world would be a much better place if it worked like this. but it doesn't

>> No.2838080

Slave Zero

>> No.2838086

>people will keep on buying the next iterations of COD, FIFA, NFS or F1 games regardless if they're shit compared to the last one or not

You know how I know you're just repeating a sentiment instead of actually making a point on your own? Because every franchise you just listed has declining sales relating the least popular/worst reviewed entries in that series. Seriously, look at any 2K sports game, some of them were just fucking mauled by fans and critics and certainly don't enjoy the kinds of success the better liked entries do, what you're implying is that the sales just never abate and that's absolutely false.

You're right about marketing, I suppose, in terms of the sales, but a shitty product is difficult to market even if you do con a few users.

>the world would be a much better place if it worked like this. but it doesn't

Trust me, shitty products are everywhere and you haven't heard of hardly any of them because they're shit. You're just hating the mainstream and equating a bad product with one you don't like.

>> No.2838110

>a shitty product is difficult to market even if you do con a few users
you underestimate the power of marketing

>> No.2838131

Because like, ff13 did so well first release

Even though it's part of a successful series ansmd was heavily marketed everyone still knew it was shitty

>> No.2838143


Yeah, ok, so at what point are we going to admit that justifying piracy by taking a stance on dev remuneration is totally nonsensical? Or were you just here to bitch about how games you don't like sell well?

>> No.2838146
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>> No.2838149

Shut the fuck up, you're the most annoying one here.

>> No.2838151

my only point ITT is that the quality of a product does not directly reflect its sales without also taking marketing and branding into consideration

>games you don't like
wonder where you even got that implication from

>> No.2838153

_stop_ _fucking_ _posting_ _like_ _this_ _you_ _goddamn_ _retard_.

>> No.2838186
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>this thread

>> No.2838187
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