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File: 663 KB, 2048x1536, Dreamcast-VMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2835446 No.2835446 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2835447

what? it was a cool idea

>> No.2835464

That piercing beep and the sound of the disk drive grinding away warms my heart. Not even joking.

>> No.2835465

I think OP is referring to the sound it makes when the DC boots and the VMU batteries are either missing or expired.

The OP is too low effort to end up being a worthwhile thread though. Shame.

>> No.2835559
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>> No.2835580

Loudest disc drive ever. Only thing louder is original xbox with its fan and hdd.

>> No.2835590

As someone who had both at the same time, the DC is a far louder system.

Sega themselves even made fun of all the noises it made in the All Stars Racing game with the AGES character.

>> No.2835593

I'd say the Xbox fan is louder than the DC fan, but the DC disc drive is louder than anything. If you have a game that doesn't seek a lot or one of those ODEs then it'll probably be quieter on average.

>> No.2835595

Later VMUs had a much, much shorter beep.

>> No.2835619

You forgot to mention the loud jet like fan

>> No.2835631

the DC is pretty loud compared to the OG xbox but the 360 and PS3 can be loud at times too.

>> No.2835639

I had an 360 elite that was a fucking airplane in the noise department.

>> No.2835671

The DC is hilariously loud.
it's almost endearing

The VMU beep can go to hell though, I'm tempted to crack the thing open and disconnect the speaker in mine.

the PS3 is the only thing I've owned that gets louder than the DC (but my PS3 seems to be on its way out, the fan goes to obnoxious levels after a while)
got a fattie 40GB one

>> No.2835706

Was there any game that really took advantage of the VMU's... I guess virtual pet functionality? I mean Seaman is the type of thing where you'd think it would be perfect for hauling your VMU around to make sure the temperature and oxygen in your tank didn't get too far out of line, but the VMU functionality was basically limited to trading items.

>> No.2835710

I've been wondering, is there a way to replace the internal clock battery of the Dreamcast without soldering? I can't be bothered to do that but I'd like to avoid the annoying time screen at startup.

>> No.2835719

I have a slim but sometimes the fan is loud or when the system is reading the blu-ray can get loud.

>> No.2835731

Good. I actually love that shit, and the sound of the diskdrive on old computers.

>> No.2835740


You know what I love? That smell of burning oxygen, dust, and plastic that is expelled from the vents of old computers. Nothing pulls me back in time like that aroma.

>> No.2835753

Without soldering? Not really. I tried to replace a battery by just cutting the contacts and using electric tape to secure it, but it didn't really work.

>> No.2835771

>when your disk wouldn't work


>> No.2835839

Sonic had a Chao thing where you could take the pet with you and train it and crap IIRC.

I also remember lots of animations people made that you could install to the VMU through the DC web browser.

So many bad animated porn uploads.

>> No.2835915
File: 1.01 MB, 3072x2304, 1541-ratopi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker would like to have a word with you.

>> No.2835934

Sonic Shuffle. Each player had cards in his hands, used to advance on the board. Players could steal cards from the others, should they either run out of theirs or if they hoped to get lucky and randomly pick a better deal. You could see your own cards on the VMU, but not what the others had (and everyone can shuffle their hands).

>> No.2835965

Threadly reminder Sega had no intention of staying in the console business, no matter how well the Dreamcast sold.

>> No.2835969

Well fuk

>> No.2836002

oh, is that what that sound means? I need to replace my batteries then, I thought that was just the normal sound.

>> No.2836004

I love the lever on 5" floppy drives. Really satisfying compared to 3" drives.

>> No.2836450

i used to bring that shit everywhere to feed my chaos and-or play minigames

>> No.2836494

In my experience the batteries die too quickly to be worth replacing every time.

>> No.2836803

I wonder if there's any way to mod a small rechargeable battery inside and have the dreamcast charge it while it's plugged in.

>> No.2836804

>sound is slightly turned up too loud


>> No.2836807


>> No.2836818

The PS4 can get really fucking loud, and same with the fan but I heard that some newer models are quieter.

>> No.2837148

I brought it to a friend's house and after hearing the vmu and the drive he told me "one day it's gonna speak to you"
without knowing that in my dreams she already does

>> No.2837151

The noise of the fan of my 360 is way more irritating (may be the frequency) than the one of my dc and I don't mind the drive sounds (I kind of like them and find them useful). My 360 is a pre-Jasper and has always been treated like gold.

>> No.2837156

At least they took the effort to have a glorious ending (unlike atari)

>> No.2837172

>I wonder if there's any way to mod a small rechargeable battery inside and have the dreamcast charge it while it's plugged in.

