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2806581 No.2806581 [Reply] [Original]

Literally how the fuck are you supposed to get good at this game?

I have literally 5 scouts facing the same fucking direction, all set on auto fire, and NONE OF THEM perform a reaction shot on a fucking alien that pops out, staring right at them, all while having 60+ reactions.

what a load of fucking horseshit. please tell me this game gets better.

>> No.2806596

It dont

>> No.2806647
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0. openxcom
1. break line-of-sight and get behind a wall if you can, or drop a primed smoke grenade
2. aimed shots should be used, no auto shots unless you're at or above 100 firing accuracy
3. if you find your first mission with cyberdiscs just abort the mission with all soldiers inside

protip about reactions:
1. Autoshot isn't used, SNAPSHOT is.
2. Current TU divided by Maximum TU, and that number is then multiplied by (reactions / 100). That's your actual chance to reaction fire.

67/80 TU = 0.83
70 reactions / 100 = 0.7
0.83*0.7 = 0.58% to reaction fire... assuming reaction fire costs equal to or less than 67 TU.

>> No.2806652

> 0.58%
that is, rather, 58% chance to reaction fire.

>> No.2806843

Reaction fire doesn't work like that. It's a simple check between your Reactions*TU versus the Reactions*TU of the alien, if you have a higher number you shoot/don't get shot, otherwise it's the opposite. The real problem is when it's checked and for what actions, which is a real clusterfuck of arbitrary exceptiops. And no, you never use aimed shots in X-Com, they outright suck. You spam autoshots until you level down the field.

>> No.2806865

Auto shots have higher chance to hit than aimed shot.

The point of aimed shot is so your snipers don't accidentally hit your scouts. You are using scout/sniper tactics, right? If you're firing on an alien who can see you then you're doing it wrong. And in the original XCOM you should be spamming smoke grenades. Sadly dye grenades are nerfed in TFTD to the point where it's not really worth the effort.

>> No.2806908

Yeah I never had good results. But your guys can throw a grenade unhumanly accurate. So just do that. You can even toss it among two three guys no problem.

>> No.2807073

>And no, you never use aimed shots in X-Com, they outright suck. You spam autoshots until you level down the field.

Depends on the situation. If it's a weaker enemy like a Sectoid where you have a good chance at OHKOing it, then aimed shot is fine. At close range or on the bigger-sized terrorists, you will want to use the auto shot.

All the same, UFO Defense is primarily dominated by auto shots while TFTD have you mainly use aimed/snap shots.

>> No.2807236

Close range you use auto shots, if you're farther than like 12 spaces use snap instead. Aimed shots use like 3-4x the amount TUs of the other two so you should only use them if you're *really* far away. Make sure to leave your snipers enough TUs so they can move out of the line of fire also.

Humans start with shitty weapons and no armor and basically every hit is a OHKO at the beginning. Use generous amounts of high explosive and incendiary rounds, grenades, and rockets. Your characters will get rekt if you try to rambo every room. Use tanks for early scouting if possible, they cost a lot but they can cover a lot of ground, they can take several hits(usually), and you don't lose characters with experience if they get destroyed. They cannot gain experience either though.

>> No.2807949

This is correct, but 95% of the time, auto-shots are better.

Auto-shots fire three rounds which USUALLY, but not always, results in a higher chance to hit a single round compared to a single aimed shot. The exception to this is when your aimed shot has a 100% chance to hit and your auto-shot does not; you're then to choose between one guaranteed hit and three high accuracy shots against a target. Auto shots also provide a large volume of fire, meaning if you shoot 30 aimed shots, you're going to have less deviation on your accuracy than you would if you shot 5 aimed shots (IE you much more likely to score 30% of 30 shots than you were to score 5 shots at 80% because the sample size is larger.).

The times you use aimed shots are:
>When you can afford the TU cost (This is the biggest reason aimed shots don't get used, they're prohibitively expensive in TU, often allowing you to fire six auto-shots in the span of a single aimed shot.)
>When you cannot afford to miss your target (Using rockets or other explosives that could prove disastrous via collateral damage.)
>When firing a low ammo count weapon (For this reason, Aimed shots become incredibly useful in TFTD -- most guns only have 10 shots at most, auto-shots force you to spend more time reloading compared to UFO's 30-40 round clips or infinite laser ammo.).

Personally, I was a big fan of UFO: The Two Sides for introducing the sniper rifle to X-COM's kit. No auto-shots, but you gain a high accuracy aimed shot that can boost a crouching soldier's accuracy to 100% at 75 FA or more.

>> No.2808017

>The exception to this is when your aimed shot has a 100% chance to hit
Even if it says 100% it can still miss, and even if it hits damage can randomly be zero, so that's not a good reason to use aimed shot.

>> No.2808243

>for(your current frustration, frustration++, frustration capacity)
>do something you didn't do yet
>loop end

>> No.2808443

The game is great because there is a lot of learning curve. Use all of your tools. Your squad may have shitty reaction, but prox grenades don't. Smoke and nuke everything.