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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2804651 No.2804651 [Reply] [Original]

i liked this game.... unpopular opinions thread

>> No.2804672

I thought Amy's look from back then was much better, the red on pink is too monotone for my tastes.

>> No.2804675

It's okay. Basically a lesser version of Fighting Vipers.

>> No.2804679

I can never remember how to perform special moves in this game

and yet I can never bring myself to set the game to Automatic.

I've also never played as Bark or Bean.

>> No.2804681

>>2804672 agreed
>>2804679 you're not missing much

>> No.2804684

I like how Master System sounds.

>> No.2804691

I feel like I am getting tired of the constant fighting over games on /vr/. I just wanna talk about vidya instead of watch people squawk all the time over little things. Maybe I really am getting old.

If you want my unpopular opinion on a game I enjoyed...I really loved Earthworm Jim 3D.

>> No.2804701

Although I really missed varying weapon types from Wonder Boy in Monster World, Monster World IV is my favorite Wonder Boy game because I couldn't stand the weird magic and item selection system WBiMW used and I loved the active blocking feature. Also I kinda wish Sega was still making them.

>> No.2804708


That's not an unpopular opinion your're just disagreeing with some loser youtube a hole and his parrots

>> No.2804717

>some loser youtube a hole

Can you name a youtuber that doesn't fit that description?

>> No.2804718

i enjoyed the barn music also this wasnt meant to be a fighting game thread

>> No.2804721
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theres quite a few people out there who dont like this game

>> No.2804727

Have it on Gems Collection. It's okay, fun at times specially with friends and I liked a lot that cartoon style. Also, I laughed when Robotonik(game intro says that) appears with some weapon that makes you fight your own clone and that's actually a good idea.
>I've also never played as Bark or Bean.
I did, in Fighters Megamix. I still don't know why Sonic wasn't on that game, is there any official explanation for that?

>> No.2804745

Sucks your parents bought you the wrong system for Christmas back in the day OP.

>> No.2804778

like who? other yt attention whores?

>> No.2804780

An arcade machine? If you don't know what you're talking about, please don't post.

>le fat pewdiepie
Never come here again.

>> No.2804783

>is there any official explanation for that?
It's AM2 characters only. They created Bark and Bean.

>> No.2804784

AM2 really made the best sonic designs. I wish sonic team would take note.

>> No.2804789

It didn't get a home port until the GameCube you ignorant fuck. Go back to YouTube.

>> No.2804792
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Sanic is shit. I guess you missed the point.

>> No.2804797

The thing that bugged me the most was all the rings flying everywhere.

>> No.2804804
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That wasn't your point at all. You just got rekt, /v/ kiddie. Nice attempt at damage control though.

>> No.2804805

I played this for the first time a few months ago and it's horrible. Movement is stiff, combos are clunky, and it's glitchy. Not to mention it's ugly and slow. My little brother bought it during his elementary school Sonic phase and now he can't even look at it without laughing.

>> No.2804809
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>> No.2804864

its noisy af but its fitting

>> No.2804872

To this day I think of Super Sonic is mew-under-the-truck tier bullshit due to how little health you have, how lethal some attacks are (Bark has a fucking two shot attack jesus christ), and GODDAMN METAL SONIC ON HARD JESUS FUCK

>> No.2804882

i've gone all the way up to the 1st round with metal sonic with out losing a single match or round and almost had him but i lost the match and stopped playing for over a year

>> No.2804907


I love the Master System and Genesis. I think the issue is more that Sega didn't have as many good composers. The games that sound great on Genesis sound fucking awesome. I'd put Rocket Knight Adventures and Contra Hard Corps up there with anything on the SNES/SFC

I'm not as familiar with the Master System (i don't own one myself yet) but there's a lot of musical gems on there.

>> No.2804928
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Flat shaded models are my fetish.

>> No.2806883

Sonic R is a great racing game in both single-player and head-to-head

>> No.2806889

Sonic R is great once you figure out how to properly control it. I hated it for years until someone showed me how.

>> No.2806896
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I use to play this over and over. Sorry

>> No.2806904

Not even a bad game, just obtuse.

>> No.2806930

I can't stand platformers anymore

>> No.2806938

Exactly! The controls aren't even that bad, you just need to do the turns a certain way that becomes natural very quickly once you learn.

>> No.2806945
File: 9 KB, 512x447, 79820-the-karate-kid-nes-screenshot-the-title-screen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this game better than kung fu. Both are great games but I enjoy karate kid more, I like the variety and it really isn't that difficult once you get the hang of the awkward controls.

>> No.2806971

How does one git gud at Sonic R?