There is, they are called supercapacitors. Sega CDs can be modded with them and they'll keep the save for one or two MONTHS at full charge - I'm pretty sure they'd work the same on any other system that uses batteries.

>> No.2837331


Is that an age/manufacture date thing? I've picked up a small collection of VMUs over the years and I've noticed one beeps much longer than the others. I was kinda wondering if it was failing somehow.

THAT FUCKING DRIVE. We had one that just up and died one day. No reason. No explanation. Then one day we plugged it in on a whim and it just started working again. Stayed working for the rest of its days.

>> No.2838385

Or your can use their mild mannered secret alternative clarkbatteries. Sega CDs have them and they'll keep the save for one or two YEARS at full charge.

>> No.2838392

>Sega CDs have them and they'll keep the save for one or two YEARS at full charge.

Supercapacitors will keep them for your lifetime as long as you play with the console every month or so.

>> No.2838407

the sound of a dreamcast makes me feel warm and fuzzy

>> No.2838409

The DC fan/disk is a different fequency or something, the whirring doesn't bother me and just becomes background noise pretty quickly.
The 360 on the other hand. I've got a stack of books ontop of it to muffle the noise and I also close the cabinet doors. Hopefully it doesn't start a house fire.

Its kinda odd looking back that when I had an OG Xbox it never seemed that loud, but now its very noticeable how loud it is. Still not as loud as the DC in my opinion though.

>> No.2838426

top kek

>> No.2838438


The fact that they had no intention of staying (no matter how well the Dreamcast sold) kinda dissolves any nobility that sentiment has.

I'm not sure I would've bought one, back in the day, on that bullshit announcement alone. Why throw money at a corporation that's just going to take it and run?

>> No.2838459

Does anyone have problems using those with a jump pack? Like when it vibrates, the VMU beeps and the game (any game really) pauses saying to reconnect the controller or VMU.

>> No.2838870

Sounds interesting, though the size is a little disconcerting. Not a lot of wiggle room in a VMU.

It's like I can use google or something

>> No.2838876


>> No.2839538

Isao Okawa and Bernie Stolar wanted to take the chance but Peter Moore had another plan all along and the rest of SEGA thought it was just OK to follow

>> No.2839675

Launch 360 is probably ths loudest console I've owned. Just the disc drive alone spinning up is ridiculously loud but there's also two small vent fans in the back that always seem to be on high as well

>> No.2839892

My brother and I used to think that about his PS3 until he got some program that kicked the fans on to actual high. This shit sounds like a fucking hand dryer on high.

>> No.2839925

Is that in the first All Stars Racing game? Or the second?

>> No.2840036

While we are on the topic of DC, are there any good and cheap S-Video cables for it?
OR, do you think I should just say fuck it and buy a cheap Tomee VGA cable?

>> No.2840050


>> No.2840117

I have an unofficial one, and I think most of them are the same, and you can choose 2 outputs: VGA+mini jack or s-video+coaxial

>> No.2840980

>Only thing louder is original xbox with its fan and hdd.

Only the launch model of the original Xbox had two fans and was relatively loud. The following models only had one fan and were less loud.

The Dreamcast was a bit louder than both.

>> No.2840997

>friend comes over
>asks me what i'm playing
>-new resident evil, code veronica
>he's enamored by graphics
>save game and let him take over
>his mind is blown when he looks at the memory card
>EKG graph showing health

>> No.2841012

Probably the comfiest console startup ever made.

>chk chk chk
>loud up Shenmu
>take my daily allowance and spend it all in the arcade

>> No.2841014


Wait, it's supposed to be loud? I bought a Dreamcast at a pawn shop years ago and tried playing SoulCalibur and holy shit I was afraid it was going to eat my disk so I never touched it again.

Maybe I should give it another shot.

>> No.2841378

same here anon, I didn't know anyone that had one growing.
I got my first dreamcast in 2013 and I immediately made a thread asking was mine broken, but then I got used to the cozy noises

>> No.2841382

I remember for like 2 days I had a fat PS3 with an overheating problem. I had to have my TV volume at nearly 100% and had to shout to talk to my brother.

>> No.2841653

That was my favorite use of the VMU, so simple and yet so effective.

>> No.2842252
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>> No.2842295

>I had to have my TV volume at nearly 100% and had to shout to talk to my brother.


thought I was in /g/ for a moment

>> No.2842334
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>> No.2842838

i just got a dreamcast stick for 30 euros, pretty gud

>> No.2843168

The dreamcast started as a handheld? That doesn't make much sense, not that Sega's business decisions helped them when they made the Saturn a standalone Sega CD.

