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2820353 No.2820353 [Reply] [Original]

>Invisible + X-Zone kills everything in one hit 100% guaranteed, even bosses

Why was this allowed?

>> No.2820357

I'll take Glitches And Programming Oversights for 500, Alex.

>> No.2820358

Evade is literally a worthless stat. All evade calculations use Magic Evade.

>Why was this allowed?

>> No.2820361

A better question is:
Which game is more glitch-heavy between G1 Pokemon and FFVI?

I think they're both high contenders for the coding mistake crown.

>> No.2820369

>Which game is more glitch-heavy between G1 Pokemon and FFVI?

I'll take the one that lets you capture Mew by walking up to any NPC whose range extends beyond the screen's range for one thousand, Alex

>> No.2820375
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I'll just leave this here...

>> No.2820376

Because the developers of VI had no fucking idea what they were doing. There are mechanics in the game that don't function at all that only ROM hackers know about, like status effects changing your chances to hit/evade.

>> No.2820378
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>> No.2820387


>> No.2820672

I think it's probably Pokemon RB, no? This is a game where moves sometimes do the opposite of what they're supposed to do (Focus Energy reduces crit rate rather than increasing it), moves like Leech Seed and Toxic stack, with Toxic increasing Leech Seed's damage, you have potentially game-breaking glitches that are easy to activate like Missingno...There's also small things like an invisible PC and fishing in statues.

FFVI has a lot of glitches too, but they don't seem as drastic or as easy to trigger. Casting Vanish on an enemy is something most people don't really do, and it can't actually break your game. Triggering Missingno to appear is also not something most people would do, but it -can- break your game. I may be wrong, though, what other major glitches does FFVI have?

>> No.2820684


>> No.2820691


How is this a programming oversight and not a design oversight? Invisible makes all spells hit 100%. Working as designed.

>> No.2820701

relm destroying save batteries was more likely a bug, though

>> No.2820709

Yes but that doesn't mean that everything the devs didn't think through is a "bug".

>> No.2820716

yeah definitely, the acc bug is also pretty annoying once you know about it, it completely breaks the zozo side quest and the blind status

>> No.2820727

The amount of bugs in your average Final Fantasy game is so huge it'd be shorter to just list the things that work as intended.

>> No.2820729

Anyone got hindsights on those glitches?

>> No.2820813

Vanish is "supposed" to ignore magic evasion, not bypass immunity to doom. Pretty sure a later version (GBA?) fixed this.

>> No.2820826

Why is using a party of 4 fighters allowed in FF1?
Why abusable stat gain system and being able to use blood sword against final boss allowed in FFII?
Why is being able to use level altering skills along with Lv.5 Doom allowed in FFV?
Why abusable stat gain system and limit breaks are allowed in FFVIII?

Also as far as FFVI is concerned you forgot psycho Cyan and Setzers Joker Doom which are also able to kill any enemy in the game, latter can even kill "unkillable" enemies like Guardian in Vector.

>> No.2820857

>Why is using a party of 4 fighters allowed in FF1?
That's not even a good party.

>> No.2820873

None of the examples you mentioned except the stat system in II are the case.

The vanish trick is an oversight in that it overrides the enemy's resistences in terms of coding, so even if the enemy has a coded immunity to instant death casting Vanish on it will modify it since the Vanish code takes absolute priority over any other codes, this was obviously meant to work on the player's side, but due to lack of insight they forgot to either make the enemies immune to Vanish or exclude them from Vanish targeting, it's not a legit, planned mechanic, it's a literal oversight that passed the playtesting, something that today would be normally fixed with a patch.

>> No.2820887
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There is no way the Relm Sketch glitch could damage hardware. I know about computer architecture and how to program the SNES, and no such mechanism for damaging either the system or the cart exist.

The worst I can imagine happen is that RAM gets corrupted in a way that makes a save file checksum invalid (assuming they used one). This should be identified as a corrupt save (if such functionality exists) and the game should refuse to load the game (it'd prolly show up as an empty save slot).

Take a few moments to think about what you post rather than repeating nonsense you heard somewhere. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2820956

But didn't doing that make it so that you wouldn't get any experience/gold/items from the battle? I think I did it a few times and never got anything at the end of the battles.

>> No.2820976

Gee, that was harsh.

>> No.2821271

Pokemon can be broken so bad that you can actually program with the game.


>> No.2821765

It's an oversight, guv. As if they'd do that intentionally.
Here's how it works. The downside to the invisible spell is that your magic resistance drops to 0. Of course with magic defence at 0 instant kill spells will kill you without fail. That functionality is all intentional.

Thing is, the invisible spell is something you're meant to cast on your own party, right? They never thought you'd want to buff the bad guys.

>> No.2821775


More like Squaresoft didn't even bother to play test their own game.

>> No.2821787

I have no idea what's going on there but to be fair very few kids would discover the exact inputs to do any of that, even the Japanese ones.

>> No.2821791


Really though, you can do this with any game if you have the patience to figure out how

>> No.2821803

It didn't destroy the battery, just your savegames, which was fucked up enough.

>> No.2821827

For me it just filled my inventory with junk that I sold for a million bazillion gold.

>> No.2821851

Hacking isn't the same as exploiting a bug in the game.

>> No.2821915

>Why is being able to use level altering skills along with Lv.5 Doom allowed in FFV?
Because that's smart as shit, going out of your way to get all those Blue Magic spells should give a good reward.

>> No.2821921


Honestly, this. No program is 100% safe. It's just the programs there are no known bugs far are the programs that people have spent less time trying to figure out.

Just recently, we've figured out how to hack Symphony of the Night and use that in a speedrun.

>> No.2822740

Because it's a mainstream JRPG, and those are often designed with a way to completely break the system if the player wants so they can be played through more like a visual novel than a game.

Virtually every Final Fantasy is like that, semi difficult if you play straight through and don't grid for XP and loot. But easily broken if you do or exploit one or two easy tricks.

>> No.2822748

>Why is being able to use level altering skills along with Lv.5 Doom allowed in FFV?
Pretty sure that's the exact reason they exist.

>> No.2822998

There's difference between a design flaw and something that's put in intentionally.