>> No.2806983

If you're playing the Saturn version you need to 3D pad. Don't think of your character as a platforming character or anything, treat them like a car. Use the B button to accelerate, don't press up, and turn using a combination of the analogue stick and the triggers for tight turns.

Using B to accelerate instead of up was the big hurdle I had to get over to appreciate the game. You really do need to think of the characters as cars.

>> No.2807027

Castlevania Bloodlines had a great sound, as did the Wily Wars game.

I'm not a sega fan boy (as I think the shit to good game ratio is much worse than Nintendo had. However when they had a good game it was God tier which i can't say the same for the competition.), but I have to say when people attempted to make amazing sounds it was the best.

Ecco comes to mind as well.

>> No.2807046

I'll have to giveit a try when I eventually pick up a Saturn.
I've only ever played Sonic R on Gems Colection on Gamecube.

>> No.2807093

>(as I think the shit to good game ratio is much worse than Nintendo had

I've been wondering about this actually. People say there's a lot of Sega shovelware but I feel like Nintendo has always had just as much if not more

>> No.2807107

Read it again kind sir, you misunderstood him.

>> No.2807117
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Kid got rekd and and can't control the damage and aftershocks.

>> No.2807202

It's definitely playable that way on GCN too. I learned to love it on PC with an all-digital controller.

>> No.2807253

It's meh. Not really a huge fan of racing games to begin with though.

>> No.2807257

I think that's because they're consoles were somewhat more popular? Like the NES had a leg up in some places, so I'd imagine the console had a lot more developers flocking towards it.

>> No.2807332

I absolutely adore starfox .……adventures

>> No.2807348

For some reason I like Age of Empires 1 just as much as 2. I'm told most find the original AoE all but unplayable these days (though I'm certainly not blind to its extensive faults).

>> No.2807356
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>unpopular opinion thread
Alright here I go....
-DC controller was a poor design
-Sonic Spinball is a great game
-CV4 > Bloodlines(seems to be an unpopular opinion here)
-as much as I love the bosses, backgrounds, and overall cheese... Revenge of Shinobi has shit controls. Shadow Dancer is the better shinobi game.
-traditional jrpgs were never fun
-even not counting imports, the Sega Saturn was the overall best 5th gen console

That's all I can think of right now off the top of my head.

>> No.2807368
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I love it, though I couldn't really tell you why. Probably a combination of nostalgia, and later finding out about all the unused characters in it.

>> No.2807395

Final Fantasy sucks ass. I have no idea why this shit is so popular.

>> No.2807608

Just thought of some more to add.

-MK or MK2 > SF2
-RKA > all Sonic games
-WiPeOuT > Fzero

>> No.2807634

>DC controller was a poor design
That's not an unpopular opinion.

>> No.2807656

>not an unpopular opinion
Shouldn't be but just wait. The "DC is perfect and can do no wrong" fans will appear out of thin. You think it might be just one or two guys that would defend the DC controller but they travel in signal file to hide their numbers :^)

>> No.2807680

*thin air
Wow I should really proof read lol

>> No.2807686

No, I'm pretty sure DC fans (myself included) can agree that the DC controller isn't great. It's a step back from the Saturn 3D pad, which had a better D-pad and two additional buttons. I use an arcade stick for most DC games.

>> No.2807710

>Revenge of Shinobi has shit controls. Shadow Dancer is the better shinobi game.
This. I couldn't get into either Super Shinobi game, despite their supposed superiority.

>> No.2807835

FE Shadow Dragon is a good remake.
A back-to-basics approach is just what the series needed at the time.

>> No.2808491

One thing I like about the DC controller is the button feel, if that makes sense. The buttons and triggers are very satisfying to press, and you can really feel when it's pressed all the way. I also like the texture on the analog stick.

>> No.2808505

The tiny homing bumps on the buttons are callous-makers if the back of your thumb joint happens to rub against them often. There are better button homing indication designs, like on the American SNES controller. Really bad design on Sega's part.

>> No.2809137

the supergrafx version of ghouls and ghosts (dai makaimura) plays better than the genesis version.

>> No.2809140

Yeah but none of that will ever make up for the shitty wire on the bottom design decision.

>> No.2809163

I prefer Alien Soldier over Gunstar Heroes.

>> No.2809938

Yeah that is a pretty glaring design flaw. Honestly, I use a Model 2 Saturn controller as much as possible, I just wanted to say something nice about the Dreamcast.

>> No.2809941

I don't miss 3D platformers

>> No.2809972

That game is great, I should play it more often. Wonder just how dead the online on PS3 is for it.

