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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2824624 No.2824624 [Reply] [Original]

So I've like got a craving for a fun RPG. How does this game hold up for someone who never played a Mother game?

I've also got an arcade stick and I just want to utilize it as much as I can, just for fun and giggles so i'd reckoned a Snes game would be perfect.

>> No.2824629

Why don't you just play it instead of asking the internet if you should try a game that you're not even paying for, OP?

>> No.2824630

Since you're pirating it anyway why do you feel the need to ask?

>> No.2824631

Yeah it's fun and has a great atmosphere. It's a good time.

>> No.2824636

Im playing it right now for the first time as well. I'm like halfway through
So far its a great game, the way how you're supposed to do some areas can be really fucking specific but if yoy explore around alot eventually you will find the solution.

>> No.2824638

you sound underage

>> No.2824642

Cheers everyone, I quess i'm off to download the thing.

>> No.2824653

hopefully you'll end up pirating the copy protected version which will be extra hard and unbeatable.

>> No.2824672

Unless the ROM has been specifically hacked to fuck with people, the copy protection will never trigger on an emulator.

An error screen prevents the player from starting the game if the game detects more SRAM than absolutely necessary on the cartridge (bootleg cartridges of the time tended to have extra SRAM so they could use the same kind of cart for multiple games). The only way to bypass that screen on a bootleg cart was to hack the game and disable the routine that checks for the SRAM at the beginning.

All of the crazy stuff in the game then happens because the same check is made multiple times throughout the game, because they anticipated that pirates might hack the game to bypass the first screen.

An emulator doesn't trigger any of the copy protection because it is made to emulate however much SRAM the game specifies.

Basically, the only way to ever see the infamous copy protection spawning and the crash/file deletion at the end of the game is if you're playing a hacked ROM. Otherwise, the game won't even allow you to start.

>> No.2824891

Played for the first time some years ago after Mother 3 and became instantly my favorite JRPG ever alongside Chrono Trigger. But it's not for everyone. The sensible answer: play it and judge by yourself

>> No.2824909

Have you played a Dragon Quest game before, OP? If so, then you've played a Mother game.

>> No.2825114

This guy speaks the truth, gameplay wise. The only real gameplay difference that sets it apart is the odometer-like HP system where a characters' health rolls steadily down as they get attacked and you're given time to defeat the enemy or heal before you collapse. It's pretty cool but it's not like a big innovation or anything and doesn't change all that much. The gameplay isn't really what makes Earthbound stand out though, it's more the writing. Who even plays non-strategic JRPGs for the gameplay, anyway?

>> No.2825335

Don't want to start a new thread so maybe I'll ask for help here.

I'm on Gigyas and don't have any items left like lifenoodles, Poo is the only member with a res. Am I pretty fucked? The battle is pretty easy except that every once in a while he instakills a character and in each attempt he did it to Poo first.

>> No.2825340
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>> No.2825342

you're fucked, delete save and start over

>> No.2825345

I guess there must be some other way, one of my friends owns a bootleg copy that has all the piracy protection shit in it, we once marathoned it for the shits and giggles.

>> No.2825364

Yeah, it can happen in bootleg copies. That means whoever made the bootleg modified the ROM to circumvent the first check, but didn't remove the others hidden throughout the game. Any unmodified ROM you download online will work just fine in an emulator though. The only way somebody emulating the game can run into the copy protection issue is if they've downloaded a ROM that somebody modified for shits and giggles, which isn't likely to happen if you're downloading from any major ROM site.

>> No.2825527

oh noes

>> No.2827187
File: 316 KB, 1680x1050, earthbound-gogostarmanearthbound_00363181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play it bro