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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 256x224, ninjagaiden_walljump1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2825617 No.2825617 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say this game is hard? All you have to do is know the basic hit box (which is about the middle-long-end of the sword) and all enemies take 1 hit to defeat).... All jumps are easy...

Except this part.. Pic related...

Other than that and the last bosses, this game is easy as fuck.. a simple platformer.. Although excellent IMO...

As a platformer.. for its originality, i would still give it 9/10-10/10...

A masterpiece of the NES....

>> No.2825625

Holy fuck... This part is hard... Anybody got any shortcuts... I usually just do a small jump then hope to attach to the lower end of the left wall, then its easy sailing... Ive lost 6,000+ lives on this part..

>> No.2825630

Game is easy up until 6-2. Then it starts to get annoying. Gets worse when you get sent back to 6-1 when you fuck up on any of the bosses.

>> No.2825631

Literally this.

>> No.2825643

climb all the way to the top, you can jump the top and land on the platform below


git gud faggots

>> No.2825653

I beat it back in 1991.

>> No.2825654


>climb all the way to the top, you can jump the top and land on the platform below

OP here, What the fuck do you mean?? pls explain..

>> No.2825659


took 3 years huh? It was either an easy as fuck hot knife through butter game (like Konami TMNT) or you had to hack away at it, i fell into the first catagory.. this game was easy as fuck minus the OP jump and last boss(es).. I could practically go through this game without taking a hit minus those parts..

>> No.2825661

OPs pic was annoying but yeah, this.

>> No.2825675

They don't. Only Homocasualus say that. Different species.

>> No.2825683 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck off you know why people think it's hard you just wanna jerk off over your super cool skills on 20+ year old game no one gives a SHIT about anymore because they got better things to worry about.



>> No.2825685
File: 42 KB, 250x218, ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

climb the wall that Ryu is on in the OP, you can go over the top of it

>> No.2825686

Thanks, but I'm comfy in here, mang.

>> No.2825689


the only one that needs to go to /v/ is you faggot.

>> No.2825692 [DELETED] 


No YOU need to go there and take your horrible hate speech with you, you underaged piece of shit.

>> No.2825694
File: 142 KB, 544x360, dcfrgty-544x360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horrible hate speech

>> No.2825698 [DELETED] 

Oh wow real big man posting memes to fight back after getting called out for being a bigot! I bet you poopoo like a big boy too huh? Yeah those diapers get filled real nice mmmmhmmmm oh it's a stinky one today~

>> No.2825703


It's literally just stage 6 that everybody bitches about and gets stuck at... including myself.

>> No.2825707

Go back to tumblr, faggot. It's so obvious you aren't from here.

>> No.2825708

PC Engine remake is easier

>birds do less damage
>enemies are less aggressive
>you actually hit enemies with the sword

Final boss is harder though

The graphics are also better, despite choppy scrolling. But people think the music sucks just because it's different

>> No.2825709


OP here.. Was this a well known glitch? Havent tested it out yet, but if legit, it is a glitch. Thanks for lookin out, brother, will test out.

>> No.2825710 [DELETED] 

No you're not from here you hateful moron. We here at /vr/ absolutely do NOT TOLERATE this kind of bigoted nonsense around here. Now you can either leave now on your own terms or I will FORCE YOU TO LEAVE MYSELF AND BUDDY YOU DON'T WANT ME TO DO THAT CAUSE I CAN GET A LITTLE ROUGH HAHAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.2825712

Weak bait lad, you had me going for a little bit with your earlier posts.

>> No.2825713

Playing Ninja Gaiden's first 5 or so stages is a lot like meeting a girl who is perfect in every way. She's everything you’ve ever admired or looked for. 10/10, great personality, loves the same stuff, etc. The best thing is, she feel the same about you. So you have a date, you hit it off very well, the food is delicious, and the atmosphere perfect. Then, the both of you return to your home. She clearly wants to fuck. So you go up to your room, you begin to take off your pants, and then you reach stage 6. She proceeds to beat the living shit out of you, cut off your phone line so can't call an ambulance, shoot your pet, steal your wallet, take a piss on your face, plant a bomb at your house, and then leave.

>> No.2825716

You have to remember than not everyone thinks about things like hit boxes and such. Many people literally just play games like they're supposed to be FUN (or something...) and just sort of wing it, lol.

Then again, I scoff at people who have a problem with classic Resident Evil, because I mastered that shit YEARS ago, and know every single game like the back of my hand now. Mastered almost all game mechanics (dodging in 3 still gets me at times) and I in many cases have the game memorized down to what precise movements to make and when and have even done numerous challenge runs that are simply ridiculous (like successfully beating RE3 without ANY gun powder usage at all). So I'm not really one to criticize anyone for looking at games in a mechanical manner. Not at ALL.

At any rate, I'll give you that Ninja Gaiden is not a super hard game, but it's harder than many NES games in all honesty. So I personally feel that the sentiment that it's hard is valid. Simple game mechanics or not, your average gamer won't just beat it on the first try. Or 5...

>> No.2825730


>being THIS butthurt
>On the internet
>especially 4chan
>implying that ANYONE other than yourself is a baby

All I have to say is: kek.

Are you actually gay or something? Because that's literally the ONLY reason to be offended at all right there my man.
Guys in general call each other "gay", "fag", "homo" and all sorts of shit on a daily basis. Go hang out with a few if you don't believe me. It's not THAT offensive. Even actual gay people I know do this.

I myself am bisexual, and chose to be strictly gay for an extended period of time a few years back, and I don't take any offense at all to people saying faggot or anything else.

You're the biggest faggot I've ever met, anon (figuratively speaking, for clarity's sake). And I'm not even the guy you're arguing with.
Jesus Christ kid, get a fucking life.

>> No.2826060

Agree with OP game isn't really that hard.
That fucking jump is a pain in the ass but is doable. I never defeated the Masked Demon.

Game is 10/10
I never get tired of playing it.

>> No.2826062

>20+ year old game no one gives a SHIT about anymore
wrong board mate

>> No.2826073

>also any board on 4chan besides LGBT
caring about the word fag

>> No.2826148

Sure, it isn't that hard compared to many titles (especially with its tight controls) or 1 ccing any arcade game, but it's all relative. 6-2 and the final bosses coupled with getting kicked back to 6-1 upon failure is a gauntlet which most people will never pass without save states, even though everybody should. Game is fucking great.

>> No.2826342

You're a colossal faggot tumblrfag. Fuck of back to your safe space you intolerant cunt.

>> No.2826391

I think this is a more challenging game than most, sure, but I still breezed through it in a few hours. I had prior Ninja Gaiden experience, however, and if I didn't it probably would have been a longer effort.

I will say that I think Ninja Gaiden 2 is superior in every single way. The level design is just so much more creative.

>> No.2826395

Ninja Gaiden 2 is also a lot easier.

>> No.2826780

You can just climb it? I thought you had to have a bird knock you through the top for it to work. Neat then, I didn't know.

>> No.2826824

I love Act 6. It's the best part of the game for me. Everything is so fast that you gotta be a true fluid ninja to make it through with minimal damage. Being so graceful you can jump on platforms, take the bad guy out, and be climbing a wall all in under a second feels wonderful.