>> No.2843181
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*phantom of the flopera plays*

>> No.2843203
File: 41 KB, 500x490, dead (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the Dreamcast was such an unreliable piece of junk.

>literally becomes hotter than an oven top after an hour of use
>has a habit of just dying suddenly, probably due to the constant heat exposure
>front controller ports seem to stop working properly after years of use due to Sega not grounding them properly or some shit
>Dreamcast controller d-pad seems to become even less responsive after only short use
>VMU save files often get corrupted at random
>super loud due to a tiny fan spinning faster than the speed of light in a desperate attempt to cool the system
>The lens carriage on the GD-ROM drive seems to had no greasing or silencing measure applied to it, so it makes an awful sound every time it moves

The only thing that makes me sad is that Sega could have fixed all these issues with additional revisions if the console had last long enough. In particular, the CPU and GPU could have eventually been manufactured on a smaller process which would have greatly decreased the heat.

>> No.2843330

All that overheating stuff is bullshit. For the resetting there's an easy fix.

>> No.2843338

>All that overheating stuff is bullshit

I don't know any console, aside from the original Xbox 360 models of course, that get as hot to touch as Dreamcast

>> No.2843348

I have 2 DCs that never overheated to this day, while I still hear about friend's PS3s dying (the last one just yesterday)

>> No.2843360

I think PS3s are dying for a multitude of reasons, like faulty power supplies even. Besides, quality control is generally a lot worse now than it was in the 90s.

However, the failure rate of PS3 is only about 3% or less, so owning two Dreamcasts that haven't failed doesn't really make much of a statement.

The fact that you've heard less about faulty Dreamcasts is down to 1) 8 times fewer Dreamcasts were sold than PS3s 2) Most of those faults occurred 15 years ago

But the Dreamcast does get a lot hotter inside than the PS3, that's for sure. The PS3 generates more heat, but also has stronger fans to push it out.

>> No.2843463

I don't know man, I touch them on the surface and they're not warm, I put the hand close to the vent and the air is not that hot ,are you sure that it's not your unit that's fucked? Resets, drive going nuts and bad contacts in the controller ports happened to me, but overheating never ever, and I've checked. Totally unlike my 360 which makes my room (it's not very big) temperature go up. And of course gets hot in the surface and the air going through the vent is quite warm in less than one hour of play. Also most of the PS3s I'm talking about died from heavy use, and most of my friends with a PS3 lost at least one.

>> No.2843471

>, I put the hand close to the vent and the air is not that hot

Of course it's not hot. The little fan is totally ineffective at pumping out the heat, instead it bottles up inside.

Try opening your Dreamcast's CD lid after playing for a while and then put your hand on the area where the disk would be spinning. It's fucking hot, and my current unit has never ever reset so I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

>> No.2843564

AFAIK the resetting comes from a worn out contact of a metal bar in the psu, not from overheating. Anyway, I'll check out what you said next time I play.

>> No.2844768

>Sega's answer to the gameboy

>> No.2844787

DCs only overheat in hot climates.
6th gen and later everything but Nintendo took major quality hits or did poor design choices.

The 360 and PS3 need to be opened regularly for cleaning because of their design. They have very cheap heatsinks and very shoddy components.

Kinda sucks. If you want to collect anything 6th gen or later you need to have spares and take preemptive measures to fix the shitty designs.

>> No.2844965

>Being this fucking new

Get the fuck out of here you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.2845000

>DCs only overheat in hot climates.

No, the launch models had a heatpipe cooling system with a fan attached to it for a reason.

Later ones removed those partially but I don't remember the details. I think they only removed the heatpipes for cost cutting, and kept the fan, which wasn't as effective.
But I'm not sure on that, I was never into the DC much.

>Sega's answer to the gameboy

Shit no, that was the Game Gear. Then later they gave full support to the Neo Geo Pocket Color.

The VMU was their answer to the japan-only Sony Pocketstation, and possibly also a bitter knee-jerk reaction to the Tamagotchi, which was so successful that it pulled Bandai out of the gutters and destroyed a Sega/Bandai merger that was planned in the mid-90s.

>> No.2845005

Actually scratch the Pocketstation thing, that one came out a year later than the VMU did. So the VMU was probably the first such gadget for consoles.

I still think that it was heavily influenced by all the pocket gadgets that were popular in japan at the time. Tamagotchi and Digimon mostly.

