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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 75 KB, 640x439, n64_diddy_kong_racing_p_gruwq7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2819702 No.2819702 [Reply] [Original]

This is better than any Mario Kart game.

>> No.2819706

Diddy Kong?... More like Diddy WRONG!!... Amirite, guise!?

>> No.2819709

Mario Kart DS.

>> No.2819710

You are a piece of shit, OP. Do you find abusing helpless animals funny? Did you giggle when you saw this mouse chained up? What about when it's penis was cut off and you could see the fear in its eyes as it struggled in pain? Is that really what you find amusing or entertaining? If so, you need to take a long look into the mirror and reevaluate your life. Being edgy on the internet for attention or laughs is one of the most pathetic things a person can do and reeks of a mental deficiency. I highly doubt you would behave this way in real life or want people you associate with to know you like this kind of stuff, so why bother at all? If you can't control your urges, check into a mental hospital or get therapy.

The person who actually committed this act is the lowest of the low. Worse than niggers who cheat the system and drain tax payer dollars. Worse than inbred rednecks who think car racing is a sport. Worse than furries who jack off to anthropomorphic animals. Worse than skinhead pussies who think they're real nazi's. Worse than violent arabs who blow themselves and others up over a fictional book. Really, the only person worse than an animal abuser is a pedophile in my mind because that is also hurting a defenseless creature, although they are human.

If I had it my way you and the woman in this video would be stoned to death and left on the ground to decompose - no burial would be permitted, Antigone style. You honestly don't deserve to exist in our society and i think that you know this deep down. I dare you to share this with your co-workers, spouse, friends, relatives, etc and see what they have to say. Will they be like "LOL anon that was funny tell those peta faggots to chill or go back to tumblr" or would they look at you with a disgusted look on their face and say "That was disgusting anon, why the fuck do you have this video?" We both know what the answer is and that you won't actually take me up my offer because you're a faggot.

>> No.2819756

got him good

>> No.2819764


>> No.2819773

I never did play the "Adventure 2" mode in DKR, is this what happened in it?

>> No.2819872
File: 170 KB, 800x810, 22041-ctr-crash-team-racing-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail to the king.

>> No.2819882

one player? yes.
multiplayer? hell no

great game. not as good as DKR though desu senpai

>> No.2819904
File: 228 KB, 1024x767, hot-air-skyway-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon-kun, please. CTR is the best kart racer to date period. Both racing mode and battle were fun as hell and very addicting. DKR is fantastic too but CTR has that magical "thing" that is hard to describe. It just feels right the moment you start playing and is very hard too put down. The mechanics are tight as fuck, and powersliding is pure sex. Just an awesome, awesome game.

N.Gin Labs was my favorite track. https://youtu.be/OQsonGYpAmo

>> No.2819924


DKR has better track layouts, better and much more memorable characters, and the best adventure mode. I'll give you the better mechanics though. and playing on a dual shock is better than the godawful N64 so it has that going for it too. has better multiplayer than DKR too, but if' I'm playing multi (which isn't often) Id' rather play a Mario Kart.

>> No.2819946

>CTR has that magical "thing" that is hard to describe.

Around here we call it nostalgia. It's like a drug. Wonderful, isn't it?
Not even being ironic. Enjoy your favorite games, bro.

>> No.2820105

Kart racers don't matter if they aren't on a Nintendo console, deal with it. inb4 M&M racing.

>> No.2820115

Can't agree more. I played this game non-stop at age 5 and I still play today. I loved that Indian elephant, but I forgot his name. Its was Taj, or something like that.

>> No.2820118
File: 14 KB, 231x280, taj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, Taj. You can play as him in the DS remake, although I've heard it's not very good.

>> No.2820182

There's an editor for it now too:

>> No.2820218

Yeah I'd say it's a pretty spot-on description.

>> No.2820264

i remember getting the clock as a playable character was a nightmare

>> No.2821789

Just be glad the staff ghosts werent F-Zero tier.

>> No.2821831

This and CTR had a problem MK64 didn't.

MK64 at least kept 30fps locked.

This and CTR were way too cinematic for driving games.

>> No.2821906

Fun Fact: When Naughty Dog was developing CTR, they remade Crescent Island from DKR for debug purposes.

>> No.2821949

It wasn't for debug purposes, it was to test whether the PS1 would be capable of such a track.

>> No.2821951

I actually agree with this.
It was more expansive than Mario Kart 64, but I'm not sure if the tracks were considered memorable or not. The vehicles and items yes, but I can't recall a single track except for the one with the creepy wizpig ghosts.

>> No.2822404

I've heard you can still find the test track files in the ISO, one of which was a complete remake of Crescent Bay from DKR. Is there any source? I'd really like to see that.

>> No.2822406

It's the weird guy who copies rants and stories from other boards (and other sites) and reposts them in situations where they don't at all belong.

He once copied a cute story I told on /ck/ in a thread about family members embarrassing themselves (or Anon). Mine was about my mum embarrassing herself trying to order pizza in English even though she speaks no English. The dude reposted it to /vg/.
Or it's some other weirdo who inexplicably does the same thing. Either way, it's dumb.

>> No.2822434

I remember DKR kept framerates pretty high. I also remember being super disappointed when I tried CTR. It was absolutely terrible. I mean, the framerates were so horrendous that it was very hard to enjoy. There's times when it dips into the mid 10s. I'm sure a lot of people missed that or somehow didn't notice because they were young but I bet if they played it again now they'd have second thoughts. It's not the kind of thing you can just ignore by tuning out, at least not to me. Racing games demand control and precision, even cartoonish ones like this.