>> No.2809978

I remember thinking R was fun on the gamecube back in the day but when I got it on saturn years later it felt like shit

not sure why

>> No.2810002

Saturn version is an earlier version than the PC and later versions. It should have played pretty much the same way but it's missing daytime and weather conditions IIRC. I think the draw distance is the same but it might be shorter on the Saturn. Haven't played Saturn version in so long.

>> No.2810026

DC controller's the one thing I've universally heard people talk shit about (or at least not say much good about it other than "it looks cool").

>as much as I love the bosses, backgrounds, and overall cheese... Revenge of Shinobi has shit controls. Shadow Dancer is the better shinobi game.
might disagree with you on the former, but the latter is spot on
Shadow Dancer is fucking top stuff.

>Using B to accelerate instead of up was the big hurdle I had to get over to appreciate the game. You really do need to think of the characters as cars.
this x10000
once I understood this, I kind of beat the game in an hour
Got pretty good at one point. I'm out of practice though.

I really wish I knew more than one other person IRL who honestly liked and was good at Sonic R.

>and head-to-head
as long as you aren't playing the Saturn version
draw distance completely tanks in splitscreen

Master System sounds ace. It's oddly hard to work with though, since the system's lowest octave is pretty damn high all things considered.

IIRC, the Saturn version has native input delay. It's been a while since I've played it, but the control was noticeably less solid than on the GameCube, took me a bit to adjust.
real shame, Saturn version's lighting and scenery look nicer than the PC/GC version's weather thing

>> No.2810052
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The first Spyro sucked compared to it's two sequels.

>> No.2810213

I got quite good at Sonic R myself. Found all the shortcuts, chaos emeralds, did single-player runs with all the characters, etc.

>> No.2810227

Why do you think so?
>more focus on platforming and harder
>less linear
>no bullshit minigames or swimming
>no npcs
>pretty good prog rock soundtrack
>dem alt. tracks that come on after 15 mins
>harder platforming
>taking gnasty's loot back

my only complaints are the bosses and sometimes the soundtrack sounds too childish

>> No.2810230
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I still like Charlie Sheen.
>Did you mean about games?

>> No.2810231

Filthy Frank.
Not a game-youtuber, and he's a total fuckin' loser a-hole but... What was the question again?

>> No.2810279

>SNES was the last good Nintendo console (64 is overrated and the GC and maybe Wii U is extremely underrated and the well Wii...)
>KOF 2K>KOF 2K2 vanilla
>Metal Slug 3 is the magnum opus of run and gun
>Radiant Silvergun is enjoyable but Ikaruga is overrated by hipsters and keks
>Dreamcast is the last retro console
>Game grumps, AVGN, most people on Retroware suck
>KOF usually had the better ost compared to SF except 3rd Strike and maybe SSF2T
>Original Fatal Fury and AOF sucked it didn't get better till FF Special
>Battle Garegga as punishing and cheap as it is, probably among the top 10 best shmups
>Western developed games in the 4th gen were better on the Genesis/Mega Drive
>Yu Yu Hakusho Sunset fighters is the best fighting game on the Genesis
>Virtua Fighter 2>Tekken 1 and 2
>collector and emulator elitist are cancer to the community just play the fucking game
>this board is slowly becoming more /v/ like than it was back in 2013 yet its still the nicest board ive been on
I dont know if some of them are unpopular or not they seem to be for me

>> No.2810320

Ninja Gaiden III was awesome
The only problem was finite lives, which makes it damned harder then the rest and the least played.
Also Quicksand is fucking ghey but that's like one part. It's still awesome.

>> No.2810331

Your just jelly of him

>> No.2810334

>SNES is last good nintendo
>talks about perfect dark and goldeneye

>> No.2810335

some of those are popular opinions

>> No.2810336

If they're unpopular opinions, then we need to get off this board because I agree with like 90% of that.

>> No.2810363

Just because I think its overrated doesn't mean i won't touch it at all I mean there are still some worthwhile games in there. I love wave racer 64, SM 64, and smash but in terms of overall legacy the N64 is overrated and i blame teens who weren't born at the time and people my age for over-hyping the damn the thing.
I don't know /vr/ is has been a clusterfuck of ups and downs one day a majority agree with DC thread and then another day we hate them or like with Sonic CD getting shitted on back last year to people saying now, its not that bad or its good.

>> No.2810391

I hate boards and forums that have a hivemind, because different people have different opinions. A majority consensus on some key points would be nice, but I hope /vr/ never becomes that kind of board.

>> No.2810412

we have with some games but desu its not as bad as here than in some other places.