>> No.2845038

DCs don't run all that hot man. I think you live ina hot climate with out ac.

XBOXs and the later consoles run far hotter.

>> No.2845059
File: 54 KB, 579x300, bruce lee mind blown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Konami made the entire Silent Scope playable on VMU

>> No.2845271

I live in a hot climate, and let me tell you, the original Xbox does a much better job pushing out the heat inside of it than the Dreamcast where it's a perpetual volcano inside.

I honestly believe Sega tested the version of the Dreamcast without the heat pipe (every model except the Japanese launch one) inside air-conditioned offices inside their headquarters and gave the tick of approval.

Which, you know, is exactly what Microsoft did with the Xbox 360. Luckily the Dreamcast's CPU and GPU aren't even CLOSE to the TDP of the Xbox 360 CPU and GPU, which is why you don't get melting machines, but it's still too damn hot for my liking.

Shit on the Saturn and N64 all you like but at least they ran relatively chill.

>> No.2845318

This shit was so cute and comfy. And when you run out of battery it screams to tell you to give it some juice every time you turn the DC on.

>> No.2845323

N64 run hot. Really hot.

XBOX runs hotter. You have a HDD and a CD drive in an XBOX. The cooling in an XBOX is more efficient (bigger fan and what not) but it runs much hotter than a DC.

You do not know what you're talking about if you think consoles like the DC run hot and N64 cool.

I own every revision XBOX minus a 1.5, Every NTSC U revisions N64 minus the 02. I've owned a lot of DCs.

The N64 chips get above 60c for fucks sake.

>> No.2845324
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>> No.2845338
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Thanks for the headache

>> No.2845346


You're welcome, you uncultured swine

>> No.2845361

Kinda sucks. If you want to collect anything 6th gen or later you need to have spares and take preemptive measures to fix the shitty designs.

As much as I love the Dreamcast, this definitely feels the case. You go on a Dreamcast forum and people say they have 3 or 4 consoles as spares in case their main one dies.

My console's laser is on its way out, and it runs way too hot, and I live in the shitty climate of the UK, not even a hot climate. This started happening only about a year after I got it, which was about 3 years ago. I want to get another console, maybe a Japanese one, but I wonder if it's worth bothering if it's just gonna start breaking after a year.

>> No.2845364

>Kinda sucks. If you want to collect anything 6th gen or later you need to have spares and take preemptive measures to fix the shitty designs.


>> No.2845374

It doesn't matter how much heats a console generates.

The only thing that matters is ambient temperature (heat after cooling), and fan noise.

Xbox produces more heat, but definitely has lower ambient temperature. Through XBMC I can say it's about 45 degrees. Dreamcast on the other hand actually feels a little uncomfortable to touch after it's been on for some time, and I live in an area where it's usually more than 30 degrees Celsius. Xbox's fans are a bit noisy but they are bigger and more efficient, while Dreamcast has one little fan going berserk with a ton of noise and low efficiency.

>The N64 chips get above 60c for fucks sake.
I almost feel like this is bait...it's total bullshit. The Expansion Pak and power supply get a bit warm, but that's literally it. It's about on par with my later PS1 revision. Saturn is a bit less hot, while my older PS1 revision is a bit more hot. At least all of the 5th generation consoles didn't need more than passive cooling - no noise at all, thankfully and the ambient temperature is roughly in the same ballpark. Maybe if you're using some terrible third-party Expansion Pak you might be getting a lot of heat on N64.

As for Dreamcast. It's ambient temperature + fan noise is only second to the Xbox 360 original model.

>> No.2845691

I don't consider the DC a bad design. I haven't had a problem.
And it's very easy to bring the heat way down in a DC with mods.
You seem ignorant about the topic. I personally know about the N64 since I used a temp sensor on my modded one to make sure the new heatsinks were working better than originals.

>> No.2845702

>You seem ignorant about the topic. I personally know about the N64 since I used a temp sensor on my modded one to make sure the new heatsinks were working better than originals.

Well sorry, but your experience doesn't square with logic. If the N64 was getting that hot it wouldn't have used passive cooling considering how paranoid Nintendo are with system temperatures.

You're literally the only person I've seen on the internet ever argue that a Nintendo console gets too hot (aside maybe from that Wii 24-connect standby mode thing).

>> No.2845721

I didn't say too hot. Obviously Nintendo figures it was in spec.

Fact is N64 run hot. You do know the N64 uses DRAM right?

>> No.2845731

Yes, I know the N64 uses RDRAM which is known for producing more heat than its contemporaries. That's one of the reasons the Expansion Pak gets as warm as it does. It's a little box for RDRAM after all.