I feel like MK64 might've had framerate problems in 4 player multi, but it's been too long to remember. In any case, that's forgivable.

>> No.2822446
File: 227 KB, 1024x767, cortex-castle-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like an anon said, CTR is and will always be the best kart racing game to date.
Mario Kart DS is also hella tight but that's not retro.

>> No.2822523

Are you sure you aren't confusing DKR and CTR here? I remember CTR's framerate held up a lot better in 4 player than DKR's did (although CTR is very far from the "perfect 30fps" that some Sony fans claim).

MK64 is literally perfect in 4 player.

>> No.2823671

Oh, sorry if I was unclear. I was talking exclusively about singleplayer for CTR and DKR, but multi for MK64. I might've mixed up MK64's multi for DKR's. I didn't test CTR multi.

>> No.2823914

It beats 64 easily but I don't know about DS, 7 or 8.

>> No.2824316

I don't know why but I just could not enjoy CTR at all, like, at all. Some friends swore it was great and played it with me and unless I was playing it wrong, it just felt so slow and stiff. Winning and losing felt at random. It was weird.

Double Dash is of course my favorite out of all of these kinds of games anyway.

>> No.2824334

>Winning and losing felt at random
Can't you say that about every Kart game ever?

>> No.2824342

Yeah, I guess I could. I still don't know why exactly CTR is still at the bottom of the barrel for me, and I really don't feel like playing it again just to argue about it.

>> No.2824358
File: 249 KB, 900x650, Actual DKR DS concept art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKR will always be my favourite retro kart racing game. I enjoyed the co-op story mode option, no "I was last and can't catch up on the last lap but I can at least fuck up first place" tier items and from what I recall, all the power up balloons were fixed allowing for smooth, optimized paths. I enjoy the other games but DKR has it down pat, I will never forgive the DS port though.

>> No.2824362

The powerups were all fixed, yes, so you could plan strats based on them.

>> No.2824394

Icicle Pyramid was so much fun.

I remember I knew nothing about the final space world, so when I unlocked it it blew my mind.

>> No.2824554


> slow and stiff

Yeah, you did play it wrong, not utilizing jumping and power sliding.

Rule of thumb for CTR is, if you aren't driving sideways, you're playing it wrong.

>> No.2824565

I'm not normally a fan of Rare's games but DKR is a lot better than Mario Kart. I hate the randomness of Mario Kart, and I hate that the player in first is punished for being good at the game in order to allow shitty players to catch up. It's more concerned with being a good party game than a good racing game.

Not retro but Sonic Transformed is easily the bets kart game ever made. It's unbelievably good.

>> No.2824639

It really doesn't work well as a multiplayer game though. I love DKR, for being a brilliant one-player racer. But having no music in multiplayer is poor when it's one of the best things about the game.

>> No.2825294


That "magical thing" you mention isn't nostalgia. I haven't played DKR, but I've played enough kart racers to see what sets CTR apart from the other ones.

CTR puts more oomph into every aspect of the game. The music, the sound effects, the items, the characters, the power sliding, the tracks, it's all a bit tighter than in other kart racers.

>> No.2825998
File: 34 KB, 550x305, dkr-characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Better and much more memorable characters

Really nigga? Looks like a cereal box meetup to me.

>> No.2826026

I didn't even know the space world existed because as a kid I couldn't collect all the coins and win on this one frost map.


It's amazing this guy did it so easily. Actually, I went back a year or two ago on an emulator and beat the whole game including the space area. It was so magical to find out it existed. I never even knew until I came across a video with it one day. It was like this incredible feeling of nostalgia for something I'd never seen before. I actually felt like I was living in that moment again. I remember unlocking TT for the first time too which was also cool and made everything way easier. That and the boost trick, which I didn't know as a kid.

>> No.2826034

I wish DKR's characters went somewhere. They discarded almost all of them immediately after the game.

>> No.2826048


Tiptup was my nigga. I really wanted him to have his own game.

>> No.2826057

>Really nigga? Looks like a cereal box meetup to me.

I'm pretty sure I woke up my cat from laughing so loud.

>> No.2827247


I hate Diddy Kong's face somehow. Why was he the main character all of a sudden?

>> No.2827256
File: 98 KB, 230x216, 1404919784567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much more memorable characters
>Diddy Kong and a bunch of reject animal mascots they invented specifically for the game are more memorable than Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Toad, Bowser, Yoshi, Wario, and Princess Toadstool

>> No.2828039


That was compared to CTR, but even then I think DKR falls short. At least CTR only uses established characters from the series, even of many of them should have been thrown away, like Polar and Pura. They were just transportation, fuck 'em.

>> No.2828047


Even if *

>> No.2828478


> no music during multiplayer

For real?

>> No.2828623

It's called fanboyism.

>> No.2831285


Haven't heard that term in years.

>> No.2831396

>all those assblasted people because CTR was the best kart game

jesus christ grow up /vr/, Crash isnt relevant anymore, how does it hurt so much to give him and ND-Sony a bit of credit?

>> No.2831406

I see no blasted asses here, this is a civil thread.

>> No.2831443

he's talking out his ass, music played in multiplayer

>> No.2831468
File: 624 KB, 1600x1200, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you presented both games to someone who lived under a rock their whole life and missed video games, I suspect DKR would do better overall. But since anyone who played DKR probably didn't miss the video game boat, duh Mario is gonna win by a landslide. It'd be hard to make a game with Mario in it with forgettable characters. Waluigi hasn't done jack shit but people remember him only because he's lanky as shit.

>> No.2831762


Because they are traitors who gave up Crash to Universal alone, which made Crash irrelevant by releasing average games.