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2813551 No.2813551 [Reply] [Original]

is there any way to make this game bearable? i feel bad for never finishing it since i adore i and iv

>> No.2814485
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Git gud?

I guess that really depends on where in the game you got stuck. If you can't into the dungeons right at the beginning, then that's on you - the game doesn't really get much easier than that later on.

Some general tips:
1) Upgrade everyone's weapons and armor before you go to fight Neifirst. She'll fuck you up pretty badly if you don't, but the fight's reasonably easy if everyone's got the best armor available.
2) Save Rolf's TP for really tough fights - he's one of the better casters in the game, and being able to nuke something that's gonna kill the rest of your party is crucial - he also can get you out of dungeons and back to town with two techs, so even if you're having him blast in every fight, make sure to save the 10-12 TP or whatever it is that lets him cast Hinas and Ryuka if you're in a bad spot.
3) Until you stop dying in dungeons, make sure everyone in the party has an escapepipe and a telepipe - so if Rolf dies, they don't have to walk back to town on their own. They should also carry their own healing in case Amy dies, etc.
4) Level Shir up to 10, have her steal you a visiphone (definitely) and some shit from the shops (if you're patient). Being able to save anywhere will speed things along if you fuck up later. Just don't do this on Dezoris.

>> No.2814772

Like most old JRPGs, it's a chore to play. But it's also really easy if you know what you're doing. At some point you'll find items that can be used in battle to cast spells (some for healing, some for damage, some for buffs). You can give every character in your party two shields and just use those items and you'll breeze through the game without using any tp.

>> No.2814797

Use the menu glitch to get out of dangerous areas in a pinch. Just don't abuse it, or you'll be chronically under leveled.

>> No.2814835


It's okay OP, I couldn't get into PSII when I was a kid either because by the time I played it, I already experienced the great SNES RPGs and any RPG on the Genesis feels archaic in comparison. The promo art for the PS games always made it look so much better than it is.

>> No.2814858
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>You can give every character in your party two shields and just use those items and you'll breeze through the game without using any tp.
Congrats, you just made every battle in the grindiest Phantasy Star game take four times as long.

Give everyone a Gires item and give Shir or Amy the Storm Helmet and the Snow Crown, and have everybody else fight like they're supposed to unless they need healing. That'll get you almost exactly the same relative safety (in most parts of the game, anyway - there are monsters that will consistently do enough damage to you that'll prevent you from healing up with the reuseable items) without making the game a slog.

I mean, PSII is like, 4-5 years younger than most of the popular SNES rpgs. It was basically a launch title.

>any RPG on the Genesis feels archaic in comparison
Hey, PSIV was anything but archaic, even compared to the SNES rpgs that came after it.

>> No.2814864

PS2 has a good story, but it's sometimes lost in all the grind.

If it gets overbearing, just start abusing fast-forward in your emulator to grind at 4x the speed. And use maps for the dungeons if it ever becomes a chore.

This alone makes PS2 a casual breeze.

>> No.2817130

>the thread
>grind grind grind
Yeah nah. Strength stat does nothing. Defence does almost nothing. Grinding as a whole does fuck all. Once you have the best equipment you can buy at any given point in the game (and meseta is not a rare resource) you cannot get any stronger. Grinding for levels is an absolute waste of time.

>> No.2817931

Grinding in PSII is usually just for money, so you can buy the ludicrously expensive equipment, or to learn better techs. The HP/TP increase at levelup is useful too - I've had characters (usually Rolf) run out of TP in the last boss fights. Being able to spam Megid or Nathu is pretty important - any extra castings you get are well-worth the effort. Just because most of your stat increases are useless doesn't mean there isn't any benefit to leveling.

>meseta is not a rare resource
At the endgame? Of course not. But there are a lot of places where it's not feasible to equip everyone with the best gear available without running around and killing things for cash for half an hour - and I say this as someone who likes to fully explore the dungeons and grab every treasure chest.

>> No.2818745

>Being able to spam Megid or Nathu is pretty important
I don't see how, I've never been a high enough level to even learn Megid before. And technique costs are so high that it would take hours (maybe days?) of grinding to get a single extra cast, that is absolutly not worth it in my book.

After beating the final bosses before learning Megid I have to stand by my opinion that levels really don't mean much in this game.

>> No.2819621

I literally just downloaded II and IV because I heard they were great before seeing this thread. All this talk of grinding in II sounds discouraging. Tips for a beginner?

>> No.2819908

>Like most old JRPGs, it's a chore to play.

disagree. it's just how you play. I play them while I'm doing something else like listening to podcasts or having a tv show playing on my laptop. I find them incredibly relaxing

>> No.2819917

play it on emulator and fastforward the battles, but i still prefer the slow methodical grind of playing it normally, game is not for everyone, but its my favorite of the classic phantasy star games

>> No.2819950


Can't even capitalize a sentence, or I. Didn't read, learn to fucking type.


>> No.2820042
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>I've never been a high enough level to even learn Megid before

You never got Rolf to level 35? Did you rush through the game with Rolf, Amy, Anna, and Rudo without touching the other characters, or what? Even on the save where I skipped as much of the fighting and leveling as I could I've still got Rolf at level 33 - and while I'm sure you can beat the bosses without Megid Dark Force is more annoying than difficult, and Mother Brain is a pushover., it's a fair bit easier with that available.

>All this talk of grinding in II sounds discouraging
Don't let it discourage you - the games are excellent.

>Tips for a beginner?
-You're going to want to level a bit before you tackle the first two dungeons, because the enemies on the higher floors can 1-round your party if you're not careful (or really unlucky). Get the ceramic weapons as soon as they're available - they help out a lot, and the difference is probably bigger than most of your future weapon upgrades.
-When you get Shir, level her up to 10 and steal a visiphone from the baggage check. It'll come in handy if you say, want to save in places outside of town.

-After a certain point, your casters will stop having useful melee attacks; at this point you should equip them with two shields.
-Raja is OP. He makes the endgame a cakewalk if you bring him along.

>> No.2820301

>Rolf, Amy, Anna, and Rudo without touching the other characters, or what?
I don't remember my final party but yeah, I settled on one party and kept them except for taking Shir to Uzo Island to get that dungeon done and get her to Visiphone stealing levels in one go. I think I finished the game at level 31 on my playthrough in Janurary. My previous playthrough was yonks ago, so I don't remember my levels there but I definately have never seen Megid.

>> No.2820708

>Rolf to level 35?
Talk about overkill. I beat the game at level 20.