But the CPU and GPU are both MIPS 4000 based and that architecture produces very little heat. And there's no disk-drive in there either.

I wouldn't be surprised if the RDRAM itself reaches high temperatures, but they're small chips in comparison to everything esle so the overall ambient temperature inside is low.

>> No.2845740

It's probably because whoever did that has obviously never actually heard Bohemian Rhapsody before.

Anyway, am I the only one who ran their DC with the fan DISABLED with ZERO negative effect?

>> No.2845745

I'm not seeing any fixes.

>> No.2845749

It's not but you feel free to keep telling me that.

Not sure where this parroting of the N64 running cool started because you're not the only fool to say this.

Feel free to show me the revision that runs cool because I don't have it and it doesn't exist for NTSC U.

>> No.2845750

I dunno. My Dreamcast has been fine for 15 years. Just fired it up for the first time in a while the other night to play some Crazy Taxi 2.

Literally every other song on Night At The Opera is better than Bohemian Rhapsody.

>> No.2845759

Anybody that owns both an N64 and a Dreamcast can leave them both on for two hours in a hot room and easily tell for themselves which feels hotter just by putting your damn hand on the console (under the disk spinning area on DC)

Hint it's not the N64

>> No.2845760

convince me not to buy a fishing rod

>> No.2845762

I'd love to see you touch the bare dram. So I can laugh when the shit burns you because that chip gets above 60c without a heatsink.

I never said either gets hotter. You're talking about different cooling. Active vs passive.

>> No.2845767

I'm afraid I can't, anon.

Did you know that it's compatible with Soul Calibur and Virtua Tennis? You can play Tennis with it, Wii-style.

>> No.2845771

I'm talking about ambient temperature. That's the temperature after cooling. The case temperature.

I'm saying that the passive cooling of the N64 still makes the case less hot than the active cooling of the Dreamcast (mostly because the Dreamcast fan is a useless piece of crap).

>> No.2845774

I haven't measured a DC so I can't confirm.

Just from feel I'd say the N64 is a bit hotter with a ram pak.

>> No.2845779

>It's very easy to bring the heat way down in a DC with mods

This sounds interesting. Are there any particular mods you've done that work well that you could help an anon out with?

>> No.2845786

You should measure it sometime and report back. It would be interesting.

Living in a hot climate I'm fairly paranoid about the temperature of my consoles, and believe me, I've given a fair bit of pause to the case temperature of the Dreamcast while very little to my N64.

>> No.2845793

I don't remember if the DC uses thermal paste or needs pads. But replace that with quality stuff like mx4 or fujipoly.

Clean and or replace the fan with a better one. Really simple mod.

Replacing the PSU with a modern more efficient PSU like a picopsu will really bring the temps down.
My house is always cold but I like things to run cool or relatively cool.
I don’t have many consoles these days ready to go. Not much past 6th gen especially. Pretty much just my XBOXes far as modern systems go.

I thought about getting a DC again but all I played on it was the Sonic games and I like the GC versions better. I have at least 2 in some box somewhere so.

>> No.2845795

Not that anon but on mine I removed the metal shields from inside (did the same on my PS1 actually) and applied actual thermal paste to the "heatsync" if you can call it that.

It uses pads

>> No.2846325

>DCs don't run all that hot man.

Then why did they initially ship with a heat pipe cooling system? That was wizard level cooling tech in 1998, computer hardware barely just got active cooled heatsinks at the time.

>> No.2846338

The same tech was used in laptops for years prior.

I'd assume SEGA dealing very closely with PC part OEMs got an in and deal.

>> No.2846340

>Shit on the Saturn and N64 all you like but at least they ran relatively chill.

The Saturn runs so hot that it almost ended up getting a cooling fan as well. The initial models even have the hole in the case, and an unused connector on the motherboard. And that board ran through like 5 revisions too, so at some point they probably figured out that they improved it enough that it runs safe.

Some of the internals heat up to 50C (the ICs) or even up to 70C (some parts on the power supply). Heck, if you've played a launch model all day, you can tell that they heat up a LOT. Not volcano levels, but very warm to the touch.

>> No.2846350

The hottest component in a Saturn is the PSU. That's all that gets hot really. Second being the drive.

I don't know where the parroting of the chips on the Saturn being hot started. I'd assume that picture of the really early Saturn that had the fan cutout.

A NES has chips that get hotter for comparison.

>> No.2846373

This talk about heat always gets me worried because I equal heat with reduced lifespan.